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服务需求的波动性及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于服务的无形性特点,需求波动性对服务企业供需平衡管理提出了更高的要求。本文通过服务需求和服务供给能力分析,提出加强服务供需平衡管理的措施:改变需求以适应企业的服务能力;改变服务能力以适应需求变化以及改善排队等待的对策。  相似文献   

物流服务需求总体规模及趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用国内生产总值、进出口贸易总额、货运量和货运周转量等指标,从总体规模上对物流服务需求进行了分析,并提出了物流服务需求总体的发展趋势。  相似文献   

为了了解成都地区60岁及其以上老年人对养老服务的需求、社会养老机构的服务现状及面临问题。本文通过方便抽样的方法,对成都市五城区、龙泉驿区、温江区、新都区及都江堰市、彭州市的老年人、部分养老机构和社区养老服务中心、社会养老服务从业人员进行问卷调查。主要采用频数分析方法、Friedman秩和检验进行数据分析。调查数据显示成都地区社会养老服务机构面临的主要问题是:一是供需不平衡。老年人医疗健康问题的广泛需求和现有部分养老机构的单一功能不一致;二是缺乏对老年人能力评估和服务需求评估工作;三是医疗和护理人员资源匮乏,缺乏护理分层服务构架。建议试点扶持拥有附属医院、医学教育的综合性院校,以协同创新平台为依托,发展医养结合模式,构建医、养、学三位一体的系统,对社会养老服务进行补充和完善。政府应建章立制,加大政策引导。  相似文献   

中国企业与一带一路沿线国家经贸合作的扩大,及沿线各国因政治历史变迁、经济水平、市场化程度等差异较大而造成的政治、经济、文化等方面风险较高的现实,对会计师事务所提供的会计服务提出更高更新的要求.东盟和南亚是我国企业投融资及贸易往来的主要区域,企业选择会计服务供应商时会重点考虑其品牌声誉、服务质量、双方交往经历等因素,企业还需要现有审计和非审计服务之外的其他创新服务.因此,会计师事务所应加强外汇管制及汇率管理咨询等非审计业务拓展,关注中国企业一带一路沿线投融资和贸易过程中的风险评估,积极开展走出去企业新服务需求的调研,努力开拓东盟之外的沿线区域和国家会计服务市场,重视现有客户关系的维护防止客户流失,持续提高胜任能力,提升服务质量、打造品牌、维护声誉,以满足企业对高质量创新服务的需求.  相似文献   

目的:了解高端查体人群的护理需求,提高护理服务质量。方法:采用调查问卷的方法对100名查体者从护理服务、护士专科技术专科技能、护士健康教育能力、护士沟通及人际关系等方面进行调查。结果:对护理服务需求的趋向为97.2%,对护士专科知识专科技能的需求趋向为99%,对护士健康教育能力的需求趋向为97.4%,对护士沟通及人际关系的需求趋向为98.4%。结论:提高护理人员专科知识专科技能是提高体检质量的关键,改善护理服务态度是体检的生存之本,做好健康宣教、安排好查体流程是做好体检的基本条件。  相似文献   

随着服务经济时代的到来,服务业在国民经济和对外经济关系中扮演着越来越重要的角色,其发展水平也己经成为衡量一个国家经济现代化程度和社会文明进步程度的重要标志.然而伴随着服务业竞争的日趋激烈和科技水平的不断发展,服务业企业间的合作联盟成为了一种发展趋势,于是服务供应链随之产生.文章主要理清了服务供应链的内涵以及服务流程,并且通过服务能力对服务供应链决策进行分析,提出了战略互动与协同运作模式,最后为最大程度满足顾客需求提出了一些发展对策.  相似文献   

读者需求和图书馆服务模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
服务是图书馆永恒的话题,既是实现图书馆读者需求的直接手段,也是满足读者需求的最终结果。本文通过分析读者的需求,详细探讨了目前图书馆的读者服务模式。  相似文献   

本文通过对南京市老年人口养老服务需求的调查研究,发现:在健康状况和生活自理能力弱化的预期下,选择机构养老的老年人口比例增加;高收入老年人的机构养老的意愿明显高于低收入或没有收入的老年人;市区老人在各项居家养老服务的知晓率上明显高于郊区老人;空巢老年人的居家养老服务需求率明显高于非空巢老人;老年人对水电气维修服务、医疗咨询和保健服务、精神慰藉等居家养老服务的需求比例较高。最后,针对上述结论提出完善南京市养老服务体系建设的对策。  相似文献   

在日益发展的社会环境中,优质服务管理水平是提高企业实力的主要动力,又是供电企业的最终环节,是整个电力事业的关键部分。它对供电企业的内部管理水平和外部环境被大众认可的程度有着直接的检验性功能,既决定着供电方经营管理的前途,又直接掌握着供电企业的经济发展命脉。电力需求的侧管理是在同样用电的情况下能够最大限度的减少电能的消耗,减少电力需求量,最终达到节约能源和环境保护,以及服务大众,提高社会效益,降低成本的目的。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的深度发展,我国各级各类社会组织都需要进一步提高经营管理水平,以确保组织的健康运行和组织目标的实现。实践证明,充分发挥内部审计职能是提高经营管理水平的关键因素之一。厘清内部审计需求与内部审计服务,追索产生问题的症结,协调需求与服务关系,适当定位内部审计,或可打开释放内部审计能量闸门。  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines whether consumers use health information, from non-physician information sources, as a substitute or complement for health services – namely for physician visits and emergency room (ER) visits. An indicator of patient trust in physicians is developed and used as a proxy for potential unobserved heterogeneity that may drive both consumers’ propensity to seek information and to use physician services. The results, after correcting for sample selection bias and controlling for unobserved heterogeneity, concur with the literature, that consumer health information increases the likelihood of visiting a physician as well as the frequency of visits on average. However, low-trust consumers tend to substitute self-care through consumer health information for physician services. Further, better-informed consumers make significantly fewer ER visits suggesting that information may be improving efficiency in the market.  相似文献   

A model of municipal budget allocation is constructed. It is assumed that municipalities elect mayors whose preferences reflect those of their constituents and that the bureaucrats heading the public agencies are private-wealth maximizers. Following Niskanen it is argued that bureaucrats exploit their mayors in order to maximize their salaries which implies that the price-elasticity for municipal services will be unitary. A price index is constructed, and the implication is tested on a sample of 81 U.S. cities over the period 1951–1973. The time-series estimates of price, population, and income elasticities are compared with those of Bergstrom and Goodman and Borcherding and Deacon.  相似文献   

Decentralization of the public health system should lead to health resources being managed more in line with citizens’ preferences. A decentralized system is more flexible in that it can better adapt resources to local needs. Moreover, if regional political parties have responsibility for public health policies, citizens will be able to elect those parties whose positions are more in line with their preferences. However, the role of political parties in public health management has received little attention in the literature. Focusing on the decision to provide reserve service capacity to deal with demand uncertainty, we analyse whether there have been differences between central and decentralized health authorities in Spain and whether these can be explained to some extent by the way different political parties manage the trade-off between being able to cover demand and the economic costs involved. Using data on Spanish public hospitals for the period 1996–2006, we model the difference between observed and potential output using an output-oriented distance function. Reserve capacity is modelled as a function of demand uncertainty, economic costs and the political party in power. We find differences in the way resources are managed by central government and decentralized authorities, even within the same political party. We also find differences between the decentralized authorities themselves according to the political party in power. We conclude that decentralization of public health in Spain has provided regional political authorities with greater flexibility to manage reserve capacity in line with citizens’ needs and preferences.  相似文献   

Pricing schedules for computer resources have traditionally been based on ‘cost-recovery’ principles. While economists have begun to address pricing based on marginal congestion costs, most models take demand to be exogenous and given. Discrete alternatives are inadequately treated, and aggregation of data precludes any assessment of the impact of transaction size on consumers' decisions. Using disaggregated data, this paper derives empirical results confirming that consumers are strongly influenced by transaction sizes. Simulation experiments demonstrate that price incentives designed to modify the use of computer resources are considerably more effective if the distribution of demand is weighted towards large transactions.  相似文献   

T T Wan  J H Broida 《Socio》1983,17(4):225-234
Community health planning requires identification of the level of access to care and factors which affect the differentials in use of health services. In formulating strategies or alternatives for planning, some assessment of the current level or patterns of health services must be made. It is this element of the planning process that is addressed in this paper. In this study sixty-five specifically designated areas (medical market areas) in the Province of Quebec, Canada were selected. The analysis was performed using data obtained from a large scale study of physicians' responses to the introduction of universal medical care insurance in Quebec. Our analysis offered an opportunity to observe the impact of Medicare on access to care for those thought to be underserved.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the demand for housing services, integrating into a single analysis a systematic treatment of several important conceptual and empirical issues. Our three major objectives are to (1) evaluate the empirical importance of the simultaneity between the tenure choice and consumption level decisions; (2) analyze the relationship between household type and housing demand; and (3) present new estimates of the parameters of housing demand which are based on detailed microdata. In the process, we derive and estimate overall income and price demand elasticities which incorporate the impacts of income and price on both the tenure choice and consumption level decisions.  相似文献   

P T Ittig 《Socio》1978,12(5):221-228
This article reports results of a project to develop methods of planning health care delivery for a community with emphasis on ambulatory services in a health maintenance organization setting. Some of the special difficulties of the problem are discussed and a linear optimization model is presented that addresses the problem of planning the ambulatory service mix for a specified population. The model accounts for population characteristics, financial data, and system dynamics (including referral patterns). An application is shown for the case of a “model cities” population in Buffalo, New York, and some implications for further research are presented.  相似文献   

In recent years, healthcare systems have been forced to better organize their services in the final attempt to maximize both care effectiveness and efficiency. In particular, emergent trends are prompting hospitals to pay more attention to the effective and efficient planning of resources and to the creation of patient-centred services, in which current activities and resources are reorganized around patients.This paper proposes a process mining based methodology to systematically support the resource planning of health services. Specifically, combining Time-Driven Activity Based Costing and process mining approaches, it automatically identifies the patient flow and analytically evaluates activities, service times, and resource consumptions for a specific class (-es) of patients (e.g., a DRG, patients with specific medical condition, etc.). Thus, it allows to reliably estimate the expected resource consumptions for the patient group under investigation. Thanks to process mining, the method overcomes the limitations of existing quantitative approaches that are often time-consuming, based on subjective observations, and too case specific. The method was applied to a real case study of lung cancer patients in an Italian hospital.  相似文献   

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