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陈圻教授所写的《中国式蓝海战略——产品功能创新战略及其竞争力评价》一书,提出了产品功能创新战略,并对这种新的战略作了竞争力评价,令人耳目一新。本文就产品功能创新战略作了一些论述。  相似文献   

房春艳 《价值工程》2011,30(34):310-311
陈树藩,陕西省安康市王彪店人,曾经出任陕西督军,是清末民初陕西省政坛一个重要人物,对陕西旧民主主义革命及全国的革命都产生巨大影响。安康地域文化中儒家文化、商人文化和隐士文化对陈树藩影响巨大。陈树藩投机革命,成为军阀,到后来退隐不仕,都是受到这三种文化的影响。  相似文献   

To test the null hypothesis of a Poisson marginal distribution, test statistics based on the Stein–Chen identity are proposed. For a wide class of Poisson count time series, the asymptotic distribution of different types of Stein–Chen statistics is derived, also if multiple statistics are jointly applied. The performance of the tests is analyzed with simulations, as well as the question which Stein–Chen functions should be used for which alternative. Illustrative data examples are presented, and possible extensions of the novel Stein–Chen approach are discussed as well.  相似文献   

星辰急便“倒闭”风波   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
这一次,已无路可退的陈平能否力挽狂澜,置之死地而后生,如今仍未可知。3月5日,网络上疯传着这样一条由"星辰急便董事长陈平"发出的短信:"公司解散了,阿里7000万,我的5000万全部赔光了。现在客户的2000多万货款加盟商非法侵占,  相似文献   

谋求共赢,分享成功的经营理念是华南城生存和发展的根基。从宝安机场沿机荷高速一路驱车前行,公路两旁此起彼伏的山丘和青翠欲滴的亚热带植被立刻给人以别样的田园之美。一过平湖收费站,即驶入华南大道,华南国际工  相似文献   

房煜 《中国企业家》2012,(7):63-65,13
星晨急便之败,与陈平在宅急送的"改革"受挫,如出一辙。他还有机会卷土重来吗?"人不能两次踏入同一条河流。"但做了20年快递业务的快递老兵陈平,还是犯下了相同的错误。3月5日,一条据传是陈平所发的短信在微博上如病毒般传播开来,将陈  相似文献   

阿里巴巴注资星展急便,海航集团控股天天快递。陈德军对此并不急切,找他谈合作的大有人在,包括海航、阿里巴巴和复星集团。  相似文献   

雷华 《价值工程》2011,30(26):180-180
陈忠实是我国当代著名作家,除了其成名作之外,还写了许多散文。笔者有幸参与了"陈忠实散文作品翻译及其研究"项目,翻译散文两篇。本文试图从文化角度和忠实表达谈谈自己的看法,和同行商榷。  相似文献   

房煜  王子 《中国企业家》2012,(3):36-51,10
"看不懂"的背后,深藏着海航强烈的不安定感;激进爬升19年的海航机队,为何一直没有进入平飞状态?多年蝶变却—再招致质疑,它能摆脱"德隆宿命"吗?  相似文献   

陈欧带领聚美优品的这几年,到底做错了什么?他还能带领"聚美号"成功穿越风暴再次迎来胜利吗?在百度上键入"陈欧",相关搜索会出现"陈欧去哪了""陈欧怎么样了"这些问题。大家都感觉到陈欧这两年低调了。2020年1月12日,聚美优品一则公告让陈欧再次回到公众视野。  相似文献   

In an earlier article in Economic Affairs, Professor E. G. West called for arts vouchers to consumers to replace subsidies direct to producers. Professor William Grampp, of the University of Illinois, contends that there is no economic rationale behind arts subsidies in any form and calls for their abolition, Professor West responds that there may be a combination of public approval and external benefits that can justify continued subvention.  相似文献   

What have been the effects of development planning? Professor Donald Denman, Emeritus Professor of Land Economy at Cambridge University, argues that they have been self-defeating, at least in the case of the Green Belts. Professor Denman's autobiography, A Half and Half Affair: Chronicles of a Hybrid Don, will shortly be published by the Churchill Press.  相似文献   

A bstract .   Professor Reisman responds to Professor James C. W. Ahiakpor's criticisms pp. 715–717.  相似文献   

Professor 'Jim' Gower's report, commissioned by Norman Tebbit's Department of Trade and Industry, calling for regulation of the 'investment industry', brings the Government's commitment to trade liberalisation seriously into doubt. Professor Gower has ignored a vast literature on regulation which reveals how it is 'captured' by interest groups to establish protected cartels. Furthermore, his proposals restrict competition that would benefit the consumer without outlawing restrictive practices. Norman Tebbit should reject Professor Gower's misguided advice decisively.  相似文献   

在这个碎片式、电子化、浅阅读的时代,在各种垃圾畅销书铺天盖地的图书行业环境中,新经典文化有限公司用经典文学阅读建立了自己的商业门槛  相似文献   

What should be the role of government in research? Professor Bryan Clarke, Professor of Genetics at Nottingham University, argues that the control of scientific research by the government is unlikely to be productive.  相似文献   

Evidence from United States refutes allegations of the impracticability of commodity-based units of account. Nicolaus Tidemon, Professor of economies at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, supports Professor Hayek's praposal with a 'real-life' example of its implementation.  相似文献   

Professor Charles Goodhart of the London School of Economics reinforces Professor Currie's sceplicism about the 'Standard' on the ground that, since there are no laws against indexed units of account, their absence from the financial marketindicates a preference for goverment-backed monies.  相似文献   

David Rees, former Associate Professor at the University of Cape Town and now Consultant Economist to a firm of Johannesburg stockbrokers, amplifies Professor Kantor's proposal to suggest the widespread sale of state assets to promote the establishment of a property-owning democracy in South Africa.  相似文献   

吴飒 《中国企业家》2010,(7):114-116
去年,江南春36岁,高调地结束了单身生活。15年东奔西突,几乎没休过一天假的他,突然稍稍放缓了自己。他已不再青春,两只脚终于踏进了婚姻。  相似文献   

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