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本文分析了企业社会资本各维度对突破性技术创新的影响.研究发现:结构维社会资本中与网络成员的连接强度以及认知维度社会资本对突破性技术创新有负向的影响,而与网络成员的联接数量、在网络中的中心性以及成员间的相互信任对突破性技术创新有积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

生态工业园区是企业产业链的特殊形式和我国经济可持续发展的重要模式。文章对近年来企业研发网络与技术创新以及生态园区的相关发展理论进行梳理,为分析生态工业园区研发网络与技术创新能力的相互影响,揭示生态工业园区研发网络与技术创新能力体系之间的匹配互动关系提供了理论框架,同时也为解决当前我国产业链中存在的可持续发展难题阐明了解决的思路和方向。  相似文献   

技术标准创新是高新技术产业化的一个核心问题。高新技术产业技术标准创新的动因有技术创新及其成果转化、产品更新换代和产业升级、供应链成员之间的技术协调和基于网络效应的主导标准之争。高新技术产业技术标准创新的组织模式包括:政府主导模式、企业自主模式、协会标准模式和技术标准联盟。推动高新技术产业的技术标准创新,必须建立完善的公共政策体系。  相似文献   

基于资源整合的技术创新模式——神华集团的案例研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为技术创新主体,企业提高自主技术创新能力需要充分整合内外部的资源和能力,适应复杂多变的外部环境。本文通过综述国内外相关文献,构建了基于资源整合的技术创新模式,并应用神华集团的单案例,验证了该模式核心内容和主要路径,技术创新原动力可以改变传统技术创新模式,创建轮式辐射、链式集成和群式聚合的创新网络,在整合内外资源中提升直接或间接的创新绩效。  相似文献   

杜靖 《企业经济》2012,(4):51-54
在企业的技术创新过程中,包含着核心驱动力、内部驱动力和外部驱动力。这三种力量相互交织,共同在技术创新中发挥着重要作用。其中,企业家的创新精神与创新的企业文化是核心驱动力,企业内部的驱动力是基础驱动力,企业外部的驱动力则是重要驱动力。在此基础上,本文对企业技术创新驱动力的模式进行研究,提出了企业技术创新驱动力的"三环模式",以得到对企业技术创新驱动力最为有效的范式,从而促使企业在技术创新的道路上不断获取成功和突破。  相似文献   

本文分析了企业技术创新人才的知识结构要求与培养机制,阐述了产学研网络合作创新过程中人才培养的模式和特点,并以苏州第一光学仪器有限公司的实践为例对人才培养模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

核心企业单独创新风险性大、技术成本高、市场不确定性强,在分布式创新网络中协同创新成为其维护市场地位、抢占市场份额、提高自主创新能力的良好选择。本文根据核心企业的不同技术创新需求,从技术突破、跨区域、跨行业、同行业、信息化、价值链视角,设计了六种多核心企业间协同创新模式:基于突破性技术创新组建研发联盟、跨区域强强联合、跨行业技术协同、同行业技术协同、信息网络协同平台建设、价值链一体化,全面概述了在分布式创新网络中多核心企业间协同模式。最后,结合多核心企业间协同案例,实证检验了这六类模式的具体适用情境,以期为企业提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

不同规模企业技术创新模式的比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
传统观点认为,只有大企业才有能力进行技术创新,中小企业在技术创新中先天不足。实践证明,大企业与中小企业在技术创新中各具优势,不同的技术创新模式,不同的特点,适用于不同规模的企业。重要的是中小企业如何增强自身的技术创新能力,缩小与大企业之间的差距。  相似文献   

技术创新是经济发展的巨大动力,也是企业提高市场竞争力的关键。对于二次创业的民营企业而言,必须意识到技术创新是实现企业目标的重要手段。因此,制定和建立技术创新战略,必须在企业的整体战略框架内进行。在明确企业经营目标的基础上制定企业技术创新战略,应分析企业现有的技术能力,尤其是明确自身在同行中的技术地位。同时,考察可挖掘的技术潜力。民营企业在技术创新的演进轨迹中一般会先选择模仿创新模式,再选择自主创新模式。民营企业在技术创新过程中还需进行有效管理:即高效组织协调技术与市场等部门的关系;建立技术创新激励制度;对技术创新过程进行风险控制;加强知识产权有效管理。  相似文献   

企业合作创新:模式选择与利益分配   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以分工合作的方式进行重要的技术创新,是新形势下企业技术创新的重要战略选择。合作技术创新的成功实现,关键在于选择恰当的合作创新形式和处理好合作各方的利益关系。本文介绍了企业合作技术创新中的技术转让、合作开发、技术联盟、创新网络、共建实体等五种模式,并对其优缺点进行了比较,提出了对这些模式选择的思路;依照合作创新风险共担、利益共享的原则,根据合作的紧密程度,分别分析了合作创新的风险,并提出了合作各方利益分配的方式方法。  相似文献   

The open innovation model embraces the purposive flow of internal and external ideas as a foundation for innovation and network formation. While the open innovation paradigm has been successfully applied in high-tech settings, there is a lack of research on adopters of open innovation in other settings. We describe a case study conducted in a process industry setting, focusing on the LKAB mineral group as it makes a transition from a closed to a more open innovation context by adopting remote diagnostics technology. This process has resulted in the creation of new value networks. By tracing the reasoning behind the organizational transformation and studying the technology used to carry it through, we seek to explore the preconditions for open innovation and provide insight into the role of IT in the process. Our findings show that adoption of the open innovation model is grounded in developing organizational environments that are conducive to innovation, including expertise in creating a culture for knowledge sharing, building a trustful environment, and a resourceful use of IT.  相似文献   

毕慧源 《价值工程》2021,(2):213-214
最近几年以来,我国科技水平持续提升,计算机网络技术也逐渐在各行各业中获得了广泛运用,这也使得信息技术的深度融合发展受到一定的促进,数据规模愈发庞大,在此背景下,开始演变成大数据供不应求的状况.为此,国内陆续推出了一系列相关的管理法规与条例,同时扩大了对大数据的探究创新力度,有效提升了移动通信网络处理数据的速度,这同时促...  相似文献   

Strategic innovation has been shown to provide significant value for organisations whilst at the same time challenging traditional ways of thinking and working. There is less known, however, as to how organisations collaborate in innovation networks to achieve strategic innovation. In this paper we explore how innovation networks are orchestrated in developing a strategic innovation initiative around the Internet of Things. We show how a hub actor brings together a diverse group of actors to initially create and subsequently orchestrate the strategic innovation network through the employ of three dialogical strategies, namely persuasive projection, reflective development, and definitional control. Further, we illuminate how different types of legitimacy are established through these various dialogical strategies in orchestrating strategic innovation networks.  相似文献   

在考虑局部网络效应的基础上,采用微观扩散模型仿真分析创新扩散。研究表明,局部网络效应使得创新潜在采纳个体决策相互影响,从而导致这种采纳者之间微观交互模式所呈现的宏观社会网络结构影响创新扩散的速度和程度。即使某些创新收益非常高,也有可能因为创新潜在采纳个体之间交互模式的影响而导致其扩散最终失败。同时早期创新采纳个体一般具有社会联系比较广泛,自身采纳阈值较高,自身局部网络效应强度较小,更关注创新内在价值等创新特征。  相似文献   

软件定义网络是一种新型网络创新架构,其核心技术OpenFlow通过将网络设备控制面与数据面分离开来,从而实现了网络流量的灵活控制,为核心网络及应用的创新提供了良好的平台。软件定义网络能够改变现有的数据发送规则,由转发设备决定的僵硬模式能够显著提高数据发送的服务质量。目前软件定义网络的无线网络条件下应用的研究还处于起步阶段,本文分析了无线网络中实现软件定义网络可能遇到的困难与机遇。  相似文献   

In networked or open innovation processes, so-called innovation communities have been identified in the innovation champion literature, in which innovation champions from different levels in the innovation system supposedly act as a team. It has however not been studied in detail to what extent and how different champions in innovation communities complement each other and act as a team. Applying the concept of innovation network orchestration to analyze the role and position of different kinds of champions as brokers in innovation networks, the purpose of this paper is to unravel the interaction between champions and what this entails in terms of role complementarities and conflicts as regards innovation network orchestration. This is done by using an explorative multiple case study approach in which three innovation journeys are analyzed. The results indicate that a distinction can be made between primary innovation communities, who act as aggregated orchestrators of the overall innovation network, and who in turn orchestrate secondary innovation communities in certain sub-networks. Here different kinds of champions complement each other and act as a team, but these complementarities are not a given: they are negotiated over time in interaction, and lack of reflection on each other’s roles may result in role conflicts. The main conclusion is that an oversimplified notion of innovation communities as a unified team of champions should be avoided: innovation communities themselves need a form of orchestration.  相似文献   

葛中锋 《价值工程》2011,30(28):147-149
借助计算机仿真技术和虫口模型,从网络能力的视角刻画了企业创新网络的演化过程。仿真结果表明企业创新网络的网络能力太弱则难以形成有效的企业网络,太强虽然有利于企业网络的形成,但也会带来网络稳定性差的问题。因此在实践中应根据网络演化的进程适时协调网络能力的平衡。  相似文献   

随着网络信息技术的发展与广泛地应用到金融领域,金融创新得到了长足的发展,出现了网络化、电子化、虚拟化、全球化以及衍生化的特征和趋势。由于金融创新本身所具备的收益与风险二重性的特征,这些趋势和特征在促进金融创新发展的同时,也暗藏着巨大的风险。文中认为可以通过构建电子金融的双层监控机制,进一步促进金融创新和监管创新,加强金融监管,从而规避金融创新风险。  相似文献   

Dynamics of Inventor Networks and the Evolution of Technology Clusters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clusters are important drivers of regional economic growth. Although their benefits are well recognized, research into their evolution is still ongoing. Most real‐world clusters seem to have emerged spontaneously without deliberate policy interventions, each cluster having its own evolutionary path. Since there is a significant gap in our understanding of the forces driving their evolution, this study uses a quantitative approach to investigate the role of inventor collaboration networks in it. Inventor collaboration networks for 30 top‐performing American metropolitan clusters were constructed on the basis of patent co‐authorship data. The selected clusters operate in hi‐tech fields: information technology, communications equipment and the biopharmaceutical industry. Starting from a widely accepted hypothesis that the ‘small‐world’ structure is an optimal one for knowledge spillovers and promotes innovation effectively, the authors statistically tested the impact of ‘small‐world’ network properties on cluster innovation performance proxied by patent output. The results suggest that the effect of the small‐world structure is not as significant as theorists hypothesized, not all clusters benefit from the presence of inventor collaboration networks, and cluster performance can be affected by policy interventions. Our analyses also suggest that cluster typology moderates the impact of inventor network properties on cluster innovation performance.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the structural characteristics of supply networks and investigate the relationship between a firm's supply network accessibility and interconnectedness and its innovation output. We also examine potential moderating effects of absorptive capacity and supply network partner innovativeness on innovation output. We hypothesize that firms will experience greater innovation output from (1) higher levels of supply network accessibility and supply network interconnectedness, (2) the interaction between the levels of these two structural characteristics, (3) the moderating role of absorptive capacity on supply network accessibility and the moderating role of supply network partner innovativeness on supply network interconnectedness. Supply network partner relationships are drawn in the context of the electronics industry using data from multiple sources. We use social network analysis to create measures for each supply network structural characteristic. Using regression techniques to test the relationship between these structural characteristics and firm innovation for a sample of 390 firms, our findings suggest that supply network accessibility has a significant association with a firm's innovation output. The results also indicate that interconnected supply networks strengthen the association between supply network accessibility and innovation output. Moreover, the influence of the two structural characteristics on innovation output can be enhanced by a firm's absorptive capacity and level of supply network partner innovativeness. By addressing the need for deeper structural analysis, this study contributes to supply chain research by accounting for the embedded nature of ties in supply networks, and showing how these structural characteristics influence the knowledge and information flows residing within a firm's supply network.  相似文献   

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