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回顾我国自1977年恢复普通高校招生考试制度以来高校招生录取工作走过的历程,普通高等学校招生工作的录取手段大致经历了人工操作、计算机辅助和远程网上录取三个阶段的演变过程,尤其是近年来高考远程录取的应用和普及,推动高校招生逐渐从旧有的“农业式”的手工劳作、“工业式”的机械重复向信息化、知识型的现代工作方式过渡,这一改革体现了对传统招生录取机制的积极扬弃。  相似文献   

专业分流是高校教务管理工作中一项重要的、具有复杂性的工作,随着高校招生规模的不断扩大,依靠传统手工的方式完成分流工作已不能够适应新形势下对专业分流的要求,设计开发一套基于教务管理平台的专业分流系统软件是非常有必要的。本系统采用分层设计思想、应用struts2开发框架,实现网上专业志愿填报、成绩计算、志愿成绩排名、专业分流录取等功能。本文给出了专业分流系统的设计和关键代码实现。  相似文献   

人民银行、农业银行系统1983年电大金融专业招生工作已取得了可喜的成绩,一万八千多名干部、职工即将进入广播电视大学学习。今年,银行系统各级领导对电大工作十分重视,广大职工踊跃报名应试,考生考试成绩优良。据不完全统计,银行系统参加电大考试的干部职工共四万一千二百多人,考试成绩在中央电大规定的录取分数线(200分)以上的有二万三千一百人,约占考生总数的56%,许多省、市、自治区分行的录取分数线比当地电大高30—50分,有些分行的地、市一级  相似文献   

<正>从一九八六年开始,全国成人高校实行统一招生考试,统一录取的办法,保证了新生入学水平,为提高教育质量奠定了可靠基础.但是,我认为,采取按高分到低分录取方式还值得商榷.一、不利于扶贫.宁德地区是老、少、边地区,是全国畲族最多的地区,也是全省贫困县最多的地区.去年录取工  相似文献   

近天,南京邮电大学举办了“第四届校园开放日暨通信电子类高校招生咨询会”,正值招考季,南邮还邀请了北京邮电大学、重庆邮电大学、西安邮电大学、电子信息科技大学、西安电子科技大学、桂林电子科技大学等通信类学校,现场为考生和家长填报志愿答疑解惑。现场来自南邮物联网专业的管老师告诉记者,“我们专业的物联网工程是新兴专业,我们学校也是从去年开始招生的,家长们都很感兴趣”。今年南邮新增的信息工程专业,是依托“信号与信息处理”学科而设置的工科专业,注重信息技术研发和信息系统应用,也颇受家长和考生欢迎。  相似文献   

<正>为了提高银行干部业务素质,促进金融事业的发展,工商银行福州市分行与市第十三中学联办金融职业中专班,培养和输送合格的金融业务工作人员,这所联办职业中专学校经有关部门批准为全日制职业技术中专学校,学生毕业后,教育主管部门承认其中专学历,享受中专待遇.学校招生实行统一考试,择优录取原则,从每年全市中考的考生中,按志愿从高分到低分分档录取.学校课程设置  相似文献   

成人高校是有别与普通高校的一个特殊群体,成人高校的教学质量问题是一个不可轻视的问题.影响成人高校教学质量的因素有很多,本文就影响成人高校教学质量中的课堂教学管理做了详尽的论述.  相似文献   

成人高校是有别与普通高校的一个特殊群体,成人高校的教学质量问题是一个不可轻视的问题。影响成人高校教学质量的因素有很多,本文就影响成人高校教学质量中的课堂教学管理做了详尽的论述。  相似文献   

美国:七次高考.择高录取 在美国,成绩好并不能保证你被所申报的大学录取.除了成绩之外,美国大学招生特别注重学生的全面素质.SAT是一个常年设置的标准化考试.每年进行七次.考生可以根据自己的情况,选择参加.  相似文献   

从今年起,高校招生中逐年扩大本科招生规模的做法终于告一段落,刮了十几年的高校合并、扩招之风似乎将要就此止息。不过,教育部"公办普通高校扩大本科招生规模"的叫停令言犹在耳,新办"高水平大学"的呼声渐又响起。前两年深圳筹建的南方科技大学因其管理、招生上的崭新思路曾经引发热议,以致在领取教育部的"准生证"时很是费了一番周折。今年4月,这所在招生方面已经"先斩后奏"的学校终于获得了教育部的认可,准予其"建立"和"招生"。就在南方科大欢天喜地部署"建立"、"招生"事宜时,5月  相似文献   

Credit unions are non‐profit financial organisations that provide financial services to their members. They are located in 97 countries across the world. All credit unions are governed by a volunteer board and many are reliant on volunteers for all their labour requirements. However, recruiting volunteers is a problem. The literature on recruitment issues in volunteering in general, suggests that the not‐for‐profit sector looks to the private sector for guidance on recruitment policies and approaches. One such approach which is considered in this paper is ‘market segmentation’ wherein the potential volunteer body is profiled to determine if an individual is likely to volunteer and if they are, to identify the type of role they are most likely to be attracted to. Prior literature on volunteering in non‐profit organisations suggests that certain types of individual (dominant individuals) are more likely to volunteer. This paper investigates whether this dominant status profile is evident amongst volunteers in credit unions in Northern Ireland (NI). The study finds that people with dominant characteristics are more likely to be attracted to volunteering to the board of directors and individuals who have less dominant traits overall should be offered more social/participative type roles. This information can be used by credit union governing boards for volunteer recruitment, retention and management purposes.  相似文献   

Volunteers’ inputs to public and other not‐for‐profit organisations are significant. However, while statisticians gather data on volunteering, accountants do so less often due to a debate as to whether the relevance of recognising volunteer input in financial reports outweighs the reliability of that data and the costs of its derivation. This paper presents a survey of voluntary organisations that publish financial reports. It explores whether the promise of funding for volunteer effort has been matched with increasing financial reporting of volunteering. The results show there is little recognition of volunteer labour in financial reports, reflecting the unresolved relevance‐reliability debate in the accounting profession.  相似文献   

This paper first investigates the impact of New Public Management (NPM) practices, particularly competitive grant funding, on Bushcare New South Wales (NSW), an Australian environmental volunteering organisation. Secondly, identifying such local volunteering organisations as repositories of valuable social capital, it explores the link between volunteering and social capital. Using mixed methods and institutional theory, the study reveals that an increased level of professionalism and accountability is required of Bushcare groups, and that local coordinators face a challenge in balancing local, regional and national priorities without sacrificing Bushcare's mission. These dynamics, it is proposed, have potentially serious social capital implications.  相似文献   

为进一步提升高校党建实效,高校大学生党员教育工作亟待创新型机制,笔者以高校志愿工作为突破口,通过分析志愿工作之现状,探索其和学生党员教育工作的联动机制,旨在为当前学生党员教育工作注入新的生机和活力。  相似文献   

Climate change has become an issue which touches upon all spheres of life. To combat the problem, understanding the perceptions of all that have stake in it provides with stronger ground for decision-making. Ethiopia is one those countries that are or going to be severely affected by climate change, the solution of which partly depends on how its key decision-makers perceive the problem. In light of this a questionnaire survey was conducted on 195 volunteering members of the House of People’s Representatives in Ethiopia. The results of data analysis reveal that most identified rainfall variability, declining hydrology and increasing temperature as manifestations of climate change, and emission reduction and forest protection as its key solutions.  相似文献   

This article explores the impact of recent trends towards privatism through a study of neighbourhood governance in Baltimore and Bristol and considers its implications for the big society in the UK. The self-help ideology of the big society has been prevalent in Baltimore for many years and the city's experience highlights profound difficulties in substituting volunteering for government-led revitalization. The article concludes that the Baltimore experience is a warning to British policy-makers, posing a major dilemma.  相似文献   

Strategies for physician recruitment should include the following: Consider creating an in-house recruiting system to save money and to "own" the health system's first impression. Gain a competitive advantage by nurturing relationships with prospects over the long-term. Use innovative recruitment techniques, such as video interviewing and electronic reference checking, to better coordinate recruitment, follow-up, and mentoring. Make a new hire's job satisfaction and home life a top priority during the first 90 days of employment, and then plan regular follow-ups to maintain a positive relationship.  相似文献   

Volunteering is regarded as an increasingly important phenomenon and the 'employment' of volunteers as one of the typical traits of nonprofit organizations. However, the consequences of volunteering for everyday practices of NPO-leadership, i.e. the question of how non-paid employees are treated in settings where formal power is lacking, have so far not received the attention they deserve. Our paper discusses practices for leading without formal power by presenting findings from an empirical research project. Using a Grounded Theory approach, we identify five interrelated practices that question conventional notions of transformative or charismatic leadership.  相似文献   

提高大学生的思想道德素质已成为高校的首要工作,也是对当前的思想政治教育工作提出的严峻考验。本文介绍了北京联合大学生物化学工程学院提高大学生思想道德素质的尝试:创建大学生论坛,提高学生表达能力、抓学校学风建设、加强学生理论知识学习、开展志愿服务等系列活动,提高了思想政治教育的针对性和实效性,实现了提高学生的思想道德素质的目的。  相似文献   

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