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In this study, we examined the role of guanxi as entrepreneurs’ resource-obtaining mechanism in private sector firms, using a data-set of 184 publicly listed firms in China. We found that guanxi indeed played a positive role that helped private sector firms gain easier access to resources. We also found that guanxi exerted even a greater positive effect on private sector firms’ resource obtaining compared to entrepreneurs’ political participation, due to being the lifeblood of business conduct and social interaction in Chinese culture.  相似文献   

Poland has been and continues to be the leader of the transition economies of Eastern Europe. This study provides an in‐depth look at the ongoing economic, legal, and administrative policies of the Polish government in laying the ground‐work for a free‐market society. With the smaller business in mind, we first examine how the government of Poland moved decisively to lay the cornerstone for a private‐sector economy. Next, we demonstrate how Poland redirected its political and legal processes for long‐term global business. Finally, we describe what the U.S. government is doing to help Poland become a better trading partner and what this means to interested American firms. While there are many deep‐seated positive changes throughout Poland as it becomes a more significant global business player, there also are many challenges that must be understood by interested U.S. businesses if their investments in Poland are to be successful. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Business angel networks (BANs) provide a channel of communication between private venture capital investors (business angels) and entrepreneurs seeking risk capital. Most operate locally on a not-for-profit basis with their costs underwritten by the public sector. However, the recent establishment of BANs by private sector organisations in the U.K. has led to a questioning of the government's continuing role in the financing of BANs. This paper demonstrates that there are significant differences between public sector and other not-for-profit BANs and private sector, commercially-oriented BANs in terms of the investments that they facilitate. Private sector BANs are primarily involved with larger, later stage deals whereas investments made through not-for-profit BANs are generally smaller, involve start-ups and other early stage businesses and are local. The emergence of private sector BANs has therefore not eliminated the need for public sector support for locally-oriented networks.  相似文献   


Since 1981 Malawi has been undergoing an extensive economic adjustment programme. A key aim has been to diversify and increase exports. This aim has met with little success. To understand why export businesses have failed to respond to exchange rate changes and other incentives we conducted an export business survey of 51 firms and interviewed government officials, private sector representatives, and IMF and World Bank staff. We found that structural rigidities, particularly infrastructure constraints, are so severe that the impact of exchange rate policies and other incentives on external sector adjustment is very limited. Increased policy attention should therefore be paid to these constraints if the adjustment programme is to succeed.  相似文献   

Despite increasing research interest in the mobile telephony sector, only a few studies have devoted attention to informal businesses in the sector. Using qualitative field data collected on young mobile telephony entrepreneurs in Accra, this paper argues that despite the businesses being ‘informal’, they cannot be dismissed as ‘necessity’ enterprises unworthy of support. On the contrary, many young entrepreneurs have aspirations which are influencing their desire to stay in business. The article thus questions the bifurcated nature of entrepreneurial motivations, using the burgeoning mobile telephony sector as a case study, and draws out implications for policy support for youth-run businesses in the informal sector generally.  相似文献   

In emerging economies, the government is the main sector that plays a significant role in providing various kinds of support to help local entrepreneurial firms build their capabilities to effectively compete in export markets. However, due to a weak institution in these countries, a question begs to be answered whether government support is efficiently allocated to these firms. The aim of this research is to explore the interconnection between bribery, political network, and access to government support, as well as their effects on the export performance of small and medium enterprises in Thailand. Survey data collected from a sample of 170 firms that joined the trade exhibition in Bangkok were analyzed to provide evidence. Results from partial least squares regression showed that although government support was strongly associated with a firm’s export performance, the extent to which government support was received was found to be strongly associated with the political network that entrepreneurs have developed as well as the extent of bribery that they have engaged in.  相似文献   

China has implemented comprehensive industrial policies that originally had their origins in the command economy. It is argued in this case study that one characteristic of industrial policies in China involves government intervention at all levels, namely central, provincial, municipal, county, township and village. This article presents an in-depth examination of the role of provincial government in pursuing industrial polices and in constructing big businesses during the reform period. It draws the conclusion that even in the World Trade Organization (WTO) era, it is still feasible for provincial governments to manage the local economy and promote big businesses by allowing local firms to enjoy both economies of scale and subsidies.  相似文献   

How political capital affects physical capital investment is controversial in the literature. This paper explains the contradictory relationship between political and physical capitals. Using an exogenous shock (leading to a sudden reduction in political capital) and the DID estimation, we find that physical capital complements political capital for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) while this relationship is substitutional for private firms. This result can be explained by the changes in firms' economic performance after the reduction in political capital. Our findings provide an important policy implication. That is, governments should lessen policy burdens on SOEs and reduce institutional discrimination against private firms.  相似文献   

This study of philanthropy among large Black-owned businesses provides insights into a sector of business giving which has not been studied. Results indicate that philanthropy and ethical justifications play a more important role in minority business enterprises than in non-minority firms studied previously.  相似文献   

The external business environment is a major determinant of which sources firms select to obtain financial capital. We examine how the regulatory, political, and financial dimensions of the institutional environment influence the extent to which firms rely on informal sources of financial capital. The analyses of data from 2869 firms in twenty-six transition economies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) indicate that ineffective regulatory system, underdeveloped financial system, and government corruption are strong determinants of firms' reliance on informal channels for financial capital. We also find that smaller firms are more vulnerable when the local financial system is underdeveloped and the regulatory institutions are less effective in these transition economies. A subgroup analysis of firms' forms of establishment shows that private firms are sensitive to the level of development of the local financial system and state-owned enterprises are particularly sensitive to the degree of corruption.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the reform period, though informal institutions as a substitute for formal institutions efficiently promoted the development of private enterprises, it eroded and destroyed the authority and execution efficiency of formal institutions with guanxi behaviors and implicit rules. With the progress of marketization, how to restrain and guide the evolution of informal institutions is an unavoidable obstacle for the development of private enterprises— transforming their competitive strategy from “non-market” dominance to “market” dominance. Based on survey data of 2,628 private enterprises from 31 provinces in China, we establish a regional commercial culture index to empirically investigate the different influences of guanxi behavior between entrepreneurs of different ages and regional guanxi culture. The results show that, compared with entrepreneurs who started businesses in recent years, i.e., after the 1990s, those who started businesses during the 1970s and the 1980s are more dependent on guanxi behaviors. Meanwhile, the higher the level of education, the less an entrepreneur is likely to be dependent on guanxi behaviors. However, compared with the constraint of the degree of regional marketization, regional guanxi culture promotes entrepreneurs’ guanxi behaviors. Further research indicates that the more enterprises depart from regional guanxi culture, the stronger the ability to innovation. This study can not only enrich the institutional analysis of entrepreneurs’ guanxi behaviors, but also provide a theoretical foundation for further expansion and deepening of reform.  相似文献   

未来的5~10年,将是中国家族企业集中传承的一个重要时期,而有的企业家已经将这个过程向前延伸,方太集团早在1999年就启动了这个程序,经过十多年的考试,作为董事长与父亲的茅理翔,如何看待作为总裁与儿子的茅忠群?十多年的考量,如何评定茅理翔的传承之旅?以下的篇章向读者阐述了一个家族企业的交接是如何在中国大地上悄然开始、又顺利传承的……  相似文献   

There is evidence from a number of countries that small firms encounter a shortage of long-term investment finance, particularly at start-up and initial growth. Expansion of the institutional venture capital industry has done little to fill this equity gap on account of its preference for making large investments in established companies and management/leveraged buyouts. Moreover, the supply of venture capital exhibits a high level of spatial concentration. Initiatives by state/provincial and local governments, most notably in economically lagging regions, to increase the supply of risk capital for start-ups and early stage businesses have at best provided a very partial, and often costly, solution. A more appropriate approach to increasing the supply of start-up and early stage finance is to facilitate the more efficient operation of theinformal venture capital market. Informal investors, or business angels, are private investors who provide risk capital directly to new and growing businesses in which they have no family connection. Most business angels are unable to find sufficient investment opportunities and so have substantial uncommitted funds available. There is also considerable scope for expanding the population of business angels. The most cost-effective means of closing the equity gap is therefore for the public sector to underwrite the operating costs of business introduction services whose objective is to overcome the two main sources of inefficiency in the informal venture capital market, namely the invisibility of business angels and the high search costs of angels seeking investment opportunities and entrepreneurs seeking investors, by the provision of a channel of communication between informal investors and entrepreneurs seeking finance.  相似文献   

Although the government of South Africa (SA) has formally adopted a policy of proactive support of entrepreneurship, providing business assistance to all of its entrepreneurs is beyond SA’s financial and human resource capabilities. This study utilizes the results of an in‐depth survey of entrepreneurs in SA’s townships to find: (1) The business and owner traits that predict revenues and job creation among the township entrepreneurs, (2) The key issues that challenge township entrepreneurs; and (3) What the answers to these issues imply about the appropriate content and recipients of business assistance to township entrepreneurs. A distinction is helpful in framing this study’s approach. In SA, registered (licensed) businesses are legally formal firms. In contrast, economically formal firms have institutionalized processes that lead to success as a profit‐making firm. We use this distinction in our analysis of the data and framing of the implications for business assistance strategy in SA.  相似文献   

Growth of women business enterprises (WBEs) has been rapid in fields like manufacturing, where their presence has traditionally been low. This movement partly reflects a growing emphasis on serving corporate and government customers. Women business owners complain that they have less access to clients than male-owned firms, when they seek to operate in markets beyond their traditional household clientele. This study empirically tests the hypothesis that WBEs are discriminated against, when they seek to sell their products to government agencies and other businesses. When WBE traits such as firm size, age, and industry of operation are controlled for statistically, WBEs are shown to have less access to business clients than male-owned firms.  相似文献   

The Palestinian Authority (PA) does not preside over a country in the traditional sense, but over the creation of a document that allows the Palestinians to have administrative responsibility for well-defined pieces of land. Thus, in order to understand the business climate under the PA, one must look to its guiding principles and observe the efforts of local entrepreneurs in Gaza and the West Bank. Pinzler discusses the economic, political and infrastructural developments in Palestine and the businesses there that are growing.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been an extraordinary level of entrepreneurial activity occurring in the United States. Venture start-ups, new incorporations even bankruptcies are reaching record numbers. Concurrent with the increase in entrepreneurial activity has been an effort within the Reagan Administration to privatize public sector programs designed to aid new and small, ongoing business ventures. The premise behind this movement is that private sector initiatives can better, and more efficiently, serve the needs of entrepreneurs and small business managers and can also offer new business opportunities for some entrepreneurs. At the same time, however, privatization could reduce the assistance programs currently targeting fledgling ventures, many of which are unable to afford a private consultant.The purpose of this article is to examine the economic impact of one public sector assistance program, the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), in terms of its contributions to new venture initiation in Georgia and South Carolina. The focus on the SBDC program is appropriate since over 50% of the counseling activities of most of the centers is devoted to pre-venture clients, i.e., individuals or groups considering starting a business. This study is important and timely, not only in respect to assessing the effectiveness of public sector assistance programs for pre-ventures, but also for assessing whether it is worthwhile from an economic perspective, to offer assistance to such individuals in the first place.Although it is difficult to be precise in attributing cause to effects in dynamic business ventures, our study indicates that the Small Business Development Center's client sample experienced a greater than expected number of business starts, and a higher than expected rate of survival. The results suggest that the net taxable sales, generated by these new ventures in 1984. was approximately $20 million in Georgia and $10 million in South Carolina. Results also suggest that almost 500 new jobs were created in Georgia and 600 new jobs were created in South Carolina between 1981 and 1984 as a result of successful business starts among SBDC pre-venture clients.While such figures are impressive, the bottom line of this study is that the new tax revenues generated by client firms exceeded the cost of delivering the services. Specifically, our conservative estimates suggest a $3.80 to $1.00 and $1.50 to $1.00 benefit to cost ratio for the center's pre-venture consulting services in Georgia and South Carolina, respectively. Furthermore, the value attached to the assistance received, by the entrepreneurs themselves, closely paralleled our estimates, lending additional validity to our conclusions. Resource constrained entrepreneurs can obtain effective business assistance from the SBDC free-of-charge, and the benefits to society accruing from this service far outweigh the cost of providing them.  相似文献   

On 19 October 2013, the Chinese government issued the Opinions on Further Regulation on Party and Political Leaders and Cadres Working Part-Time (Holding Office) in Enterprises, also known as the 18th Decree, to regulate government officials’ employment with businesses. The 18th Decree is widely perceived as having had a significant impact on the use of independent directors with political backgrounds by firms, given the prevalence of this business practice. This paper examines the market reaction to the 18th Decree to ascertain the value effect of political connections in China. We note a negative relationship between the political connections of independent directors and market reaction. We also note that the negative relationship between political connections and market reaction is moderated by ownership type and state of regional development. Specifically, we find that the negative relationship holds only for private firms in less developed regions. These results support our prediction that political connections add value to Chinese firms and that the value effect of political connection is contingent on institutional factors.  相似文献   


Nonprofit organizations want relationships with private sector businesses because nonprofits rely on fundraising to generate income, a portion of which is provided through the charitable giving of the private sector. Who the private sector contributes to, why they give, and what variables positively influence more giving, are all questions nonprofit organizations continuously want answers to. The answers though are often arbitrary, reflecting subjective criteria based on individual business preferences, the economic status of the marketplace, the community context, and the credibility of the nonprofit program. Because the relationship is dynamic and the answers may continue to change, nonprofits must continue to ask.

This article discusses an exploratory effort to identify the funding attitudes and behaviors of private sector businesses who contribute to their local nonprofit organizations.

The results showed the majority of private sector businesses who responded said they support their local nonprofits primarily with cash contributions, and identified altruism as a key motivation for giving. Results also revealed that their funding choices are somewhat arbitrary with little formalized process for decision-making. Dollars are contributed primarily by direction of individual managers or owners who prefer informal relationships with their local nonprofit organizations, but expect funding requests to clearly explain how the dollars will be used. The findings, although limited, provide results that further examine this complex relationship, and perhaps provide insight into how the relationship could be enhanced for the ultimate benefit of both organizations' needs.  相似文献   

风险承担是企业成功的关键,有助于提高企业的经营绩效与股东财富,但民营企业往往面临着风险承担水平不足的问题,在国家大力发展混合所有制改革的背景下,国有股权参股民营企业能否提高其风险承担水平呢?文章以2014-2019年上市民营企业为研究样本,重点考察国有股权参股是否以及如何影响民营企业的风险承担水平。研究结果表明,国有股权参股能显著提高民营企业的风险承担水平。进一步研究发现,当民营企业所处环境的政策不确定性高、参股国有股权来源于本地时,对风险承担水平的提高效果更为显著。文章的研究结论有助于深化对国有股参股及民营企业风险承担水平问题的理解与认识,为进一步推进混合所有制改革,促进民营企业可持续健康发展提供了新的理论支持与经验证据。  相似文献   

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