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如果海水代表浩瀚无穷的机遇,火焰代表飘忽不定的风险,那么薄荷四国可以看作“一半是海水,一半是火焰。” 在原高盛公司首席经济学家吉姆·奥尼尔首创“金砖四国(BRIC)”的概念后,金融市场人士开始热衷于玩字母游戏,不断创造出不同国家的首字母组合,例如“迷雾四国”(MIST)、“展望五国”(VISTA)、“灵猫六国”(CIVETS)等。  相似文献   

王朔的小说<一半是海水是一半是火焰>,讲述的是一场伤感的都市爱情故事.刘奋斗改编而成的同名电影,将城市背景换到香港,增删了人物描写,但同样是讲述了一场令人欲罢不能的爱情.本文的主要内容,旨在解读在小说及电影中,对主要人物的性格是如何描述的,人物的情感变化与心理感受又是怎样展露的.  相似文献   

王珮 《中国外资》2009,(18):227-227,141
王朔的小说《一半是海水是一半是火焰》,讲述的是一场伤感的都市爱情故事。刘奋斗改编而成的同名电影,将城市背景换到香港,增删了人物描写,但同样是讲述了一场令人欲罢不能的爱情。本文的主要内容,旨在解读在小说及电影中,对主要人物的性格是如何描述的,人物的情感变化与心理感受又是怎样展露的。  相似文献   

自1987年设立第一家企业集团财务公司(以下简称财务公司),即东风汽车财务有限公司以来,我国财务公司经历了将近二十年发展,为企业集团的发展发挥了很大作用。根据中国财务公司协会的数据,截至2005年上半年,我国财务公司资产总额超过4600亿元,较上年同期增长15.33%,比起1987年初创时期80多亿的资产总额更是增加了50余倍。可以说财务公司的资产规模增长速度远高于金融同业水平和国民经济发展水平,整体上看,财务公司往不断规范中取得了稳定发展。  相似文献   

并购贷款的国际比较与中国机遇   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
并购融资是企业不断壮大自己、加快自身发展速度的重要方式之一.但企业并购作为一种典型的产权交易行为,面临的最大问题便是并购资金的来源问题.  相似文献   

石油是当前世界消费量最大的基础经济资源,而且处于几乎所有产业链的顶端。石油价格的动荡会给相关产业带来重大的影响,同时,由于石油价格高位的示范效应,会导致基础资源价格的整体性上升,从而对经济和行业产生大的影响。  相似文献   

2008年以来,在“保增长、调结构”的大背景下,并购贷款放行一度被寄予很高期望。事实上,并购贷款自去年底推出以来,犹如“寒冬”中的火焰,在这轮经济刺激计划实施的短短几个月中,已为不少符合条件的企业融资、扩几天后,银监会发布了印发《商业银行并购贷款风险管理指引))的通知,旨在规范银行并购贷款行为,提高银行并购贷款风险管理能力,力促经济结构调整和产业升级。  相似文献   

“牛市”上市融资,“熊市”并购重组。2009年1月10日,监管部门在调整信贷监管政策的通知中将鼓励开展并购贷款列为十大举措之首,标志着并购贷款正式成为我国商业银行一个新的贷款品种。  相似文献   

并购贷款:国际经验之借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
并购贷款作为并购活动中重要的融资方式之一,在世界各国公司并购中持续发挥着重要作用,而作为银行信贷产品创新和转变经营方式的新业务,在我国起步却较晚。有必要借鉴国际经验,促进我国商业银行并购贷款业务的健康发展。  相似文献   

并购贷款作为并购活动中重要的融资方式之一,在世界各国公司并购中持续发挥着重要作用,而作为银行信贷产品创新和转变经营方式的新业务,在我国起步却较晚。随着2008年底银监会发布实施《商业银行并购贷款风险管理指引》,允许符合条件的商业银行开办并购贷款业务,标志着并购贷款业务正式启动。但并购贷款是柄"双刃剑",深刻认识、有效防范其风险,才能实现健康发展。  相似文献   

We model the interactions between product market competition and investment valuation within a dynamic oligopoly. To our knowledge, the model is the first continuous‐time corporate finance model in a multiple firm setting with heterogeneous products. The model is tractable and amenable to estimation. We use it to relate current industry characteristics with firm value and financial decisions. Unlike most corporate finance models, it produces predictions regarding parameter magnitudes as well their signs. Estimates of the model's parameters indicate strong linkages between model‐implied and actual values. The paper uses the estimated parameters to predict rivals’ returns near merger announcements.  相似文献   

1995年6月25日星期一上午8时25分,Lotus开发公司当时的首席执行官吉姆·曼兹(Jim Manzi)意外地接到了国际商用机器公司(1BM)主席兼首席执行官路易·格斯特纳(LouisV.Gerstner Jr.)打来的电话  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on the daily market reaction to the announcement and subsequent acceptance or rejection of merger proposals. There is a swift and large positive market reaction to the first public announcement of the merger proposal. Subsequently, there is a positive reaction to the approval of completed proposals and a negative reaction to cancelled proposals. Where proposals are vetoed by incumbent target management, there is a negative market reaction to the veto, but this does not eliminate the earlier positive reaction to the first announcement. In these proposals there is a permanent revaluation of the target shares. This is in contrast to cancelled proposals that incumbent managements do not veto, where the target stock price falls back, on average, to the preproposal level.  相似文献   

Trade credit and credit rationing   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Asymmetric information between banks and firms can precludefinancing of valuable projects. Trade credit can alleviate thisproblem by incorporating the lending relation the private informationheld by suppliers about their customers. Incentive compatibilityconditions prevent collusion between two of the agents (e.g.,the buyer and the seller) against the third (e.g., the bank).Consistent with the empirical findings of Petersen and Rajan(1995), firms without relationships with banks resort more totrade credit, and sellers with greater ability to generate cashflows provide more trade credit. Finally small firms react tomonetary contractions by using trade credit, consistent withthe empirical results of Nilsen (1994).  相似文献   

王毅 《国际融资》2009,(9):12-16
本文作者系中国出口信用保险公司总经理,他在文中强调:在国际金融危机形势下,出口信用保险对巩固订单、稳定外需、促进出口具有显著的杠杆作用。一是有助于迅速提振出口企业信心,二是有助于增强我国出口商品的竞争力;三是有助于解决广大出口企业融资难问题  相似文献   

This paper treats an idealized monetary framework in which merchant banks finance trade; trade which is induced by decentralized production. Indeed, merchant bank credit instruments, coupled with local bank deposits, facilitate decentralization of both production and trade. At the same time, decentralized production, exhibiting technological complementarity, induces systemic monetary fragility. However, with the decentralization of trade, the indemnification of either merchant bank credit instruments or of local bank deposits eliminates fragility. In particular, deposit insurance also stabilizes credit. The result is a stable cashless economy, a replacement of trade in specie.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of financial deregulation on entrepreneurship. We assess the impact of credit card deregulation on transitions into self-employment using state-level removal of credit card interest rate ceilings following the US Supreme Court's 1978 Marquette decision as a quasi-natural experiment. We find that credit card deregulation increases the probability of entrepreneurial entry, with a particularly strong effect for black entrepreneurs. We demonstrate that these effects are magnified in states with a history of racial discrimination and link the results to discrimination-based barriers to entry.  相似文献   

企业应税并购重组与免税并购重组的税收筹划比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业并购是企业资产重组的一种形式,是兼并与收购的简称,在国际上通常被称为Mergers&Acquisitions(M&A)。它是企业重要的资本运营方式,企业可以通过并购进行战略重组,发挥经营、管理、财务上的协同作用,使企业取得更大的竞争优势,从而实现企业的战略目标。作为企业并购策划中的重要  相似文献   

赵宇剑 《新理财》2010,(10):88-90
中国钢铁行业进入兼并重组时代 随着经济全球化,钢铁行业作为我国国民经济的重要行业,还处于从钢铁大国向钢铁强国转变的成长阶段,这也是行业进行产业结构调整、产品优化升级的机遇期。这一阶段,钢铁企业联合、兼并和资产重组将成为钢铁工业结构调整的中心环节和突破口。  相似文献   

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