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Research examining the process of individual decision making over time isbriefly reviewed. We focus on two major areas of work in choice dynamics:research that has examined how current choices are influenced by the historyof previous choices, and newer work examining how choices may be made toexploit expectations about options available in the future. A central themeof the survey is that if a general understanding of choice dynamics is toemerge, it will come through the development of boundedly-rational models ofdynamic problem solving that lie on the interface between economics andpsychology.  相似文献   

This paper reports research on the influence of corporate and individual characteristics on managers' social orientation in Germany. The results indicate that mid-level managers expressed a significantly lower social orientation than low-level managers, and that job activity did not impact social orientation. Female respondents expressed a higher social orientation than male respondents. No impact of the political system origin (former East Germany versus former West Germany) on social orientation was shown. Overall, corporate position had a significantly higher impact on social orientation than did the characteristics of the individuals surveyed.  相似文献   

The intensity of small-business owners and the environmental difficulties they encountered were investigated as predictors of growth intentions in Turkey. Data were collected from 526 small businesses in 14 major cities using the Entrepreneurial Profile Questionnaire. Factor analysis showed environmental difficulties and growth intentions to be multifactor constructs, while intensity emerged as a single factor. A canonical correlation analysis found owner intensity to be significantly related to the three growth plan factors of technology improvement, resource aggregation, and market expansion. Among the difficulty factors, only lack of know-how and financing problems showed a significant relation to growth plans. Financing difficulties hindered technological improvement and resource aggregation, while know-how negatively affected market expansion. Other difficulty factors such as entry barriers, family-business role conflict, and ethnic prejudice were not among the predictors of growth plans. The article draws out the implications of these findings for government policy and for future research.  相似文献   

Deontology and utilitarianism are two competing principles that guide our moral judgment. Recently, deontology is thought to be intuitive and is based on an error-prone and biased approach, whereas utilitarianism is relatively reflective and a suitable framework for making decision. In this research, the authors explored the relationship among moral identity, moral decision, and moral behavior to see how a preference for the deontological solution can lead to moral behavior. In study 1, a Web-based survey demonstrated that when making decisions, individuals who viewed themselves as moral people preferred deontological ideals to the utilitarian framework. In study 2, the authors investigated the effect of moral identity and moral decision on moral behavior in an experimental study. The results showed that when deontology was coupled with the motivational power of moral identity, individuals were most likely to behave morally.  相似文献   

政府和非营利组织会计的环境、特征与预算会计改革   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文主要讨论和分析政府与非营利组织的运行环境和公共受托责任,然后将政府会计与企业会计进行比较,试图为我国预算会计改革提供一些建议.  相似文献   

朱红根 《财贸研究》2013,24(1):16-21
运用江西返乡创业农民工数据,实证分析个体特征、制度环境对返乡创业农民工政治联系的影响,结果表明:基础设施和经济环境越好,返乡创业农民工政治联系的概率越小;返乡创业农民工所感知的投资环境和政府支持越好,越可能认识到政府强大的授予组织合法性的能力,其政治联系的概率越大;创业年数越长和销售网络越好,农民工政治联系的概率越大;农民工个体特征以及创业经营形式对其政治联系的影响不显著,而个体背景(如父母文化程度)能显著提高其政治联系的可能性。  相似文献   

As a component of overall employee performance, adaptive performance refers to the ability of an individual to change his or her behaviour to meet the demands of a new environment. The concept is relevant to firms that face especially complex and volatile business conditions. Research and practice have been hampered by a general lack of a widely available, psychometrically sound, multidimensional scale of adaptive performance that is applicable across a wide range of job contexts. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, we develop and evaluate a 19‐item scale measuring five dimensions of adaptive performance. Copyright © 2012 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

谷文通 《广告大观》2007,(3S):48-49
关于中国广告业的未来,我们现在下什么结论都还为时过早。原因是中国的国土面积太大了,地域差异太丰富了,市场经济的历程太短暂了,政策的执行方式太多变了,客户的类型太复杂了,消费者的需求太多样了,中国的传统文化太高深了,而现代文化又太混杂了……总之,我们中国广告业所面对的未来拥有了太多的可能性!任何判断都可能是偏颇的,  相似文献   

企业承担社会责任是社会进步和可持续发展的必然趋势。企业对于社会责任的选择和履行对劳动力市场、公共基础设施建设和消费者选择都有重要影响。企业承担社会责任意味着企业要从以前单纯追求自身利益最大化转变为在追求利益最大化的同时,兼顾到其利益相关者甚至社会的利益。要做到这点企业必须从两个方面出发:内部要给员工及其利益相关者创造和谐氛围;外部要对环境、公共事业、社会稳定担负相应责任。社会责任对企业并不仅仅是负担,也会给企业带来诸多益处。  相似文献   

信息技术环境下的企业组织结构设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章通过分析现代信息技术对企业组织结构产生的重大影响 ,说明传统的企业组织结构已难以适应时代的变化 ,进一步提出信息技术环境下的企业组织结构呈现出的六个方面的新特征 ,并提出了目前可资借鉴的三种组织结构模式。  相似文献   

安然 《商业研究》2003,(1):145-146
中国加入WTO,对我国金融业发展的影响可谓首当其冲。面对着新形势下个人金融业务发展的新趋势,普通的个人投资者将有喜有优。因此,必须树立正确的投资风险意识,增加投资知识,选择适当的投资工具。  相似文献   

程燕 《商业研究》2001,(10):101-103
由于国内外的一些原因,我国资本外逃的形势严峻,但是在国家宏观经济有力调控下,未使其冲击力表面化。国家采取了相应的政策,积极地控制资本外逃。  相似文献   

全球国际直接投资发展的态势、动因与影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从总体态势、地域分布、国家层次、投资方式、产业高度等方面分析了20世纪70年代以来国际直接投资发展的主要特征,并从制度、技术、政策等方面探讨了推动这种态势形成的基本动因,总结了世界FDI发展对全球国际生产、贸易、分工格局的主要影响.  相似文献   

This article evaluates alternative models for explaining human behavior. In particular, it compares the resourceful, evaluative, maximizing model (REMM) with the economic (or money maximizing) model of human behavior. The theoretical framework is developed to enhance our understanding of “individual value creation” and to seek an economically rational explanation to: Why Warren Buffett is giving his money away to charity? The article develops a framework of biological, material, and immaterial sources of value. The article additionally extends the existing REMM and finds several economically rational reasons for him to give away his money including the present value of help and goodwill, gained control, and lowered transaction costs.  相似文献   

Journal of Consumer Policy - In the following text, the authors address the origins and evolution of consumer protection in Peru, as well as highlighting the main regulatory influences of the...  相似文献   

Wallace's ‘Monetary Dictum’ insists that monetary models must specify why the monetary object is so used. Another important specification is that the use of this object as money should always be individually rational. We construct a model of ‘team production’ under uncertainty with a contract where a ‘hostage’ in the form of future purchasing power is handed over. The model is extended to show the rational development of banks as hierarchical enforcement mechanisms and government backing of the monetary system. The link thus established between money issue and production may be useful for the analysis of monetary policy.  相似文献   

Equity options have a significant influence on the price discovery process. This study presents unique evidence of substantial price clustering in individual equity options contracts. A particular contribution arises from investigating competing hypotheses on the roles of moneyness and maturity as determinants of option price clustering. We assert that options price clustering can be decomposed to price level, moneyness, and maturity effects. After controlling for other factors, price clustering has an inverse relation with time‐to‐maturity. This supports the negotiation hypothesis, but not the price resolution hypothesis. Price clustering also tends to be inversely related to moneyness. This effect is linked to the intrinsic value component of option price. Both the maturity and moneyness effects act in an opposite direction to what would be anticipated on the basis of price level alone; hence, these two effects are identified as additional influences on option price clustering. It is also found that the designated market maker scheme at NYSE Euronext London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE) has little influence on trade price clustering. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 33:55–76, 2013  相似文献   

赵凯 《商业研究》2007,2(5):176-178
20世纪90年代至今,一方面,以计算机和因特网的普及为标志的信息革命,为大众和层阶市场转变为个体市场提供了技术和经济性支持。另一方面,实物性商品总量趋于饱和,不断积聚的物质财富和创新的生活体验驱动人们追求商品的独特性和消费过程的自主性,追求与他人有着明确差别的特征,出现需求的“自我”演化,使得消费者和网络销售商互动共同参与构思与方案的提出、改进和实现活动,营销模式从大众和层阶营销,演变为面对个人的“一对一”的个体营销模式。  相似文献   

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