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我国中小微型企业①是支持国民经济稳定增长主要力量,但中小微型企业融资环境却并不乐观,融资困难是制约中小微型企业发展的最主要因素。本文针对我国的中小微型企业融资环境进行综合性研究,从现状、原因与对策三个视角对我国中小微型企业融资环境进行了探析,希望对我国中小微型企业的健康发展起到积极作用。 相似文献
A. Aydin Cecen 《Atlantic Economic Journal》1990,18(4):22-31
Summary and Conclusions This paper analyzed the optimal growth of a resource exporting economy in the framework of a Ramsey-type model. Two versions of the same model are used. In the first version (where the aggregate production function uses the conventional inputs, namely labor and capital) it was shown that along the optimal paths the resource would be exhausted in finite time and that the economy approaches asymptotically the modified golden rule capital intensity, well known from one-sector growth theory. Subsequently the impact of the changes in resource prices on the rate of extraction are investigated by considering an exponentially rising price.In the second version of the model, the resource extracted is divided between domestic production (the aggregate output of the economy is produced by means of labor, capital and the resource input) and export. Under this assumption, it is demonstrated that when the relative price of the resource is constant and given exogenously, the opening of trade (i.e., resource exports) depends on the relative magnitudes of the marginal product of the resource and its price. Furthermore the paper showed that even if trade opens, resource extraction for export will come to an end in finite time. After the economy stops exporting the resource, its optimal growth will be determined simultaneously by the elasticity of substitution between capital and the resource input and the dynamic behavior of the marginal product of the resource input, as explained in detail by Dasgupta and Heal [1974]. Finally, when the resource price has an exponential trend, resource extraction will continue both for domestic production and export purposes. 相似文献
中小企业发展一直是我国经济发展的主要组成部分,新经济环境下,我国中小企业面临着国际和国内的多重竞争压力,在这种情况下,利用互联网、大数据及云计算等信息技术推动信息化建设的创新,有利于中小企业发现新的经济增长点。首先,文章阐述企业信息化的基本概念,明确了中小企业信息化的主要内容;其次,从提升竞争优势、降低成本、提升服务水平、提高管理水平、推动组织结构优化以及提升员工整体素质等6个方面分析中小企业信息化建设的作用;再次,分别分析了互联网、大数据及云计算对中小企业信息化的影响;从次,从对信息化建设的重视程度、信息化管理人员的整体素质、信息系统之间的集成性、信息化建设成本及信息化的安全性等5个方面阐述了新经济环境下中小企业信息化建设现状;最后,结合信息化建设的主要内容和现状,给出新经济环境下中小企业信息化建设的创新措施。 相似文献
我 国 已加 入 W TO ,5年 内家 具进 口 的关 税 将由 22%降 到 零,再 加上 国 内有 着 庞大 的市 场 ,国际 大型 家 具公 司对 中 国产 生了 浓厚 的兴 趣 ,正以 开 公司 、设 厂等 方 式逐 步抢 滩 中国 市场 ,3~5年内 产业 格 局很 有 可能 发生 巨 大变 化。 面 对如 此严 相似文献
This paper develops an open economy model and replicates the exports crunch occurred in China during the 2007–2008 financial crisis. We show that in a global zero lower bond (ZLB) environment, fiscal stimulus significantly mitigates the negative effects of exports crunch during the Great Recession. In a global ZLB environment, fiscal stimulus produces more or less the same multiplier as during normal times, which are both greater than one. The state-owned enterprises’ production channel produces a spill-over effect on the private-owned enterprises’ production and amplifies the multiplier effects of fiscal stimulus. Implementation delay enhances the multiplier effects of fiscal stimulus. Compared to normal times, the welfare gain associated with fiscal stimulus in a global ZLB environment increases significantly, whereby implementation delay slightly weakens this welfare enhancement. 相似文献
In this paper, we construct a simple game-theoretic model to illustrate that improvement in the legal environment can improve the quality of final products by improving the quality of intermediate products, especially in industries with higher contract intensity. Using Chinese Customs Database and Industrial Enterprise Database from 2000 to 2006, we measure the export quality at the firm-product-country level and examine the effect of the legal environment on the export quality. Our empirical study shows that the improvement in the legal environment can raise export quality, especially at firms with higher contract intensity. Further studies show that the legal environment and contract intensity affect the import decision of firms and thus have a significant impact on product quality of export firms. 相似文献
Soemarwoto O 《Economic bulletin for Asia and the Pacific》1981,32(1):1-33
This article is concerned with the question of ecological balance in Indonesia. The author defines the concept of carrying capacity and argues that it can be increased by the use of improved technology and capital formation. The program involving the transmigration of population from Java to the outer islands is analyzed in this context. 相似文献
福建环境治理和环境保护的现状与对策 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
改革开放以来,福建经济建设取得了令人瞩目的成就,也造成了严重的环境污染,环境问题已成为21世纪福建经济持续发展的重要制约因素,治理和保护环境已成为福建重大而紧迫的课题。本文分析了福建环境形势和环境污染的成因,提出了环境治理和环境保护的思路。 相似文献
The lack of adequate energy services imposes heavy social and environmental costs on poor rural households. The rural energy‐environment interface, however, is prone to oversimplistic analyses, especially in the case of the ‘fuelwood problem’, and to a lack of research. International experience suggests that deforestation is not necessarily an ‘energy problem’ resulting from the cutting of trees for fuelwood ‐ and therefore that it may not have an energy solution, like planting more trees for firewood. Instead, wood scarcity must be understood under multiple use of wood resources, and policies need to be multifaceted if they are to succeed. South African studies show that wood is becoming increasingly scarce in many areas; here fuelwood collection may contribute to deforestation more than suggested by international experience. In addition to the environmental effects of increasing wood scarcity and its social costs, borne largely by women, another serious problem arises from indoor air pollution caused by wood fires with social and health costs largely unaccounted for to date. 相似文献
Bryn Griffiths 《Local Economy》1989,4(3):177-183
The advent of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) exposes large swathes of local authority services to private sector competition. The challenge facing those in local government who wish to protect in-house services is how to adjust to a new commercial contracting culture without losing the values of public service.
The Audit Commission argues that such a culture requires a hard split between the Council as a client, who sets service standards and ensures value for money and its contractor side that concerns itself with performing to standard and price.
This article looks at both the legal and operational impetus for such a client-contractor split, from a DSO (Direct Service Organisation) perspective, and examines the strategic issues raised for local authority reorganisation. 相似文献
The Audit Commission argues that such a culture requires a hard split between the Council as a client, who sets service standards and ensures value for money and its contractor side that concerns itself with performing to standard and price.
This article looks at both the legal and operational impetus for such a client-contractor split, from a DSO (Direct Service Organisation) perspective, and examines the strategic issues raised for local authority reorganisation. 相似文献
从1996年开始,深圳市政府就下大决心对深圳市开发建设过程中出现的严重水土流失现象进行了大规模的治理,经过5年的努力,深圳市水土流失的面积已由1995年的1885km^2减少至现在的45.9km^2,大面积、区域性的黄土裸露地已基本消失,2000年9月已通过了国家水利部,财政部全国城市水土保持示范城市的验收,获得了“全国水土保持生态环境建设示范城市”的称号,各区政府和各单位在1999年签订了水土保持责任书后,本着高度负责的态度,在水保工作中克服重重困难,取得了卓有成效的成绩,基本完成了责任书的任务。 相似文献
《Explorations in Economic History》1991,28(2):169-191
Life expectancy at working ages has improved substantially since the 18th century. But the probability of survival in health, which is a joint probability, shows much less substantial improvement. This conclusion is based on a comparison of health and survival experience in four British populations, one preindustrial, two industrial, and one postindustrial. It suggests that economic growth should be attributed only in small measure to gains in working health time. 相似文献
B. A. Revich 《Studies on Russian Economic Development》2010,21(4):403-410
Power engineering in a country cannot be developed without taking into account both the environmental situation already existing
in the region and the new requirements for its quality according to the recommendations of the EU, WHO, and other world organizations.
Fuel production and power plants are often situated in communities with a raised level of pollution or even in those which
have already been recognized as zones of environmental emergency. The fuel and energy complex (FEC) is one of the basic sources
of pollution in the atmosphere. The management decisions on FEC expansion should be accompanied, in a mandatory order, by
estimation of the risk to health and by measures for its reduction to a tolerable level. Ecologically unprofessional decisions
on construction and/or expansion of FEC facilities may lead to further deterioration of living and health conditions. 相似文献