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谈谈或有事项及其审计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财政部颁布的《企业会计准则--或有事项》已于去年7月1日起在所有企业中实施.该准则比较全面地规定了或有事项的确认、计量和相关信息的披露.本文拟就或有事项的审计谈几个相关问题.  相似文献   

We investigate an economy of heterogeneous agents that cannot specify all exogenous welfare-relevant events and consequently view the impact of unforeseen contingencies as utility shocks. In this setting we characterize an appropriate market equilibrium concept when securities can trade only on demand- and price-contingent events. We establish the existence of an equilibrium for a class of parametric models in which aggregating taste shocks across agents can lead to nonconsumption pricing factors. To fit the stylized facts, (i) non consumption factors must dominate the pricing kernel and contribute to the variation of the wealth-consumption ratio, (ii) markets must be incomplete and the set of claims that are traded endogenously determined, (iii) agents’ preferences with respect to unforeseen contingencies must be non-expected utility, and, (iv) although non-consumption pricing factors can be conditionally uncorrelated with aggregate consumption shocks, they must be correlated with shocks to expected consumption growth.  相似文献   

Effective leadership involves more than developing and communicating the right strategic vision for the company. To encourage employees to carry out the corporate vision, companies must ensure consistency among the following three main components of their organizational architecture: (1) the allocation of decision‐making authority; (2) performance measurement systems; and (3) reward systems. The authors illustrate the application of this framework with the case of Xerox's (eventually) successful attempt to create a customer‐oriented workforce in the 1980s. But a more effective demonstration of the importance of these principles, as the authors go on to suggest, might well be the same company's well‐known failure to harvest the commercial promise of the many inventions by its research group in Palo Alto, one of which became the basis for Steve Jobs' success at Apple. This organizational framework is especially useful for evaluating the likely effects of major corporate initiatives such as “Six Sigma” or the “Balanced Scorecard.” For example, it could be used to help top management determine whether, and under what circumstances, decentralization is likely to improve decision‐making and performance, as well as the changes in the firm's performance management and incentive systems that would be required to make decentralization work. Finally, the authors apply the framework to another important leadership issue: corporate ethics. Since the scandals of the early 2000s and the passage of Sarbanes‐Oxley, many, if not most, U.S. companies have issued formal codes of conduct, appointed ethics officers, and instituted training programs in ethics. But a key question for top management is whether the incentives established by the company's organizational architecture reinforce or undermine the code of conduct. Ensuring consistency in organizational design is an important leadership function—one that is critical to encouraging ethical behavior as well as the pursuit of shareholder value.  相似文献   

Effective leadership involves more than developing and communicating the right strategic vision for the company. To encourage employees to carry out the corporate vision, companies must ensure consistency among the following three main components of their “organizational architecture:”
  • ? the allocation of decision‐making authority (that is, who in the organization gets to make what decisions);
  • ? performance measurement systems (for evaluating the performance of individuals as well as business units); and
  • ? reward systems (the rewards for success, both financial and otherwise, and the consequences of failure).
The authors illustrate the application of this framework with the case of Xerox's (eventually) successful attempt to create a customer‐oriented workforce in the 1980s. But a more effective demonstration of the importance of these principles, as the authors go on to suggest, might well be the same company's well‐known failure to realize the commercial promise of the many inventions by its research group in Palo Alto. This organizational framework is especially useful for evaluating the likely effects of major corporate initiatives such as “Six Sigma” or the “Balanced Scorecard.” For example, it could be used to help top management determine whether, and under what circumstances, decentralization is likely to improve decision‐making and performance, as well as the changes in the firm's performance management and incentive systems that would be required to make decentralization work. Finally, the authors apply the framework to another important leadership issue: corporate ethics. In response to the scandals of the past decade and the passage of Sarbanes‐Oxley, many U.S. companies have issued formal codes of conduct, appointed ethics officers, and instituted training programs in ethics. But a key question for top management is whether the incentives established by the firm's organizational architecture reinforce or undermine the code of conduct. In this sense, ensuring consistency in organizational design is an important leadership function—one that is critical to encouraging ethical behavior as well as the pursuit of shareholder value.  相似文献   

Four hypotheses relevant to the contingency theory of management accounting are presented. Data relate to the period 1994–98 for a sample of new Scottish microfirms. First, correlation analysis is applied to test the hypothesis that the introduction of management accounting system (MAS) developments is related to the timing of contingent events such as cashflow crises, shortfalls of finance, and innovation. Second, cluster analysis is used to test the hypothesis that contingencies cluster to form three configurations of small firms, adaptive, running blind, and stagnant. Third, regression analysis is used to test the hypothesis that an index of organizational form, measured by weighted headcount, is explained by aspects of the generic contingencies, technological uncertainty, production systems, business strategy and market environment. The fourth hypothesis is that MAS complexity is determined by sub-unit interdependence, market dynamics, and work methods. The four hypotheses tested support several aspects of contingency theory, as modified to a small firms context.  相似文献   

谭雅玲 《银行家》2002,(6):86-89
今年以来,随着全球经济波动与金融调整加剧,国际黄金价格也呈现较为明显的波动,不仅成为经济信心和金融心理的重要反映,而且也是投资与投机较量的实际推进,获取利益与规避风险双向意义的同存.  相似文献   

In this study, we read and analyze 369 comment letters written in response to the IASB's Exposure Draft (ED) of Proposed Amendments to IAS 37 and the FASB's Exposure Draft of Proposed Amendments to FASB Statement No. 5. We also examine how responses to the IASB ED are affected by whether or not the use of IFRS is mandated or permitted by the respondent's country. Although responses were overwhelmingly unfavorable to both EDs, more support was shown for the IASB's proposal to eliminate the probability recognition criterion than for the FASB's proposal to amend the U.S. GAAP disclosure rules. Users responding to the FASB ED provided significantly more intense support than corporate preparers, financial preparers, and legal practitioners. Significantly more respondents to the IASB ED were from countries required or permitted to use IFRS than from countries required to report under their national GAAP. In addition, constituents required or permitted to use IFRS were significantly more likely to express an unfavorable response to the ED and to cite relevance to support their position.  相似文献   

Most research on accounting and information systems (A&IS) development and implementation has focused on the individual and small group level phenomena which impact implementation success. While some researchers have considered organizational level variables, no consistent relationships between these variables and A&IS implementation success have yet emerged. To a great extent, this is due to an atheoretical research approach coupled with an undifferentiated view of A&IS.This paper develops a typology of A&IS types based on the nature of the task supported by the system. Theory and the results of research in the organization design area are drawn upon to develop propositions about the differential impacts of eight organizational characteristics on the implementation of different A&IS types. These propositions form an organizational level framework for analyzing A&IS implementation. The propositions can serve as testable hypotheses for future research efforts.  相似文献   

组织公平、组织认同感与组织公民行为关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以16家企业的181名员工为调查对象,运用统计方法对组织公平、组织认同感与组织公民行为关系进行了实证研究。结果发现:国内员工的组织认同感主要是员工对组织的情感认同,组织公平是影响组织认同感的重要因素,组织认同感对组织公民行为具有显著的影响。这些研究结果为国内企业员工组织认同理论提供了证据支持。  相似文献   

By combining analytic developments in the financial theory of capital budgeting with contingency theory, an empirically testable contingent theory for DCFT (discounted cash flow techniques) was constructed. This theory was tested by correlating an effectiveness measure for DCFT, based on stock return data of the sample firms, with hypothesized contingent variables, measured via interview and questionnaire. The results indicated positive correlations between the effectiveness of DCFT and predictable environments, the use of long-term reward systems, and the degree of decentralization of the capital budgeting process.  相似文献   

股份制商业银行组织架构改造与扁平化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对商业银行来说,建立合理的组织架构是保证业务平稳、高效运行的基本前提.我国商业银行股份制进程虽然起步较晚,但是,由于组建时吸取了国有银行实践工作中的经验教训,吸取了国外银行业部分先进经营理念,因此在组织结构和经营机制方面拥有一定优势.然而,与发达国家商业银行成熟的组织结构相比较,我国股份制商业银行的组织结构仍较为繁琐,大部分银行管理人员的思想还较为保守和落后,块块管理的组织结构仍欠合理,"统一管理、分级经营"的经营理念未充分体现,分行仍类似"行中行"拥有过大的行政权力,这一切严重制约了银行进行管理创新、服务创新和技术创新的步伐,无法应对金融业全面开放外资银行在资本、管理、服务和技术方面发起的挑战.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment illustrates cognitive limitations in decision-making that may be relevant for modeling price-setting. Our subjects systematically depart from the optimal Bayesian response in several respects. Their responses are random, even conditioning on available information. Subjects adjust in discrete jumps rather than after each new piece of information, and by both large and small amounts, contrary to the predictions of an “Ss” model of optimal adjustment subject to a fixed cost. And they prefer to report “round numbers,” even when that requires additional effort. A model of inattentive adjustment is found to quantitatively outperform popular alternatives.  相似文献   

Prospect theory (PT) is a widely accepted theory for decisions under uncertainty. However, so far a systematic application to climate policy (CP) does not exist. One important postulation of PT is that outcomes are perceived as gains or losses, relative to the reference point. When it comes to CP, different decision-makers may have different reference points. For example, one decision-maker perceives the current climate as the reference point whereas another decision-maker may have another one, say climate in 100 years. For the former, climate damages are losses and the benefits of CP are reductions of losses. For the latter, benefits of CP are gains. PT suggests that the former places a higher value in CP than the latter. After a critical review whether and how PT may be applied to CP, the paper systematically presents this and other cases where PT offers new insights into climate-related analyses, notwithstanding the importance of well-known aspects such as discounting, altruism, political and economic costs. It is shown that accounting for PT may contribute to a better understanding of some well-known puzzles in the climate debate, including different preferences for CP amongst individuals and nations, the role of technical vs. financial adaptation, and the apparent preference for hard protection measures in coastal adaptation. Finally, concrete possibilities for empirical research on these effects are proposed.  相似文献   

电子银行自诞生之日起,围绕其向利润中心发展的探索就没有停止过。因为业务的特殊性,使得无法按照传统的计价方式和损益核算方法对其进行评价,有关电子银行是否盈利、盈利多少的计算只能是一笔糊涂账。  相似文献   

This paper examines the design of social investment funds (SIFs)and explores the ways they affect agents' incentives to propose,select, and implement good projects. Compared with other formsof decentralized service provision, SIFs possess features ofadministratively delegated authority and deep political devolution.Where existing political institutions fail to deliver assistanceto vulnerable groups, a well-designed SIF may represent a usefuladministrative alternative. This article reviews several featuresthat provide incentives for both SIF staff and project beneficiariesand concludes with practical guidelines for designing and appraisingsocial investment funds.   相似文献   

1989年应运而生的APEC是亚太区域内促进开放贸易和实行经济合作的主要载体.APEC这一国际经济合作的新形式,反映了国际经济新的格局及世界经济进一步一体化的发展趋势  相似文献   

The study is one of the first concerned with the topic of accounting and climate change adaptation. It proposes that the accounting role can support organisational climate change adaptation by performing the following functions: (i) a risk assessment function (assessing vulnerability and adaptive capacity), (ii) a valuation function (valuing adaptation costs and benefits) and (iii) a disclosure function (disclosure of risk associated with climate change impacts). This study synthesises and expands on existing research and practice in environmental accounting and sets the scene for future research and practice in the emerging area of accounting for climate risk.  相似文献   

组织战略视角下的商业银行组织结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商业银行组织战略的完整内涵包括银行的宗旨或使命、发展的操作目标以及完成这些使命和目标的竞争战略.商业银行的组织结构应适应使命、目标和竞争战略的变化,并保证商业银行组织战略的顺利达成.受传统计划经济模式的影响,我国商业银行的组织结构还无法真正反映银行的组织战略.我国商业银行在今后的组织设计和组织改造中必须做到与组织发展战略的协调与配合.  相似文献   

在金融变革环境下,企业的应对之策是:融资多元化、内控制度化、财务精益化、职责社会化  相似文献   

A number of studies have examined the change over time in the information content of accounting numbers to stockholders. However, the stockholders’ perspective is not necessarily identical to that of debt holders. The two groups face different risks and rewards, and thus their informational needs are not the same. We examine the change in the information content of accounting numbers over time from the debt holders’ perspective and hypothesize about the economic and reporting factors likely to affect this change. Using the association between accounting numbers and bond valuation and returns, we find that the information content to debt holders has increased over time. In contrast, but consistent with prior studies, we find that the information content to equity holders has declined. The results suggest that the increased information content to debt holders is related to changes in credit risk and to reporting factors such as the increase in reporting conservatism, the shift towards fair value accounting, and the increase in the frequency of losses. The findings contribute to the scant literature on the use of accounting information by debt holders and the extent to which financial reporting meets their unique needs.  相似文献   

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