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消费者搜索引擎使用行为特征及其营销启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在互联网搜索引擎应用日益普及的背景下,消费者往往会通过搜索引擎来搜寻商家以及其他消费者发布的信息,分析消费者引擎搜索使用行为特征,对于提高企业网络营销效果具有积极意义.本文分析了搜索引擎营销应用中的"注意力资源"问题及消费者搜索引擎使用行为特征,并针对这些行为特征提出企业搜索引擎营销建议.  相似文献   

张鹏 《北方经贸》2011,(4):88-89
随着网络技术的发展以及消费者消费理念的转变,电子商务模式被越来越多的企业和消费音所接受。企业通过互联网为消费者提供个性化的商品和服务已成为企业开展营销业务的有效渠道.网络经济时代,在以女性消费群体为主的化妆品市场中,网络营销模式变得越来越普遍,对传统的营销方式带来了挑战面对营销架道转变的契机,化妆品企业应把握住消费者消费理念和消费习惯的变化,通过搜索引擎和网络平台等一系列新的营销渠道来吸引更多消费者的注意力,从而为企业创造更多的利润。  相似文献   

当今信息社会,注意力已成为企业经营的一种稀缺资源,企业要提升市场竞争力,获取经济效益,必须首先吸引消费者注意.互联网时代,企业应转变原有营销方式,分析注意力经济下消费者行为变化特征,通过经营消费者注意,最终实现将注意力转化成为企业经济效益.  相似文献   

当今信息社会,注意力已成为企业经营的一种稀缺资源,企业要提升市场竞争力,获取经济效益,必须首先吸引消费者注意.互联网时代,企业应转变原有营销方式,在分析注意力经济下消费者行为变化特征,通过经营消费者注意,最终实现将注意力转化成为企业经济效益.  相似文献   

随着互联网的发展,人们获取信息的途径已经越来越多地转向网络,而搜索引擎是人们获取网络信息的重要手段之一,也是企业进行网络营销的主要手段之一。本文在搜索引擎及精准营销相关内容介绍的基础上,对企业借助搜索引擎进行的精准营销进行了介绍,并从营销效果及企业认可度对搜索引擎的精准营销进行总结。  相似文献   

搜索引擎营销模式及其商业价值分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在Web 2.0时代的今天,互联网已经影响到人类生活的各个方面,互联网用户对搜索引擎的依赖程度不断加深,搜索引擎已成为用户最喜爱的网络信息采集渠道,这使得搜索引擎营销越来越受到企业的重视.本文在阐述搜索引擎工作原理的基础上,分析了搜索引擎营销的主要模式,并对其商业价值进行探讨.  相似文献   

随着互联网和信息移动终端技术的发展,越来越多的企业开始尝试运用电子商务平台开展营销,搜索引擎营销也随之体现出其巨大的商业价值。文章以Web技术为切入点,通过对搜索引擎特点的介绍及SEM现状的分析,从企业层面提出相应策略,指出搜索引擎营销将成为开拓新市场,寻找新模式的重要突破口。  相似文献   

在互联网搜索引擎应用普及的背景下,消费者心理以及消费行为都表现得更为复杂和微妙,深入研究消费者通过以搜索引擎从网络获取信息的具体情况及其对购买决策的影响,对于提高搜索引擎营销活动的效果,以及增强企业关键词广告投放具有积极的意义.  相似文献   

移动互联网营销具有高效、精准、个性化、互动性等特点,改变了人们的消费模式和购买习惯,其对企业的营销策略设计、营销过程和营销结果也产生了重要影响。移动互联网使得消费者权力增加,大大提高了企业竞争强度、加快了企业的优胜劣汰。因此,在移动互联网时代,企业必须要积极引导消费者参与营销过程,持续采纳消费者对产品设计、性能改进的建议,不断提高事件营销能力,培养兼具营销知识、移动互联网知识和传播知识的综合性人才。  相似文献   

以消费者为本实施搜索引擎营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜鹏 《商场现代化》2007,(12):116-117
随着全球化和信息化的浪潮,网络营销已经成为企业不可忽视的营销途径;其中搜索引擎营销作为一项新兴的营销手段得到了广泛的关注。本文通过对搜索引擎在影响消费者决策方面作用的研究,基于精细加工可能性模型,结合传统网络广告研究领域关于广告效果影响因素的相关研究,将影响搜索引擎广告效果的因素分为四部分,分别是消费者对于搜索引擎的信任程度、搜索引擎广告的信息特征、搜索引擎广告的诉求特征、以及搜索引擎广告的风格因素。总结了影响搜索引擎营销成功的因素,为企业设定合适的营销策略提供了参考。  相似文献   

搜索引擎是中小企业的一种有效网络营销手段。目前比较吸引企业的搜索引擎营销模式主要有搜索引擎竞价排名、关键词广告、搜索引擎优化等。中小企业搜索引擎营销策略包括基于搜索引擎的网站优化策略、基于搜索引擎的网站推广策略、基于搜索引擎的广告投放策略、基于搜索引擎的信息收集策略.以及这些策略综合形成的组合。随着搜索引擎市场规模不断扩大并稳步发展,我国搜索引擎用户数量快速增长,用户对搜索引擎高度认可并广泛使用,搜索引擎营销的前景广阔。  相似文献   

Internet adoption in China is booming and purchasing power is growing steadily. Increasing numbers of Chinese turn to the Internet to search for information prior to a purchase. Based on 32 h of interviews with students and business professionals in China, and a questionnaire completed by a sample of 1140 students in Beijing and Belgium, our explorative study demonstrates that fundamental cultural, behavioral, economic, technical, and other characteristics of China cause significant differences between Chinese and Western Europeans in their online search process for information prior to a purchase. The differences occur in frequency, goal, types of information sought, types of websites used, search engine usage patterns, and contribution of user opinions. This has important implications for marketing practitioners in China, especially for multinational corporations that enter China and that are not familiar yet with the Chinese environment. Suggestions for future research are also provided.  相似文献   

邢丘丹  李娜  黄卫  牛冰洁 《商业研究》2011,(12):123-127
作为营销新观念,服务营销以客户需求为中心,以提供优质服务为手段和方式,除了向顾客提供满意的产品以外,还注重向顾客提供与之相关的各种服务。本文试图从服务营销中的顾客感知价值的角度出发,运用服务定价的基本理论,将顾客感知价值与网上银行信息安全产品的服务定价联系起来,从顾客感知价值的角度探讨网上银行信息安全产品的顾客服务与服务定价策略,不仅关注网上银行信息安全产品的销售,更加关注顾客的需求、顾客购买和使用产品全过程的感受,旨在通过取得顾客满意度、忠诚度,实现网上银行业绩的持续改善和长期增长。  相似文献   

This study introduces and examines a simulated attention-tracking methodology as an emerging technique to improve the study of in-store shopper behavior and decision making. To assess the viability of this new methodology, we examine its efficacy in producing consumer behavior data consistent with results predicted by the marketing literature. Empirical data across five grocery categories are used to examine the influence of personal, product, and situational differences on external information search. Findings show that the attention-tracking methodology is able to demonstrate expected results in almost all cases. The methodology is also able to provide a more complete view of external information search through tracing the observed search behavior preceding decision making. This proof of methodology responds directly to calls in the marketing and retailing literature to test new and emerging methodologies in support of research on in-store marketing and shopper behavior. Findings also provide managers with a methodology to examine the actual impact of marketing actions intended to capture shoppers’ attention at the retail shelf and to influence behavior.  相似文献   

随着因特网的迅猛发展,搜索引擎成为浏览者获取信息的主要途径之一。本文通过对搜索引擎5个主要环节的分析,介绍了搜索引擎的工作原理。  相似文献   

The Internet has significantly impacted the information search behavior of consumers. Many consumers regularly consult Internet sources for information on product categories, brands, manufacturers, and retailers, particularly when making a purchase decision about major durable goods. Automobiles are one example of such goods. The Internet has become a major source for information on automobile brands, attributes, and dealers. While much research has been done on the impact of the Internet on automobile information search behavior and search costs, there is limited work on the relationship between Internet use and the ultimate automobile choice. This type of relationship may have interesting managerial implications for both manufacturers of automobiles and firms that provide information on automobiles. This paper attempts to address this gap. It examines whether Internet use is associated with different choice patterns for automobiles. Using discrete choice analysis on automobile choice data, we explore whether there will be differences in the salience of specific information types for online versus offline consumers. We find that Internet users rely more on ratings while non-Internet users rely more on recommendations when making automobile choices. Our findings have several useful managerial implications for information provision, both online and offline.  相似文献   


Research in the area of electronic marketing has focused considerable attention on consumers' and advertisers' perceptions of the Internet as a marketing communication medium. Whilst such research has been undertaken mostly in the private sector, it is important to recognize, and attempt to understand, the growing number of public sector organizations that have an Internet presence. Results of a study of the perceptions of managers in public sector organizations of the Internet as a marketing communication tool are reported. Findings suggest that decision makers in the public sector who feel that there is a need for their organizations to have an Internet presence, are more inclined to adopt the Internet as part of their marketing communications program. Furthermore, they are more likely to feel that use of the Internet will improve their overall marketing effectiveness. It is also interesting to note that the perceived complexity of using the Internet has a significant effect on both the adoption of and attitude towards the Internet as a marketing communications tool. This suggests that there is still some uncertainty amongst public sector organizations as to the usefulness of the Internet in marketing their services.  相似文献   

搜索引擎营销的原理与模式分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱中平 《中国市场》2009,(45):93-94
搜索引擎营销作为网络营销的主要手段之一,是网络天然的过滤器装置,用户通过搜索引擎可以搜索、过滤出所需的信息,企业则通过搜索引擎锁定准确有效的目标客户。本文首先对搜索引擎的基本结构和工作原理进行了介绍,然后对搜索引擎的三种基本模式进行了分析。  相似文献   

当前我国市场经济发展的背景下,网络用户数量快速增长,网络消费已经被越来越多的人所接受,网络营销也越来越受到企业的重视,由此而产生的各类问题也收到市场参与各方的高度重视,企业作为消费品的提供者,要将深入挖掘网络营销的优势,将自身的发展与保护消费者权益有效的结合,最大程度的实现企业的价值。  相似文献   

Costly search can result in consumers restricting their attention to a subset of products–the consideration set–before making a final purchase decision. The search process is usually not observed, which creates econometric challenges. I show that inventory and the availability of different package sizes create new sources of variation to identify search costs in storable goods markets. To evaluate the importance of costly search in these markets, I estimate a dynamic choice model with search frictions using data on purchases of laundry detergent. My estimates show that consumers incur significant search costs, and ignoring costly search overestimates the own-price elasticity for products more often present in consideration sets and underestimates the elasticity of frequently excluded products. Firms employ marketing devices, such as product displays and advertising, to influence consideration sets. These devices have direct and strategic effects, which I explore using the estimates of the model. I find that using marketing devices to reduce a product’s search cost during a price promotion has modest effects on the overall category revenues, and decreases the revenues of some products.  相似文献   

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