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Contingent Claims and Market Completeness in a Stochastic Volatility Model   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
In an incomplete market framework, contingent claims are of particular interest since they improve the market efficiency. This paper addresses the problem of market completeness when trading in contingent claims is allowed. We extend recent results by Bajeux and Rochet (1996) in a stochastic volatility model to the case where the asset price and its volatility variations are correlated. We also relate the ability of a given contingent claim to complete the market to the convexity of its price function in the current asset price. This allows us to state our results for general contingent claims by examining the convexity of their "admissible arbitrage prices."  相似文献   

This paper studies contingent claim valuation of risky assets in a stochastic interest rate economy. the model employed generalizes the approach utilized by Heath, Jarrow, and Morton (1992) by imbedding their stochastic interest rate economy into one containing an arbitrary number of additional risky assets. We derive closed form formulae for certain types of European options in this context, notably call and put options on risky assets, forward contracts, and futures contracts. We also value American contingent claims whose payoffs are permitted to be general functions of both the term structure and asset prices generalizing Bensoussan (1984) and Karatzas (1988) in this regard. Here, we provide an example where an American call's value is well defined, yet there does not exist an optimal trading strategy which attains this value. Furthermore, this example is not pathological as it is a generalization of Roll's (1977) formula for a call option on a stock that pays discrete dividends.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis on the pricing of forward starting options under stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates is performed. The main finding is that forward starting options not only depend on future smiles, but also directly on the evolution of the interest rates as well as the dependency structures among the underlying asset, the interest rates, and the stochastic volatility: compared to vanilla options, dynamic structures such as forward starting options are much more sensitive to model specifications such as volatility, interest rate, and correlation movements. We conclude that it is of crucial importance to take all these factors explicitly into account for a proper valuation and risk management of these securities. The performed analysis is facilitated by deriving closed‐form formulas for the valuation of forward starting options, hereby taking the stochastic volatility, stochastic interest rates as well the dependency structure between all these processes explicitly into account. The valuation framework is derived using a probabilistic approach, enabling a fast and efficient evaluation of the option price by Fourier inverting the forward starting characteristic functions. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 31:103–125, 2011  相似文献   

We model the term-structure modeling of interest rates by considering the forward rate as the solution of a stochastic hyperbolic partial differential equation. First, we study the arbitrage-free model of the term structure and explore the completeness of the market. We then derive results for the pricing of general contingent claims. Finally we obtain an explicit formula for a forward rate cap in the Gaussian framework from the general results.  相似文献   

A simple model of the term structure of interest rates is introduced in which the family of instantaneous forward rates evolves as a continuous Gaussian random field. A necessary and sufficient condition for the associated family of discounted zero-coupon bond prices to be martingales is given, permitting the consistent pricing of interest rate contingent claims. Examples of the pricing of interest-rate caps and the situation when the Gaussian random field may be viewed as a deterministic time change of the standard Brownian sheet are discussed.  相似文献   

A substantial applications literature on pricing by arbitrage has effectively restricted information to that arising solely from securities markets; return distributions are then governed solely by past prices. We reconsider pricing by arbitrage in markets rendered incomplete by arbitrary information, which, moreover, may influence required returns. We show that contingent claims depending solely on securities' normalized price histories are priced by arbitrage if and only if all risk-adjusted probabilities agree upon the law of primitive securities' normalized prices. We show how existing diffusion-based results can be preserved, and resolve an issue relating to Merton's (1973) stochastic interest rate model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply Carr's randomization approximation and the operator form of the Wiener‐Hopf method to double barrier options in continuous time. Each step in the resulting backward induction algorithm is solved using a simple iterative procedure that reduces the problem of pricing options with two barriers to pricing a sequence of certain perpetual contingent claims with first‐touch single barrier features. This procedure admits a clear financial interpretation that can be formulated in the language of embedded options. Our approach results in a fast and accurate pricing method that can be used in a rather wide class of Lévy‐driven models including Variance Gamma processes, Normal Inverse Gaussian processes, KoBoL processes, CGMY model, and Kuznetsov's β ‐class. Our method can be applied to double barrier options with arbitrary bounded terminal payoff functions, which, in particular, allows us to price knock‐out double barrier put/call options as well as double‐no‐touch options.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the pricing and hedging problems for quanto range accrual notes (RANs) under the Heath‐Jarrow‐Morton (HJM) framework with Levy processes for instantaneous domestic and foreign forward interest rates. We consider the effects of jump risk on both interest rates and exchange rates in the pricing of the notes. We first derive the pricing formula for quanto double interest rate digital options and quanto contingent payoff options; then we apply the method proposed by Turnbull (Journal of Derivatives, 1995, 3, 92–101) to replicate the quanto RAN by a combination of the quanto double interest rate digital options and the quanto contingent payoff options. Using the pricing formulas derived in this study, we obtain the hedging position for each issue of quanto RANs. In addition, by simulation and assuming the jump risk to follow a compound Poisson process, we further analyze the effects of jump risk and exchange rate risk on the coupons receivable in holding a RAN. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 29:973–998, 2009  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a new notion of convergence for discussing the relationship between discrete and continuous financial models, D 2-convergence. This is stronger than weak convergence, the commonly used mode of convergence in the finance literature. We show that D 2-convergence, unlike weak convergence, yields a number of important convergence preservation results, including the convergence of contingent claims, derivative asset prices and hedge portfolios in the discrete Cox-Ross-Rubinstein option pricing models to their continuous counterparts in the Black-Scholes model. Our results show that D 2-convergence is characterized by a natural lifting condition from nonstandard analysis (NSA), and we demonstrate how this condition can be reformulated in standard terms, i.e., in language that only involves notions from standard analysis. From a practical point of view, our approach suggests procedures for constructing good (i.e., convergent) approximate discrete claims, prices, hedge portfolios, etc. This paper builds on earlier work by the authors, who introduced methods from NSA to study problems arising in the theory of option pricing.  相似文献   

We provide a general and flexible approach to LIBOR modeling based on the class of affine factor processes. Our approach respects the basic economic requirement that LIBOR rates are nonnegative, and the basic requirement from mathematical finance that LIBOR rates are analytically tractable martingales with respect to their own forward measure. Additionally, and most importantly, our approach also leads to analytically tractable expressions of multi‐LIBOR payoffs. This approach unifies therefore the advantages of well‐known forward price models with those of classical LIBOR rate models. Several examples are added and prototypical volatility smiles are shown. We believe that the CIR process‐based LIBOR model might be of particular interest for applications, since closed form valuation formulas for caps and swaptions are derived.  相似文献   

This paper pursues the role of Laguerre series in the explicit valuation of contingent claims in general and Asian options in particular. Motivated by Dufresne (2000) , we study how they permit one to reduce these questions to computing moments. Two alternative such Laguerre reduction approaches are proposed and analyzed. Sufficient conditions for their validity are developed as a further novel feature; these are in terms of local growth measures for the payoff functions and the densities that the paper introduces for this purpose. Our methods are exemplified by considering the benchmark valuation of Asian options. Our explicit formulas for the negative moments of the integral of geometric Brownian motion in terms of theta functions are instrumental here. They have been derived in Schröder (2003c) building on work of Dufresne (2000) , and this paper now finally develops their pertinent computational aspects.  相似文献   

Bielecki and Rutkowski introduced and studied a generic nonlinear market model, which includes several risky assets, multiple funding accounts, and margin accounts. In this paper, we examine the pricing and hedging of contract from the perspective of both the hedger and the counterparty with arbitrary initial endowments. We derive inequalities for unilateral prices and we study the range of fair bilateral prices. We also examine the positive homogeneity and monotonicity of unilateral prices with respect to the initial endowments. Our study hinges on results from Nie and Rutkowski for backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) driven by continuous martingales, but we also derive the pricing partial differential equations (PDEs) for path‐independent contingent claims of a European style in a Markovian framework.  相似文献   

A new class of risk measures called cash subadditive risk measures is introduced to assess the risk of future financial, nonfinancial, and insurance positions. The debated cash additive axiom is relaxed into the cash subadditive axiom to preserve the original difference between the numéraire of the current reserve amounts and future positions. Consequently, cash subadditive risk measures can model stochastic and/or ambiguous interest rates or defaultable contingent claims. Practical examples are presented, and in such contexts cash additive risk measures cannot be used. Several representations of the cash subadditive risk measures are provided. The new risk measures are characterized by penalty functions defined on a set of sublinear probability measures and can be represented using penalty functions associated with cash additive risk measures defined on some extended spaces. The issue of the optimal risk transfer is studied in the new framework using inf-convolution techniques. Examples of dynamic cash subadditive risk measures are provided via BSDEs where the generator can locally depend on the level of the cash subadditive risk measure.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of pricing path-dependent contingent claims. Classically, this problem can be cast into the Black-Scholes valuation framework through inclusion of the path-dependent variables into the state space. This leads to solving a degenerate advection-diffusion partial differential equation (PDE). We first estabilish necessary and sufficient conditions under which degenerate diffusions can be reduced to lower-dimensional nondegenerate diffusions. We apply these results to path-dependent options. Then, we describe a new numerical technique, called forward shooting grid (FSG) method, that efficiently copes with degenerate diffusion PDEs. Finally, we show that the FSG method is unconditionally stable and convergent. the FSG method is the first capable of dealing with the early exercise condition of American options. Several numerical examples are presented and discussed. 2  相似文献   

Backward Stochastic Differential Equations in Finance   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
We are concerned with different properties of backward stochastic differential equations and their applications to finance. These equations, first introduced by Pardoux and Peng (1990), are useful for the theory of contingent claim valuation, especially cases with constraints and for the theory of recursive utilities, introduced by Duffie and Epstein (1992a, 1992b).  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of maximizing the expected utility of terminal wealth for a financial agent with an unbounded random endowment, and with a utility function which supports both positive and negative wealth. We prove the existence of an optimal trading strategy within a class of permissible strategies—those strategies whose wealth process is a super-martingale under all pricing measures with finite relative entropy. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the absence of utility-based arbitrage, and for the existence of a solution to the primal problem. We consider two utility-based methods which can be used to price contingent claims. Firstly we investigate marginal utility-based price processes (MUBPP's). We show that such processes can be characterized as local martingales under the normalized optimal dual measure for the utility maximizing investor. Finally, we present some new results on utility indifference prices, including continuity properties and volume asymptotics for the case of a general utility function, unbounded endowment and unbounded contingent claims.  相似文献   

Based on the potential approach to interest rate modelling, we introduce a simple tractable model for the unified valuation of interest rate, currency and equity derivatives. Our model is able to accommodate the initial term structure of zero‐coupon bond prices, generate positive and bounded interest rates, and handle cross products such as differential swaps, quanto options and equity swaps. As our model is specified under the actual probability measure, it can be directly used for portfolio risk management and the computation of value at risk. Furthermore, our model yields simple analytical formulas that are easy to calibrate and implement.  相似文献   

For general volatility structures for forward rates, the evolution of interest rates may not be Markovian and the entire path may be necessary to capture the dynamics of the term structure. This article identifies conditions on the volatility structure of forward rates that permit the dynamics of the term structure to be represented by a two-dimensional state variable Markov process. the permissible set of volatility structures that accomplishes this goal is shown to be quite large and includes many stochastic structures. In general, analytical characterization of the terminal distributions of the two state variables is unlikely, and numerical procedures are required to value claims. Efficient simulation algorithms using control variates are developed to price claims against the term structure.  相似文献   

It is shown how, even when the market is incomplete, certain contingent claims are attainable: that is, they can be represented as stochastic integrals with respect to the process which describes the evolution of the asset prices.  相似文献   

A new approach to modeling credit risk, to valuation of defaultable debt and to pricing of credit derivatives is developed. Our approach, based on the Heath, Jarrow, and Morton (1992) methodology, uses the available information about the credit spreads combined with the available information about the recovery rates to model the intensities of credit migrations between various credit ratings classes. This results in a conditionally Markovian model of credit risk. We then combine our model of credit risk with a model of interest rate risk in order to derive an arbitrage‐free model of defaultable bonds. As expected, the market price processes of interest rate risk and credit risk provide a natural connection between the actual and the martingale probabilities.  相似文献   

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