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80后青年思想政治教育贴近生活是对过去脱离生活问题的现实反思,青年思想政治教育只有置身于社会生活的大环境中,融入生活、反映生活、服务生活、引导生活,以实现贴近生活,才能满足青年社会成员的个体需求,完成思想政治教育任务,实现思想政治教育的目标。青年思想政治教育贴近生活主要内容有融入青年生活,反映青年生活,服务青年生活和引导青年生活。其工作重心是引导青年开展积极、健康、富有爱和责任的幸福生活。  相似文献   

近些年,随着社会的快速转型和教育改革的深化,处在观念多元、利益多样、结群多向的社会大背景下,思想政治教育越来越受到关注,特别是与其关系紧密的人格教育。人格教育在思想政治教育过程中扮演者非常重要的角色,它是思想政治教育工作的根基,并且贯穿思想政治教育过程始终并充实思想政治教育内容。  相似文献   

如何加强电力职工的思想教育,提高职工职业道德建设在经济建设发展的今天显得尤为重要,因为思想教育工作不仅是提高电力企业社会服务水平的关键,更是树立良好社会形象的迫切需要。因此从实际出发的原则,围绕发展主题,突出服务宗旨,大力倡导和实践爱岗敬业、诚实守信、办事公道、服务群众、奉献社会的职业道德,促进企业的改革、发展和稳定。在此,仅就怎样增强电力职工思想政治工作素质谈几点肤浅的看法。[第一段]  相似文献   

和谐社会建设是一项复杂的系统工程,不仅需要依靠经济、法律和行政的力量,还要充分发挥思想政治工作的能动作用,以正确的理论思想、意识形态和价值观念去凝聚人心、改造社会。本文就思想政治工作在构建和谐社会中的作用进行了分析,以此保持社会稳定、并促进社会各方面协调发展。  相似文献   

本文从孔子德育思想产生的社会背景出发,旨在发掘孔子德育思想形成的内在结构。孔子从当时的社会背景出发,得出解决混乱的社会状况的办法是“德治”,进而阐述了“德”的要求并塑造了有“德”之人——“君子”的形象,最后提出了如何培养“君子”的一系列教育理论,最终构建起整座德育思想的理论大厦。  相似文献   

李绍军 《时代经贸》2011,(12):240-241
有效的思想政治工作所包含的内容十分丰富的,它不仅表现为精神成果,而且还可以表现为物质成果。这是因为思想政治工作,是根据一定社会的要求培养、塑造一代新人的社会实践活动。有效的思想政治工作的主要目的是将一定的社会要求内化为工作对象的动机和意识,然后再由工作对象将一定的动机和意识外化为行为并产生预期的、良好的社会工作效果。本文着重探讨在思想政治工作的实践中,在制定思想政治工作的策略时要“知人”(了解和研究工作对象),对于思想政治工作有效性和可操作性的重要作用,从基层思想政治工作者的视角,并围绕企业基层思想政治工作的特点、要求和经验进行研究。  相似文献   

赵建祥 《大陆桥视野》2011,(14):79-79,81
思想政治工作是做人的工作的,是用正确的思想品格,道德价值观念去引导、说服教育人,既要回答各种现实的问题,适应员工千差万别的思想特点,理解、尊重和满足丰富多彩的个体需要,更要引导员工确立共同的社会理想和职业道德、价值观念,倡导奉献和牺牲精神。灌输以爱国主义为核心的团结统一,爱好和平,勤劳勇敢,自强不息的伟大民族精神。要做好员工的思想政治工作,必须根据企业以及社会的现实,不断增强思想政治工作的有效性,动更多的脑筋,下更大的功夫。  相似文献   

创新大学生思想政治教育体系培养高素质人才   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生是未来中国改革、发展和进步的骨干力量,其思想政治素质直接关系到国家民族的命运。高等院校是培养和造就适应社会发展、推动社会进步的高素质人才的摇篮。目前,大学生思想政治教育面临的问题是多方面的,应该大力创新思想政治教育体系,提高思想政治教育的针对性,努力造就高素质人才。  相似文献   

张新文  郭林田 《经济师》2002,(1):281-281
在新的情况下,开展思想政治工作,必须实行科学的目标管理,变思想政治工作软指标为硬指标,把思想政治工作的任务和要求分解落实到各业务岗位。思想政治工作所产生的现实价值和社会价值是可能用量,时,责来表现的,因此,它有时间的规定性,工作的及时性和业务分工的责任性,比如一个党组织在一定时期内创建精神文明单位的个数,立功受奖的人数,党员的基本合格率,员工违章违纪率,发展党员等,都可以体现出量,时,责。  相似文献   

齐心 《发展导刊》2006,(3):32-32
强化思想政治工作在维护社会稳定中的作用,核心问题是最大限度地增强其实效性。第一、通过树立全局观念来强化。一方面,思想政治工作的立足点,充分体现教育人,培养人的要求,无论业务工作多么繁重,形势环境多么繁杂,都始终不能忘记和忽视把人们的思想统一到维护稳定这个大局上来,各层次的思想政治工作者对此要坚持不懈,各级领导对此要坚定不移。在实践中,从宣传、解释、说服到绶冲、平复等等,都要休现出维护稳定的主题。另一方面,各个地方和部门在日常业务工作中必须树立全局观念,不管业务多忙.体制不顺带多少障碍,都不能放松通过思想政治工作维护社会稳定。  相似文献   

The German system of corporate governance is often thought to be effective at addressing problems arising in large firms. In addition to the usual emphasis on the role of German banks, it is increasingly recognized that the German system also involves a high concentration of the ownership of large firms. We analyse the relative significance of these two features of the German system and conclude that high ownership concentration is more important. Although banks may influence corporate governance via their control of proxy votes, positions on supervisory boards, and provision of loan finance, in practice they do not play a role in the governance of large German firms which is distinct from that of other types of large shareholders. Any case for the superiority of German corporate governance of large firms must therefore be based on high ownership concentration rather than a special role of banks, and must consider the costs of ownership concentration as well as the benefits.  相似文献   

林权改革尝试始于20世纪80年代,于2003年加快了改革的步伐,具有了某种激进的色彩。本文认为,这种改革受到效率优先、市场至上、产权私有、强制变迁等信条的影响,有可能使公平和效率出现张力。作者认为在中央政府的改革思想进一步成熟的背景下,林权改革的指导理论需要实现经济共和主义的转向,并提出了四项替代性原则,即处境公平原则、产权有限原则、民主治理原则和法律平衡原则。经济共和主义并不一般地反对私有林权,也不一般地主张公有林权,而是依据具体条件和上述四项原则来形成不同的权利安排。  相似文献   

This paper examines a particular employment inference of recent Papal social thought, for a Western developed economy context. The Papal documents studied are Centesimus Annus (1991), Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (1987), and Laborem Exercens (1981). The first and shortest section of the paper outlines a number of principles from the encyclicals aiming to guide employment organisation and policy relevant to Western and all economies. To permit their full consideration, an illustration is given how implications affecting forms of employment organization might be drawn from just one of the principles--the right to private property ownership. Private property ownership rights are argued to be constrained in specific ways, to relate instrinsically to employment organization, and to underpin other principles emphasized in the encyclicals, such as the priority of labor over capital. A selection of recent non-official-Church Catholic Social Thought is compared with the approach here. Since the encyclicals deal with issues only at the level of principle, the paper notes cases where attempts have been made to apply some of the employment organizational implications in practice.  相似文献   

国有企业改革30年   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过30年的改革和制度创新,国有企业不但走出了困境,而且成为具有较高劳动生产率、较强盈利能力和竞争力的市场主体。理论研究与实践证明,很难有最优的所有制结构和股权结构。我们要毫不动摇地"坚持和完善公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度,毫不动摇地巩固和发展公有制经济",坚持在公有制为主体的框架内通过制度建设来完善国有企业公司治理结构。国有企业公司治理结构的完善是一项长期而艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

Employee ownership is often used not only as a reward management tool but also as an entrenchment mechanism. The literature suggests that good managers use employee ownership as a reward management tool, whereas bad managers implement it for entrenchment, thus suggesting the existence of an equilibrium level of employee ownership. The contributions of this paper are both theoretical and empirical. Theoretically, this paper fills a gap in the published research by taking into account both positive and negative outcomes of employee ownership. Our model produces three main conclusions: (i) Low-performing managers use employee ownership as an entrenchment mechanism (ii) that increases the signaling cost of employee ownership for high-performing managers. (iii) We suggest that employee ownership should not be left only to the management's discretion because both types of managers have an incentive to implement employee ownership. Our empirical study investigates how employee ownership affects management tenure. This study takes into account the two main motives for employee ownership examined by the model (i.e., management entrenchment and reward management). We find a positive relationship between employee ownership and management tenure. This result provides new evidence that employee ownership can be used as an entrenchment mechanism.  相似文献   

We empirically investigate the impact of different ownership groups on companies’ investment in Ukraine with a novel dynamic investment model where investment is based on present and historical levels of profitability (market-to-book value of equity) and lagged investment. Groups include state, insider, non-domestic, financial and financial and industrial group (FIG) ownership. Contrary to the literature, we find that the past level of profitability significantly affects investment; the majority presence of and increases in state ownership have a negative impact on firms’ investment, as is the case for non-domestic and financial companies’ ownership. Insider and FIG ownership have no impact on investment. We explain the results by the extent of liquidity concerns (hard and soft budget constraints), measured by cash flow interacted with a dummy variable of majority ownership of the respective group, and the extent of asset stripping for the corresponding ownership group and relate them to over- and under-investment, and to the free cash flow or cash constraint hypothesis.  相似文献   

"共同富裕"思想是由邓小平明确提出来的,其中,《邓小平文选》第三卷集中体现了邓小平关于共同富裕思想的论述。包括允许一部分人、一部分地区先富裕起来;先富带后富;公有制为主体和共同富裕是社会主义的根本原则等。总体来说,社会生产力的发展,是实现"共同富裕"的必要条件;社会主义公有制,是实现"共同富裕"的充分条件;市场机制和政府调控的交织,是"共同富裕"的实现机制,而城乡统筹则是客观"共同富裕"的现实支撑点。  相似文献   

军民协同创新活动中,知识产权归属问题是影响协同创新成效的重要因素。据此,提出计划主导、计划市场共同作用和市场主导3种军民协同创新模式,分析了军民协同创新知识产权归属的主要问题。计划主导、计划市场共同作用、市场主导3种模式下的知识产权归属应分别坚持“平衡利益、鼓励创新”、“注重效率、侧重长远”、“经济效率优先”原则,相应地采取“法律规范、兼顾合约”、“章程式契约”、“尊重市场、契约优先”的思路进行制度设计。同时,还要从军民融合深度发展战略、知识产权保护环境、配套政策举措、法律制度等方面提供外部环境保障和激励。  相似文献   

We examine the effects of increased government ownership of suppliers in the lending sector, which induces increased concern with total welfare and reduced concern with profit. Such increased ownership of a lender can have unanticipated effects. For instance, it can increase lender profit. Furthermore, borrower welfare often declines as government ownership increases in a lender with a relatively limited ability to discern the true quality of borrowers’ projects. In addition, there are settings in which increased government ownership of a lender has no impact on either lender profit or borrower welfare.  相似文献   

《资本论》的土地流转观有着丰富而深刻的伦理意蕴。《资本论》指出土地所有权是因对劳动有意义而产生的经济权,因此,劳动者应成为土地流转的主体,公有制才是土地流转的应然的选择;《资本论》所谓的效率是服从人的发展的效率,私有化的土地流转不能实现此效率,从根本上看则是逆效率的;在资本主义土地制度取代封建土地制度的过程中,新兴的资产阶级运用各种手段强制性地开辟资本主义生产方式道路,给广大农民与殖民地的人民带来了深重的人道灾难。《资本论》的土地流转观及其伦理蕴含论证了私有化的土地流转具有太多的不道德性,不是我国土地流转的应然选择。  相似文献   

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