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Electronic commerce has the potential to reduce transaction costs drastically. It is the most dynamic sector of the world economy. Governments should restrain themselves from extending taxes to electronic commerce or they will reduce the gains from innovation.  相似文献   

We analyse taxation of capital in a two-country model, where one country is unitary while the other one is federal, consisting of two identical regions. Both national and regional governments levy a tax on capital. The countries play a noncooperative game between them, with the government of the federal country acting as a Stackelberg leader with respect to its regional governments. We show under what circumstances, at equilibrium, the federal country sets its tax rate inefficiently low, while the unitary country sets it inefficiently high.We are deeply grateful to three anonymous referees for their comments, and especially to one of them for extremely helpful suggestions. We also wish to thank participants at ESEM 2004 for fruitful discussions  相似文献   

就在2001年10月,有一个英国人给中国人排名,一本叫<福布斯>的杂志排了100个最有钱的人,然后就一直争论不断,有的人说排得好,有的人说排得不好.但是不管排名怎么排的,大家满意不满意,至少这100人在某种程度上代表了中国经济发展的最中坚的力量,他们每个人都有辛酸的成功故事,他们企业发展的经历对所有创业的,或者正在造就一番大事业的人都有很多值得借鉴的经验和可以和他们探讨的地方.  相似文献   

A bstract . In order to determine whether the distribution of wealth in American society uncovers deeper fault lines of inequality than income alone, data from the 1984 Survey of Income and Program Participation is examined. The findings indicate that: (1) aggregate shares of wealth held by households are distributed far more unevenly than income shares, with extreme concentrations at the upper levels; (2) the data on wealth shows that the condition of black America is far more precarious, marginalized, and unequal than was thought previously; (3) single and separated women hold few assets in comparison with their male from SIPP using the weights provided by the U.S. Census which approximates the U.S. population. Parallel analyses conducted on the weighted and unweighted samples showed similar results. 3. For a detailed analysis of black-white differences in wealth see Oliver and Shapiro (1989).  相似文献   

贫富差距令人瞩目 1.社会成员之间的贫富差距在拉大.据统计,2004年收入最高的10%家庭的财产总额占城镇居民全部财产的比重接近一半,收入最低的10%家庭的财产比重只有1%左右.而且,高收入家庭收入的增长明显快于低收入的家庭.经济学家认为,根据其他国家的经验,人均GDP达到1 500美元左右,基尼系数(国际上通用的反映居民之间收入差异程度的指标)才开始下降.  相似文献   

A bstract . Several proposals to reform the federal income tax system are under active consideration. Professor Richard W. Lindholm has proposed instead that we abolish the individual and corporate income taxes and the estate and gift taxes. To replace the lost revenue he proposes a flat 15 per cent value added tax and a flat 2 per cent net wealth tax. He posits five goals for successful tax reform and discusses his proposed system in terms of them. He finds his system would be simpler and less disruptive of markets than even a simplified income tax structure.  相似文献   

A bstract . An exploratory inquiry was conducted to identify legislative goals of Washington-based tax reformers and to learn bow a small group of taxpayers (n = 54) from various socio-economic backgrounds felt about some of these goals. On a general level most informants claimed they supported elimination of tax loopholes. However, on a more specific level informants tended not to see any tax provision they used to avoid taxes as a "loophole," According to these semi-structured conversations, these taxpayers held no allegience to any particular principle of tax equity or tax justice except that, believing that other taxpayers engage widely in avoiding taxes, they are anxious to lose no importunity to do so.  相似文献   

潘洁华 《价值工程》2014,(2):135-136
近年来,由于客户的理财意识越来越强,同时商业银行所提供的理财产品也越来越多,使得客户资产波动的频率也明显扩大了。本文将在数据统计分析的基础上着重分析研究财富客户的金融消费特征,并在此基础上提出一些相关的建议与策略。  相似文献   

Using the most current data available, this study seeks to identify any new as well as traditional determinants of personal income tax evasion. A variety of empirical estimates find that income tax rates, the IRS audit rate and IRS penalty interest rates, and the unemployment rate all influence tax evasion. In addition, rarely investigated variables including the tax‐free interest rate, the public's job approval rating of the president, and the public's dissatisfaction with government, along with previously unstudied variables, namely, the real interest rate yield on Moody's Baa‐rated long‐term corporate bonds and the real interest rate yield on three‐year Treasury notes, also affect income tax evasion.  相似文献   

递延所得税会计信息的价值相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年开始实施的我国新会计准则要求上市公司按照资产负债表债务法确认所得税费用,由此产生了递延所得税会计信息。文章以Ohlson(1995)的价值相关性模型为基础,以2008年-2009年沪深A股上市公司为研究样本,检验了递延所得税会计信息在股票定价中的作用。结果发现:(1)递延所得税会计信息具有显著的价值相关性,能够提供额外的增量信息;(2)公司所得税税率的变化会削弱递延所得税的价值相关性。研究表明,递延所得税会计信息改善了投资者对公司资产价值质量和未来盈利能力的合理估计,提高了会计信息在股票定价中的作用。  相似文献   

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