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In highly competitive economies, productivity is always increasing as entrepreneurs, driven by the profit motive, strive to build a better mousetrap. Over time, this has given consumers a wealth of material goods. However, within this type of economy, the consumers need to consume all that is produced or else there will be distortions in the labour markets. However, as it turns out, we are able to consume all that is produced by having transitioned into a throwaway society, but there are environmental consequences associated with the replacing of malfunctioning household products instead of repairing and reusing these products. There are a number of factors responsible for causing consumers to replace a malfunctioning household product as opposed to repairing the product for reuse. The research in this paper will focus on two of these factors. The first factor is the time constraint that consumers are faced with and the second factor is conspicuous consumption. This research uses the results of an international survey conducted in seven different countries at different stages of economic development. The survey was conducted between November, 2015 and December, 2016. The results show that both the time constraint factor and the conspicuous consumption factor are significant in determining that if a consumer will look to replace a malfunctioning household product as opposed to repairing the product for further reuse. Furthermore, as more nations continue to develop economically and their GDP per capita grows, then the environmental impacts resulting from an increasing throwaway society by those nations will yield more hazardous environmental consequences.  相似文献   

The repair trades for common household appliances and products were once a viable trade in America, employing hundreds of thousands of skilled blue‐collar workers. However, over the past few decades, these trades have been dying out. The reason is that many household products are simply disposed of rather than repaired and reused, a result of the throwaway society. The disposal of household products, especially those considered ‘e‐waste’, can have negative consequences for the environment. Through time series analysis, this paper explores those factors that contribute to the decline in demand for repair services and, hence, the shrinking demand for employment within the repair trades. The purpose of this paper is to give the reader a greater understanding of those economic forces that contribute to a throwaway society.  相似文献   

With each passing year consumers find more and more disposable goods for sale in the market place. Even goods that were considered to be reusable goods just a few years back are now disposable goods. As a result the American economy has been labelled a ‘throwaway society’. This paper examines a main underlying cause for this trend by linking growth in consumer income with the purchases of disposable goods. More specifically, the model proposes that as incomes rise, consumers will purchase more of both reusable goods and disposable goods. However, as incomes rise, consumers will naturally substitute purchases away from reusable goods and into disposable goods. The shift towards disposable goods occurs because it becomes too costly for consumers to spend their time repairing and maintaining products. Their time is better spent in more productive endeavours. It is simply cheaper (in terms of opportunity cost of time) to dispose of old products and replace them with new products.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate the structural, financial, developmental, institutional, and macroeconomic determinants of bond market development for a sample of 22 emerging and developing countries over the period 1990–2013. We employ both the Prais-Winston and system GMM procedures to tackle the problems of endogeneity among the explanatory variables and our measure of bond market development, group-wise heteroscedasticity, and contemporaneous cross-sectional and serial correlations in the residuals. Our results suggest that a combination of structural, financial and institutional factors seem to exert a significant effect on bond markets. Indeed, economic size, trade openness, investment profile, GDP per Capita, bureaucratic quality, and size and concentration of banking system are positively related to bond market development, while interest rate volatility and fiscal balance are negatively associated with the development of bond markets. Those results are robust to the inclusion of developed countries' bond markets, international bonds issuers, and to possible structural breaks.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyse the relationship between distance and f.o.b. export unit values using firm–product–destination data from Hungarian manufacturing. Using 10‐digit Harmonized System data, we show that a doubling of distance is associated with about 7.5 per cent increase in the average product‐level price, from which five percentage points can be attributed to within‐firm–product variation. We run a number of tests to look for heterogeneity in this pattern. Interestingly, the measured effect is very similar for domestic and foreign firms but distance seems to matter somewhat more for EU countries than outside the EU. We do not find much evidence for heterogeneity across product categories based on measures of vertical differentiation. The level of product aggregation matters; the distance coefficient is larger when products are aggregate to the eight or six‐digit level.  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate pass‐through rates of import price changes to retail prices across retailers and consumers for apparel purchases in Germany for the period of 2000–07. We find that high‐price retailers do not pass through changes in the import price. Pass‐through rates for low‐price retailers are 53 per cent within three months. Consequently, pass‐through rates for low‐income households are 58 per cent, significantly larger than those for high‐income households. We then present one possible explanation for these observations in a theoretical model with endogenous vertical product differentiation due to bundling an ex ante homogeneous import goods with services. Following an import price change, retailers who sell a cheaper unbundled product change prices to a greater extent than retailers who sell a higher‐priced bundle of product and service.  相似文献   

One of the techniques marketers use to convert low‐involvement products into high‐involvement ones is adding an important product feature. A case in point is the common practice of adding a “green” or environmentally friendly product feature to an everyday product, something which is often assumed to elevate consumer involvement in the choice of the product. However, there is a lack of research investigating whether adding such a “green” product attribute actually makes any difference to how consumers make choices. Does the way in which consumers make decisions about groceries change when both “green” and conventional alternatives are available? Does it make them deliberate more or do they just develop another, simple choice heuristic? Based on observation and follow‐up interviews of consumers at the milk counter in two supermarkets which stock both organic (a “green” attribute) and conventional milk, it is concluded that, rather than changing the way consumers make decisions when buying this type of product, the availability of a “green” alternative seems to make “green” consumers develop a new, simple choice heuristic that allows them to do their shopping as effortless and time‐efficient as consumers buying conventional products.  相似文献   

In environmental policy, it is increasingly accepted that more emphasis should be placed on consumption and its implications from the point of view of the environment. Another relatively new feature is the focus on products. At the policy level, this perspective is known as product‐oriented environmental policy or, in brief, product policy. This approach is closely related to the idea of product chain thinking, which means recognizing the fact that environmentally relevant decisions are made at all stages during the products’ life cycle, from raw material extraction to consumption and beyond. Based on a Finnish study on product chain actors and environmental improvements, this article discusses the role of consumers in product policy (i) with respect to theories on consumer mecision‐making and (ii) in the light of product chain thinking. As consumers’ decision‐making models with respect to consumer products are most often based on heuristics simplifying the decision process, incorporating environmental considerations into these models is a challenging task for environmental policy.  相似文献   

In Germany, a large share of organic animal products is being produced with imported protein feedstuffs. Products labelled as ‘local’ are also often produced with imported feed. At the point of purchase, animal products are not usually labelled with any information on the feed that was used to produce it. Therefore, it remains unclear what consumers think about the use of imported feed, in particular in the case of products labelled as ‘local’. The aim of the present research study was to analyse whether the use of local feed represents an option for successful product differentiation in the organic animal products market. Discrete Choice Experiments and computer assisted personal interviews were conducted with 597 organic consumers in Germany to investigate their preferences and willingness‐to‐pay for local organic animal products produced with local feed. The choice experiments revealed a strong preference for local feed. The outcome of our investigation also shows that the provision of information on feed imports into Germany can be an important tool for promoting organic animal products produced with local feed. The results suggest the use of local feed could be an option for successful product differentiation in the organic animal products market, especially if effort is put into raising consumer awareness of current organic feed importation practices.  相似文献   

This article points out a firm's advantages in promoting the generic product rather than the brand. Promoting the generic product—generic advertising—can lengthen the product's life cycle, increase per capita consumption of the product and expand the size of the market for the product. The authors discuss the types of situations in which generic advertising is used, and the reason that it is not used more extensively. They present a viable solution to this dilemma.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of stylistic information about a product, defined as verbal product information aimed at helping consumers to interpret a product's visual design, on consumers’ aesthetic responses. The results of three experimental studies show that for consumers with higher centrality of visual product aesthetics (CVPA), stylistic information positively influences aesthetic responses through perceived meaningfulness of product design (i.e., the extent to which an individual is able to make sense of a product's visual appearance and understands what it represents). Further, these effects translate into consumers’ purchase intentions. For consumers with lower CVPA, stylistic information neither affects aesthetic responses nor perceived meaningfulness of product design. These findings contribute to existing research on consumers’ aesthetic processing by highlighting the importance for consumers to grasp a product's design meaning in order to maximally appreciate its visual appeal.  相似文献   

Biztainment is a practice by which entertainment is added to a bundle of goods and services in order to gain competitive advantage. The achievement of this goal is illustrated herein using economic examples of increased revenue, repeat business, and profits, and by extending the product lifecycle, thus ensuring survival of the firm. The general premise is that biztainment is an increasingly popular business strategy, applicable to all industries. For example, consider the goods and services provided by Build-A-Bear stores: children can select the fabric, eyes, and buttons to create a unique tangible good, while the memorable process of building it (employing self-service, too) with family or friends adds extraordinary value to the purchase. Build-A-Bear's use of biztainment has resulted in 370 stores worldwide on five continents, expanding at a rate of 25 locations per year, and earned revenue of $474 million in 2007 (Build-A-Bear, 2008). This article concludes by offering examples of ways in which managers can evaluate their current product-service strategies against the environmental drivers of biztainment.  相似文献   

Although prior research into product instructions has been limited to investigating the effect of warnings such that people might avoid possible product dangers by heeding warnings, this research considers methods of improving consumer product instruction compliance when noncompliance with a product instruction does not necessarily lead to a hazardous situation. In particular, this research investigates the impact of providing instructions that specify the process by which compliance with the instructions will lead to the desired end state (e.g., product outcome), called process‐cause information. The results of a first field experiment indicate that intention to comply with product instructions is enhanced when people are told how compliance with the instructions will lead to the desired outcome (i.e., when process‐cause information is included in a product instruction). This finding is substantiated by results of a follow‐up laboratory experiment where subject compliance with an instruction‐based behavior was observed. The importance of the present research is discussed in terms of the potential impacts on customer satisfaction, service recovery, product returns, product liability, and warranties. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to compose the profile of active consumers in Greece during a period of rising prices taking into account shifts in their consumption. A survey was conducted from 1 September 2008 to 21 November 2008 to collect the primary data source for the study. Questionnaires were administered to 200 consumers. To our knowledge this was the first attempt to offer insight into the characteristics of the Greek consumer in a period of economic crisis. For this purpose, econometric analysis was employed. Empirical results suggested that high‐income groups spend more for food commodities and are less likely to be active consumers. It was concluded that consumers have reduced spending for some basic and semi‐luxury products like fruits, meat, alcohol, sweets and coffee, and entertainment activities. The main factor which affected the reaction to price increases, as expected, was the monthly private income. Twenty per cent of the consumers are members of a national consumer movement organization, and support their actions against rising prices. Women, who research the market before purchasing a product, are more likely than men to participate in economic boycotts. By examining the profile of non‐active consumers and the reasons for their behaviour, we are able to propose a policy for the activation of the Greek consumer movement, which is necessary for the consumers' resistance to rising prices. Taking into consideration that Greek consumers face increased prices for food commodities and services, a policy framework to activate consumers is among the main prerequisites for maintaining consumers' well being. We suggest that the Greek Consumer Protection Institutes should regain consumers' confidence and focus on the dissemination of information about organized economic boycotts.  相似文献   

The current article sheds light on an important issue in marketing: how marketers can prevent consumers from returning previously purchased goods. This research examines the relationship between a gift‐with‐purchase promotion and consumer product returns, hypothesizing that consumers who purchase products that come with a free gift will be less likely to return the products. Evidence shows that a gift‐with‐purchase promotion reduces consumer product returns and that this relationship is mediated by perceived loss in returning a product. Then, the results indicate that the choice of free gifts reduces product return intention and that this relationship is serially mediated by perceived ownership and perceived loss. The findings further suggest that when consumers with high product involvement can select free gifts among alternatives, they tend to perceive more ownership and loss and thereby are less likely to return the promoted product. Overall, the current research proposes that consumers prefer to seize the deal rather than to return it when they get a gift‐with‐purchase, have a chance to select a free gift, and are highly involved with the product.  相似文献   

The article adapts an estimation methodology from the border effects literature to reveal consumer ethnocentrism versus cosmopolitanism in each country, and animosity versus nostalgia between country pairs. The measurements rely on actual macro cross‐border trade data rather than individual purchase intentions typically used in the international marketing literature. The results from early 2010s suggest that purchasing intentions against imports found in this literature do not necessarily translate into actual consumption behavior in international trade. It is quite possible that the consumers are unable to assess country of origin of production despite growing ethnocentrism, and base their actual purchases on perceived origin of product brands. Specifically, it is found that most countries are cosmopolitan rather than ethnocentric, particularly developed countries, favoring any foreign product over domestic products. Most countries also have nostalgic purchasing behavior from specific trade partners with historical linkages. Outside the specific traditional animosities between a country pair, a developed country is relatively less open to imports from another developed trade partner, while an emerging country welcomes it more especially from another emerging trade partner.  相似文献   

The starring point for this article is the changing spectrum of goods and services, in the product variety as seen by the eyes of the individual facing the supply in the market. Apart from the fact that product variety is an interesting research object in itself, it would appear to have a distinct connection with numerous sketches characterising the ‘New era’. The article examines the historical change of product variety with the aid of empirical examples and points out a number of conflicting trends.  相似文献   

Although the interest in organic groceries has increased, actual buying behavior falls short for reasons that are mostly unknown to researchers and practitioners. This paper addresses this so‐called intention–behavior gap by investigating the impact of point‐of‐sale (POS) information on the perception of purchase barriers and behavior. While behavior and interest differ for various product categories, the organic groceries most frequently bought worldwide are differentiated on the basis of product category involvement in a pilot study. A laboratory experiment and a field experiment containing actual purchase behavior and market data revealed the possibility of enhancing organic purchases within low‐ and high‐involvement categories, while exposed to POS information. In low‐involvement product categories, POS information should reveal new product category‐specific organic features. In high‐involvement product categories, the perceived addition of value for money is crucial for purchasing organic groceries. While the effect of POS information on perceived trust and knowledge is higher for health conscious or green consumers in low‐involvement product categories, it is the converse in high‐involvement product categories.  相似文献   

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