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Bakshi和Chen(1996)在代表性投资者经济中提出了基于财富偏好的资产定价模型。本文研究了在异质性投资者经济中财富偏好对资产定价的影响。如果风险资产的价格服从几何布朗运动,那么资产市场具有两基金分离现象。本文首先证明了基于风险基金的资产定价模型,然后使用该模型证明了如果定价的基准是单个的投资者的最优消费和财富时,那么基于财富偏好的资产定价模型成立。但是,当定价的基准是总消费和总财富时,基于财富偏好的资产定价模型不能成立。也就是,不能在异质投资者经济中将Breeden(1979)的经典CCAPM模型推广到包含财富偏好的资产定价模型。  相似文献   

We have applied the characteristics model to the problem of portfolio behaviour and asset pricing. By defining assets in terms of characteristics, we generated individual demands for assets which depended on the prices of assets, the technological relationship between assets and asset characteristics, and the individual's preferences for different characteristics. In general, the characteristics model cannot be readily aggregated across individuals. However, when we assumed that the assets-characteristics technology had a simple form which was common to all individuals, market-clearing conditions could be used to derive an asset pricing model. Finally, we showed that the characteristics model provides a unified approach to the problem of preference-based portfolio behaviour and asset pricing. A number of existing models can be interpreted as characteristics models: the state-preference model, the parameter-preference model, the capital asset pricing model and the inter-temporal capital asset pricing model.  相似文献   

资产定价理论的核心是行为公设,行为公设是对人的行为的公理化概括,资产定价理论是行为公设在资产选择问题上的具体应用。资产定价理论的正确性在现实中经受检验,当资产定价理论被现实证明存在缺陷时,最终必然追溯到行为公设上。资产定价理论与行为公设之间存在着因果和反馈关系,行为公设为因,资产定价理论为果,同时资产定价理论对行为公设作出反馈。要消除资产定价理论对实际结果的偏离,最终必然落实到行为公设上,因此必须加强对行为公设的研究。  相似文献   

论文首先通过建立模型分析了在不同知情消费者比例下价格离散的结构形式,理论剖析了在搜索成本明显下降的电子商务市场,价格离散仍然持续存在的客观原因;进而运用在北京地区的93家电子商务零售网站、9大类535款商品、6313个价格样本数据检验了中国电子商务市场价格离散的情况,研究了其价格离散成因。结果表明在电子商务市场上,价格离散将持续存在,知情消费者比例与价格离散指标之间并不是一个单调关系;零售商特征,尤其是市场特征影响价格离散,各类零售商的定价依据不同。  相似文献   

I look at the linkages between monetary policy and asset wealth using quarterly data for the USA. I show that a positive interest rate shock leads to a fall in aggregate wealth and an important change in portfolio composition: housing wealth gradually decreases, but the effects are very persistent; and financial wealth quickly shrinks, but the impact is short‐lived. I also find that the money market can be characterized as follows: (i) the money demand has a large interest elasticity and a small output elasticity; and (ii) the estimated monetary policy reaction function highlights the special focus given by the central bank to developments in monetary aggregates. These features call for an approach whereby monetary authorities put more emphasis on tracking wealth developments, in particular, given the asset portfolio rebalancing between money holdings and financial and/or housing assets.  相似文献   

农产品期货市场套利并不充分,交易者也不是完全理性的。本文假设农产品期货市场有限套利、交易者异质信念并遵循“经验法则”预期,构建了农产品期货投机均衡定价模型,并认为集中竞价规则下产生的农产品期货价格是由交易者的预期决定的;前期期货价格水平、现货价格和前期期货价格的变动趋势、不同类型交易者的比例结构及其预期模式共同影响农产品期货价格的形成与波动;基本分析法交易者占主导地位的农产品期货市场具有更高的套期保值与价格发现效率。针对中国七种主要农产品期货的实证结果显示,农产品期货投机均衡定价模型对解释中国农产品期货价格的形成与波动是有效的。这意味着在期货行情系统中实时披露现货价格信息,培育和引导交易者运用基本分析法预测期货价格走势,有助于提升农产品期货市场的效率。  相似文献   

过去20年里,契约经济学与一般均衡理论各自在相对独立的领域内发展着,研究契约、动力与承诺,往往没有将它们放入市场一般均衡的框架里加以内生化。这种状态在近来有了改变。东亚金融危机的爆发,使越来越多的经济学家来关注承诺、契约、抵押、信用与市场一般均衡的内在联系。正如Geanakoplos(2003年)所指出的那样,由于契约,尤其是金融契约,在签订时是附带抵押的,当承诺方到时不能兑现承诺,经济中的大量拖欠势必同时影响金融契约(各种股票、债券与有价证券)的价格与抵押品的市价,出现流动性短缺的危机。  相似文献   

在卢卡斯提出的资产定价模型中,消费增长率是独立同分布的和投资者效用函数是可分的。卢卡斯模型无法解释著名的股票溢价之谜和无风险利率之谜,对卢卡斯模型做的两个修改是:消费增长率服从一阶高斯自回归随机过程和投资者偏好是具有习惯形成的效用函数,修改后的模型,一是存在资产定价的显示解;二是可以解释股票溢价之谜和无风险利率之谜。  相似文献   

为刻画资产定价因子随宏观经济状态时变性,本文通过经济增长和通货膨胀两个指标定义经济状态,建立宏观经济状态下的条件资产定价模型。研究发现在中国资本市场上此模型能够显著改进CAPM模型的效力,其定价效力甚至优于多因子模型。进一步研究表明,宏观经济通过两个维度影响资产价格:第一,多数资产在衰退时期对市场风险更敏感,其代表市场因子的贝塔系数大于复苏与过热阶段;第二,小市值公司的贝塔系数均值及波动性大于大公司,在经济衰退时承担更高的风险收益。  相似文献   

Labour market friction is viewed in terms of the market value of an employed worker as opposed to the position of the Beveridge curve. This market value of an installed worker, which I call Tobin's  Q  of a worker, is inversely proportional to the average quality of the match between employers and workers. Based on this measure, I find that the labour market friction rises during a period of productivity boom. This phenomenon is indirectly supported by the data where it is found that the relative value of a worker with respect to tangible capital shows a positive association with the total factor productivity. The model suggests that firms may be compromising the quality of a skill match during a period of tight labour market conditions.  相似文献   

本文构建了一个一般性模型用以说明在非对称信息与网络外部性并存时,垄断厂商如何设计非线性价格合约甄别不同类型的消费者。模型表明两者的并存修正了经典逆向选择模型中"顶部无扭曲"和"单向扭曲"的基本结论。具体的消费量扭曲方式取决于网络是否存在拥挤:对于非拥挤性网络,消费量表现为单向扭曲;对于拥挤性网络,表现为双向扭曲;而对于中性网络则仍为顶部无扭曲。此外,本文还分析了引起双向扭曲的另一种原因,即由类型依赖的保留效用引起的补偿激励问题。  相似文献   

本文采用泛函主成分法研究我国A股市场中的五种资产定价异象。与传统方法相比,该方法能够分别提取特征变量与期望收益率之间的单调和非单调性关系进行研究。实证结果显示按照资产定价异象指标排序的收益率面板数据包含三个关键成分:第一个主成分代表时序市场因子在横截面上的扩展,与异象效应无关;第二个主成分代表异象的横截面“单调”效应,价值和动量异象的稳健性较差;第三个主成分代表异象的横截面“凸性”效应,与投资者交易行为引起的“分置效应”有关。  相似文献   

This paper examines how discriminatory input pricing by the upstream monopolist affects the R&D choices of downstream duopolists in the presence of R&D spillovers. We show that the monopoly supplier can benefit from a precommitment to uniform pricing because under uniform pricing the downstream firms invest more in R&D, leading to larger output and thus benefiting the supplier. When R&D spillovers are sufficiently large, the downstream firms are also better off under uniform pricing. Moreover, social welfare is always higher under uniform pricing.  相似文献   

资产定价既是现代金融的核心,也是许多困惑之所在,其中最著名的就是股权溢价之谜和无风险利率之谜。本文对消费资本资产定价模型中的效用成本做了重新思考,引入"效用成本风险异质性"的概念,并将效用成本区分为"消费效用成本"和"风险效用成本"。在此基础上,本文提出了消费资本资产定价模型的新形式,并对股权溢价之谜和无风险利率之谜进行解释。  相似文献   

This article establishes a general equivalence between discrete choice and rational inattention models. Matějka and McKay (2015) showed that when information costs are modeled using the Shannon entropy, the choice probabilities in the rational inattention (RI) model take the multinomial logit form. We show that, for one given prior over states, RI choice probabilities may take the form of any additive random utility discrete choice model (ARUM) when the information cost is a Bregman information, a class defined in this article. The prior information of the rationally inattentive agent is summarized in a constant vector of utilities in the corresponding ARUM.  相似文献   

This paper examines the optimal allocation each period of an internationally diversified portfolio from the different points of view of a UK and a US investor. We find that investor location affects optimal asset allocation. The presence of exchange rate risk causes the markets to appear not fully integrated and creates a preference for home assets. Domestic equity is the dominant asset in the optimal portfolio for both investors, but the US investor bears less risk than the UK investor, and holds less foreign equity – 20% compared with 25%. Survey evidence indicates actual shares are 6% and 18%, respectively, making the home‐bias puzzle more acute for US than UK investors. There would seem to be more potential gains from increased international diversification for the US than the UK investor.  相似文献   

Many assets derive their value not only from future cash flows but also from their ability to serve as collateral. In this article, we investigate this collateral premium and its impact on asset returns in an infinite‐horizon general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents. We document that borrowing against collateral substantially increases the return volatility of long‐lived assets. Moreover, otherwise identical assets with different degrees of collateralizability exhibit substantially different return dynamics because their prices contain a sizable collateral premium that varies over time. This premium can be positive even for assets that never pay dividends.  相似文献   

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