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This note provides an introduction to the accompanying previously unpublished paper by Allan Gibbard in which he establishes his oligarchy theorem.  相似文献   

百富勤电气焊学校成立于2003年,是经省、市劳动部门批准设立,与省焊接协会、河北科技大学强强联合办学,全省第一家也是唯一一家规模最大的专业培训学校:学校占地面积8000平方米,具有多功能“焊工理化实验室”。学校设有独立校舍,可为1000名学员提供住宿,200平方米的食堂为学员提供就餐。是省会第一家特种焊接咨询中心;省会第一家焊工俱乐部,独创了“百富勤”品牌会员体制;已经得到了社会各界广泛的认可和肯定,打造了中国第一家独具特色的焊工学校,是河北省职工焊割技术协会理事单位,河北省焊割协会指定的焊工培训基地,连续三年荣获“省市先进民办职业培训学校”荣誉称号。  相似文献   

张娜 《现代企业》2017,(6):66-67
国务院于2015年5月下发的《国务院办公厅关于深化高等学校创新创业教育改革的实施意见》中指出,“深化高等学校创新创业教育改革,是国家实施创新驱动发展战略、促进经济提质增效升级的迫切需要,是推进高等教育综合改革、促进高校毕业生更高质量创业就业的重要举措”。  相似文献   

The tremendous potential to assist or degrade economic and national security performance make security in the cyber supply chain a topic of critical importance. This is reflected by the tremendous activity in the public and private sector to better understand the myriad of cyber challenges, identifying existing gaps and needs and closing these gaps as quickly and firmly as possible through government policy initiatives, public/private partnerships, and legal/insurance penalty and incentive regimes. However when we examine the academic literature, the research and publications in this area are rather sparse. Consequently, this special issue on Security in the Cyber Supply Chain is intended to act as a resource to practitioners and as a call to research.  相似文献   

Billionaire investor George Soros declared awaragainst China at this year’s World Economic Forum held in Davos,Switzerland,from January 20-23,betting that Asian currencies would fall against the dollar.Due to his influence,fluctuations in the international financial market have intensified,and Asian currencies are facing increased pressure from speculative attacks.However,there is no doubt that Soroschallenge against the yuan and Hong Kong dollar is unlikely to succeed.  相似文献   

Suppose that we have access to a finite set of expenditure data drawn from an individual consumer, i.e., how much of each good has been purchased and at what prices. Afriat (1967) was the first to establish necessary and sufficient conditions on such a data set for rationalizability by utility maximization. In this note, we provide a new and simple proof of Afriat’s Theorem, the explicit steps of which help to more deeply understand the driving force behind one of the more curious features of the result itself, namely that a concave rationalization is without loss of generality in a classical finite data setting. Our proof stresses the importance of the non-uniqueness of a utility representation along with the finiteness of the data set in ensuring the existence of a concave utility function that rationalizes the data.  相似文献   

至少在过去十年里,航空货运业务向地面运输转移是美国国内运输业发展的重要标志之一。然而,这种趋势现在可能遇到障碍。去年,往返于北美地区各机场的卡车运输量与上一年持平,甚至有所下降。  相似文献   

太和顾问在全国一、二类城市超过110家各类金融机构中广泛收集企业上一年度薪酬福利信息,结合行业整体发展、薪酬增长、人力资源效率,人员流动等指标进行多方位调研。  相似文献   

回眸情人节 回眸2月14日,你的心里有什么感觉?怀念那天的浓情蜜意?Louis Vuitton的首饰系列,一定给不少女性带来了浪漫的惊喜,白金Monogram图案手链上闪闪发亮的542颗钻石、LV标志的垂饰、镶嵌着名贵珠宝的小雪人、还有那个信封状的小垂饰,这些美丽的小东西何如让人忘怀呢!或许,你的情人节有一些遗憾,说句“无所谓”,把感伤的情绪远远抛开吧,走进Louis Vuitton专卖店,你一样可以拥有两个人的浪漫,就算你一个人。  相似文献   

手表带和书包带 初看这样的书包,你会不会联想到手表?确实非常有趣,VERSACE不光注重奢华也开始注重创意。多彩的表带配合米色的包包,不算过于夸张,只是在品位里加入一点点好玩。  相似文献   

通过对中国诗歌的分析,提出了对中国诗歌进行鉴赏的“三步曲”。  相似文献   

At the end of 2017, the Bitcoin price dropped significantly by approximately 70% over the two months. Since the introduction of Bitcoin futures coincided with this market crash, it is said that the new financial instrument might have caused the market crash. The literature states that the futures enabled investors to easily take a short position and hypothesizes that the selling pressure from futures could have potentially crashed the Bitcoin market. To evaluate this assumption, we investigate the empirical relationship between futures trading and the Bitcoin price by using high-frequency data. We find that Bitcoin futures trading was not significantly related to the returns on Bitcoin futures and spot returns. Therefore, we conclude that Bitcoin futures did not lead to the crash of the Bitcoin market at the end of 2017.  相似文献   

是非不断的经济适用房,最新的新闻是“昆明3000套房源造弃购”。 据调查,其原因是符合条件的市民没有支付能力(一年内交清10-15万元),银行考虑到经适房5年后才能上市以及购房户的支付能力等风险而不愿放贷。这只烫手山芋,就此让三方都陷入尴尬:需要住房且符合条件的居民买不起,开发商的投资无法收回,政府建设经济适用房的目标难以实现。  相似文献   

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