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世茂地产、中信地产入股亚运城项目 世茂地产(00813.HK)6月24日晚间公告表示,公司与富力地产(02777.HK)、碧桂园(02007.HK)、雅居乐(03383.HK)以及中信地产订立股权协议,中信地产和世茂地产将各收购广州亚运城项目公司20%权益。  相似文献   

1.8月份社会消费品零售总额24893亿元,同比名义增长10.8%。(来源:国家统计局)2.8月底我国外汇储备3.5574万亿美元,比7月份减少939亿美元。(来源:央行)3.8月CPI同比上涨2.0%,PPI同比下降5.9%。(来源:国家统计局)4.8月份我国进出口总值2.04万亿元。(来源:海关总署)5.8月国内增值税收入2157亿元,同比下降4.7%。(来源:财政部)  相似文献   

随着我国经济和城镇化建设的高速发展,电梯数量与日俱增,电梯的安全性、可靠性也成为社会关注的焦点之一.特别是近年来,电梯事故频发,电梯问题投诉已排在特种设备举报投诉的首位.以2011年为例,全国发生电梯事故56起,死亡41人,根据事故发生的原因,因使用管理不当(主要指违规救援、不正确使用和逃生)导致的事故19起(33.9%)、死亡12人(29.3%);因违章作业(主要指安装调试、维保过程中)导致的事故17起(30.4%)、死亡18人(43.9%);因设备原因(维保不到位)导致的事故13起(23.2%)、死亡8人(19.5%);事故描述不详7起(12.5%)、死亡3人(7.3%).以上情况说明,造成电梯事故的主要原因是电梯使用管理不当和作业人员违规操作.因此,如何加强电梯的使用管理是摆在我们面前的一项重要课题.笔者根据多年的检验工作经验,就电梯使用管理中存在的一些问题进行分析,并提出解决对策.  相似文献   

This paper submits that the advantages gained by introducing a single currency at the domestic level, applies equally to the economy at the global level. The advantages gained are (1) a reduction of the inflation rate to one common rate (if required) amongst all states, (2) a possible reduced interest rate, (3) an expansion in investment, (4) an increase in development and trade due to the removal of uncertainty, (5) the reduction in transaction costs, and (6) the reduction in the cost of capital (Moshirian, 2004, p. 306). A single global currency has immediate implications in accounting for inflation as it presents an opportunity for the permanent removal of problems associated with accounting for inflation. This paper addresses the phenomenon of inflation and how accounting measurement and valuation associated with inflation is removed by the introduction of a single global currency.  相似文献   

The focus of the article is on the contribution of the perspective of supply chain management (SCM) to the explanation of internationalization processes. The empirical study is based on case studies of 20 small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international activities from China, India, New Zealand, and Singapore. All chosen firms were founded after 1980 in order to capture retrospectively the whole globalization process of each firm. All sample firms operate their supply chains (SCs) on the basis of information and communications technology (ICT). Depending on size, strategy, business model, industry, and mindset of the managers, firms use ICT on a range from integrating individual functional areas to integrating the whole SC through enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.  相似文献   

概述1.测量依据JJG 1012-2006《化学需氧量(COD)在线自动监测仪检定规程》.2.环境条件(5~30)℃,相对温度:≤85%.3.测量标准化学需氧量(COD)标准溶液.标准溶液浓度:500mg/L;U=2%,k=2.4.被测对象化学需氧量(COD)在线监测仪,示值误差≤10%.5.测量方法按仪器使用说明书要求,清洗取样管路,将仪器测量方式改为手动测量,按检定规程要求导入500 mg/L化学需氧量(COD)标准溶液,依次记录每次测量值,与参考值相比较,3次测量值的平均值减去参考值与参考值之比,即为该点的示值误差.  相似文献   

Stock prices have always been considered as unpredictable phenomena due to their dynamic patterns. Identifying the forces that contribute to variations of stock prices is probably one of the most researched areas in finance. This study relates stock prices to the stock volatility (measured by beta) and to corporate attributes, i.e., size, liquidity, profits, leverage, and returns. The study is based on manufacturing sector in India, and it is based on a sample of 3,027 manufacturing companies during the periods from 1991-1992 to 2006-2007 collected from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) database. The regressions were performed with the dummies for time effect and firm effect separately and then for both effects together. Panel data models have been used to estimate the stock prices equation. The model finds out fixed and random effects between independent and explanatory variables and analyzes them through Hausman test. The paper also studies multicollineairity that may exist amongst the selected variables. The study shows that volatility (represented by Beta), profit (represented by earnings per share (EPS)), and size (represented by market capitalization (MCAP)) significantly influence the stock prices (at the level of 5%). Panel data analysis using Hausman test supports the fixed effect model.  相似文献   

在传统的农业技术条件和涉农供应链管理模式下,典型的涉农链在时间竞争的强化与柔性机制的建立上面临诸多局限和障碍:(1)横亘于涉农供应链两类制造业之间的“速度陷区”.(2)“刚性点阵”.(3)“弱刹车机制”.(4)异构性问题.(5)时间竞争工具的有限性.(6)涉农供应链特殊的物流路径特征模式.上述诸因素综合作用形成了现实中两种常见的涉农链时间反应模式:弱反应模式和高成本反应模式.而现代供应链管理理念指导下涉农供应链时间竞争追求的却是-种有效反应模式.建立涉农供应链时间竞争的有效反应模式是一个复杂艰巨的过程.  相似文献   

There are over 100 historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in the United States. The majority of these HBCUs are located in the southeast section of the United States. HBCUs are a major supplier of certified public accountants (CPAs) to the profession. Therefore, the performance of candidates from HBCUs should be of interest to various constituents including educators, employers, parents, students, and other stakeholders. The purpose of this paper is to provide statistical performance on the 2011 CPA examination for large, middle, and small HBCUs based upon the number of testing events taken. Taking a testing event is not the same as passing a testing event. This was the dichotomy between quantity and quality of HBCUs' performances. For large HBCUs, Morehouse University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NC A&T), and Tennessee State University (TSU) were cited. For middle HBCUs, Albany State University, Norfolk State University (NSU), and North Carolina Central University (NCCU) were cited. For small HBCUs, Alcorn State University, Fisk University, and University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) were cited. The dichotomy between quantity and quality is real.  相似文献   

十不要: 1.不要欺骗他(她)(如孩子父母已经双亡,就不要说他们还活着)。 2. 不要承诺他(她)你做不到的事(如说我一定帮你找到你的父母)。 3. 不要强迫他(她)回乙或说话(不要说“没有关系,你说啊”)。  相似文献   

孙兆鹏  杨与肖 《经营者》2014,(24):80-81
对于保守的丰田而言,这绝对算得上是一次大胆的尝试. 11月8日、9日连续两天,丰田汽车(中国)投资有限公司(简称丰田中国)与丰田汽车研发中心(中国)有限公司(简称TMEC)在位于江苏省常熟市的TMEC面向全国媒体举办“丰田技术空间”大型技术体验活动.  相似文献   

李嘉诚的金手指伸向了上海A股市场. 3月12日,和记黄埔(0013.HK)发布公告,和黄旗下嘉云酒店集团有限公司(下称“嘉云酒店”)拟出资人民币6.576亿元,收购北京首旅股份(600258.SH)69.14%的股权.未来.首旅股份将以旅游景点资源及旅游地产为新的主营业务.  相似文献   

The progression through which a person acquires ,;kills, understanding, and opinions regarding a particular organization or company is called organizational learning (OL). In this study, the connection between organizational innovation (OI) and OL within the inf3rmation and communication technology (ICT) industry in Malaysia is surveyed. These relationships are examined, because various previous inquiries have shown that an imperative precursor to firm performance is OL. Two hundred and seventy-eight surveys were completed by small and medium organizations across Malaysia. The connections existing between the causes of OL and the causes of OI were ascertained by using structural equation modeling (SEM). Amongst the Malaysian small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that participated in fire study, OI and OL are considerably linked.  相似文献   

为业委会立法的想法是完全不合适的 舒可心(原北京朝阳因业委会主任) 最近,在深圳市人大代表杨剑昌先生的博客上,我们看到了其《立法制定(深圳市业主委员会条例)的议案》(http://space.sznews.com/?uid-9996821-actionviewspace-idemid-78794)。  相似文献   

古典领导理论的兴盛,为后人们认识领导行为和领导有效性作出了突出贡献,尤其是美国心理学家勒温(P.Lewin)、组织行为学家坦南鲍姆(R.Tannenbaum)、菲德勒(F.E.Fiedler)、日本大阪大学心理学教授三偶二不二、加拿大多伦多教授罗伯特.豪斯(Robert House)等人在古典领导理论方面做出了卓越的贡献。  相似文献   

In this paper it is examined whether firms following International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) exhibit higher accounting quality. While IFRS are supposed to improve international comparisons by harmonisation and definition of strong principles, Ball (2006) and Nobes (2006) were concerned about differences in the application of IFRS cross-countries and firms. Barth, Landsman & Lang (2008) stated that the flexibility of principles- based International Accounting Standards (IAS) could create incentives for firms to manage earnings. This paper contributes to analyse the impact of IFRS on accounting quality for European firms. The findings show that for firms in the European Union (EU) IFRS produce a negative effect on accounting quality that continues after 2005, when IFRS becomes mandatory. By contrast, for European firms which are not EU members the IFRS adoption increases accounting quality. These results support the concerns about IFRS application and flexibility and indicate that accounting quality does not improve just because the adoption of IFRS is mandatory.  相似文献   

SWOT分析法又称态势分析法,最早是由美国哈弗商学院教授K.J.安德鲁斯提出来的。该方法是对系统或机构内部的优势(Strength)和劣势(Weakness)、外部的机遇(Opportunity)和威胁(Threats)4个因素进行分析,并运用系统分析的方法,把各种因素相互匹配加以分析,从而寻找出理论上正确、实际上可行的战略组合。  相似文献   

SOM建筑设计事务所是美国最大的建筑师-工程师事务所之一。1936年,L.斯基德莫尔(Louis Skidmore)和J.O.S梅里尔(John O.Merrill)在芝加哥开始合作。1939年N.奥因斯(Natha-niel Owings)加入,事务所按三人的姓氏的第一个字母取名为SOM。  相似文献   

Empirical studies have shown that a large number of financial asset returns exhibit fat tails (leptokurtosis) and are often characterized by volatility clustering and asymmetry. This paper considers the ability of the GARCH-Type (Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity) models to capture the stylized features of volatility in national stock market returns for three countries (Portugal, Spain and Greece). The results of this paper suggest that in the presence of asymmetric responses to innovations in the market, the ARMA (1,1)-GJRGARCH(1,1) skewed Student-t model which accommodates both the skewness and the kurtosis of financial time series is preferred.  相似文献   

老板看奥运(2008年9月号);外企竞技会(2008年8月号);义商(2008年7月号);中国职业经理人的标杆(2008年8月号).  相似文献   

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