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Productivity,Technology and Economic Growth: What is the Relationship?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between productivity, technology and economic growth has been debated extensively in the endogenous growth, growth accounting, New Economy and policy literature. This paper briefly surveys the literature on total factor productivity (TFP) calculations – the various techniques and problems associated with it. We argue that TFP is not a measure of technological change and only under ideal conditions does it measure the supernormal profits associated with technological change. The critical driving force of economic growth is not the super normal profits that technological change generates but rather the continuous creation of opportunities for further technological development. Six illustrations of when TFP fails to correctly measure these super normal profits are provided. A version Carlaw and Lipsey's (2003b) model of endogenous general purpose technology‐ driven growth is then utilized to make some progress toward answering Prescott's (1998) call for a theory of TFP. The model is used to simulate artificial data and connect theoretical assumptions of returns to scale and resource costs to the conditions under which TFP miss‐measures the actual growth of technological knowledge.  相似文献   

本文仔细研究了分支水平井产能公式的架构过程,发现存在两处理论缺陷和三次数学近似。建议深入探究产能公式的架构过程,寻找合理有效的方法以革除或弥补理论缺陷。  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of occupational safety and health (OSH) and environmental regulation on the rate of growth of total factor productivity (TFP) in the Quebec manufacturing sector during the 1985–88 period. Our results show that environmental regulation and OSH protective reassignments (a prevention policy with respect to OSH) have led to a reduction in productivity growth, while the presence of mandatory prevention programs and of fines for infractions to OSH rules have led to an increase in productivity growth. Interestingly, this is, to our knowledge, the first result showing that OSH regulation may have had a positive effect on productivity growth.  相似文献   

The Decomposition of Malmquist Productivity Indexes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Two different Malmquist productivity indexes have been proposed. One I call partially oriented because it is either output- or input-oriented, and the other is simultaneously output- and input-oriented. The partially oriented Malmquist index owes some of its popularity to the fact that it has been decomposed to isolate various sources of productivity change. Conversely, the simultaneously oriented Malmquist index has not achieved popularity in part because it has not been decomposed. In this paper I evaluate alternative decompositions of the partially oriented Malmquist index, and I obtain a new decomposition of the simultaneously oriented Malmquist index. This new decomposition leads me to conclude that the latter index is deserving of greater attention than it has received to date.  相似文献   

How would competitive pressure impact upon the income distribution and the poverty of household groups? We analyse the gains in efficiency and productivity due to competitive pressure, and its distributional effects using a general equilibrium input–output framework. Efficient utilization of the available resources, technical progress and free trade constitute our sources of growth. Welfare would increase under competition, but the income distribution would become more skewed. Rural household groups would stand to lose relative to the urban ones. Urban poverty would be reduced significantly more than rural. In fact, the agricultural worker would even suffer from an increase in poverty. The study shows that competitive pressure has a positive effect on efficiency, productivity and poverty, but an adverse effect on the income distribution in the Indian economy.  相似文献   

Thefirst objective of this paper is to develop a generic measureof scale efficiency for a multiple-input multiple-output firm,using basic principles of modern production theory. The secondobjective is to combine measures of technological change, technicalefficiency change, and scale efficiency change into an encompassing(primal) measure of productivity change. This measure and itsdecomposition is compared to a number of recent proposals inorder to shed light on what seems to have become a controversialissue. The paper proceeds by developing an encompassing dualmeasure of productivity change. This dual measure is then appliedto panel data of a set of Dutch firms, continuing the empiricalwork of Balk (1998). It turns out that extending the Malmquistproductivity index with factors measuring scale efficiency changeand input mix change leads to appreciably different outcomes.  相似文献   

Since many policies affect specific parts of economies differently, it is useful to decompose GDP per capita differences across countries into differences across smaller and smaller parts of economies. In this paper, we summarize recent contributions in this area and fit them together into a decomposition procedure for GDP per capita differences. The overall finding is that the U.S. is the productivity leader for the most of the economy. Moreover, international productivity differences at the aggregate level of the economies are in most cases translated into differences in the productivity of industries, at least compared to the productivity leader U.S. The variability of productivity differences at the industry level is, however, substantially higher than any differences at the aggregate or sector level. For the manufacturing sector alone the U.S. and Japan share the leadership on the industry level. In contrast, France, U.K., and Germany exhibit almost no leadership in productivity at the industry level. Hence, nation-specific factors appear to be dominant in the comparison of European countries with the U.S. Finally, mix differences do not play a very large role for big countries. For Germany, however, the mix effect can help to reconcile relative high productivity for the market economy and lower productivity at disaggregated levels.  相似文献   

Journal of Productivity Analysis - Foran objective function, how should each argument be assigned itsappropriate role in the change of the objective function, whenthe arguments are interrelated? In...  相似文献   

Some Remarks on Productivity and its Decompositions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper provides a brief history of the Malmquist productivity index and its decomposition. Theoretical and empirical issues related to the index are discussed along with directions for future research.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of labor productivity and total factor productivity (TFP) on employment across 25 Mexican manufacturing industries from 1984 to 2000. Employing panel data methods, several interesting findings emerge. First, we observe a strong and positive impact of NAFTA on employment. Second, productivity exerts a procyclical, positive effect on employment but this effect becomes smaller after NAFTA. Third, partitions of our sample according to capital-labor intensity suggest that industries which are less capital-intensive were affected negatively on impact by NAFTA but that productivity impacted employment positively after NAFTA. In contrast, more capital-intensive industries display these results in reverse.  相似文献   

Statistics Canada's multi-factor productivity accounts are integrated into the Canadian system of national accounts. The company's originality rests, in part, on the application of the standard productivity formula to alternative but related sets of outputs and inputs in a bottom-up approach that covers the whole business sector. The concept of vertical integration plays a central role in establishing relationships between alternative indices, including the relationships between static and dynamic indices. In the static framework, the stock of capital is exogenous. In the dynamic framework, capital goods become endogenous produced inputs. Establishments are seen as exchanging capital services across time periods. Time becomes a primary input of production, the productivity of which is associated with technical knowledge. A new measure of capital services and an extended definition of economic efficiency are finally introduced, which solve some paradoxical results that are obtained with the conentional measure.  相似文献   

生产性服务业作为现代服务业的核心,集中体现了对经济的促进作用。生产性服务业通过提高经济增长效率、延展产业链和促进就业,推动了经济的增长,而经济的增长也为生产性服务业的发展提供了所需的基础设施和经济环境。  相似文献   

Within a production function framework in which government spending produces public goods which enter firms production functions, empirical tests using time series data spanning eleven countries and thirty industries find both the scale and the composition of government consumption spending to affect the level and the rate of growth of total factor productivity at the industry level.Jel Classification: H50, D24  相似文献   

陈琪  马静 《企业活力》2012,(6):59-63
跨团队成员作为科层组织外衍生的纵向混合组织,在新产品开发、降低成本及提高组织运营效率等方面,均发挥着积极作用。跨团队成员数量和团队多样性,对团队和个人的生产力和学习力有着不可忽略的影响。因此,企业应该平衡跨团队成员的数量和团队多样性,提高人力资源的周转率和利用率,促进知识共享,从而提高团队和个人的生产力和学习力。为管理跨团队成员提供了全新的思路。  相似文献   

刘玲  丁浩 《价值工程》2010,29(14):254-255
在低碳经济背景下,我国要达到稳定大气中二氧化碳的含量的同时保持经济持续增长的目标,需要提高碳生产率来综合实现。本文正是基于此研究了在提高我国碳生产率的过程中所面临的挑战,及其相应的对策。  相似文献   

Economists have managed to find a positive impact of R&D efforts on productivity. However, the empirical results of their studies have not explained the observed sectoral differences in this important impact. With due reference to three global industries, namely, chemical, computer, and electrical/electronic, the objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of technological opportunity on the productivity of R&D activities. Technological opportunity refers to the ease of achievement of innovations and technical improvements, which could be jointly represented by the intensities of knowledge spillovers, inter-firm research overlap and scope of research. In this study, the degree of technological opportunity is quantified by patent statistics. The empirical findings confirm a positive relationship between technological opportunity and the productivity of R&D effort, and the estimated rate of return falls within the range as reported by past studies.  相似文献   

Since the German re-unification in 1990, Eastern Germany has been a transition economy. After a phase of catching up in productivity with Western Germany from 1991 to 1996, growth rates in the producing sector have dropped below those in Western Germany since 1997. This study investigates whether this macroeconomic picture holds at the microeconomic level. For the special case of Eastern Germany, I suggest identifying productivity gaps by using comparable Western German firms as a “productivity benchmark”. Applying an econometric matching procedure allows to study the productivity gap at the firm level in detail. Besides labor and capital, other factors like innovation and firm ownership are taken into account. The macroeconomic facts are broadly confirmed: a significant gap has remained in recent years. Moreover, Eastern German innovators perform worse than their Western German pendants, and firms owned by Western German or foreign companies perform better than those owned by Eastern German entities.  相似文献   

本文以公司在资本市场上公开上市为背景,以是否具有私募股权融资背景为标准,选取了384家上市公司为研究样本,使用索洛余值法、随机前沿分析模型等方法,实证分析私募股权投资对改善企业生产效率的作用。研究结果发现,无论是否有私募股权投资,企业上市后的全要素生产率均高于上市前;有私募股权投资的企业全要素生产率在上市前要低于无私募股权投资的企业,但是上市后则超过了无私募股权投资的企业。  相似文献   

Aggregation of productivity indices is known to be consistent under very restrictive conditions only. This paper quantifies the aggregation inconsistency.  相似文献   

家族企业在我国经济中占有相当大的比重,如何有效提升家族企业全要素生产率受到了社会各界的广泛关注.本文以2014~2019年沪深A股上市家族企业为研究样本,探究了国有股权参股家族企业对其全要素生产率的影响.研究发现,国有股权参股有利于提升家族企业全要素生产率,且主要通过缓解融资约束、增加创新投入、提高治理水平这三条路径作...  相似文献   

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