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在充分分析了分布式超市集团智能决策支持系统中使用多代理(Multi-agent)技术的可能性和灵活性的基础上,提出了一个基于Multi-agent的3层结构的超市集团智能决策支持系统(athree-layer structure of the IDSS for supermarket conglomerate decision support,SC-IDSS)。SC-IDSS建立在分布的数据库、模型库、知识库的基础上,包括用户层(client layer),决策逻辑层(deci-sion logic layer)和数据服务层(data service layer)3层。原型系统的实现使用Eclipse技术,代理配置在FIPA-OS(foundation for intelligent physical agents-open-source)环境,利用J2EE(java 2enterprise edition)开发基于知识的代理推理功能。  相似文献   

数据挖掘是CRM的重要支持技术。为了提高CRM中的数据挖掘系统的智能性,提出了基于Multi-Agent的数据挖掘模型,该模型包括站点层、管理层、协作挖掘层和算法层;详细描述了各层次的功能及协作机制;给出了数据挖掘在CRM中的实施过程。  相似文献   

本文围绕高温作业专用防护服优化设计问题,建立了多层平面壁热传导模型,使用温度场的集中参数法,结合导热微分方程与傅里叶定律实现了对高温作业专用防护服优化设计问题的求解。首先我们将防护服受热过程分成非稳定热传递和稳定热传递两个过程,结合稳定状态时隔热服热传导率处处相等的物理规律求出稳态时各层温度。接着优化热传导模型,将人体看作是一层特殊的隔热系统,应用傅里叶定律以及已建立的多层平面壁热传导模型进行数据求解。该模型不仅适用于化工隔热服的设计问题,而且适用于其他具有热力学性质的多层平面壁热传导问题。  相似文献   

项目管理过程成熟度模型(PM)^2用于测定一个组织(机构、企业)相对的项目管理水平。该综合模型遵循一套系统的管理方法,确定组织目前的项目管理层次。每一层成熟度水平都包含了关键的项目管理的特点、因素、过程。该模型从功能性的驱动机制逐步推进至项目性驱动机制,这种机制吸收了持续性项目学习与改进及知识管理的特点,提供一套有序的改进过程,以便组织能获得较高层次的项目管理成熟度。  相似文献   

本文运用委托-代理理论对考试作弊行为进行了研究,建立了国家与考生之间的非对称信息动态博弈模型,并据此提出了解决考生作弊问题的具体策略.  相似文献   

物流外包中的多边信息不对称问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对物流外包5方面可能失控因素的讨论,本文分析了传统双边委托代理模型在物流外包系统中应用的局限性,认为结果信息缺失及多边信息不对称是造成物流外包中道德风险问题高于传统双边委托代理关系的根源.并在基于第三方物流企业(3PLs)的两阶段供应链模型的基础上,建立了将物流外包方及合作方作为委托人,3PLs作为代理人的多委托单代理模型.研究表明结果信息的共享有助于激励代理人采取更有利于委托人的行动,委托人的整体效用及对3PLs的支付随委托人之间的结果信息共享水平的增加而增加.如何实现并提高委托人间的信息共享水平是进一步需要解决的问题.  相似文献   

随着科技时代的迅猛发展,人力资源和知识资源已成为企业发展的重要组成部分,因此,建立人力资源数据池,并以此为依托进行数据挖掘,从而提取高质量和高数量的信息为管理者决策提供支持是十分必要的。本研究利用"云计算"所具有的超大规模、高可靠性、通用性、高可扩展性等特点,开发人力资源档案信息决策支持系统用于各项管理和决策工作。在分析"云计算"在资源集成和共享等方面优势的基础上,设计了本系统所采用的基础数据采集层、网络服务支持层、云计算支持层、数据标准化转换层、系统应用层、系统服务层、决策支持层等7层架构,探讨了每层结构的特点和功能,并就决策支持系统部分所采用的工作方式、工作模式进行了详细介绍,该系统弥补了传统档案管理所存在的数据资源不足、多数据源的数据无法实现同构和标准化处理等缺陷。  相似文献   

一、概述 全国注册造价工程师执业资格考试和注册制度已经实施了13年。目前已有11万多人取得造价工程师执业资格。造价工程师考试培训教材进行了第四次系统修订。目前的考试大纲仍然以2003年原建设部、原人事部编写审定的《全国造价工程师执业资格考试大纲》为基础。造价工程师是在工程建设领域从事工程造价业务活动的专业技术人员.必须具备在工程建设全过程的各个阶段从事工程造价业务所需要的理论知识、现行法律、法规知识和业务能力。  相似文献   

8月10日上午,苍梧县水利电业有限公司组织全体干部职工进行企业文化(廉政文化)知识考试,旨在检验广大员工对集团公司企业文化知识掌握程度,加深员工对企业文化的理解和执行力,为选拔参加广西水利电业集团有限公司企业文化(廉政文化)知识竞赛优秀人才作铺垫。公司所属站所、各部门共600多人参加了此次考试。据悉,这次考试试题分为填空题、判断题、单项选择、多项选择、简答题和阐述题,内容涉及集团公司发展史、集  相似文献   

本文在分析了现代供应链管理特点的基础上,应用分布式人工智能理论及分析方法,提出了一种基于多代理的供应链管理系统,并对代理间协调的机制进行了探讨。然后介绍了基于CORBA的分布式系统的体系结构,并给出了基于CORBA规范以及KQML协议实现供应链多代理之间协作的系统结构。最后介绍了基于CORBA-WEB的支持供应链管理的分布式应用系统的开发策略。  相似文献   

Little has been written in the new product development literature about the simulation technique agent‐based modeling, which is a by‐product of recent explorations into complex adaptive systems in other disciplines. Agent‐based models (ABM) are commonly used in other social sciences to represent individual actors (or groups) in a dynamic adaptive system. The social system may be a marketplace, an organization, or any type of system that acts as a collective of individuals. Agents represent autonomous decision‐making entities that interact with each other and/or with their environment based on a set of rules. These rules dictate the behavioral choices of the agents. In these simulation models, heterogeneous agents interact with each other in a repetitive process. It is from the interactions between agents that aggregate macroscale behaviors or trends emerge. The simulated environment can be thought of as a “virtual” society in which actions taken by one agent may have an effect on the resulting actions of another agent. This article is an introduction to the ABM methodology and its possible uses for innovation and new product development researchers. It explores the benefits and issues with modeling dynamic systems using this methodology. Benefits of ABMs found in sociology and management studies have found that as the heterogeneity of individuals increase in a system or as network effects become more important in a system, the effectiveness of ABMs as a methodology increases. Additionally, the more adaptive a system or the more the system evolves over time, the greater the opportunity to learn more about the adaptive system using ABMs. Limitations to using this methodology include some knowledge of computer‐programming techniques. Three potential areas of research are introduced: diffusion of innovations, organizational strategy, and knowledge and information flows. A common use of ABMs in the extant literature has been the modeling of the diffusion process between networked heterogeneous agents. ABMs easily allow the modeling of different types of networks and the impact of these networks on the diffusion process. A demonstrative example of an agent‐based model to address the research question of how should manufacturers allocate resources to research (exploration) and development (exploitation) projects is provided. Future courses of study using ABMs also are explored.  相似文献   

产业集群的创新过程是集群中的创新行为主体在政府政策引导与支持下,通过彼此深度合作,实现知识创造的过程,也是知识在整个产业集群中的转移、共享、吸收与利用的过程。创新行为主体间的知识共享是集群创新的关键。分析了产业集群中创新行为主体知识共享的内涵,运用演化博弈理论,构建产业集群中企业、高校与科研机构、政府在知识共享策略中的复制动态博弈模型,分析了企业、高校与科研机构在政府监管条件下采取知识共享策略的动态演化过程,并对博弈结果进行分析。  相似文献   

"企业本位论"反思   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
“企业本位论”对我国体制改革做出了巨大贡献。但企业不是真正的权利主体,而是许多权利主体通过契约关系组成的复杂结构。必须进一步明晰投资者、经营者、管理者、劳动者的个体权利,理清企业内部权利关系,才能建立起高效运行的企业治理机制和经济运行机制。“企业本位论”应转化为“个体本位论”,从着重处理国家与企业关系转为重点处理国家与个人关系,把产权界定、人权保障作为社会主义经济的“制度性基础设施”。  相似文献   

Design knowledge was reused for innovative design work to support designers with product design knowledge and help designers who lack rich experiences to improve their design capacity and efficiency. First, based on the ontological model of product design knowledge constructed by taxonomy, implicit and explicit knowledge was extracted from some design cases. The design knowledge was expressed using a constructional organization. With the knowledge map, design knowledge was illustrated to help novice designers reconstruct specific design cases, thus, encouraging innovative design. Four groups of designers were invited to participate in an experiment for the design knowledge map system. The experiment results verified the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

"计算机集成印刷系统"课程知识体系的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在探讨"计算机集成印刷系统"(CIPPS)课程设置的必要性和迫切性基础上,提出了课程的知识领域、重点内容和知识体系,重点讨论了制定课程知识体系的指导思想.有关印刷专家、教授的意见表明,本文提出的"计算机集成印刷系统"课程的知识体系是合理可行的.  相似文献   

Modularity is a means of partitioning technical knowledge about a product or process. When state‐sanctioned intellectual property (IP) rights are ineffective or costly to enforce, modularity can be used to hide information and thus protect IP. We investigate the impact of modularity on IP protection by formally modeling the threat of expropriation by agents. The principal has three options to address this threat: trust, licensing, and paying agents to stay loyal. We show how the principal can influence the value of these options by modularizing the system and by hiring clans of agents, thus exploiting relationships among them. Extensions address screening and signaling in hiring, the effects of an imperfect legal system, and social norms of fairness. We illustrate our arguments with examples from practice.© 2014 The Authors. Strategic Management Journal published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Although the critical role of knowledge in generating organizational advantage has been increasingly recognized in the strategic management field, there is little research examining firm-specific foreign knowledge, the construct itself, its determinants, and impact on export performance. This study seeks to extend the foreign market knowledge literature in three ways. First, the current study develops a conceptual model of determinants of foreign market knowledge, based on the social capital theory. It explains how structural and relational social capital affects the creation of foreign market knowledge. Second, this study substantiates the theoretical link between foreign market knowledge and export intensity, which has been put forward by the internationalization process model with empirical evidence. Third, to expand the generalizability of the present foreign market knowledge model, this study tests the model using firms from different industrial types and product categories in a newly developing country, that is, the People's Republic of China.  相似文献   

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