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产学研合作将企业的市场优势、资源优势和大学、科研院所的技术优势、研发优势结合起来,极大地促进了社会经济发展和科技进步.针对目前我国产学研合作中存在的问题与困难,政府要充分发挥政策导向作用,加快制定、出台有利于产学研合作的相关政策与法规,逐渐消除制约产学研合作的政策与体制因素,搭建全国性的信息交流与技术转让网络平台,建立、完善产学研合作创新中的风险投资机制与中介服务体系建设,积极营造有利于产学研合作的外部环境.而作为产学研合作创新主体的企业,应勇于担起创新主体的重任,选择合适的能兼顾短期目标与长期目标的产学研合作模式,提前介入产学研合作创新过程,建立利益共享与风险共担的柔性利益分配机制,妥善解决企业内部的知识产权利益分配问题,实现产学研各方长期合作、共同发展.  相似文献   

建立企业为主体,市场为导向、产学研结合的技术创新体系,是推进中国特色国家创新体系建设的突破口,也是深化科技体制改革的关键.产学研结合是当代科技创新社会化协作的要求,也是推进科技成果产业化、保持产业竞争力的重要环节,以及增强区域自主创新能力,实现优势互补,合作共赢,共同发展的重要机制.  相似文献   

德国科技创新能力一直位居世界前列,与其完善的知识产权管理战略密不可分。在德国联邦政府的不断努力下,德国构建了“国家引导,社会支持,企业主体,产研结合”的知识产权创造、运用、保护和管理体系,建立了一大批世界顶级的大学、科研院所和企业。本文对德国公立研究机构的知识产权保护与管理现状,知识产权成果创新和应用管理机制,及德国联邦政府促进知识产权战略实施的相关政策等进行了系统的介绍和分析。  相似文献   

新药研发是医药产业技术进步的核心,是新世纪各国科技、经济竞争的战略制高点。国内制药企业新药研发投入少、自主创新能力弱,以仿制药品生产为主,制约国内医药产业的可持续发展。制药企业是美国制药市场新药研发的创新主体,政府扶持、健全的融资渠道、成熟的产学研结合体系及相对完善的评审体系促进美国新药的研发创新。欧洲各国制定"创新药物计划(IMI)"并改革国家新药审批制度,采取相应的政策举措促进新药研究与开发。与欧美各国不同,日本政府在医药产业发展中起到决定性作用,政府主要通过积极引导和强制扶持的干预措施来推动医药产业发展及新药的研发,且特别重视促进研究成果的社会化利用。  相似文献   

企业内部自主研发与产学研合作创新之间的互补与替代关系并存,但互补性得到了更多研究的论证。基于现有研究对两类研发活动互动关系还缺少更为深入的探讨,文章从能力互补观和吸收能力观的视角构建了企业自主研发、产学研合作研发等关键构念之间的模型关系图,提出了产学研合作创新能够促进企业形成核心技术知识、两类研发活动的相互协同和企业创新绩效提高等研究命题。通过广东科达机电的纵向案例研究,考察了企业自主研发与产学研合作创新之间的动态互动过程。研究发现,企业内部自主研发与产学研合作创新之间的互动、企业的创业导向与吸收能力有助于提升企业的内部研发效率,促进其创新能力由低阶向高阶演化。科达机电的案例研究深化了对后发企业技术能力追赶机制的理解。  相似文献   

政府资助产学研合作旨在促进企业自主创新能力的提升,为检验实践中政府资助是否达到预期目标,本文基于广东省部产学研问卷调查数据,将企业创新绩效划分市场表现绩效与研发储备绩效两种,探讨政府资助、产学研互动程度对不同类型企业创新绩效的影响.结果表明:政府资助对研发储备绩效具有显著正向影响,对市场表现绩效的影响不显著;产学研互动程度对市场表现绩效有正向但不显著影响,且抑制了研发储备绩效,意味着需要通过政府资助产学研合作来达到促进企业研发储备绩效的目的;但产学研互动程度在政府资助和企业创新绩效关系中的作用是非线性的,只有达到某个门槛值才能发挥正向的作用,且研发储备绩效的门槛值高于市场表现绩效.基于此,提出相应对策建议.  相似文献   

吕超 《技术经济》2007,26(12):16-19
首先,对国防科技工业自主创新执行主体的基本构成及其相应的功能进行分析,明确国防工业企业作为自主创新的主体地位,其主体性主要表现为企业是自主创新的决策主体、研发主体和应用主体,而国防科研院所和高校处于辅助性地位;其次,对各创新主体的内在连接机制进行分析,明确各创新执行主体通过技术连接,构成了产学研有机结合的国防科技自主创新执行主体体系。  相似文献   

科技中介组织在高新区创新网络中的作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
高新区创新网络是创新主体和创新资源有机结合的载体。科技中介组织属于知识密集型服务业,是高新区创新网络的组成部分,在促进技术转移和扩散、推进产学研的深入发展方面,发挥着"黏合剂"的作用,是联结企业、研发机构、大学、政府、金融机构的桥梁和纽带。  相似文献   

构建产学研深度融合的技术创新体系,加速推进企业高质量发展是我国当前阶段的重要任务。基于陕西省112家企业问卷调查数据,探讨企业产学研主体地位对企业创新绩效的影响,并分析吸收能力在企业产学研主体地位对创新绩效影响的中介作用,以及政策支持、市场竞争在上述影响过程中的调节作用。结果表明,企业产学研主体地位对企业创新绩效具有显著正向影响;吸收能力中介了这一正向关系;政策支持加强了企业产学研主体地位对企业吸收能力的正向作用,而市场竞争强化了企业吸收能力对企业创新绩效的正向作用。研究结论可为企业产学研协同管理实践、国家产学研创新体系完善发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

构建产学研深度融合的技术创新体系,加速推进企业高质量发展是我国当前阶段的重要任务。基于陕西省112家企业问卷调查数据,探讨企业产学研主体地位对企业创新绩效的影响,并分析吸收能力在企业产学研主体地位对创新绩效影响的中介作用,以及政策支持、市场竞争在上述影响过程中的调节作用。结果表明,企业产学研主体地位对企业创新绩效具有显著正向影响;吸收能力中介了这一正向关系;政策支持加强了企业产学研主体地位对企业吸收能力的正向作用,而市场竞争强化了企业吸收能力对企业创新绩效的正向作用。研究结论可为企业产学研协同管理实践、国家产学研创新体系完善发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

The paper examines the impact of the Science and Technology Basic Law (STBL) enactment of 1999 on the transformation of public sector research (PSR) in Taiwan. The paper proposes a research framework to assess the changes on PSR mainly through four dimensions: (1) new infrastructure build-up, (2) industrial research links, (3) patenting and licensing, and (4) industrial education/training. Nine research hypotheses are developed. Based on the survey data of 107 PSR establishments, the paper reveals that Taiwan PSR has experienced a burgeoning infrastructure build-up and a more active partnership with industry in the post-STBL period. However, the paper argues that the scientific-economic transformation of PSR in Taiwan tends to develop better “industrial collaborative research and training capabilities” than “patenting and licensing capabilities” in the preliminary post-STBL period. The divergence on patenting, licensing and partnership capabilities still persists between experienced PSREs and non-experienced ones, suggesting a learning effect. These findings provide crucial policy implications to delineate appropriate roles of PSR in the new scientific-economic regime.  相似文献   

农业利用外商投资:山东省的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东省是我国农业利用外商投最早的省份之一。随着对外开放逐步深入,尤其是国家出台了一列鼓励外商投资农业的政策措,山东省农业利用外商投资的规不断扩大。农业外商投资的引进仅在一定程度上弥补了农业资金不足,而且还带来了先进的技术、备和管理经验,从而加快了农业技进步和现代化的进程,对山东实现科技兴农战略做出了积极的献。但是,从总体水平看,山东省业利用外商投资与农业大省和沿海重要对外开放省份的地位还很不相称。因此,加入世贸组织后,按照《农业协议》的精神,针对山东农业利用外商投资的现状,深入探讨如何合理有效地…  相似文献   

In many developing countries, agriculture hires at least as many workers as manufacturing industries. We investigate an economic geography model in which agricultural goods are costly to transport and in which manufactures hire labor from the local agricultural sector as unskilled labor. Our conclusions show that the parameters in the agricultural sector are crucial to determine the spatial configuration of economic activity. We provide an analytic treatment to the model. The location equilibria are compared with the first and second best outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the endogenous determination of sectors in a growing economy. It assumes that there are traditional sectors and modern sectors and economic growth is driven by rising productivity of the modern sectors. It also assumes that individuals are heterogeneous, which leads to increasing marginal opportunity costs in creating new modern sectors. We show that under these main assumptions, economic growth first increases diversification to sectors and then reduces it. We also show that for the equilibrium to be stable and well-behaved, it is required that the modern and traditional sectors should be substitutes and not complements.  相似文献   

Many studies have explored the connection between trade and poverty theoretically and empirically for the developing world. We offer another look at the possible implications of trade liberalization on urban poverty by using the urban informal sector as a catalyst. The theory shows that trade liberalization in the import competing sector raises informal wage across occupational types, and expands production and employment in the informal industrial segment. Further, using Indian provincial data on wage, capital stock and value added in the informal sector we show that real informal wage increased with trade reform and transmitted favorable impact on urban poverty reduction.  相似文献   

The users or benefiraries of research seem set to play an increasing role in the scientific system. Limited government funding combined with the growing view that publicly funded researchers should pay more attention to the needs of society mean that users as well as scientists should be involved in setting broad research priorities. Peer review, the traditional mechanism for making decisions on the allocation of research funds, is poorly equipped to consider user views and broader issues of scientific strategy, including the distribution of resources across fields. In the study described here, a number of new concepts and methodological tools have been developed for the combined inuolvment of users and researchers in determining priorities for strategic research in Public sector finding agencies. The study focuses on the scientiic work funded by the UK Natural ,Environment Research Council.  相似文献   

Given the intensive and ideologically charged debate over the use of private contractors for publicly funded services, it is somewhat surprising that many social scientists have preferred to explain government outsourcing by the pursuit of economic efficiency. Starting out from different theories, we investigate political explanations of government outsourcing using a Swedish data set in which outsourcing varies between municipalities and over time, as well as between services. Our identification strategy focuses on two services with similar contracting problems and local market conditions: preschools and primary schools. We study a period in which Swedish municipalities had full discretion in the provision of preschools, while their influence on the private provision of primary education was limited by a national voucher system. The comparison of preschools with primary schools in a difference-in-differences model suggests that the political color of the ruling majority influences outsourcing, which is consistent with the Citizen Candidate model of representative democracy.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2006,90(8-9):1681-1698
Despite the importance of nonprofit industries in the economy, little analysis has been conducted as to whether the behavior of such industries differs from that of for-profit industries. Extending previous firm-level analyses, we propose a neoclassical theory with an endogenous nonprofit sector. Our analysis implies that nonprofit firms have a competitive advantage over for-profit firms, so that marginal changes in the industry operate through the for-profit sector. As such, marginal industry behavior is identical to that of a for-profit industry and nonprofit regulations may have a limited impact or even no impact on overall industry performance. Our theory has the methodological advantage that standard for-profit analysis applies directly to nonprofit firms, because they can be analyzed as for-profit firms with lower costs. We discuss aspects of the empirical literature that test this theory of nonprofit activity.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that a jurisdiction's tax structure exerts an indipendent effect upon the growth of its public sector. We test this hypothesis by examining the relationship between the growth of state general expenditure and the elasticity of tax revenues with respect to income. The work takes advantage of a very careful set of income elasticities for the personal income and sales tax systems for each state, for every year from 1978 to 1983. The main conclusion is that the data do not support the notion that the form of the tax structure exerts an independent effect on public sector growth.  相似文献   

This paper provides a theoretical analysis of the relationship between public sector motivation and development. In the model the public sector produces a public good and workers are heterogeneous in terms of public sector motivation (PSM). Wages in the private sector increase with the quality of the public good. In this context, public sector wage premia (PSWP) have two opposite effects: low PSWP helps screen workers with PSM into the public sector, while high PSWP helps motivate workers to be honest. Raising PSWP may not improve the quality of governance and multiple equilibria might arise. The model highlights that the relative importance of workers selection and provision of ”on the job” incentives in the public sector varies in systematic ways with wages in the private sector. We provide anecdotal and original empirical evidence consistent with the theoretical predictions and discuss some policy implications for public sector reforms in developing countries.  相似文献   

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