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随着国网公司新电力营销信息系统的全面推广以及自动化集中抄表、客户端负荷管理等现代化系统的日趋完善,对传统管理时不易发现的用户高价低接、超容运行、临时用电延期等“经常性差错”的甄别能力大大增强了。如何理解和体谅用户信息不对称、技术业务相对不足的实际,主动服务于广大电力用户,既维护供电企业的合法利益,又妥善处理用户的“经常性差错”,是我们面临的现实而重要的问题。  相似文献   

一、要进一步提高对开展"用户满意工程"活动的认识,把推进活动的深入发展作为党群工作的重点1.开展"用户满意工程"活动是企业精神文明建设的重要内容,是职业道德教育的深化。从活动的主题来看,公司在通知中指出,这项活动的主题是"真诚为用户服务,一切让用户满意,提高武钢市场竞争力"。十四届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于加强社会主义精神文明建设若干重要问题的决议》指出,"为人民服务是社会主义道德的集中体现""社会主义道德建设要以为人民服务为核心"。那么,为人民服务在企业怎样体现?公司提出的"为用户服务"就是为人民服务  相似文献   

(一)为用户服务,是企业的出发点与归宿,是企业成员履行社会责任的需要,是企业赖以生存的基础,也是市场经济运行的客观要求。1.企业为用户服务是企业职工履行社会责任的需要。企业员工作为社会成员具有不可推卸的社会责任——为社会、为他人服务。从社会学的角度看问题,社会成员是相互依存、相互支持、相互服务的。作为一名企业员工,对社会的责任、对他人的服务主要体现在他的职业行为之中。企业为用户服务,从某种意义上讲,体现企业员工为社会所作的贡献,也是社会成员应尽的义务。因此,我们认为,企业为用户服务是企业员工履行社会责任、维系人际关系的需要。2.企业为用户服务是企业生存发展的需要。企业的产生、生存与发展,与为用户服务是密不可分的。一是企业产生于为用户服务。一个企业的诞生,来自于用户对某种产品的需要,为了满足用户的这种需要,于是就产生了企业。二是企业要生存下去,必然要更好地为用户服务。企业的生存靠效益,为用户提供满意的产品和服务才能获得丰厚的回报。有了回报,企业才有生存的可能性。三是企业的发展依赖为用户服务。我们说发展企业,实质上就是发展对用户的服务,开发为用户服务的领域,扩大为用户服务的规模,从为用户服务中扩大企业的战果。  相似文献   

低碳转型、新冠肺炎疫情和行业变革深刻影响着天然气产业的发展,推动燃气行业向产业链一体化、价值链多元化和生态链低碳化的趋势发展。低碳经济发展模式推动了天然气产业的快速发展,能源向绿色转型给天然气产业发展带来了挑战;新冠肺炎疫情给天然气行业带来供需失衡、现货价格走低和产业链震荡,使油气公司面临经营风险和转型压力;行业变革使得燃气行业面临存量市场总量缩减和上游主体进入下游市场争夺增量机会的双重压力,面临来自于一体化油气企业在全产业链上的立体竞争。燃气行业需要形成"资源池"和"渠道池"应对产业链一体化趋势;燃气企业需要以技术创新寻找对冲绿色溢价的方法和路径;燃气行业要构建"低碳能源生态圈"。"十三五"时期中国燃气行业发展呈现规模化、一体化和头部化等特征,燃气行业应以低碳发展和融合发展为抓手,通过在资源、基础设施和技术等领域开展投资与合作,提升绿色发展能力,增强行业综合竞争力。  相似文献   

集团化、品牌化、多元化劳动股份制、岗位货币化、职能清单化以信息化助力管理变革,在管理变革中完善信息化转型升级,是企业化蛹为蝶的大变身。如何提高企业管控能力?如何增强企业发展活力?如何解决企业管理中"信息失真、决策失灵"的问题?这是企业转型过程中常会遇到的棘手问题。以周金虎董事长为代表的宏盛建业人,经过长期摸索实践,选择了以信息化手段推动企业管理变革。通过  相似文献   

<正>国网山东省电力公司平度市供电公司李园供电所依托"互联网+",打造台区经理星级服务,重点是建立以客户为中心的现代服务体系,培育卓越的优质服务能力、配售电市场竞争能力、能源新业态开拓能力、营销服务数字化和创新发展能力、营销服务保障能力,推动公司成为服务人民美好生活的央企表率,打造具有卓越竞争力的世界一流能源互联网企业新营销模式。  相似文献   

金坛供电公司隶属于常州供电公司,是一个“直供直管”的县级供电企业。在实施知识管理之前,企业分散开发的办公自动化软件、供电生产管理软件只有一些简单的数据录入、简单查询和报表打印功能,只能解决生产技术的事后统计管理问题,信息孤岛普遍存在。信息孤岛如何整合和知识积累如何有序,是企业迫切需要解决的问题。而知识管理能够提升企业组织能力的规范化、流程化和路径化,提高新知识的产出、积累和创新。通过长期的准备,金坛供电公司在2004年确定了实施知识管理的规划,并与国内多家知识管理产品供应商进行了接洽,最终选择了一家专业的知…  相似文献   

市场营销部党支部是在耐火材料有限责任公司机制创新工作取得显著成效的背景下,于2000年四季度应运而生的。作为建立在重点业务部门按独立运作的格局开展工作的新支部,如何紧紧围绕公司生产经营目标做好党务工作,是摆在支部班子面前的一道崭新课题。一年来,支部坚持"外拓市场,内抓管理"的方针,按照凝聚整合内部力量,注重营造"两类环境",充分发挥"三个作用"的思路,带领全体员工积极进取,奋勇拼搏,化被动为主动,取得了可喜的营销业绩。在年终"双文明"评比中,市场营销部被武钢公司授于"红旗科室"荣誉称号。一、努力从"软"、"硬"两个方面大做"环境"文章,营造有利于营销工作顺利的良好环境作为公司的窗口部门,市场营销部首先需要一个良好的办公及洽商环境。在现有条件尚不具备的情况下,我们以积极配合公司现场管理"星级"竞赛活动的深入开展为  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济条件下 ,供电企业如何适应市场 ,强化管理 ,积极探索集约化经营的路子 ,如何降低成本 ,提高企业经济效益 ,是我们面临的重大课题。结合多年的经营管理实践 ,我们认为只有咬定以财务管理为中心的经营管理 ,以成本控制为目的 ,才是企业真正的出路。一、规范管理行为 ,坚持靠机制出效益随着电力工业体制改革的不断深入 ,供电企业应建立健全以资金管理为中心 ,以成本控制为核心的新的制约机制 ,有效规范生产经营行为 ,以期产生更大的管理效益。首先 ,加强营销系统的管理。坚持“用户至上”的原则 ,建立与大电力用户密切相联系…  相似文献   

以客户为中心是基层供电企业管理的目标。围绕这一目标,国网四川省电力公司成都市青白江供电分公司确立"以精益思维为支撑,以卓越绩效管理和评价体系为基础,持续提升服务效率及服务能力,实现从优质服务到卓越服务的跨越"的指导思想,明确"营销服务为前端,生产运维、电网建设、人财物保障为支撑后台"的职能定位,推动企业从标准化管理向内生驱动的卓越服务转变,探索卓越服务体系构建,寻求企业的高质量发展。  相似文献   

When appropriate variables are used, account portfolio analyses engender a convenient framework for the relationship composition of companies and allow management to reconsider which customers and relationship dimensions need attention. Based on an industrial company's key account relationships, the portfolio approach considered in this study employs Customer Satisfaction (CS) metrics as a portfolio dimension and suggests a new and more customer oriented approach to account portfolio analysis. Proposed portfolio matrices provide insights into the strength and stability of customer relationships. Furthermore, the matrices force managers to adopt a future perspective on customer relationships by evaluating the business potential of customers along with CS information and allow prioritization with respect to resource allocation. The study attempts to put forward customer heterogeneity in industrial markets and offers a managerial guideline embracing customer specific marketing actions. In addition, the paper proposes a new use for CS information in strategic decision making.  相似文献   

A knowledge-enabled procedure for customer relationship management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The value of knowledge management and customer relationship management is well recognized by many leading companies. This study presents a proposed model of Knowledge-enabled Customer Relationship Management and demonstrates the way in which the presented model can facilitate the identification of important factors that have key impacts on business performance in particular settings. The results show that employees in the steel industry indicate that to provide product and service information for customers and to share internally the best practice information can have benefits for hard measures such as market share, repeat purchases, and customer retention and for soft measures such as customer satisfaction, market leadership and customer loyalty. Employees in the textile industry report that to provide customer complaint information of customers and to share internally the best practice information can have benefits for hard measures such as customer retention, cost savings, and market share and for soft measures such as customer satisfaction, market leadership, customer loyalty, and customer and employee productivity.  相似文献   

In a near perfect market, competitive marketing strategies are often adapted dynamically and rapidly. The changes in customer behavior are resultant in unpredictable customer profitability and cause inefficient and ineffective marketing planning. In this study, by using data mining techniques, we develop a Customer Profitability Management (CPM) system to achieve marketing goals by leading customers to migrate along pre-determined and desirable tracks. The proposed system emphasizes a continuous interplay between the active and reactive monitoring procedures to identify customer shifts. It has been shown to be an effective approach to help a firm calibrate its marketing tactics with respect to different types of customers in different situations. The proposed mechanism has been applied to a telecom company with promising results.  相似文献   

CRM data is among the most important and comprehensive information available to management in many organizations. This is particularly the case in business-to-business marketing, where the firm's extended working relationship with its customers is frequently crucial for the maintenance of a healthy business. However, in many instances management has treated CRM data as highly specific to its client relationships and has therefore neglected to analyze this information across market segments, customer categories, and customer–firm relationship forms in order to draw meaningful conclusions for driving business decisions.  相似文献   

Understanding customer needs which drive significant product innovation is particularly challenging for new product development (NPD) organizations. Research has addressed how organizations benefit from interacting with customers, but more conceptualization is needed into the dimensions of the customer interaction process. In a business-to-business (B2B) setting, customer interactivity is conceptualized as a multi-dimensional construct consisting of bidirectional communications, participation, and joint problem solving during NPD projects. Drawing upon organizational information processing theory, customer interactivity is hypothesized to be positively related to customer information quality when developing highly innovative products, but not when developing modifications or extensions of existing products. Another condition affecting this relationship studied is the embeddedness of the new product in the customer's business environment. Customer interactivity is hypothesized to be positively related to information quality for highly embedded product, but not for low embedded product. Results from a sample of NPD organizations in several B2B industries support these hypotheses. The study contributes to the marketing literature and practice by identifying important dimensions of the customer interaction process which lead to more proactive organizations, and identifying two moderating conditions of the customer interactivity and NPD performance relationship.  相似文献   

Interactive marketing requires that a firm learn about its customers and remember what the customer has said to personalize communications and customize product offerings to those customers. This type of marketing requires that customer information be actively managed because information from and about the customer is the core of marketing decision-making. In-depth interviews with 17 managers in five firms identified specific organizational and entrepreneurial factors pertinent to the strategic management of customer information. The research suggests that interactive marketing require a company that can itself be interactive with its internal and external environment to create strategies that can succeed in a changing environment.One exemplary company was compared to four others to uncover organizational issues and processes leading to effective management of customer information. Using the Resource-Based View and the importance of the effective management of intangible assets as its starting point, this research illuminated the processes involved with collecting and disseminating information and highlighted the firms' struggle with issues of inter-functional conflict. Perhaps most importantly, from a strategy-formation point of view, customer-centric strategies related to customer information management were found to be developed interactively, as a dialogue between middle and upper management, using customer data and competitive trends.  相似文献   

Branding research has largely focused on consumer goods markets and only recently has attention been given to business markets. In many business markets the company's reputation has a strong influence on buying decisions which may differ from the more specific product related influence of the brand's image. In this paper we investigate these differences by testing the hypotheses about the influences of brand image and company reputation on customers' perceptions of product and service quality, customer value, and customer loyalty in a business market where there are three manufacturers marketing their brands directly to a large number of small firms. The results indicate that the brand's image has a more specific influence on the customers' perceptions of product and service quality while the company's reputation has a broader influence on perceptions of customer value and customer loyalty.  相似文献   

In today's hypercompetitive market, a firm's individual efforts, by themselves, are not sufficient to respond to marketplace changes in a timely and effective manner. Rather, the firm must rely on its intermediaries and bundle their respective resources to create responsiveness and added value to customers. In this investigation, the authors draw on the relationship marketing literature and the resource-based perspective to examine how firms can increase their customer value creation by exploring two specific driving forces, i.e., strategic importance of supply chain partners and interfirm integration, and relationship-enabled responsiveness as the dynamic capabilities derived from the driving forces. Using the developed scales for customer value creation, hypotheses are tested on data collected from 184 firms. Results suggest that strategic importance of supply chain partners motivates interfirm integration, i.e., strategic collaboration and information technology alignment, setting the stage for enhanced relationship-enabled responsiveness, and subsequently, customer value creation for the firm.  相似文献   

A service-dominant logic by definition is inherently customer oriented and relational, reflecting deeper and more complex connections between suppliers and customers. The service mindset driving increased collaboration enables suppliers to have deeper insights to what customers' value. Customer value perceptions are dynamic, sometimes in constant flux, necessitating anticipatory capabilities on the part of suppliers. Yet, there is a notable lack of discussion about customer value anticipation and related empirical evidence of whether or not customers care if suppliers anticipate what they value. The authors report on two survey studies that test using structural equation modeling the notion that suppliers good at anticipating what customers will value realize higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Understanding this relationship is critical for marketing managers wrestling with allocation of limited resources. We find that customer value anticipation is a strong driver of satisfaction and loyalty, with satisfaction acting as a mediator for loyalty.  相似文献   

We analyze the strategic repositioning of firms through changes in their market offerings and buyer-seller relationships. Based on literature from strategy, marketing, economics, and information systems, we formulate a two-by-two matrix to examine alternatives for positioning. We evaluate the framework with four case studies of companies that have recently moved toward more complete product/service offerings and stronger relational linkages with customers. These moves followed two different paths. The product/service path initially focused on the development of new and related products, product bundles, and the addition of product-related services. The relational path first focused on establishing closer relationships with customers including closer operational linkages, enhanced information sharing, more fully articulated legal and contractual obligations, and enhanced cooperation. In all the cases, the strategic repositioning was influenced by customer needs and enabled by information technology and the acquisition of new competencies through networking.  相似文献   

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