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The paper considers the effect of transaction costs—particularly in the form of capital-gains taxes—on the aggregate demand for owner-occupied housing. The framework is an overlapping-generations model, where consumers can avoid the transaction costs (taxes) by keeping the same house for both periods of life. The first part of the paper analyzes the consumer's choice problem. It distinguishes between costs that are fixed irrespective of the size of the house bought or sold, and costs such as capital-gains taxes that are related to the house value. It is shown that higher transaction costs have lock-in effects, inducing consumers to keep the same house for both periods. Also it is found that under a wide variety of circumstances the amount of housing demanded will increase as the household is being locked in. Finally, the paper looks at the effects on aggregate demand from an increase in capital-gains taxes. It is shown that an increased rate of taxation decreases demand for low tax rates. But for high tax rates, when lock-in effects become important, one generally gets the opposite effect; high tax rates tend to increase housing demand.  相似文献   

When real estate agent effort is unobservable, home sellers do not prefer the lowest possible commission rate because such a rate does not induce sufficient effort from agents. As a result, the optimal commission from the seller’s perspective exhibits downward rigidity, even if there is free entry. The analysis shows that downward rigidity will occur if and only if the quasi-fixed costs of selling a house are small.  相似文献   

随着家电产品的增加,废旧家电产品的回收成为一个迫切需要解决的问题。在分析逆向物流网络模型的基础上,根据家电产品的特征,提出了家电回收的逆向物流网络模型;它包括了收集点、检测点、再制造工厂、最终处理点、产品分销中心和销售点。并运用遗传算法,以运输成本最小为目标,对家电产品回收的逆向物流网络的设施进行选址优化。最后,给出一个应用实例。  相似文献   

This article extends previous work on mortgage valuation in two ways. First, I identify the prepayment boundary by solving for the borrower's optimal prepayment strategy over the expected tenure in the house. Previous work has treated the prepayment decision as a one-time decision, not as an element of a multiperiod strategy. Second, the model incorporates borrower heterogeneity in terms of expected tenure in the house. The results show that the optimal refinancing strategy differs significantly from a sequence of one-time decisions. A borrower following the optimal strategy is less aggressive in refinancing and pays more interest and less transaction costs than does a borrower following a myopic strategy. Estimated mortgage values are higher and interest rate sensitivity is lower when compared to values calculated using the traditional approach.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of the optimal timing of tradeup, which considers consumption and investment motives of homeownership. Households determine the optimal timing of trading up so as to maximize their intertemporal utility of both housing and nonhousing consumption. First we consider current homeowners, who already own a house and expect that they trade up to a more valuable house at some point in the future. Housing appreciation tends to induce an earlier optimal timing of trading up. Moreover, housing appreciation makes current homeowners better off in terms of welfare. However, current homeowners suffer from a rise in mortgage interest rates. Second, we consider first-time home buyers, who have decided to buy a house and expect to trade up to a more valuable house in the future. Their initial housing consumption is determined by an initial downpayment constraint. In this case, the effect of housing appreciation on the optimal timing of trading up is ambiguous and, unlike current homeowners, first-time home buyers suffer from housing appreciation. Moreover, as current homeowners, first-time home buyers suffer from a rise in mortgage interest rates. Most of the theoretical analytic results are ambiguous. Accordingly, we perform numerical simulations based on the theoretical model in order to determine the most likely comparative effects for a stylized set of parameters.As is apparent, the model captures the recent observations on homewner mobility and suggests that macroeconomic variables such as housing appreciation and mortgage interest rates effect the optimal timing of trading up and homeowner's welfare. Nevertheless, the model in this paper has several shortcomings, which should be the subject of future research. First, transaction costs are ignored. If transaction costs are incorporated, the lock-in effect from a rise in mortgage interest rates is well explained. However, the general analysis above is not altered in any essential way. Second, multiple moves are not considered in this model. Therefore, we concentrate on the timing of one tradeup as opposed to the timing and frequency of trading up. In a different vein, it would be interesting to test empirically the importance of the effects of macroeconomic variables on trading up by using microdata.  相似文献   

United States     
《Economic Outlook》2013,37(3):34-35
Despite a slight downgrade to GDP growth in Q1 and much slower growth expected in Q2 (reflecting the sequester and higher taxes) the recovery appears set to accelerate in the second half of the year. There are encouraging signs that private demand is picking up, with employment growth, consumer confidence and the housing market continuing to strengthen. This will push GDP growth to over 3% by the end of the year and to an average of 2.9% in 2014. The key factors strengthening growth in the face of tigher fiscal policy are: Improving household finances – Consumer spending is being bolstered by wealth effects from strong equity and house prices. Real wages are showing healthy growth again and, combined with rising employment, are helping to mitigate the impact of higher taxes on household disposable income. Moreover, with debt ratios at their lowest levels since 2004, it looks like deleveraging by households is ending. A stronger housing market – housing starts were up 6.8% in May to a level nearly 30% up on a year earlier. We expect residential investment to increase over 13% in 2013 and a further 9% in 2014 despite recent increases in mortgage rates. Increased home sales will also boost spending on furniture and appliances, which are often bought when people move home. Competitive manufacturing sector – US unit labor costs are the most competitive in over 30 years, and many firms are also benefiting from relatively low natural gas prices. This is supporting exports in the face of subdued world demand, although the trade deficit has deteriorated as stronger domestic demand has lifted imports. Improved competitiveness is also encouraging higher investment, which is back to pre‐recession levels…  相似文献   

This paper uses nonlinear error correction models to study yield movements in the US Treasury Bill Market. Nonlinear error correction arises because portfolio adjustment is an ‘on-off’ process, which occurs only when disequilibrium in the bill market is large enough to induce investors to incur the transaction costs associated with buying/selling bills. This, together with heterogeneity of transaction costs, implies that the strength of aggregate error correction depends on both the distribution of costs and the extent of disequilibrium in the market. Smooth transition models are used to describe an aggregate adjustment process which is strong when the market is distant from equilibrium, but becomes weaker as the market approaches equilibrium. Linearity tests indicate that the types of nonlinearities that would be induced by transactions costs are statistically significant, and estimated models which incororate these nonlinearities outperform their linear counterparts, both in sample and out of sample.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes staffing decisions in foreign subsidiaries from the perspective of transaction cost theory. We focus on the ex post transaction costs of the employment relation. Specifically, we look at the monitoring, bonding, maladaptation, and bargaining costs of conducting activities in specific subsidiaries in a foreign country. We hypothesize that the transaction costs of using expatriates are lower than those generated by local employees, especially in the higher managerial echelons of foreign subsidiaries, but also that costs can be reduced as individuals become more experienced. We also conjecture that ex post transaction costs are influenced by cultural differences between the host and the home countries, and by characteristics of the companies and their subsidiaries. The framework is empirically corroborated by survey data on a sample of 145 Norwegian MNCs.  相似文献   

We show that the hedging benefit of owning a home reduces the variability of housing consumption after a move. When a current home owner’s house price covaries positively with housing costs in a future city, changes in the future cost of housing are offset by commensurate changes in wealth before the move. Using Census micro-data, we find that the cross-sectional variation in house values subsequent to a move is lower for home owners who moved between more highly covarying cities. Our preferred estimates imply that an increase in covariance of one standard deviation reduces the variance of subsequent housing consumption by about 11%. Households at the top end of the covariance distribution who are likely to have owned large homes before moving get the largest reductions, of up to 40% relative to households at the median.  相似文献   

Using household panel data, this paper examines the impact of income uncertainty, in the form of unemployment risk, on home ownership in the United Kingdom. The existing literature based on cross-sectional studies finds a negative relationship between income uncertainty and home ownership. This paper utilises data on transitions into home ownership and exogenous variation in unemployment risk, avoiding the endogeneity of employment to home ownership status. It also conditions the empirical estimates on a measure of house price volatility utilising a local-level house price index to control house price risk, which might also discourage home ownership. Results show a strong role for unemployment risk in lowering the likelihood of house purchase, but no statistically significant role for house price risk.  相似文献   

This paper expands previous models of the returns to owner-occupied single-family residences by modelling returns to a specific property of an individual homeowner instead of determining an average market return based on appraised values. Included in the model are transaction costs, degree of leverage, level of price appreciation, the implied rental cost in ownership, tax bracket, and duration of home ownership. Simulation results suggests that the level and timing of transaction costs are important to homeowners and rates of return to owner-occupied single-family residences increase to a point in time and thereafter decline.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis, in the context of a developing country, of the reliability of homeowners’ estimates of the value of their houses, as obtained through a household survey. We show that non-response to the home value question by the owner is uncorrelated with the appraised value of the house and other demographic characteristics of the respondent. We also document that homeowners with long tenure largely overestimate the value of their home. Moreover, both the bias and the lack of precision in homeowners’ estimates are correlated with tenure, but not with socioeconomic characteristics. However, we also show that self-reported home values from short-tenure homeowners can be used to obtain unbiased and precise estimates of the average house value at the census tract level.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between household mortgage debt burdens and housing consumption, periodic income, nonhousing wealth, the income tax position of the household, expected mobility, and other micro-level characteristics that proxy for household risk preferences and life cycle effects. We use 1985 and 1989 American Housing Survey data to estimate mortgage debt level equations simultaneous with house value equations, controlling for the contemporaneous nature of these two choices. We find that larger debt levels are positively associated with greater value residences and with the level of household income. Numerous household level demographic characteristics are also systematically related to mortgage demand. Of particular interest are our findings that the use of mortgage debt is affected significantly by the rate of tax savings on mortgage interest deductions and by the expected mobility of the household.  相似文献   

In Jouini and Kallal [Jouini, E., Kallal, H., 1995. Martinagles and arbitrage in securities markets with transaction costs. Journal of Economic Theory 66 (1) 178-197], the authors characterized the absence of arbitrage opportunities for contingent claims with cash delivery in the presence of bid–ask spreads. Other authors obtained similar results for a more general definition of the contingent claims but assuming some specific price processes and transaction costs rather than bid–ask spreads in general (see for instance, Cvitanic and Karatzas [Cvitanic, J., Karatzas, I., 1996. Hedging and portfolio optimization under transaction costs: a martinangle approach. Mathematical Finance 6, 133-166]). The main difference consists of the fact that the bid–ask ratio is constant in this last reference. This assumption does not permit to encompass situations where the prices are determined by the buying and selling limit orders or by a (resp. competitive) specialist (resp. market-makers). We derive in this paper some implications from the no-arbitrage assumption on the price functionals that generalizes all the previous results in a very general setting. Indeed, under some minimal assumptions on the price functional, we prove that the prices of the contingent claims are necessarily in some minimal interval. This result opens the way to many empirical analyses.  相似文献   

Commodity money arises endogenously in a general equilibrium model with separate budget constraints for each transaction. Transaction costs imply differing bid and ask (selling and buying) prices. The most liquid good—with the smallest proportionate bid/ask spread—becomes commodity money. General equilibrium may not be Pareto efficient. If zero-transaction-cost money is available then the equilibrium allocation is Pareto efficient. Fiat money is an intrinsically worthless instrument. Its positive price comes from acceptability in paying taxes, and its use as a medium of exchange is based on low transaction cost.  相似文献   

Governments are able to manipulate economic transactions in order to achieve foreign policy goals. This article addresses the question: can managers of multinational enterprises (MNEs) structure economic transactions in ways that will limit the costs resulting from government intervention? Using a transaction cost framework, the efficiency of alternative structures (exporting, joint ventures, licensing, or wholly owned subsidiaries) for protecting a firm's interests are assessed. We argue that the traditional focus on the dyadic relationship between supplier and buyer misses sources of transaction costs; by conceptualizing economic transactions as embedded in a political context, additional sources of transaction costs are revealed. We examine three cases of home government intervention in US MNE transactions with the Soviet Union. We find that the full range of structural alternatives is affected by government sanctions, although sanctions are imposed on exporting relationships first and removed last. We find that MNEs are, therefore, beginning to insulate international transactions by making their overseas subsidiaries more independent of US technology and supplies with the hope that the US government will be less likely to impose its will extraterritorially by intervening in foreign subsidiaries’private economic transactions.  相似文献   

For most households, home ownership is the largest wealth component that has become more accessible through innovation and deregulation in mortgage markets. This paper studies the factors driving home equity withdrawal (HEW) at the household level using Dutch survey data. In the Netherlands, house prices were growing fast and mortgage expenses are to a large extent tax deductible. Expectations and perceptions do seem to play an important role in HEW. Withdrawers tend to be more positive about house price developments and – although having lower income – less concerned about their future economic situation. HEW can have a significant impact on both households and the economy, with most of the equity released being reinvested in the housing sector and only a small share used to finance consumption expenditure.  相似文献   

A house price index based on the SPAR method   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Within the European Union there has been a push to provide European governments and the European Central Bank with the statistics they need for monitoring the owner-occupied sector. This paper reports on the results of a project to develop a house price index for the Netherlands. From January 2008, Kadaster, the Dutch land registry office, and Statistics Netherlands began jointly publishing house price index numbers for the whole country and for some specific dwelling types and regions. A number of special institutional features of the situation in the Netherlands contributed to the choice of index construction method. The indexes are computed using the Sale Price Appraisal Ratio (SPAR) method, which utilizes the ratios of transaction prices and previous appraisal values. We describe the SPAR method, compare it with repeat sales methods and assess the reliability of the official Dutch appraisal values. Empirical results for January 1995–March 2009 are presented. The SPAR method performs well compared to repeat sales, and the results reported will be of interest to other countries that have, or could instigate, institutional arrangements similar to those in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Housing prices are high in Japan, resulting in high mortgage payments. Since monthly mortgage payments cannot exceed 25% of current income, households tend to accumulate downpayments in the range of 30–45% of house value. This not only defers their entry into homeownership, but also has significant influence on the type of house eventually purchased. The objective of this study is to understand the changing access to ownership during the 1990s, with emphasis on wealth positions based on savings out of income, private transfers and bequests, and support from parents or other relatives. The source of data is the Ministry of Infrastructure, Land and Transportation survey on household home finance conducted from 1992 to 2000. The methodology employed is duration analysis, with special emphasis on the treatment of liquid asset covariates.  相似文献   

Cashew nut trading is an activity with growing economic importance in the north of Benin. Among the cost categories supported by the trading actors are transaction costs to which rare empirical studies have been devoted. Therefore, based on the theoretical concept this article empirically analyzes the importance of the transaction costs generated by cashew nut trading in the north of Benin. The empirical data were collected in two villages. Using a paired‐sample T test this study shows that the transaction costs are relatively important, but are not the major cost category. The average “production cost” is higher than the average transaction cost incurred by the trading actors. Although the transaction costs are on average lower than the other costs category, they are viewed by most actors (82 percent) as a serious constraint in the trading system due to moral hazard problems arising from the existence of these costs. By analyzing the specific factors that influence the magnitude of the transaction costs borne by the actors, the article shows that some socio‐cultural and environmental characteristics of the actors are determinant of the level of transaction costs incurred.  相似文献   

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