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The importance of experiential knowledge for small firm internationalization has been emphasized in the process model of internationalization, the international new venture or born-global frameworks and the management characteristics perspective in the exporting literature. However, none examines in detail under what conditions experiential learning is more important for internationalization. We borrow insights from the socialization tactics literature to theorize how the context, content and social aspects of a foreign sojourn offer different opportunities for the acquisition of experiential knowledge to support the internationalization of small firms. We suggest that socialization tactics moderate the relationship between individual international experiential knowledge and small firm internationalization. We propose that the opportunities for international experiential learning are superior when the socialization context is individual and formal (rather than collective and non-formal), the socialization content is sequential and fixed (rather than random and variable) and when socialization involves serial and investiture (rather than disjunctive and divestiture) social aspects.  相似文献   

Motivated by the paucity of studies examining the effects of strategic decision-making processes on accelerated internationalization, this study draws on the organizational information processing theory and the resource-based view of the firm to argue that procedural rationality and politicization have a negative effect on accelerated internationalization of SMEs. Using a sample of 176 internationalized Greek SMEs, the study finds that the procedural rationality and politicization of SMEs reduce the probability of accelerated internationalization. These relationships are more pronounced in munificent international environments, indicating that when accelerated internationalization is constrained by strategic decision-making processes, SMEs may miss opportunities in attractive international markets. The study contributes to the organizational information processing theory, to the literature on the speed of decisionmaking in SMEs, and to the literature on accelerated SME internationalization.  相似文献   

We employ the opportunity-based international entrepreneurial culture (IEC) comprehensive notion that draws upon the opportunity-based view (OBV). The OBV supports the idea that entrepreneurs mold the organizational behavior and characteristics of their firms to pursue opportunities abroad. We set out to explore possible attitudinal differences as regards exploitation of opportunities within firms in each of three internationalization dimensions that are previously identified in the literature, notably time to internationalization, country market presence and international mode. We perform eighteen case studies on high-performing internationalized small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in knowledge intensive sectors. The evidence refines the OBV as it manifests how three IEC characteristics (namely risk attitude, market orientation and networking propensity) matter for firms in the three internationalization dimensions. The study further adds to the international entrepreneurship literature that has until now myopically focused on international new ventures as if they were the sole opportunity-driven group of internationalized SMEs.  相似文献   

This study investigated how domestic interfirm networks contribute to a better understanding of the internationalization process of Taiwanese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the automobile and textiles sectors. The rapid growth of business networks in Taiwan's newly internationalizing firms provides an appropriate context in which to study the emergence and evolution of such networks. Findings from the in-depth case studies indicate that domestic interfirm networks are a major factor in the decision to internationalize. Furthermore, the benefits of assured orders in an unknown international market coupled with the availability of market information from other network partners can be a potential source of competitive advantage for the internationalized SME.  相似文献   

This paper explores how Facebook effectively used crowdsourced translation to accelerate its rapid internationalization. We apply the learning perspective of internationalization theory to unpack what the firm learned in order to mobilize crowd-based knowledge to facilitate internationalization in the virtual context, and how it did so. Increasingly, global activities are conducted in virtual space and virtual markets and thus the paper offers insights into successful expansion in this new terrain. The findings highlight two key points: (1) the firm used cognitive/explicit learning to acquire external and codified knowledge, rather than the experiential knowledge traditionally suggested in the literature on the process of internationalization, and (2) the firm's success rested on its ability to use virtual learning tools and incentive systems to acquire, articulate and integrate knowledge from communities of internationally dispersed users – the “crowd” – to accelerate its internationalization in cyberspace. This empirical study extends internationalization theory regarding knowledge and organizational learning.  相似文献   

This article aims to contribute toward a better understanding of the opportunity development process that rapidly internationalizing small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) undergo. Little is known about how SMEs overcome challenges in the process of recognizing and exploiting market opportunities during their rapid expansion abroad. This article presents a longitudinal case study that illustrates how a firm's relationships with business, social, and political actors enhance its opportunity development during the internationalization process. The findings highlight that conducting matching activities at different levels helps the firm overcome challenges and succeed in developing new opportunities for continued expansion abroad. This study contributes to research on rapidly internationalizing firms by broadening the empirical and theoretical understanding of the opportunity development process for smaller firms. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper is based on behavioral theory on internationalization, examining the effect of firms operations in the domestic market on experiential knowledge development in the internationalization of the firm. Five hypotheses are developed on the effects of business operations in the domestic market on: internationalization knowledge, business knowledge and institutional knowledge. The LISREL analysis of 206 firms shows that domestic operations effect the accumulation of experiential knowledge in internationalizing firms. We found that it is harder for a firm with long domestic experience to change their mental models and processes in the internationalization process.  相似文献   

IJV research highlights the importance of learning in international joint ventures (IJVs) but has not indicated how to achieve it. We combine organizational learning and internationalization process research within a microfoundations framework to understand learning in IJVs. We study a Samsung–Tesco IJV that successfully learned retail practice from one partner and applied it in a South Korean context known by the other. The managers used many learning processes, not just experiential learning emphasized in international business research, and used many more knowledge sources than assumed in prior research, including the IJV partners’ other subsidiaries. To build absorptive capacity, IJVs need appropriate microfoundations at individual, process and structural levels, and coherent interlinkages between them, especially by having IJV managers’ with extensive experience and orientation to learn who are given structural and process autonomy to invest in learning.  相似文献   

Context matters in International Business, but to what extent does it influence the content of knowledge? This study offers a systematic literature review on the internationalization of New Zealand firms. A geographically isolated small open economy (SMOPEC) with audacious trade aspirations, a strong domestic institutional environment, favorable attitude toward trade, and entrepreneurial small-to-medium size enterprises (SMEs), New Zealand provides an enlightening context to study internationalization. Using a sample of 95 studies, the review identifies antecedents, stimuli, capabilities, strategy, process and outcomes underpinning internationalizing New Zealand firms (INZFs). Context matters but not in the manner anticipated. On one hand research on the internationalization of New Zealand firms is largely congruent with extant knowledge, on the other the New Zealand context shapes uniquely, how and what scholars choose to research.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, the “Bring In” and “Go Global” policies implemented in China have encouraged an unprecedented level of investment in and out of the country, creating unique opportunities for Chinese firms to learn and innovate along the paths of inward and outward internationalization. The international business (IB) literature has yet to satisfactorily explain what has been learnt by the Chinese firms and whether and how their learning and innovation have taken place over time. This special issue examines the specific content, nature, mechanisms, processes, and internal and external conditions and contexts of learning and innovation of Chinese firms during the course of inward and outward internationalization. We provide an overview of the “Bring In” and “Go Global” policies, assess the current state of the field, and explicate how the research articles in the special issue contribute to the understanding of learning and innovation of Chinese firms along the paths of inward and outward internationalization.  相似文献   

While the international business literature has mainly focused on the firm- or industry-level antecedents of internationalization strategies, scholars have recently advocated a greater focus on the microfoundations of firms’ strategic decisions. Building on the regulatory focus theory, this study focuses on how CEO promotion and prevention foci impact firm internationalization. Looking into dispositional and situational attributions, this study also theorizes how these factors moderate the relationship between a CEO’s psychological motivations and firm internationalization. Using data from publicly traded US firms listed in the Fortune 500, the findings of this study show that a CEO’s promotion focus is positively associated with the extent of a firm’s internationalization, whereas a CEO’s strong prevention focus limits the extent of a firm’s internationalization. The findings also reveal that the relationship between a CEO’s regulatory focus and the extent of a firm’s internationalization is moderated by a CEO’s overconfidence, narcissism, and career horizon. These findings have important research and managerial implications for firms engaged in international business.  相似文献   


One of the most frequently discussed topics in the current international business literature is the impact of the Internet on the internationalization of smaller manufacturing enterprises (SMEs). The study was carried out through a mail survey of the top executives of 125 Wisconsin firms. It examined 10 research hypotheses on internal and external factors which had been identified by previous research to influence the internationalization of SMEs through the Internet. Research findings conclude that the scope of internationalization of SMEs through the Internet is affected by internal factors, such as managements' perceptions of the effectiveness of their web sites as a marketing tool, lack of experience, and SMEs' potential usage of the Internet.  相似文献   

The sudden COVID-19 pandemic sent shockwaves through international markets. This paper studies the relation between multinationality and risk. While IB literature agrees that internationalization, in times of relative stability, increases systematic risk, we argue that internationalization also improves resilience against exogenous shocks. Leveraging the sequential COVID-waves as a unique empirical laboratory, we show that although multinationality causes liability of foreignness that increases systematic risk, it also generates an asset of multinationality that enhances shock resilience. Yet this advantage of internationalized firms gradually erodes as less internationalized firms learn about the shock and investors adapt their valuations to the post-shock reality.  相似文献   

近10年来中国企业的国际化程度迅速提高,"走出去"的规模迅速增大。从企业特点和国际市场态势观察,中国应该从大型企业领衔对外投资扩展到鼓励支持更多中小企业"走出去"。中小企业的国际化水平,是反映中国经济和中国企业国际化水平的重要内容。中小企业在提升国际化水平的时候,要注意发挥其独特的优势,并在行业选择、区域选择和介入国际市场的组织方式选择上制订好积极稳妥的发展战略与策略;而政府和社会有关方面,应该对中小企业的国际化水平的提高给予更多的关注和采取更积极的政策措施加以推进。  相似文献   

The internationalization of entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly facilitated through the use of the internet. This article introduces the term “internetization” to refer to the process of increasing adoption, diffusion, and deployment of internet-based technologies and processes that increasingly serve as the back bone of internationalization, especially in the innovative entrepreneurial firms. This process may be compared to the firm’s adoption and use of the internet and the internet-based processes in transforming the firm to a hybrid network internally and externally within the firm’s home and international markets, especially when the members of its external network have already internationalized. Internationalization of the firm, which has been much studied in the international business literature may provide a parallel analogy for study of internetization. Based on these analogies and within the context of previous literature in internationalization, a brief examination of a typical rapidly-internationalizing firm through the use of the Internet, and the user-generated provisions of Web 2.0 in particular, points to the impact of internetization on internationalization. Various theoretical and research issues are highlighted and discussed, including the important interactions that exist between the processes of internetization and internationalization. Conclusion suggests that internetization may have become the necessary condition for internationalization. The paper calls upon the IE scholars to respond to the theoretical challenge of integrating internetization processes into internationalization, especially for the smaller, entrepreneurial and innovative firms.  相似文献   

浙商与台商,同受闽南海商文化影响,基于不同的制度背景,构建出各异的跨区商业网络。比较这二者的发展模式,既体现研究新意,又突显典型模式价值。本文梳理中小企业网络与国际化成长、基于社会资本理论的中小企业国际化、海外华商网络、浙商与台商跨区商业网络构建等几个方面的相关文献,提供浙商与台商跨区商业网络比较研究的理论基础,并提出未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

This article provides an evaluative overview of international entrepreneurship literature, in which the issues of learning and knowledge feature as central components underlying the causes, processes, and outcomes of early internationalization. We rely on Huber's (1991) categorization of five knowledge acquisition types - experiential learning, vicarious learning, searching, grafting, and congenital learning - to organize our review and to guide our examination of the literature. We discuss convergent findings in terms of conceptual and empirical issues and set forth areas for future research.  相似文献   

Three generic competitive strategies attributed to internationalizing SMEs of targeting niches, differentiating products and leveraging networks fail to adequately explain how SMEs win customers in other countries against both large and small competitors. This study distinguishes competitive strategy (how firms compete) from competitive advantage, and from competitive engagements where firms deploy their competitive advantages to win customers within business network relationships. By abductively reasoning from the competitive engagements entered into by the internationalizing SMEs from the Fleet Management Systems industry segment in New Zealand, we show that these firms often compete with foreign rivals by using their position on the edge of a business network to leverage information asymmetries across structural holes. We contribute by integrating this conception of internationalizing SME competitive strategy with the business network foundations of the Uppsala internationalization process model.  相似文献   

During the last 20 years, the literature on internationalized small firms discussed at length the speed of internationalization, illustrating the importance of born globals. The geographic scope of small firm internationalization and its implications for international business and entrepreneurship theories has however been overlooked, especially with regard to firms based in Latin America. This study expands the research agenda on the effects of networks and entrepreneurship orientation for the internationalization strategy of small firms by examining their effects on internationalization scope. It uses survey data from small firms based in Chile. The findings suggest that the greater the number of networks utilized, the more entrepreneurs are likely to target markets based in diverse regions of the world. The study has managerial and policy implications, suggesting that nurturing diverse international networks can help entrepreneurs reach a broader number of markets.  相似文献   

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