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城市智能交通控制系统是我国交通运输领域工作的重中之重,占据着不可比拟的地位,已经得到了越来越多人的重视和关注.要充分利用信息化技术和网络通信技术以及智能技术,不断促进城市智能交通控制系统的稳定发展.本文主要针对城市智能交通控制系统的研究与设计展开深入的研究与分析,并提出了几点针对性的优化措施,以供相关人士的借鉴.  相似文献   

智能交通系统 (ITS)是利用电子计算机和网络技术、信息通信技术、传感技术和系统集成技术使车辆和道路智能化,提供实时、准确、交互、广泛的信息,实现人、车、路的密切结合与和谐统一,从而提高道路通行能力,减少交通堵塞,保障人员和车辆安全,降低能耗,减少污染,改善环境,提高运输效率和经济效益。它是一种信息化、智能化、社会化的新型交通系统。   1990年,意大利高速公路公司研制成功了不停车电子收费系统,并在部分高速公路上使用,标志着意大利智能交通应用的开端。最近几年,随着意大利智能交通标准体系的建立、欧盟项目…  相似文献   

智能交通是实现可持续发展的内在要求,已引起全球的高度重视。中国道路在未来20年内仍处于建设期,这期间正是智能交通系统在全世界进入全面实施的阶段。因此,我国必须有前瞻意识,加快智能交通建设,提高交通效率。  相似文献   

智能交通是解决城市交通问题的一个重要途径,但是及时准确地获取交通数据成为制约智能交通发展的一个重要因素,文章从大数据的角度进行研究,分析了将大数据应用于智能交通发展带来的优势。  相似文献   

李哲 《经济研究导刊》2014,(33):227-228
智能交通是解决城市交通问题的一个重要途径,也是未来城市交通的发展方向。大数据时代的来临,为智能交通的发展带来了机遇和挑战。从大数据的角度出发,分析智能交通的需求和机遇,以及面临的挑战和应用前景。  相似文献   

如果你有过立在寒风中等公交的体验,眼巴巴盯着车开来的方向之时,你是否期盼过有一天,公交车站也竖了一块电子屏幕,显示着你所等的那趟车到达的时间,就好像地铁里下趟列车到达的时间表一样。  相似文献   

随着哈尔滨市经济的迅速发展,城市建设的加快和汽车普及率的提高,现有的交通管理系统已无法跟上交通发展的步伐,交通问题已成为阻碍可持续发展的主要问题之一。为把哈尔滨市建设成为“国际化新都市”,必须建立,套行之有效的、科学化的交通管理体系,实现智能化的交通管理。这就是智能交通系统(Intelligent Transport System,缩写ITS),它是在系统工程综合集成思想的指导下,将先进的信息技术、计算机技术、数据通信技术、传感技术、电子控制技术、自动控制理论、运筹学、人工智能等有效地综合运用于整个交通管理体系,建立起来的一种在大范围内、金方位发挥作用的,实时、准确、高效的综合智能交通管理控制系统。  相似文献   

英国的智能交通   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.英国智能交通发展历程   英国智能交通发展历程简而言之,是在城市交通控制系统中起步,在城市间交通控制系统中发展,当各独立分散的城市交通控制系统和各城市间交通控制系统实现联网后,智能交通技术才在真正意义上具备了规模发展条件,加之信息和通讯技术的推波助澜,以及英国公路、铁路等基础设施在设计之初为方便未来辅助设施的安装使用所留的余地,为包括智能交通技术在内的高新技术产品的应用提供了极大便利,智能交通发展方兴未艾。   英国智能交通以 1974年累斯特市计算机交通信号控制系统,即后来所称的市区交通控制 (UTC…  相似文献   

辛妍 《新经济导刊》2013,(10):74-78
着眼于智能交通的机构、技术应用实例、作用和全球发展现状以及未来的发展对策交通运输是经济的生命力。如果没有交通运输系统将人和货物运进、运出或者在周围移动,那么城市就不可能存在。交通运输一直是全球化的主要驱动力,它让距离不断缩小、促使整个新经济的出现并改善了数以百万计的人的生活质量。几乎每一天人们都离不开交通:  相似文献   

美国西进中的交通建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆宾 《经济管理》2000,(7):49-50

Air transportation is a key strategic asset in that it provides access to markets and thereby enables the economic development of nations. Thus, in order to maintain their competitiveness in a global economy, countries must invest in air transportation infrastructure to ensure their ability to meet current and future demand for aviation services. The objective of this paper is to develop and illustrate a methodology for evaluating the strategic value of air transportation infrastructure, in particular the benefits associated with the ability to react quickly to changes in the market. The hypothesis is that by recognizing and taking advantage of this strategic value, it may be possible to design better policies for aviation infrastructure delivery.The methodology developed here uses system dynamics to model different strategies for infrastructure delivery. These strategies are defined by three variables: the amount of capacity increase, the time to deliver the capacity and the congestion threshold that triggers the need for capacity delivery. Monte Carlo simulation is used to take into account multiple sources of uncertainty. The model shows that a strategy of capacity delivery based on small increments and short response times can yield more benefits than strategies that consider large capacity increases and long response times. Furthermore, in the specific airport example considered here, it was found that a congestion threshold of 75% should be the trigger for capacity enlargements if strategies based on small capacity increments and 1 or 5 years to increase capacity are considered. The lesson for decision-makers is that congestion delays must be addressed with foresight.  相似文献   

New or long-standing public infrastructure such as highways, airports, and ports of entry (POE) can increase adjacent property values generating a value premium for private developers and adjacent property owners. States and local governments aim to determine the geographic footprint and anticipate the economic value created by transportation infrastructure proximity and accessibility since it represents an opportunity to capture some infrastructure costs. Hence, it is desirable to understand the degree of correlation between transportation infrastructure proximity and changes in real property values in a spatial context particularly when defining economic development zones where transportation investments are planned and where governments expect to recover some of the infrastructure cost from increases in real property values. This research applies geographically weighted regression (GWR) analysis to determine the geographic footprint and quantify the impacts of transportation infrastructure proximity and accessibility on real property values in El Paso, Texas using a 2013 cross-sectional data set. The presence of spatial nonstationarity and heterogeneity confirms that transportation infrastructure proximity and accessibility might generate premiums on real property values, but that such premiums are not always positive and are occasionally negative. GWR shows that benefits from a transportation facility can be capitalized by non-adjacent parcels. Finally, GWR maps can help better policy development by estimating how much value is added by infrastructure proximity and accessibility throughout particular locations.  相似文献   

交通部门是中国最重要的碳排放源之一,交通电动化对实现双碳目标至关重要。本文以中国纯电动汽车消费为例,采集2017年1月至2020年11月中国31个省份(因数据缺失,不包含港澳台地区)充电桩数量及电动汽车销量数据构建面板固定效应模型和门槛效益模型,实证分析了不同类型公共充电基础设施对不同用途纯电动汽车购买的影响,以及不同地区温度对销量影响的门槛效应。研究发现公共充电桩数量增加1%,纯电动汽车购买量显著增加0.85%,其中出租租赁用途纯电动汽车销量显著增加1.57%。直流公共充电桩对纯电动汽车购买的影响远大于交流公共充电桩,并对不同用途的电动汽车存在异质性影响。此外,在气温更低的地方公共充电桩对纯电动汽车购买的影响更大,其显著门槛值为15摄氏度,且气温对出租租赁汽车的影响比非营业用途更大。政策制定者应合理考虑公共充电桩等基础设施的增设布局以保障电动汽车的续航能力,从而促进交通运输部门的脱碳进程。  相似文献   

吴滨  韦结余 《技术经济》2020,39(6):185-192
由于颠覆性技术创新具有科学突破性、长周期性、替代性、产业爆发性、价值跃迁性等特点,需要在不同的发展阶段进行不同的政策支持,特别是对于政府导向的重大颠覆性技术创新,更需要在关键技术研发和应用场景创造方面给与大力支持。智能交通作为政府导向的颠覆性技术创新,随着智能交通技术由基础技术体系、关键技术向技术融合发展转变,其政策支持也经历了由支持基础研发为主的供给型政策到以支持应用示范为主的需求型政策,再到以财税优惠和产业规制为主的环境型政策的转变。同时,本文认为应该注重颠覆性技术的阶段识别和应用场景开放,完善早期的培育政策和后期的市场引导政策,才能更好的促进我国颠覆性技术的产生和发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the technological development of the airport and the air transportation system in order to identify opportunities for increased growth and development. The paper identifies two approaches to accomodating growth, which it terms functional refinement and functional discovery. The former refers to incremental improvements, the latter to the discovery of new technological forms and functions. Functional refinements condition and frequently constrain efforts towards functional discovery. For example, efforts to advance “demand management” may not be beneficial for the exploration of new uses for air transportation technology. The paper examines how efforts towards functional refinement might be reoriented towards fostering functional discovery, identifies parallels between the air transportation system and other infrastructure systems, and examines how efforts towards functional refinement that lock out functional discovery run counter to powerful social pressures for flexible, specialized production.  相似文献   

We argue that banks operating in a local market possess better information about the local housing market than do nonlocal banks. Possessing this information may influence their willingness to grant loans to house buyers and the specifics of the loan terms, which in turn may affect house prices because credit facilitation makes the housing market more efficient. Using a panel data set covering a period from 1993 to 2007 and involving 274 municipalities in Sweden, we establish a positive causal influence of local bank presence on local house prices. There are significant spatial and spillover effects, that is, banks in a municipality affect the housing markets in neighbouring municipalities, although to a lesser extent than in their own municipality. Similar results are obtained through a gravity model. The results are robust over time and municipality size.  相似文献   

产业信息化的系统集成战略选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
产业信息化是一个全新的概念,它关系到如何减少产业成长中的不确定性,实现生产要素优化组合,使资源合理配置,适应瞬息万变的市场竞争环境等问题。对产业信息化的多层性内涵和系统集成作了探索,提出了产业信息化系统方略,试图为我国产业成长提供一条捷径,降低产业成本和提高产业竞争力。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the conditions under which public investment can be allocated to the infrastructure in material and non-material capital so as to have a positive effect on regional development and interregional inequality. To investigate this issue, the paper focuses on the externalities created by investing in infrastructure for the transfer of information, know-how or technical knowledge.  相似文献   

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