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论传统期货交易所公司化改造的背景   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
许多传统的会员制非赢利期货交易所近年来纷纷进行公司化改造,成为赢利性的股份公司。尽管对这种组织变革及其相关问题存在着一些不同认识,但要深入研究这些问题,必须首先弄清出现公司化改造浪潮的背景。研究表明,促成这类战略决策的主要因素包括三个方面:信息技术的变革与创新使传统交易方式和组织形式面临技术竞争力方面的压力;国际期货市场结构发生了重大变化,传统交易所组织形式面临竞争方面的严峻挑战,有关国家的市场监管部门为提升本国期货业的竞争实力,对交易所的组织变革提供了有力支持。  相似文献   

In spite of its use to explain market processes, neoclassical economics still has not integrated entrepreneurship into its analyses. This explanatory gap is the consequence of the analytical closed-endedness of the “market” processes described by the neoclassical framework, where social interactions do not result in new unpredictable information. However, entrepreneurship as profit-seeking under uncertainty is an open-ended process characterized by a creatively reflexive and emergent interactive behavior in society. This open-endedness involves the generation of novel, complex, and extensive future information that is not what anyone intended it to be. Neoclassical economics, with its predetermined assumptions on economic behavior, cannot really account for the fundamental uncertainty of open-ended processes because it cannot explain reflexivity or emergence. Therefore, it cannot explain entrepreneurship as either an innovatively cohesive or disruptive behavior that converges toward future market situations.  相似文献   

数据已被视为一种重要的战略资源,是全球经济中新的资本要素。开放数据可给世界各国带来巨大的经济效益,催生大量新企业的诞生,并有助于新产品和新服务的创造,推动一些科技领域飞速发展。美国在开放数据方面走在世界最前列,奥巴马政府出重拳推动开放数据以促进创新创业和经济增长,并将科研数据开放视为数据政策和重要组成部分。我国应进一步控掘开放数据对于创新创业及经济增长的推动作用,充分认识开放数据有助于进一步推动企业成为创新主体,同时要注重开放数据的制度化。  相似文献   

研究公园开放的内涵区别于管理开放的研究视角, 依据城市空间密度变化和市民步行需求变化,从城市步行空间 视角,反思通过管理手段开放的收费公园在空间状态上并未真 正开放的现实问题,问题的出现在于收费管理模式引致的空间 模式滞后。以公园城市为理念指导、开放街区化为技术路径, 鉴别城市中心公园在城市步行网络中现有状态与应承角色之间 的差异。多尺度比较传统公园模式与“开放街区”尺度的不协 调性,理清传统公园空间模式向开放公园空间模式的转变途 径,提出以外部城市空间步行肌理重塑内部公园交通,构建公 园空间开放度评价体系(PSOA法)量化开放程度,以期定量描 述空间的开放状态,改善并解决空间的开放问题,更好地应对 城市中心地区的空间变化需求,服务城市步行体系,实现以人 为本的公园空间和管理的双重开放。  相似文献   

A common popular assertion is that trade liberalization encourages deforestation. But whether this is true depends on how trade policies affect the allocation of land among competing uses and how they influence illegal cutting of public forests. A model is presented that allows for forests to be either public or private, and public forests are divided into protected (or managed) and threatened categories. Effects of price changes are shown on each part of the forest. An empirical version of the model is applied to the case of Mexico with NAFTA. Most scenarios considered show that NAFTA will have positive long-run effects on forest cover in Mexico but that this is net of losses on private lands.  相似文献   

We explore the interaction of open innovation and intellectual property (IP) in two Chinese latecomer pharmaceutical firms in their catch-up process. Studying archival data, documentation, and interviews, we found that the two firms exhibited five periods that were characterised by different open innovation activities and R&D capabilities. In their early stages, the two firms lacked R&D functions; thus, they imported technologies and pursued production-oriented strategies. As they gradually entered into collaborations and established their R&D departments, open innovation and IP protection played important and dynamic roles in this process. Thus, a catch-up process involves not only acquiring technological capabilities and innovative competencies but also transforming a firm's capacity to strategies.  相似文献   

本文先确定中国宏观经济波动的特征事实:消费波动与产量高度相关、投资波动大于产出的波动、净出口与GDP呈反周期变化。然后分别用封闭经济模型、小国开放经济模型和考虑了政府购买冲击的小国开放经济模型对中国经济进行实证检验。研究发现,封闭经济模型仅能解释产出、消费和投资波动的48.26%、24.39%和98.50%;而小国开放经济模型分别可以解释68.70%、69.51%、98.50%和TB/GDP率的97.42%;考虑了政府购买的小国开放经济模型的解释程度分别是83.91%、81.95%、99.63%和TB/GDP率的209.68%。比较分析表明开放经济模型比封闭经济模型能较好地解释中国的经济现象,并且随着政府购买引入到开放经济模型,该模型对经济的解释能力显著提高,说明这一模型更符合中国经济的特征事实。  相似文献   

The biotechnology industry is at the heart of the fast-growing knowledge-based economy. One of the distinguishing characteristics of this industry is clustering. A cluster, like an organism, experiences origin, growth, and decline/reorientation. Our study constructs a framework to analyze biotechnology clusters with different origins, “spontaneous” and “policy-driven”, through their life cycles. We use the Bay Area in the United States and Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park in China as two cases to represent spontaneous and policy-driven biotechnology clusters. This study fills the gap in the literature by comparing these two types of biotechnology clusters in an evolutionary perspective. The key success factors of both biotechnology clusters are their own human and financial capital, but they differ in their underlying processes for creating and sharing these resources. The most fundamental differences arise from the impact of entrepreneurship, social capital and network patterns on the cluster's configuration.  相似文献   

Since Montgomery [1972. Markets in licenses and efficient pollution control programs. Journal of Economic Theory 5, 395-418] and Weitzman [1974. Prices vs. quantities. Review of Economic Studies 41, 477-491], it has generally been assumed that, in a full-information setting, tradable quotas and taxes are equivalent regulatory instruments. We demonstrate that, if the government is movitated by public-finance concerns, this equivalence holds only if quotas are short lived. Moreover, the government prefers quotas with the shortest possible lifetime, or, what is equivalent in our setting, taxes.  相似文献   

Based on firm level data for the period of 1998–2007, this paper attempts to explain the growth differences between private enterprises and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China, in the context of liquidity shocks, and institutional and financial environments. It is found that (1) when liquidity tightens, the private enterprises face stricter credit constraints than SOEs, which restricts the development of private enterprise; (2) when liquidity becomes abundant, private enterprises face fewer financial limitations and grow much faster than SOEs; (3) the effect of liquidity shocks on the growth rate gap between private enterprises and SOEs has weakened during the period 2002–2007. These findings reveal that the credit discrimination against private enterprises can be mitigated by improving institutional and financial environments, which weaken the effects of liquidity shocks on firm growth.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on how the traditional textbook approach to econometrics, by conflating statistical and substantive information, has contributed significantly to the mountains of untrustworthy evidence accumulated over the last century. In a nutshell, the problem is that when one's favorite theory is foisted on the data, the end result is invariably an empirical model which is both statistically and substantively misspecified, but one has no way to disentangle the two sources of error in order to draw reliable inferences. It is argued that ignoring statistical misspecification, and focusing exclusively on the evaluation of the statistical results – taken at face value – on substantive grounds, has proved a disastrous strategy for learning from data. Moreover, the traditional textbook stratagems of error-fixing designed to alleviate statistical misspecification often make matters worse. Instead, the paper proposes a number of strategies that separate the statistical and substantive sources of information, ab initio, and address the problem by replacing goodness-of-fit with statistical adequacy to secure the statistical reliability of inference, and then proceed to pose questions of substantive adequacy.  相似文献   

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