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2020年新冠疫情的全球肆虐不仅没有击溃我们,反而让我国在经济、社会等诸多方面完成了全面发展和进步。在这样的大背景下,作为国民经济主轴,在整个经济体系中占有重要地位的商业流通经济,也应当顺应如今的大趋势逐步完成整个体系的升级与优化。然而,现实情况是虽然商业流通经济正朝着既定方向发展进步,但此过程中仍然存在诸多问题,本文将遇到的问题归纳总结并给出相应解决方法,希望能够对这方面的研究起到一定的推动作用。 相似文献
内贸流通作为扩大内需一个非常重要的组成部分,在我国经济转型升级过程中具有非常重要的基础作用、战略作用与支撑作用。内贸流通的健康发展或创新发展,是带动内需增长的关键,也是推动社会经济发展转型升级的关键。当前,我国发展内贸流通需要从三个方面着手推进:一是引导消费升级,要通过消费升级来释放我国13亿人口巨大的潜在需求,形成我国经济新的增长点,形成我国扩大就业新的空间,形成改善民生好的条件。当前,必须把握好国民素质加快提升的趋势,引导消费升级,要从提高国民身体素质、文化素质、生活素质或者说生活质量等方面入手,全面提高国民素质,实现消费升级。二是营造良好的消费环境和营商环境,着眼于完善内贸流通法律法规、加快商贸流通基础设施建设、促进政府简政放权,打造一个更加方便、更加规范、更加开放、更加具有活力的市场环境和流通环境,营造良好的营商环境与消费环境。三是完善内贸流通体系,推动电子商务、物流配送、连锁经营更好地实现有机结合,形成一个更加科学的现代内贸流通方式,实现流通方式的转型升级,促进内贸流通健康发展。 相似文献
当前我国经济发展进入到新常态的态势中,商贸流通是现阶段经济发展中先导性的产业,在发展转型中需要主动适应经济新常态的背景。商贸流通经济发展中,需要重点突出新型流通业发展、确立经济转型的全新要求和标准。本文分析未来商贸流通经济转型中具体的转型策略,提出相应优化措施,助力我国经济新常态的发展。 相似文献
现阶段,我国社会经济发展进入新常态。在此背景下,我国现代商贸流通经济的持续发展面临诸多新的挑战,需要进一步结合我国具体发展实际积极实施结构性改革,确保在新常态下获得更加稳定、持续、健康、高效的发展。本文通过对经济新常态下促进商贸流通经济转型提升的有效策略进行系统的分析,为推动商贸流通经济的有效转型提供了一定的借鉴。 相似文献
中国经济进入新常态发展阶段,新常态焕发新特征,经济增速保持中高速可持续发展,产业结构不断优化调整,创新发展成为驱动经济新常态发展的新动力,中国经济在新常态发展背景下面临诸多挑战。作为中国经济重要组成部分的商业流通经济,在新常态下实现转型创新是未来发展的必然趋势。在全球受到新冠疫情以及俄乌冲突影响的大环境下,世界经济呈现下行趋势,而我国总体经济保持平稳发展态势,随着经济结构调整不断深化,我国经济韧性正在加强,国内商业流通经济焕发巨大活力。新常态下,实现商业流通经济转型创新,为我国经济可持续发展提供更多助力。本文深入剖析新常态下中国经济新变革和新部署,深入理解新常态和新亮点,对新常态下的新影响和新机遇进行阐述,分析新常态下商业流通经济发展趋势,结合新常态经济发展特点探讨商业流通经济转型创新策略。 相似文献
在社会经济不断发展下,商贸流通领域不断涌现出新的模式,在数字经济时代下,促进现代化流通体系建设,相关企业实现数字化转型,这对于推动国民经济循环畅通等具有重要意义。对此,文章首先介绍研究背景,并概述何为商贸流通企业数字化转型。其次站在数字经济视角下,分析商贸流通企业数字化转型发展的现实挑战,最后提出转型发展的建议。 相似文献
目前我国经济已步入新常态阶段,而商业作为我国社会经济发展的主要组成部分之一,对国民经济产生直接影响。商贸流通经济作为先导性产业,需要不断适应经济新常态的发展模式。同时结合新常态背景下商贸流通经济发展逐渐呈现出融合速度加快、现代商贸流通经济发展迅速等特点,这也对商贸经济发展提出更多要求。基于此,本文将以新常态背景下的商贸流通经济为论述对象,主要探究在此背景下商贸流通经济发展特点,并分析商贸经济流通转型过程中的具体要求,最后针对性的提出相应策略,从而能够为商贸流通经济转型提供建议。 相似文献
我国经济发展已走入新常态,商业经济是国民经济重要组成部分,具有一定先导性的作用,应快速适应新常态并引领新常态,助推国民经济在新时期下的稳步发展。为此,商业流通经济转型创新尤为重要,可以助推商业流通经济在竞争环境下的持续与健康发展,确保整个经济体制建设呈现出完善性。基于此,本文从新常态下商业流通经济概念与内容入手,分析商业流通经济特点,提出商业流通经济转型创新策略,力求推动商业经济更深层次的发展。 相似文献
Economic globalisation and the subsequent growth of global and alliance capitalism have fundamentally affected the way in which MNC activities are undertaken and organised. The various contributions to this special issue have evaluated the eclectic paradigm in the global economy, and its validity as a theoretical basis to understand these developments. This paper places these contributions into context. We highlight that globalisation has increased the interactive dynamics between and among 'O', 'L' and 'I' characteristics at firm, industry and country level, in at least two ways. First, a knowledge-based society has meant that the efficient exploitation of MNCs' ownership advantages and the continual need to augment and sustain their competitive advantages is ever more crucial, leading to a complex interdependence between ownership and location advantages. Second, globalisation has affected how MNCs seek to organise their cross-border activities coherently in response to changing boundaries of the firm. We find that the paradigm continues to provide a framework which facilitates how best to synthesise relevant complementary theories, or how to choose between potentially competing theories, and helps to operationalise them. 相似文献
流通、流通理论与流通经济学--关于流通经济理论(学)的研究方法与体系框架的构想 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
学科视角不同,流通的含义也不同.本文将流通问题研究的学科视角限定为经济学或管理学,进而将流通界定为不包括货币、资金、劳动力、服务的有形商品或产品从生产领域到消费领域的流动,指出了流通与交换、贸易、商业、营销、分销等概念的异同.本文认为可以从宏观与微观两个视角,用经济学与管理学两种分析工具对流通问题进行研究,进而形成两种流通理论,前者可称为流通经济理论,后者可称为流通管理理论.同时,本文用机构分析法、商品分析法、功能分析法、系统分析法、社会分析法等研究方法对流通经济理论(学)的体系框架进行了初步设计. 相似文献
童文俊 《安徽商贸职业技术学院学报(社会科学版)》2004,3(3):23-26
从微观基础出发研究宏观经济问题,是当代西方宏观经济学的研究范式.从研究范式的转变可以一览当代西方宏观经济学的发展,当代研究范式的确立也预示了当代西方宏观经济学的一体化和综合化趋势. 相似文献
Over the course of a quarter of a century, the eclectic paradigm has derived its strength from being a general framework of analysis that explains the level and pattern of foreign value-added activities of firms, and/or of countries, and allows for the co-existence of complementary and alternative theories in the discipline of international economics in a logically consistent manner without being inextricably wedded to any one particular approach. The current study aims to support such broad theoretical appeal of the paradigm by refining its theoretical interpretations of the concepts of ownership advantages and internalisation. To support its view that asset ownership advantages are both competitive advantages and monopolistic advantages, the theoretical interpretation of asset ownership advantages in the paradigm needs to be broadened from a narrow emphasis on Bain-type monopolistic advantages which enable firms to erect barriers to entry to new competition and exercise monopoly power in final product markets. It must also accommodate the theoretical perception of asset ownership advantages as part of the rivalrous behaviour or competitive process between firms consistent with the approach of Cantillon and the classical economists starting with Adam Smith, the Austrian economists such as Schumpeter and Hayek, as well as Penrose. The eclectic paradigm must also effectively address the important distinction between 'internalisation of ownership advantages or intermediate products' and the 'internalisation of the markets for ownership advantages or intermediate products' within the context of endogenous structural market imperfections in final products and exogenous transactional market imperfections in intermediate products. In clearly distinguishing between the alternative interpretations of the concepts of ownership advantages and internalisation, the paradigm could more effectively synthesise alternative theories of the firm and the multinational corporation in one cogent framework of economic analysis. 相似文献
In many European countries, SME policy is close to being a synonym for job creation. Most empirical research on the job-generation potential of small firms over the last decade has been done in the stable and favorable economic conditions of market economies. The paper investigates the role of small firms in more difficult circumstances. On an empirical data set for Slovenia, the paper tries to show that small firms have been the most important employer during the transition period, a finding that very likely can be extrapolated for other European transition economies. Over the last decade Slovenia has transformed from a labor-managed economic system to a market-oriented economy. If we compare the firm-size structure in a socialist-like economy to the firm-size structure in a mature market economy close to equilibrium, we notice a typical absence of small- and medium-sized firms, with the exception of craft shops. That was how Slovenia appeared in the early nineties. Charac-terized by the removal of administrative barriers, transition encouraged a spontaneous entrepreneurial wave through an expanding small business sector. The ensuing changes in employment distribution changed the firm-size structure. 相似文献
经济体制转型的平滑模式与突变模式 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文在剖析了把转型与改革割裂对立起来与用激进和渐进表述两种转型方式的流行观点的基础上,提出区分以中俄为代表的两种转型方式的根本标志是宪法性秩序转变方式的不同,并以此为据,将两种转型方式分别概括为经济体制转型的平滑模式和突变模式. 相似文献
文章基于优势行为经济学的研究范武和框架,解析了交易费用及其产生的根源.群体经济的交易费用来源于经济个体之间的优势差异与自利行为这两个基本的经济学假设,交易费用是一种具有普遍性的界定个体优势差异的费用,与优势水平正相关,是具有优势差异的个体追求自身利益最大化的产物,基于"优势人"假设的研究范式和框架弥补了交易费用理论的不足. 相似文献