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杨卫  江昊 《海洋经济》2020,10(6):8-14
气候变暖下的北极渔业逐渐引起国际关注,而技术进步使人类进入北极成为可能,发展北极渔业成为缓解全球海洋渔业资源危机的可行方式。北极拥有丰富的渔业资源,但北极的生态环境极为脆弱,如何有序发展北极渔业、实现北极渔业的有效治理是当前国际社会议论的热点。运用文献综述法,对北极渔业资源相关研究进行归纳,从现有法律制度、管理组织、影响北极渔业治理的主要因素方面总结出北极的渔业治理与一般海洋渔业治理的不同之处,并对未来北极可行的渔业治理模式进行展望。  相似文献   

近年来,全球渔业普遍面临着过度投资、种群枯竭、渔获量下降和资源利用冲突加剧等问题,严重阻碍了渔业可持续发展目标的实现。本论文从经济学的角度,分析了渔业经济绩效最大化问题、渔业过度投资和渔业资源过度利用问题、渔业管理制度安排及其激励效应问题。在此基础上,总结归纳了成功的渔业管理制度必须满足的一些必要条件。  相似文献   

现代分权制企业的绩效管理中常应用的绩效管理会计方法一标准成本管理、预算管理、事业部制管理会计、平衡记分卡对相关责任中心的绩效评价目标和考核基准有所不同,各相关责任中心管理可能性基准呈内涵扩张趋势。  相似文献   

Demand and contingent valuation models are used to analyze survey data obtained from a sample of recreational boat and shore fishers in southern Queensland. The value of the recreational fishery to the average fisher in the sample and the value of marginal increases in catches of target species are estimated. These estimates are used to calculate the value of Pigovian taxes representing the marginal cost of catch and congestion externalities imposed by the beam trawl fishery on the recreational fishery. The results suggest that the cost of these externalities does not justify the closure of the beam trawl fishery.  相似文献   

This paper experimentally studies the extraction decisions of a sole owner in a fishery, the population dynamics of which behave according to the standard deterministic logistic growth model. Four treatments were implemented which differed in the level of information supplied to the subjects. Compared to the theoretic benchmark, the data reveal that efficiency losses increase as the information on population dynamics and stock size deteriorates. Three common patterns of behaviour are identified. The distribution of these patterns is significantly affected by the informational setting.  相似文献   

We compare the amount of information credibly transmitted by cheap talk when information is centralized to one sender and when it is decentralized, with each of several senders holding a distinct but interdependent piece. Under centralization, full information transmission is typically impossible. Under decentralization, however, the number of receivers is decisive: decentralized communication with one receiver is completely uninformative, but decentralized communication with multiple receivers can be fully informative. We analyze the extent of such fully-informative communication, and apply our results to the issue of transparency in advisory committees.  相似文献   

In this paper, we model the dynamic behavior of prices in a network of interconnected, but decentralized, electric power markets—an architecture very different from the centralized exchanges and power pools currently being implemented by many state regulators. We estimate dynamic equations of unregulated, wholesale power prices at spot markets scattered over an eleven-state trading region. The results indicate that this decentralized system of power and transmission trading produces prices that are efficient and dynamically stable over this vast network. Price convergence in the power market is similar to what has been observed in the recently deregulated natural gas market.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We utilize a random‐matching model to examine the relationships between market frictions and international trade. In our setting, an individual may choose to search abroad where she may have a cost advantage, but is less likely to meet potential trading partners, owing to higher market frictions. Interestingly, we find that international trade may be associated with lower welfare than autarky. We show how this is due to price distortions resulting from bargaining when there are opportunities for exchange across countries. JEL classification F10, C78, D83  相似文献   

In this paper, a three-country dynamic bio-economic simulation model is presented for the spring-spawning herring fishery. The international spring-spawning herring fishery, based on potentially one of the most valuable fish stocks in the world, is currently recovering from a severe depletion of the stock and subsequent harvesting moratorium. Management of the herring fishery is complicated by its multi-nation exploitation, due to the highly migratory behaviour of the species moving between several coastal state zones (exclusive economic zones, EEZs) and the high seas (Ocean Loop). Based on extensive work invested on analysing both the biology of the herring stock and the fisheries economics around its exploitation we study here the profiles of different multi-agent management schemes, simulating catch levels, stock size and profit potentials of alternative management strategies. The stock dynamics are described by a linear discrete-time age-structured population model and the economics are presented by a rent maximising model with constant price of herring catch and different costs of harvesting and efficiency levels for the different national fleets. The simulations, carried out over several decades, show that the benefits of international co-operation far exceed the returns of a competitive open access fishery.JEL Classifications: C7, C15, Q22  相似文献   

We study a problem involving a team of agents each associated with a node in a chain. Each agent makes a decision that influences only his own cost and those of adjacent agents. Prior to making his decision, each agent observes only the cost structure associated with nodes that can be reached by traversing no more than r arcs. Decisions are selected without any coordination, with the common objective of minimizing average cost among agents. We consider such decisions decentralized since agents act based on different information. Cost incurred by an optimal centralized strategy, in which a single decision-maker has access to all information and dictates all decisions, is employed as a performance benchmark. We show that, to maintain a certain level of performance relative to optimal centralized strategies, decentralized deterministic strategies require r to be proportional to the number of agents. This means that the amount of information accessible to any agent should be proportional to the total number of agents. Stochastic strategies, on the other hand, decentralize more gracefully—the amount of information required by each agent is independent of the total number of agents.  相似文献   

We study decentralized learning in organizations. Decentralization is captured through Crawford and Haller's [Learning how to cooperate: optimal play in repeated coordination games, Econometrica 58 (1990) 571-595] attainability constraints on strategies. We analyze a repeated game with imperfectly observable actions. A fixed subset of action profiles are successes and all others are failures. The location of successes is unknown. The game is played until either there is a success or the time horizon is reached. We partially characterize optimal attainable strategies in the infinite horizon game by showing that after any fixed time, agents will occasionally randomize while at the same time mixing probabilities cannot be uniformly bounded away from zero.  相似文献   

Summary. Several `smart market' mechanisms have recently appeared in the literature. These mechanisms combine a computer network that collects bids from agents with a central computer that selects a schedule of bids to fill based upon maximization of revenue or trading surplus. Potential problems exist when this optimization involves combinatorial difficulty sufficient to overwhelm the central computer. This paper explores the use of a computation procuring clock auction to induce human agents to approximate the solutions to discrete constrained optimization problems. Economic and computational properties of the auction are studied through a series of laboratory experiments. The experiments are designed around a potential application of the auction as a secondary institution that approximates the solution to difficult computational problems that occur within the primary `smart market', and show that the auction is effective and robust in eliciting and processing suggestions for improved schedules. Received: November 5, 1996; revised version: September 30, 1997  相似文献   

This paper uses a semi-parametric empirical model to estimate the economic benefits of adopting a property rights-based management program in the Gulf of Mexico grouper fishery. The analysis predicts that a rights-based fleet will be comprised of fewer, more cost efficient boats than under the current controlled access management program. Results indicate that in the year of our data, 1993, the smaller, more productive fleet could harvest the allowable reef fish catch at a cost saving of $2.92–$7.07  million, 12–30% less than under controlled access management. Recent tightening of controlled access regulations suggest that the benefits from management reform could be even larger in the current day fishery.   相似文献   

生态渔业的主要模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在对生态渔业概念界定的基础上,运用实证研究与规范研究相结合的方法,对我国发展生态渔业的必要性和可行性进行了,在此基础上指出,生态渔业应当成为我国实现渔业可持续发展的主要模式,为了发展生态渔业,应对目前生态渔业尚存在的若干问题进行研究,并采取制度创等对策。  相似文献   

Decentralized targeting of an antipoverty program   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Developing country governments often delegate authority over the targeting of antipoverty programs to community organizations, while retaining control over how much goes to each community. We offer a theoretical characterization of the information structure in such programs and the interconnected behavior of the various players. Our model motivates an econometric specification for explaining distributional outcomes. Results for Bangladesh's Food-for-Education (FFE) Program indicate that within-village targeting improved with program size, lower land inequality, less remoteness, fewer shocks, and less private redistribution. There is no sign that the center took account of village attributes conducive to reaching the poor.  相似文献   

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