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商业银行不良资产的处置途径论析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龚艳 《企业经济》2004,(8):157-158
银行的不良资产是困扰各国银行的一个金融难题。本文在对银行不良资产处置的一般模式及当前影响我国商业银行不良资产处置因素的论述分析基础上,提出了我国商业银行不良资产处置的现实途径。  相似文献   

长期以来.由于历史的原因和自身经营不善,我国银行业积累了大量的不良资产。在WTO后过渡期将尽与国有商业银行改制上市的双重倒逼下.不论是政府还是银行都加大了对不良资产处置的力度。目前.在不良资产的处置进程中.化解存量似乎成了当务之急.且有四大国有商业银行以财务重组与政策性剥离为主要方式而体现的不良资产率下降为佐证。但从本源分析,存量化解仅为治标,增量防范才是治本。控制数量问题才是解决国有商业银行不良资产问题的精髓.解决这一问题的关键是深化银行改革.  相似文献   

石林 《价值工程》2005,24(12):124-126
把EVA导入不良资产处置过程可以起到两个方面的作用,即可以改进不良资产处置效率的评价和建立较为完善的监督激励机制。本文首先从理论上分析银行不良资产处置过程中委托—代理问题以及评价体系所应具备的功能;其次以国有AMC的不良资产处置评价体系为例,指出现有不良资产处置效率评价体系的不足。然后把EVA导入不良资产处置效果评价体系,并把其与红利银行制度联系起来,说明EVA可以有效建立不良资产处置的监督激励机制。最后,指出了用该指标时应该注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

银行不良资产是社会金融运行深层次矛盾长期积累的产物,其形成的原因既有制度性因素,也有市场性因素;既有历史的积淀和惯性作用,也有现实政策和决策失当的原因。本文通过对商业银行不良资产处置的现状的分析,结合商业银行不良资产处置中存在的问题,提出了我国商业银行不良资产的处置方式。  相似文献   

院文章分析了各项不良资产处置业务与商业银行经营的关系,研究了不良资产处置的效益,分析了不良资产处置对上市银行监管、经营及盈利能力有关指标的影响,实证研究了不良资产各项指标对上市银行价值影响,对中外银行不良资产处置业务进行比较,提出了有关结论及建议.  相似文献   

不良资产问题是一个世界性的问题,据统计,133个经历过严重金融问题或金融危机的国家之中,因银行不良资产引发的有72例,占52%以上;有31个国家爆发过金融危机,因不良资产引发的有24例,占77%以上。因此,银行的不良资产对金融体系的稳定有着极大影响。对于不良资产的处置问题,在分析银行不良资产成因的基础上思考值得我国商业银行处理不良资产的办法。  相似文献   

王琪 《新远见》2010,(3):90-99
自80年代末,我国的银行业一直为不良资产所困扰,大量的不良资产沉积且还在不断增长,不仅严重威胁银行体系的安全,也给整体经济运行制造了障碍,因此必须尽快寻求解决途径。我国先后采取了各种办法来降低不良资产,主要有国家扶持方式、资产重组方式、打包出售、拍卖、招标等方式、债转股、资产证券化等,但这些处置方式在发挥作用的同时并存着许多不足有待于继续完善。我们现在既要解决过去的已经形成的不良资产、也需要建立各种有效的制度和机制来防范出现新的不良资产。在处置过程中,应遵循标本兼治原则、政府主导原则、协调配合原则。对银行不良资产的最终处置,应当从增量、存量两个方面入手,不可偏废其一。  相似文献   

我国银行不良资产规模较大,积累问题较多,化解不良资产的压力很大.从国际经验来看,通过资产证券化的方式处置不良资产是一个有效的途径.  相似文献   

杨玥 《商贸与会计》2004,(10):28-30
银行的不良资产是困扰各国银行的一个金融难题,国外不少银行因此陷入窘境丛至破产、并进而引发金融危机。由于历史的、体制的原因,我国四大国有银行的不良资产率水平居高,科学地认识这一金融风险并实施有效的风险管理是我们必须面对的重大课题。参照国际大规模处置银行不良资产的经验及国际上几种主流模式,结合我国的现实国情,本文对当前我国商业银行不良资产处置提出以下四种可行的处置基本途径。  相似文献   

黄青  彭家瑚 《企业经济》2005,(10):206-208
我国商业银行高比例的不良资产潜伏着巨大的金融风险,严重制约着其经营和发展。本文拟用系统论的方法,建立系统基模,从不良资产的现状入手,通过分析现有不良资产的处置方式及缺陷,对我国银行业不良资产处置的方式进行了科学分析,更明晰地阐明了建立科学的不良资产管理体系,加强银行自身资产风险管理的重要性,为更好地解决此问题提供系统严谨的思路。  相似文献   

疫情防控期间,不良资产数目与不良贷款率持续走高,我国商业银行对于不良资产证券化的呼声日渐高涨,对于不良资产证券化是否可行这一问题尚需分析。论文首先对不良资产证券化中存在的问题进行探究,随后分析其在商业银行处理不良资产中的可行性,最后对我国不良资产证券化提出一些建议。  相似文献   

资产证券化作为一项金融创新和金融工具,在各国金融发展和改革中都发挥了极其重要的作用。它可以解决我国流动资金不足、不良资产比重高、流动性差、运作效率低等问题。文章从资产证券化的运行机理、信托产品的优势和障碍等方面进行分析认为:资产证券化信托模式在我国目前的制度下是可行和有效的,并具有普遍的实践意义。  相似文献   

通过建立两阶段的动态博弈模型,分析了政府与国有银行之间的利益博弈行为,认为国有银行不良资产之所以仍然不断涌现,是由于政府对银行产权份额的过多控制而导致的。提出了推进彻底的银行产权制度改革,完善银行的法人治理结构的建议,以便从根本上减少银行的不良资产。  相似文献   

商业银行不良资产问题是现代金融业发展中的一个全球性难题,当前我国商业银行不良资产问题十分严重,文章试图对我国商业银行开展不良资产证券化存在的制度性、技术性和风险性障碍进行了系统研究,然后提出了对我国商业银行不良资产实施证券化的对策。  相似文献   

Using a unique sample of 749 cash and synthetic securitization transactions issued by 60 stock-listed bank holdings in the EU-13 plus Switzerland over the period from 1997 to 2007 this paper provides empirical evidence that credit risk securitization has a negative impact on the issuing banks’ financial soundness. Baseline findings hold even when controlling for likely reverse causality by employing instrumental variable techniques and substituting the accounting-based z-score ratio by market-based indicators of bank risk. Moreover, investigating the relationship between credit risk securitization and single z-score components in order to evaluate significant transmission channels proposed by relevant theoretical literature, we find a negative impact of securitization on bank profitability and capital environment as well as a positive relationship between securitization and the issuing bank's return volatility. Against the background of our empirical results we underline that the decision by the Basel Committee to enhance the new Basel III framework in the field of securitization is a step in the right direction.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, considerable attention has been paid to the accumulation of non-performing loans in the balance sheet of European banks and to its potential negative effects on bank lending to the real economy. Using a dataset composed of bank-specific information and country aggregates, we study the impact of the stock and the flow of non-performing loans on the lending activities of a sample of 75 European banks between 2014 and 2018. In general, higher rates of non-performing loans, together with other variables, are associated with lower growth rates of performing loans. This effect persists across several econometric specifications and is more significant for those banks exhibiting lower growth rates of performing loans. Similarly, our econometric analysis suggests that banks with higher decreases in their rate of non-performing loans tend to lend more to the real economy, an effect which is particularly intense at the right tail of the distribution. The findings of our paper can be useful for policymakers when addressing the resolution of non-performing loans in banks.  相似文献   

根据风险源因素可以将银行风险结构区分为感染性风险、携带性风险、蜕变性风险。银行风险预警指标体系由3个一级指标和18个二级指标构成。以浦发银行为例进行的实证检验发现:银行风险是多因素综合作用的结果;各风险因素具有相关性;经济的货币化程度、不良贷款率、资本充足率、资本效率等10个指标具有较好预警能力;蜕变性指标对银行风险影响更大。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the drivers of financial distress that were experienced by small Italian cooperative banks during the latest deep recession, focusing mainly on the importance of bank capital as a predictor of bankruptcy for Italian nonprofit banks. The analysis aims to build an early-warning model that is suitable for this type of bank.The results reveal non-monotonic effects of bank capital on the probability of failure. In contrast to distress models for for-profit banks, non-performing loans, profitability, liquidity, and management quality have a negligible predictive value. The findings also show that unreserved impaired loans have an important impact on the probability of bank distress. Moreover, the loan–loss ratio provision on substandard loans constitutes a suitable antibody against bank distress. Overall, the results are robust in terms of both the methodology (i.e., frequentist and Bayesian approaches) and the sample used (i.e., cooperative banks in Italy and euro-area countries).  相似文献   

We scrutinize the role financial reporting for fair values, asset securitizations, derivatives and loan loss provisioning played in the Financial Crisis. Because banks were at the center of the Financial Crisis, we focus our discussion and analysis on the effects of financial reporting by banks. We conclude fair value accounting played little or no role in the Financial Crisis. However, transparency of information associated with asset securitizations and derivatives likely was insufficient for investors to assess properly the values and riskiness of bank assets and liabilities. Although the FASB and IASB have taken laudable steps to improve disclosures relating to asset securitizations, in our view, the approach for accounting for securitizations in the IASB's Exposure Draft that would require banks to recognize whatever assets and liabilities they have after the securitization is executed better reflects the underlying economics of the securitization transaction. Regarding derivatives, we recommend disclosure of more disaggregated information, disclosure of the sensitivity of derivatives' fair values to changes in market risk variables, and implementing a risk-equivalence approach to enable investors to understand better the leverage inherent in derivatives. We also conclude that because the objectives of bank regulation and financial reporting differ, changes in financial reporting needed to improve transparency of information provided to the capital markets likely will not be identical to changes in bank regulations needed to strengthen the stability of the banking sector. We discuss how loan loss provisioning may have contributed to the Financial Crisis through its effects on procyclicality and on the effectiveness of market discipline. Accounting standard setters and bank regulators should find some common ground. However, it is the responsibility of bank regulators, not accounting standard setters, to ensure the stability of the financial system.  相似文献   

合成型资产证券化作为传统资产证券化与信用衍生品特性相结合的金融创新,现已成为发达国家商业银行转移信贷风险的一种常见结构金融技术。与传统型资产证券化相比,合成型资产证券化在融资结构设计、发起人职责、对支撑资产依赖度、现金转移结构条款以及交易后续处理安排等方面存在较大差异。合成型资产证券化的出现及发展既与国际银行监管制度及其变迁密切相关,同时也是金融市场深化以及银行内部风险管理技术成熟到一定阶段的必然产物。从趋势看,尽管资产证券化的监管套利动机渐趋弱化,但合成型资产证券化特有的结构设计以及广泛的适用范围使其在提升银行运行效率上有着非常独特的优势,因此其必将成为未来银行业业务创新的重要工具。  相似文献   

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