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会计环境是现代会计理论体系的一个重要课题,现已为中外会计界所关注。会计要得到生存和发展,必须适应其客观环境变化,才能促进经济管理,保护财产安全,维护市场秩序,提高经济效益,实现预期经营目标。一、我国基本国情与会计环境深化会计改革,不能离开我们的基本国情与会计环境。会计产生于经济管理的需要,办经济离不开会计,经济越发展,会计越重要,但会计必须随着经济的发展而发展。而我国会计的发展又必须要适合社会主义初级阶段的基本国情,既不能落后于经济、政治、法律、科技、文化的发展,也不能超越初级阶段的基本国情。(…  相似文献   

现实会计理论和会计实务中对同样的经济业务可以采用不同的会计政策,而会计政策始终左右着会计信息的生成,深深影响着上市公司的财务状况和经营成果,进而涉及到政府以及潜在的投资者、企业管理当局、债权人、供应商等利益相关者的经济利益,体现出强烈的经济后果特征。因此,对上市公司会计政策的选择进行管制是客观必要的。  相似文献   

在经济贸易全球化的今天,将计算机应用于会计数据处理、会计管理、财务管理以及会计预测和会计决策成为一种趋势.本文客观地分析普及会计电算化面临的问题,有针对性提出解决问题的对策和措施,不仅对会计电算化工作,而且对整个会计系统,都具有十分重大的作用.  相似文献   

现实会计理论和会计实务中对同样的经济业务可以采用不同的会计政策,而会计政策始终左右着会计信息的生成。深深影响着上市公司的财务状况和经营成果,进而涉及到政府以及潜在的投资者、企业管理当局、债权人、供应商等利益相关者的经济利益。体现出强烈的经济后果特征。因此,对上市公司会计政策的选择进行管制是客观必要的。  相似文献   

田少宇 《财经界(学术)》2010,(12):121-121,123
医院会计档案是医院档案的重要组成部分,是医院在经济管理业务中形成的,医院的会计档案资料是一个医院财务收支情况等方面的重要资料,它真实、客观地反映了一个医院的整个经济业务活动.本文主要是阐述医院会计档案的管理、作用、特点,及其在信息化形势下,医院会计档案所采取的应对措施,以及在医院的会计档案管理中存在的现实问题.  相似文献   

浅谈会计委派制的实行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周清林 《商业研究》2002,(11):19-20
会计委派制是由国家或者企业所有者将会计人员派驻到单位去开展财会工作的一种新的会计管理体制。实行会计委派制,能够使会计人员站在中介立场上,实施法律监督与会计监督,从而客观公正地记录和报送各种真实、准确的会计信息。它具有监督经济活动的全程性、及时性,监督与管理的双重性以及利益的独立性。它对于强化政府管理职能,加强国有资产管理,深化企业改革,堵塞会计管理漏洞,加强会计监督等方面都具有重要作用。  相似文献   

随着人类社会实践的不断完善和对管理的客观需要,会计应运而生,并依存一定的社会经济环境而发展。经济环境的变化势必对会计的发展起到一定的影响;会计只有存在于适合其发展的经济环境中,为其所处的经济环境服务时,才能够得以延续并发展壮大。通过从会计发展的历史和特点出发,结合国内外的经济环境现状,探究经济环境对会计中的会计准则和会计目标的影响,再对未来会计的发展趋势进行分析并提出有效的应对措施,从而使会计在更好地为经济服务的同时得到自身的长足发展。  相似文献   

企业会计职能强化措施的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计的基本职能是对经济活动进行核算和监督.会计的核算职能就是为经济管理搜集、处理、存储和输送各种会计信息.会计监督是指通过调节、指导、控制等方式,对客观经济活动的合理、合法有效笥进行考核与评价,并采取措施施加一定的影响,以实现预期的目标.传统的会计核算与监督主要是事后的核算与监督.随着管理要求的提高,会计的核算与监督职能已经拓展到事中与事前领域.会计监督与会计核算是紧密联系的,对经济活动进行会计核算的过程,同时也是实行会计监督的过程.为此,本文将站在会计传统理论的基础上,并结合会计在新时期的特点,对会计职能进行重新界定,并对现代企业管理中会计职能的强化措施进行简要探析.  相似文献   

会计国际化对会计信息工作的挑战与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计国际化是经济全球化和资本市场国际化的必然要求,它是指由于国际经济发展的需要,客观上要求各国在制定会计政策和处理会计事务中,逐步采用国际通行的会计惯例,以达到国际间会计行为的相互沟通、协调、规范和统一,亦即采用国际上公认的会计原则和方法来处理和报告各国的经济业务。会计信息是人们在财经活动中,运用会计理论和会计方法,通过会计实践,获得反映会计主体价值运动状况的一种经济信息。会计信息为国家宏观经济管理和单位内部的经营管理提供服务,它是经济决策的基础。随着我国加入WTO和经济全球化发展步伐的加快以及资本市场国…  相似文献   

“经济越发展,会计越重要”。会计作为经济管理工作的重要组成部分,是现代管理的客观需要,是社会主义现代化建设的需要。特别是改革开放实行市场经济以来,会计作用又有了新的内涵。因此,提高会计人员的基本素质是促进各项事业持续发展的重要保证。  相似文献   

目前,在我国会计监督管理中尚存在内部制度不完善、外部监督效率不高、会计人员的职业水平和职业道德素质较低、约束机制不健全等问题,严重阻碍了会计的有效监督。应进一步完善我国的《会计法,》强化企业会计监督机制,充分发挥会计监督与维护市场经济秩序的作用,保证《会计法》各项规定的贯彻落实,促进《会计法》与相关法律的衔接,以达到提高会计信息质量和经济效益的目的。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the legitimacy of accountants' recent involvement in social and ethical accounting, auditing and reporting (SEAAR). Support for accountants' legitimacy is proposed by highlighting some of the technical skills they offer to the SEAAR process as conceived in AA1000. It is argued that the relevance of these skills is strengthened within a conception of SEAAR which principally perceives it as a risk/stakeholder management process focused primarily on the concerns of corporate management as opposed to those of the wider society. However, the paper moves on to maintain that if we wish to promote a conception of SEAAR primarily focused on accountability to stakeholders (denoted as 'true accountability') as opposed to risk/stakeholder management, then, particularly in the domain of external social audit, the legitimacy of accountants' participation may be disputed. The paper therefore concludes by cautioning against facilitating the unquestioned entry of accountants into the realm of SEAAR.  相似文献   

财政部颁布的新会计准则是为适应新形势下国内外经济环境发展需要而作出的重大会计改革决策,其最重要的特征在于实现了与国际会计准则的趋同。新会计准则对城市商业银行面临四大挑战,城商行必须以建立健全保证新准则实施的配套制度,组织全方位、多层次培训,提高会计人员的执业能力,加强新准则实施的研究等为对策,从而推进城商行稳步发展。  相似文献   

While decision making scholarship in management has specifically addressed the objectivist assumptions within the rational choice model, a similar move within business ethics has only begun to occur. Business ethics scholarship remains primarily based on rational choice assumptions. In this article, we examine the managerial decision making literature in order to illustrate equivocality within the rational choice model. We identify four key assumptions in the decision making literature and illustrate how these assumptions affect decision making theory, research, and practice within the purview of business ethics. Given the breadth of disciplines and approaches within management decision making scholarship, a content analysis of management decision making scholarship produces a greater range of assumptions with finer granularity than similar scholarship within business ethics. By identifying the core assumptions within decision making scholarship, we start a conversation about why, how, and to what effect we make assumptions about decision making in business ethics theory, research, and practice. Examining the range of possible assumptions underlying current scholarship will hopefully clarify the conversation and provide a platform for future business ethics research.  相似文献   

社会资本作为一种非制度化要素,以网络、信任和规范的形式,增进了社会信任、团结与合作。事实表明,社会资本不仅能够对法治秩序提供有效的伦理价值支撑,为公共行政领域提供必要的社会整合,也促进了政府的民主和效率。然而,当下我国的社会资本出现了异型发展走向,进而形成了对公共行政伦理秩序的冲击。因此,必须对社会信用关系、网络和规范体系进行现代性重建,以充分发挥其对公共行政伦理秩序的建构和支撑作用,推进我国公共行政领域的民主和法治进程。  相似文献   

Recently, the ethical rather than just the economic resonance of entrepreneurship has attracted attention with researchers highlighting entrepreneurship and ethics as interwoven processes of value creation and management. Recognising that traditional normative perspectives on ethics are limited in application in entrepreneurial contexts, this stream of research has theorised entrepreneurship and ethics as the pragmatic production of useful effects through the alignment of public–private values. In this article, we critique this view and use Kant’s concept of reflective judgement as discussed in his Critique of the Power of Judgement to theorise ethical entrepreneurial practice as the capacity to routinely break free from current conventions through the imaginative creation and use of self-legislating maxims. Through an analysis of the narratives of 12 entrepreneurs, we suggest there are three dimensions to reflective judgement in entrepreneurial contexts: (1) Social Performance; (2) Public Challenge and; (3) Personal Autonomy. Whilst the entrepreneurs were alive to the importance of commercial return, their narratives demonstrated further concern for, and commitment to, standards that they rationally and imaginatively felt as being appropriate. In our discussion, we integrate the findings into existing theoretical categories from entrepreneurship studies to better appreciate ethics within the context of value creation.  相似文献   

The processes of economic integration induced by globalization have brought about a certain type of legal practice that challenges the core values of legal ethics. Law firms seeking to represent the interests of internationally active corporate clients must embrace and systematically apply concepts of strategic management and planning and install corporate business structures to sustain competition for lucrative clients. These measures bear a high conflict potential with the core values of legal ethics. However, we observe in parallel a global consolidation of these core values through an enhanced cooperation of national professional bodies, the use of international codes, and comparative legal ethics teaching and research. Furthermore, state regulation of the legal profession is concerned with preserving the core values of legal ethics to conserve the lawyer’s role in upholding the rule of law. This article defends that legal ethics is adapting to the pressures exerted by “managerial” approaches to legal practice without this altering core values that underlie legal ethics.
Bjorn FasterlingEmail:

In both the public and the business world, in academe as well as in practice, the ideas of Adam Smith are regarded as the bedrock of modern economics. When present economic conditions and management practices are criticised, Adam Smith is referred to by defenders and detractors of the current status quo alike. Smith, it is believed, defined the essential terms of reference of these debates, such as the rational pursuit of self-interest on part of the individual and the resultant optimal allocation of goods in free markets thanks to the workings of an “invisible hand.” In this article, we question whether this standard view of Smith, the economist, is tenable. We provide an extensive review of the extant secondary literature from economists, business ethicists, and philosophers, comparing their assessments to crucial elements of Smith’s theoretical system. As a result, we show that Smith, far from being an advocate of a value-free or even value-averse conception of economic transactions, stood for a virtue-based and values-oriented model of business. Accordingly, we argue current management education and the pedagogy of business ethics ought to be changed, and certain strategic conclusions drawn for business practice.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化、技术制度革新加快及会计职业本身职业范围的扩大,对会计本科课程设置提出了新的要求。目前,我国会计本科课程偏重技能教育忽视素质教育和职业道德的培养。应增加文科教育课程,开设与企管、财经相关的辩论课或在有关课时中分离出一部分课时作为辩论课,减少会计专业课,增设会计案例课,以培养出符合社会需要的会计人才。  相似文献   

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