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Approaches to mass customization: configurations and empirical validation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mass customization is a paradox-breaking manufacturing reality that combines the unique products of craft manufacturing with the cost-efficient manufacturing methods of mass production. Although this phenomenon is known to exist in practice, academic research has not adequately investigated this new form of competition. In this research, we develop a configurational model for classifying mass customizers based on customer involvement in design and product modularity. We validate this typology through an empirical analysis and classification of 126 mass customizers. We also explore manufacturing systems and performance implications of the various mass customization configurations.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of learning and effective process implementation in the development of mass customization capability. Building upon the knowledge-based view of the firm, we argue that internal and external learning are two knowledge-generation routines that contribute to effective process implementation. Effective process implementation, in turn, is a knowledge-based manufacturing capability, which, as a function of internal and external learning, leads to mass customization capability. We employ structural equation modeling to empirically test the effects of learning on mass customization capability, mediated by effective process implementation, using survey data collected from 100 manufacturing plants in 3 industries and 6 countries. Our results provide empirical evidence supporting the proposed model of the effect of internal and external learning on mass customization capability, fully mediated by effective process implementation. This research is one of the first studies to integrate insights from the knowledge-based view of the firm and mass customization. It complements the OM view of mass customization, which to date has largely focused on the technical side, by demonstrating the role of managerial practices and learning in cultivating mass customization capability in a manufacturing environment.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships among product/process modularity, organizational learning practices, and mass customization (MC) capability. Drawing on organizational learning theory, we propose that organizational learning practices help to embed the knowledge gained from modular design practices into organizational processes, enhancing MC capability. We empirically test the mediating effects of two organizational learning practices—customization knowledge utilization and business process improvement—on the relationship between product/process modularity and MC capability, using data collected from Chinese manufacturers. We find strong support for the mediating role of organizational learning practices in the relationship between modularity and MC capability. Our findings have implications for management strategies and point to directions for further research in this area.  相似文献   

Mass customization (MC) refers to the capability to produce customized goods for a mass market. Innovation can enhance the flexibility and responsiveness of a company, and standardization enables the company to achieve economies of scale and scope, both of which are necessary for developing MC capability. A conceptual model is proposed to explore the relationships among innovation, standardization, MC capability, and delivery speed. Hypotheses are tested using survey data from 204 manufacturing companies in China. The results show that standardization positively influences innovation. Innovation and standardization positively affect MC capability and are complementary in developing MC capability. Innovation significantly enhances delivery speed. However, the direct effect of standardization on delivery speed is nonsignificant. In addition, innovation and standardization indirectly affect delivery speed through MC capability. This study contributes to the literature by providing empirical evidence on the individual and interactive effects of standardization and innovation in developing MC capability and their joint influence on delivery speed. The results will help managers understand the roles of standardization and innovation in improving organizational capability and performance.  相似文献   

More than ever, companies have to cope with ever changing market conditions. Some companies have reacted to shortened product life cycles, constant changes in customer preferences and cost pressures by implementing mass customization practices. Mass customization has been hailed as a way to overcome the tradeoff between cost and flexibility performance. However, there is lack of consistent empirical evidence to demonstrate that this really is the case. We advance this debate by proposing that in order for mass customization to be more effective, a company needs to possess and utilize social capital (i.e., cognitive, relational and structured social capital) within their supply networks. This study uses primary survey data from 513 plants from nine countries collected by the Global Manufacturing Research Group (GMRG). We used structural equation modelling analysis to test our hypotheses. Results indicate that mass customization has the ability to improve a company’s cost and flexibility performance. Furthermore, results regarding the moderating role of social capital are mixed. Cognitive capital only moderates the impact of mass customization on cost performance while relational capital increases this impact on both cost and flexibility performance. Structural capital does not moderate the impact of mass customization on performance.  相似文献   

基于大规模定制下提升企业竞争优势的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
面临多变的动态竞争环境,企业要实施大规模定制战略,必须具备柔性制造系统带来产品多样化、实施低成本所带来低价格、以最短时间生产和递送满足客户个性化需求的产品和服务等生产能力。企业应在设计、生产和提供产品时以顾客需求为导向。文章通过实施客户关系管理、企业品牌、企业文化、组织结构建设、战略联盟、创新机制等策略来进一步创建新的竞争优势。  相似文献   

随着中国保税物流区域已经基本实现根据市场需求形成以沿海港口和机场为龙头,内地为辅的布局,和海关对于保税物流的理解逐渐深入。目前保税物流区域和场所的建设也得到了前所未有的发展。世界上最大的专业物流设施开发商普洛斯,自进入中国市场后。业务拓展迅速,此时更是如鱼得水。普洛斯看好中国未来保税区域和场所的整体发展。普洛斯中国区副总裁周波认为,普洛斯现在需要做的是根据客户的需求。依托于政府制定的政策和规则。积极推进在中国保税物流仓储设施的开发,并提供更加优质的仓储设施与服务。  相似文献   

对物流目标的认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对物流目标的认识,即物流这种行为、这种过程所要达到的目的是什么?这一点目前从大的方面是有一定共识的:降低物流成本,提高物流服务水平。但是对于物流成本、物流服务所包含的内容、所隐含的本质则是“百家齐放、百花争鸣”,没有形成一个统一的认识,这也体现出了我们对物流认识的浅薄与不足。1物流成本更多体现于隐性成本、机会成本物流是由运输、仓储、装卸、搬运、流通加工、配送、情报处理等一系列功能所组成。从表面上看物流成本就是花费在这些环节上的成本的总和,这是目前我们对物流成本的普遍认识。因此许多企业在计算物流成…  相似文献   

网络时代必须发展网络物流。网络物流的本质是即时传递的信息流引导物流,通过虚拟物流过程实现物流自动化,促使物流行业的变革升级。  相似文献   

对于零售企业而言,物流已成为其核心竞争力的重要组成部分,对企业发展起着举足轻重的作用。而家电产品的多样化和销售周期性变化明显,无疑给家电零售企业的物流管理与运作造成很大压力。因此,提高物流水平,降低物流成本,成为每个家电零售企业关注的焦点。位居全国电器连锁企业四甲之列的大中电器,经过多年探索。成功地从自营物流走向物流外包,不断增强的物流能力为企业的持续快速发展奠定了坚实的基础。[编者按]  相似文献   

通过对物流需求基本功能的探讨,提出了进行企业物流需求分析的三大内容和七个步骤,并通过集团企业物流需求示例讨论了物流需求分析的方法。  相似文献   

目前,在我国保税物流区域中,较为引人注目的当属以高自动化程度而闻名全国的天津港保税区物流龙头企业——天保冈谷国际物流有限公司。  相似文献   

我参加了三次中国物流发展东湖论坛。在首届论坛上,我的演讲是货通天下创伟业。我觉得从经济学的角度来观察,世界上的产业,只有两个产业是没有规模极限的。一个产业是互联网,一个产业是物流。从经济学角度看,物流产业确实会成为一个巨大的朝阳产业,未来有很大的发展前景。沃尔玛现代物流商贸业曾经是多年来世界的第一  相似文献   

陈建春 《价值工程》2016,(35):62-64
对建筑业、房地产业、金融业、生活服务业四大行业相关的"营改增"税收政策进行解读,重点了解营改增政策要点、不动产进项税额分期抵扣暂行办法等企业关注的税收政策,帮助企业及时准确地掌握最新的税收政策,积极引导企业用好税收政策,加快企业发展。  相似文献   

中国高昂的物流成本不仅影响企业经营,也制约了社会经济的发展。追根究底,物流成本的高昂主要源自于社会制度成本的高昂。为降低物流成本,企业需要不懈地努力,政府更责无旁贷。去年以来,天价过路费、境外疯狂采购团、豆你玩、蒜你狠等令人诧异的事件频频见诸报端。英国《金融时报》记者在调查中发现,从中国内地运货到美国的运费,竟然比从广州运到北京还便宜,前者价格只有后者的一半。看似不甚关联的事情在社会相关专家的分析下,竟一致将矛头指向了中国的物流成本甚至是物流企业,舆论也将物流成本归结为当前物价上涨的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

如何降低物流成本--我国物流企业亟待解决的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国物流企业物流成本居高不下的现状,分析其原因并提出降低物流成本的若干策略,以提高我国企业的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

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