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Daqing Oilfield     
The Daqing Oilfield is one of the only a few large oil fields in the world with an output surpassing 100 million tons. Beginning production in 1960, Daqing produced 50 million tons of crude oil in 1976 and has sustained this output for 17 years. In 1992, its crude oil output topped 55.65 million tons, accounting for 40 percent of China's total.The oil field is still in flourishing production period. According to the scientific prediction, the annual output of 55 million tons of crude oil will be sustained until 1995, and 50 million tons will be produced until the year 2000. Scientific progress has contributed to the stable production. By mid-next century, Daqing will be still a large oilfield.  相似文献   

The Chinese government is working on a plan to boost the country's annual grain output by 10% by 2020, an industry expert said on August 29. Song Tingming, Vice-Chairman of the China National Association of Grain Sector told that the National Development and Re- form Commission and the Ministry of Agri- culture are drafting the plan to boost output by 50 million tons a year to 550 million tons within the next 12 years.  相似文献   

China's grain output would increase for the third consecutive year to more than 490 million tons in 2006, according to the State Grain and Oil Information Center. The center slightly raised its 2006 maize, wheat and rice production forecasts. But the soybean forecast was cut by 400,000 tons to 15.5 million tons.  相似文献   

China's grain output would increase for the third consecutive year to more than 490 million tons in 2006, according to the State Grain and Oil Information Center.  相似文献   

Grain prices often dominate all other product prices,and an increase in their price is usually considered as a prelude to inflation.The three fairly serious inflations,in 1985,1988-1989,and 1993-1995 respectively,were all preceded by grain price hikes.Furthermore,the money supply surged in the preceding year or during the same year in which these inflations occurred.This year has witnessed the same symptoms. High grain prices,which still have a possibility to go up further,have attracted wide attention across the world,including in China.As early as the end of last year,the State Council issued a circular that mandated the stabilization of grain prices in order to strictly crack down on illegal actions such as dishonest merchants driving up grain prices.One time,five State-level Departments led by National Development and Reform Commission,released an urgent announcement in order to safeguard the stability of grain prices in the domestic market.Wu Xiaoling,Vice Governor of the People's Bank of China,said that the negative influences exerted on other product prices by the rise in global grain price should not be ignored.According to Wu,the People's Bank of China will continue to closely watch the price changes. From a global and comprehensive viewpoint,the article analyzes the features of the recent grain price hike and the reasons for its dramatic rise,as well as,the impact it will have on the global economy.  相似文献   

According to the announcement released by the National Bureau of Statistics on July 12th,China's annual summer grain output in 2010fell for the first time in 7 years to123.10 million tons,a drop of 0.3%,or 0.39 million tons less than the previous year.  相似文献   

The " Analytical report on the prosperity of Chinese industry " made recently points out that the Chinese coal industry continues to go well this year, and that its market continues to be prosperous both in buying and selling. The report predicts that the domestic consumption of coal will be around 1.28 billion tons for the whole year. According to the analysis, thermal power generation will continue to keep steady growth this year, and the demand for the coal  相似文献   

China will have to import almost the same amount of sugar this year as itdid in 2004, as the gap between supply and demand is estimated to reach 1 million tons.  相似文献   

Operation monitoring data issued by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on March 30 shows that in January and February, China's domestic output of crude oil was 30.27 million tons, down 1.7 percent year-on-year. Imports of crude oil were 24.55 million tons, down 13 percent year-on-year. In the same period last year, imports had increased by 9.5 percent year-on-year.  相似文献   

China will have to import almost the same amount of sugar this year as itdid in 2004, as the gap between supply and demand is estimated to reach 1 million tons.……  相似文献   

At present, China has a shipbuilding capacity of about 66 million dead weight tons (DWT). According to Shipbuilding Industry Restructuring and Revitalization Planning, China is targeting~at taking a share of more than 35% in global shipbuilding completions in 2011, meaning a total production of 35 to 40 million DWT per year, of which 70% plus will be exported and the demand in domestic market totals 10 million DWT or so. Till then, more than one third of the constructed shipbuilding infrastructure is of overcapacities.  相似文献   

China's grain output is expected to top 500 million tonaes for the third consecutive year in 2009, said an official from the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) on December 2t. The country's planting area was expected to increase 34 million mu (2.27 million hectares) this year, the biggest rise since 2006, which was a major contributor to this year's grain production growth, said Ye Zhenqin, director with the Planting Industry Management Department of the MOA, at a press conference.  相似文献   

Henan Province has been working hard to improve its investment environment and build up its infrastructure ever since the start of China's opening to the outside world. So far, the province has achieved great progress. Its annual output of raw coal is 90 million tons, ranking second in the country; it has an installed capacity of 7.6 million KWs, generating 43 billion KWhs of electricity per year.  相似文献   

The Capital Iron and Steel Corporation (Shou Gang) is one of the eight major iron and steel companies in China and one of the first state-owned enterprises to be selected as a testing ground for the reform programme, since it was authorized to manage its own foreign trade in 1981, the Corporation's export trade has expanded steadily. Especially since 1992, its development in foreign trade has skyrocketed because China Shou Gang International Trade Construction Company was approved to be set up. In 1993, it exported 239,700 tons of steel. Its foreign exchange income reached US$630 million, of which the Shou Gang's self-managed exports took up US$96.98 million. During the first  相似文献   

China's gasoline export to grow amid car sales boom China expects its gasoline demand this year to grow half the rate of new car sales,but refineries will quicken their pace and may have excess fuel for export, Reuters reported. Government tax incentives will continue this year to boost auto sales, which may reach a record 11.9 million  相似文献   

China abounds in coal resource. Exploration verifies China's coal reserves of 890 billion tons, mainly in the west and north, especially in Shanxi, Shaanxi and the west of Inner Mongolia. Rich reserves make coal the main energy source of China's economy. In 1949, China's coal output was 32 million tons, ranking ninth in the world. In the last 40 years, coal output increased at the speed of 9.9 percent per year. In 1991, China's coal output broke the record of 1.08 billion tons, making China  相似文献   

China produced 49.37 million tonnes of crude steel in November, down 4.6 percent from October, according to preliminary figures from consultancy Custeel. But the November output was still up 40 percent compared with the same month last year, and the month-on-month dip is unlikely to allay government concerns that the sector is producing far more than the market needs. Custeel, affiliated with the China Iron and Steel Association, said total Chinese output from January to November is expected to reach 521.84 million tonnes, up 13 percent from the year-ago period.  相似文献   

Good harvest was seen in summer grain, and the total output was expected to reach 101.05 million tons, up 4.8%.  相似文献   

Good harvest was seen in summer grain, and the total output was expected to reach 101.05 million tons, up 4.8%.  相似文献   

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