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经济增长通常可以通过生产要素的投入和要素生产率的提高来获得,它们的交互作用影响着经济增长的全过程。如何保持经济增长的持续性,关键是确保经济的有效增长必须建立在生产率特别是金要素生产率的不断提高上,切实改善经济增长质量,实现科学发展、和谐发展。  相似文献   

基于国家级大数据综合试验区的准自然实验,运用2014—2019年280个地级市的面板数据,采用多期双重差分法实证检验数字经济对全要素生产率的影响。研究结果表明:数字经济显著提升了全要素生产率,这一结论在经过多种稳健性检验后仍然成立;中介效应检验表明,数字经济通过提高资源配置效率和促进技术创新来提升全要素生产率;异质性分析表明,数字经济对低资源禀赋城市、低数字经济发展水平城市以及智慧城市的全要素生产率具有促进作用,抑制高资源禀赋、高数字经济城市的全要素生产率,而对非智慧城市的作用则不明显。因此,应基于大数据综合试验区深度挖掘数字经济的直接作用与间接作用,同时采取差异化发展战略,培育壮大全要素生产率增长新动能。  相似文献   

经济增长方式:粗放型与集约型的标志   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经济增长方式:粗放型与集约型的标志武义青史如海郜明信一个经济系统,有———效率,才有———效益;有———高生产率,才有———高经济效益;经济增长质量水平的提高———靠生产率的提高。因此,经济效益的中心是生产率问题。一、经济增长率与生产率1.经济增长率...  相似文献   

提高全要素生产率(TFP)增长对经济增长的贡献率在中国被普遍认为是经济发展的一个重要目标,并被当作衡量经济增长质量的重要指标。本文对这样一个目标在合理性和可行性方面存在的问题,以及从流行的全要素生产率测算方法角度,对全要素生产率度量经济增长质量存在的局限性进行了探讨,并论述了粗放增长阶段的无法避免性以及经济增长的关键在于资本积累的质量和有效性。  相似文献   

本文利用中国1979~2010总量和省级面板数据,运用纯要素生产率法和Solow余值法分别测算了中国总体和省级生产率变化及其对经济增长的贡献率。研究发现,改革开放以来,中国生产率变化趋势出现了涨跌互现的波动情形,生产率提高促进了中国经济较快发展,但资本投入仍然是中国经济增长的首要来源,东、中、西部经济差距主要是由资本投入贡献不同造成的。2000~2010年中国生产率增长呈现下降趋势,出现高资本投入、低生产率和高增长的现象。  相似文献   

提高资源的经济效率与完善经济政策邱泰如为了提高综合要素生产率和实现集约型经济增长,必须提高资源的经济效率(包括资源的配置效率和资源能量的发挥程度)。为此,要深化经济体制改革,加强科学管理,完善有关的经济政策。一、提高资源的经济效率要提高资源的经济效率...  相似文献   

院改革开放以来中国经济取得举世瞩目的成就,为测度人民币汇率制度在经济增长中所起的作用,文章从效率的内涵出发,以全要素生产率衡量经济增长的效率,选取汇率制度弹性作为汇率制度变量,对人民币汇率制度与全要素生产率之间关系进行实证检验.研究发现,人民币汇率制度历经几次改革后在长短期内对生产率的提高起到了正向推动作用,浮动汇率制度是有效率的制度安排,适当提高人民币汇率制度弹性将促进经济增长.  相似文献   

冀、鲁、苏三省工业经济增长质量比较和简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冀、鲁、苏三省工业经济增长质量比较和简析●武义青河北经贸大学经济研究所增加投入,提高生产率,两者在经济增长中都具有重要的地位和作用。若经济增长主要源于投入的增加,那么这种增长方式就是粗放型的;若主要源于生产率的提高,则就是集约型的。[1]显然,生产...  相似文献   

转变经济增长方式的概念和涵义,理论界目前有多种解释。最具代表性的概括有以下四类:从外延型为主向内涵型为主转变现代经济学认为,经济增长方式属于外延型或是内涵型,可以用要素生产率对经济增长的贡献来划分。如果经济增长主要依赖要素投入,这种增长方式称为"外延型";如果经济增长主要依靠提高全要素生产率,这种增长方式则称为"内涵型"。一个国家的经济增长方式,或者以外延增长为主,或者以内涵增长为主;我国  相似文献   

提高全要素生产率是转变经济增长方式以及提升降级增长效率的有效途径和显著标志。在我国货物运输业进入新的发展阶段的背景下,要实现我国货物运输业的高质量发展,需要提升我国货物运输行业的全要素生产率。本文将从我国货物运输业出发,对全要素生产率的增长特征以及影响因素进行简要分析。  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper discusses issues arising in the measurement of productivity in public services. Compared to measuring productivity in the private sector difficulties arise because the output of public services is often unpriced and because some public services are consumed collectively. A key problem is measuring the full range of outputs and quality improvements delivered by public sector organizations that are valued by society. Without comprehensive measures of output, productivity statistics may be misleading. I outline methods used in the measurement of both private and public sector productivity and discuss the measurement of public sector productivity in practice. Finally I discuss studies that examine factors underlying productivity differences and productivity growth in public and private sector organizations. Public sector reforms and the use of pilot schemes in public sector organizations present opportunities for research to identify causal effects on productivity.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of the relative productivity between the market sector and the home sector on time allocation. A novelty of the paper is to jointly estimate home productivity and the elasticity of substitution between market goods and home hours, which is accomplished through structural estimation based on income-decile level data. With a high elasticity of substitution and a slower growth rate of productivity in the home sector relative to the market sector, the model can produce key data patterns of time allocation in both the cross sections and time series. Quantitatively, relative productivity can account for 32% of the variation in market hours and 18% of the variation in home hours.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we estimate production functions for the Mexican manufacturing sector and for 14 comprehensive groups, allowing us to construct various measures of multifactor productivity. Second, we analyse some of the determinants of productivity growth. We find that, on the one hand, there is a positive relationship between market concentration and technology adoption; on the other hand, both technology adoption and human capital promote productivity, whilst market concentration exerts a negative influence on it. Our results suggest that, once controlling for the effect on technology adoption, more concentration impacts negatively productivity growth.  相似文献   

Hayashi and Prescott (Rev Econ Dyn 5(1):206–235, 2002) argue that the ‘lost decade’ of the 1990s in Japan is explained by the slowdown in exogenous TFP growth rates. At the same time, other research suggests that Japanese banks’ support for inefficient firms prolonged recessions by reducing productivity through misallocation of resources. Using the data on large manufacturing firms between 1969 and 1996, the paper attempts to disentangle the factors behind the slowdown in productivity growth during the 1990s. The main results show that there was a significant drop in within-firm productivity, the component that is not affected by reallocation of input and output shares across firms over time, during the 1990s. Although we find that misallocation among large continuing firms represents a substantial drag to overall TFP growth for these firms throughout the sample period, the negative impact of misallocation was least visible during the 1990s. The significant reduction in within-firm productivity growth suggests that, as the Japanese economy has matured, a policy which fosters technological innovations via greater competition, R&D, and fast technological adoption may have become increasingly important in promoting economic growth.
Kazuhiko OdakiEmail:

本文使用非参数的HMB生产率指数方法,考察了中国农村改革以来农业全要素生产率(TFP)的变动趋势,并把TFP的增长构成分解为技术进步、技术效率变化、规模效应和投入产出混合效应四个部分。结果表明,改革开放以来我国农业TFP的增长主要是由技术进步推动的,技术效率的下降对TFP的增长造成了不利影响,而规模效应和混合效应影响较弱。文章还指出中国农业的育种能力和生物技术的发展是农业技术进步的决定力量。  相似文献   

许晗 《物流技术》2012,(9):143-145,157
首先利用非参数的DEA-Malmquist生产率指数方法对1995-2007年中国物流业全要素生产率(TFP)的变动进行测度,并对TFP指数进了分解。研究结果表明:(1)我国物流业生产率总体上处于增长趋势,并呈现先增长后下降再增长的特征;(2)技术进步是物流业生产率增长的关键因素,而技术效率是物流业生产率改善的瓶颈。  相似文献   

We use an input–output model to examine the effect of trade integration on productivity growth and the demand for skilled workers in Canada for the period 1981–1997. We find that trade integration has a positive effect on both labour productivity and total factor productivity. Labour productivity and total factor productivity grew faster in export and import industries than in the total business sector over this period, and this productivity growth gap has widened over time. Canada is found to have a comparative advantage in capital- and natural-resource-intensive industries, although it has declined over time. We find that trade integration has little effect on the demand for skilled and unskilled workers in Canada.  相似文献   

The study measures productivity growth in Kenya's manufacturing sector. Given several deficiencies of the data typical for developing countries, it focuses on methods to overcome such weaknesses of the data. The computation of total factor productivity growth uses a modified version of neoclassical growth accounting à la Solow and Denison. Data uncertainties are diminished through sensitivity analysis and comparison with some international evidence. In a second approach, labor productivity growth is broken down into two components: structural change in favor of more productive industries, and productivity increase at industry level.The refereeing process of this paper was handled through Edward Kokkelenberg. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1989 meetings of the European Economic Association in Augsburg. The author acknowledges helpful comments from two anonymous referees of this Journal. The usual waiver applies.  相似文献   

Using US input–output data for the period 1958–87, I find strong evidence that industry total factor productivity (TFP) growth is significantly related to the TFP performance of the supplying sectors, with an elasticity of almost 60%. R&D intensity is also found to be a significant determinant of industry TFP growth, with an estimated return of about 10–13% and the return to embodied R&D is estimated at 43%. Direct productivity spillovers, from the technological progress made by supplying sectors, appear to be more important than spillovers from the R&D performed by suppliers. They also play a key role in explaining changes in manufacturing TFP growth over time. Changes in the contribution made by direct productivity spillovers to TFP growth account for almost half of the slowdown in TFP growth in manufacturing from 1958–67 to 1967–77, and for 20% of the TFP growth recovery in this sector from 1967–77 to 1977–87. Changes in R&D intensity and embodied R&D are relatively unimportant in explaining movements in manufacturing TFP growth over these three periods.  相似文献   

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