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关万武  陈玲 《价值工程》2014,(21):64-65
水利电力工程关系到广大人民的切身利益,同时还影响到我国整体的国民经济效益,必须高度重视。本文就我国水利电力工程存在的潜在风险危险以及如何破除这些安全隐患,提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

在建筑工程项目建设阶段当中,需要建立统筹性的管理策略,对整个工程开展阶段进行深入的质量监督与安全监管,并结合自身情况以及工程战略目标,对质量安全监督当中的潜在风险与潜在问题进行全方位探究与剖析,降低问题出现的概率.通过科学的解决手段,从体制建立、人员管理、建材设备质量检测以及施工工艺等方面进行全过程有效管控,进一步提升...  相似文献   

梁韬 《企业活力》1993,(10):21-22
<正> (一) 潜在市场的竞争,是市场竞争中十分重要的内容。所谓潜在市场,就是目前对某种产品尚无明显需求,但将来某个时间将对该产品提出需求的潜在消费者所构成的市场。  相似文献   

小志 《中国就业》2013,(5):13-13
经济潜在增长率及其指标的重要性经济潜在增长率是指一国(或地区)在一定时期内,在既定的技术和资源(劳动力、资本)条件下,且就业比较充分和通货膨胀不严重的情况下,各种资源的最优和充分配置所能达到的最高经济增长率。经济潜在增长率主要由劳动、资本和全要素生产率等因素决定,其中任何一种因素的趋势性变化,都会引起经济发展的长期趋势出现变化。其中劳动人口数量的增长率和单位劳动生产率的增长率起主要作用。  相似文献   

潜在客户是指对某种产品有需要但还没有成为现实购买的客户.本文通过对潜在客户的定义及潜在客户的分类,提出了寻找潜在客户的方法和选择潜在客户的步骤.  相似文献   

企业要在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,首要任务就是创造顾客。要实现这一任务,市场开拓者不但要善于维系现有的顾客,更要精于发现潜在的顾客。潜在顾客是可能成为现实顾客的个人或组织。这类顾客或有购买兴趣、购买需求,或有购买欲望、购买能力,但尚未与企业或组织发生交易关系。潜在顾客包含一般潜在顾客和竞争者的顾客两大部分。所谓一般潜在顾客是指已有购买意向却尚未成为任何同类产品或组织的顾客,以及虽然曾经是某组织的顾客但其在购买决策时,对品牌的认可较为随意的顾客;竞争者顾客是指本企业的竞争对象所拥有的顾客群体。要促成潜…  相似文献   

随着城市建设与城市可用地之间矛盾的日益突出,高层建筑、超高层建筑获得了迅速的发展,对基坑工程的设计及施工要求也越来越高,施工难度也越来越大。同时深基坑工程受外界因素的影响较大,施工影响因素较多,因此潜在危险性也较大,需要对其加强施工管理研究。文章立足于深基坑工程施工的相关理论,结合具体工程实例,对深基坑工程施工质量管理与应用进行了研究与分析。  相似文献   

潜在客户无处不在,而如何锁定自己的潜在客户呢?首先让我们来看一下潜在客户应具备的条件:有购买需求,并且买得起,有购买的决定权。知道了这些应如何寻找呢?  相似文献   

潜在市场是客观存在的, 只是由于受政治法律、 社会文化、经济环境、消费心理等诸多因素的影响没有显露出来。现代企业,不但重视显在市场的竞争,更注重潜在市场的开发。可以说,潜在市场的挖掘已成为企业赢得竞争优势的重要举措。 连锁挖潜术 一种新产品的产生,会以连锁反应的方式,牵动若干相关或类似产品的出现,涌现一系列的潜在市场。当人们开发了洗衣机,顺着洗衣机这根“藤”,人们又开发出甩干机,洗衣机和甩干机不能使衣物迅速干燥,“干衣机”、  相似文献   

潜在增长率是在潜在产出基础上延伸而来的概念,指经济处在潜在产出水平时的增长率。潜在产出是指在既定的技术和资源(劳动力和资本等)条件下,在不引发加速通货膨胀的情况下,所能达到的可持续的最高产出。潜在增长率可视为经济增长的长期均衡水平和  相似文献   

This study presents a model of quality disclosure in which an incumbent, through its quality and disclosure choices, influences the potential that a new entrant enters the market. In this regard, we consider a sequential framework in which the incumbent chooses its quality and decides whether to disclose it to the market; subsequently, the entrant makes the same decisions, if it enters the market. We show that the potential competition can create strategic incentives for the incumbent to choose nondisclosure, because the availability of information about the incumbent's quality promotes entry by enhancing the entrant's expected profit from the market. In addition, an analysis of the effects of mandatory disclosure laws suggests that they can be effective in encouraging new market entrants and in improving the product quality of established firms.  相似文献   

This paper studies potential games allowing the possibility that players have incomplete preferences and empty best-response sets. We define four notions of potential games, ordinal, generalized ordinal, best-response, and generalized best-response potential games, and characterize them using cycle conditions. We study Nash equilibria of potential games and show that the set of Nash equilibria remains the same when every player’s preferences are replaced with the smallest generalized (best-response) potential relation or a completion of it. Similar results are established about strict Nash equilibria of ordinal and best-response potential games. Lastly, we examine the relations among the four notions of potential games as well as pseudo-potential games.  相似文献   

In a recent paper Bogetoft and Hougaard (1999) suggest the use of a new potential improvements approach to efficiency evaluation which has the advantage of separating the issue of benchmark selection from the issue of efficiency measurement. In the present paper the potential improvements inefficiency index is reexamined and a DEA-like approach for its determination is suggested. The approach is called Multi-directional Efficiency Analysis (MEA). An empirical example on Danish dairy farms is used for illustrative purposes and comparisons with various versions of DEA.  相似文献   

本文通过构建随机前沿引力模型估计了中国的前沿出口水平以及出口潜力,并将影响中国出口的因素分为自然决定因素和人为决定因素,分别估计了这些因素对于出口的影响程度,由此确认了中国出口的需求拉动特征。同时,中国出口处于低效率状态,说明其所受的人为贸易阻力较大,随着世界贸易环境的改善,中国仍然具有较大的出口潜力。在当前外部需求减弱的情况下,通过短期政策促进出口企业产能具有重要的危机应对意义。从长期而言,出于维护国家经济安全的考虑,注意开发国内市场,启动内部消费,适当降低中国经济增长的对外依赖程度仍然是经济政策的重要指向。  相似文献   

张开驹 《价值工程》2012,31(35):163-165
本论文首先阐述了InGaN/GaN异质结的形成及XRD实验表征,然后基于三角形势阱模型,通过自洽求解薛定谔方程和泊松方程,对InGaN/GaN异质结势阱进行了自洽模拟计算,讨论了不同In组分对InGaN/GaN异质结势阱以及异质结界面附近电子浓度分布的影响。结果说明,通过求解薛定谔方程和泊松方程可以模拟InGaN/GaN异质结的势阱结构。  相似文献   

一名零售经理负责的年营业额超过8,000万美元.一名航空公司经理管理的年客运额超过1.6亿美元.一名银行经理每年处理的客户问询超过700万条。他们并非公司总部高管.他们是一线员工幕后的但非常重要的管理者。  相似文献   

Potential Discrimination in Structured Employment Interviews   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This experimental study examines the effects of bias toward persons with disabilities (PWDs) upon the employment interview decision process. The design and operationalization of the study permitted examination of the effects of specific disabilities, interview performance, and the resulting interaction between disability and interview performance, using 630 undergraduate students at a major university in the southwestern United States as subjects. The results indicate that (1) interview performance has a favorable, significant main effect upon subsequent HRM decisions, (2) specific disabilities, that is, child care demands, HIV-positive status, and being wheelchair-bound, have unfavorable, significant main effects upon subsequent HRM decisions, and (3) the presence of any of the disabilities decreased the favorable impact of superior interview performance. The limitations of the structured interview to mitigate bias were demonstrated. Given the pervasive, unfavorable treatment directed toward PWDs, it appears that the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (1993) is warranted. The public policy implications of these results and recommendations for future research were discussed.  相似文献   

We introduce simple production economic models to estimate the potential gains from mergers. We decompose the gains into technical efficiency, size (scale) and harmony (mix) gains, and we discuss alternative ways to capture these gains. We propose to approximate the production processes using the non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach, and we use the resulting operational approach to estimate the potential gains from merging agricultural extension offices in Denmark.JEL Classification: D20, L11, L22, P41, G34  相似文献   

1 潜在顾客是组织争夺的对象潜在顾客是针对现实顾客而言的,是可能成为现实顾客的个人或组织。要使组织的顾客队 伍扩大,除了把潜在顾客变为现实顾客之外,别无他选。市场竞争主要就体现为对潜在顾客 的竞争。如果说培养顾客忠诚还只是保留住现实顾客从而使组织能生存下去的话,那么争夺 潜在顾客则是扩大顾客队伍,从而使组织得到发展。“组织依存于顾客”,在很大程度上就是依存于潜在顾客。忽视潜在顾客,是组织的致命 伤。在现代社会,除了极个别的自然垄断行业(如提供公共服务的政府、邮政等)之外,其他任 何产品或服务的提供者,都…  相似文献   

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