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Transport costs, intermediate goods, and localized growth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper presents a dynamic, two-regional, general equilibrium model in which interregional production and trade patterns are endogenously determined. Localized growth stems from the geographical concentration of an industrial sector exhibiting permanent productivity increases. Geographical concentration is a result of the interaction between local market size and local competition in the differentiated input industry. Regional factor endowment with an immobile factor is decisive for the long-run specialization, trade and growth patterns between the regions if large endowment differences prevail. With equal-sized regions, multiple equilibria exist. Furthermore, we argue that integration might lead to increasing regional concentration of production and innovation.  相似文献   

目前东部地区,物流发展是经济增长的重要原因,而经济增长也对物流发展产生很大影响;而在中部和西部,经济增长对物流发展具有促进作用,但物流对经济增长的反作用并不显著.因此,提高中西部物流的现代化水平和物流管理技术将是中国未来中西部物流发展的关键所在.  相似文献   

The time-series properties of per capita income and per capita earnings in the regions of the United States are tested for consistency with the neoclassical growth model's prediction of convergence. We find evidence for per capita income convergence for U.S. regions during the 1929–1990 period after allowing for a trend break in 1946. These findings support the neoclassical model's prediction of convergence. The evidence for per capita earnings convergence is, however, less conclusive. Shocks to per capita earnings are found to be more persistent than shocks to per capita income. This implies that the regional distribution of transfer payments tends to smooth the effects of deviation on relative regional per capita earnings and reinforce trends in per capita income convergence.  相似文献   

Globalization is associated with pressures and conflicts over natural resources, with migration, urbanization and development. The analyzes these phenomena focusing the Lower Basin of the Zambezi River in Mozambique where external demand over natural resources have been associated with huge projects on transport infrastructures, coal mining and agroforestry, somehow correlated with recurring conflicts. The approach proposes and uses a regional development model that highlights the impacts of the spatial allocation of property rights on income and migration. Results show the importance of resources ownership in the spatial profile of development and social unrest.  相似文献   

Trade, migration and regional unemployment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A by now large literature in regional economics has greatly improved our understanding of the determinants of the observed spatial disparities in productivity. However, this literature neglects what seems to be a robust and persistent fact accompanying regional productivity differences: high productivity regions also have lower unemployment than low productivity regions. In this paper, we set out a model in the New Economic Geography (NEG)/job search tradition to explore the theoretical determinants of this fact. We find that the same forces producing regional agglomeration and productivity differences also generate persistent unemployment disparities. Moreover, we highlight a contrast between the short-run and long-run effects of migration on regional unemployment. In particular, migration from the periphery to the core may reduce unemployment disparities in the short-run, but exacerbates them in the long-run.  相似文献   

对"以专业化促集聚"的区域发展战略的经济学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
区域经济专业化作为专业化发展的高级阶段,它是以人的劳动专业化、企业生产的专业化为基础而集聚形成的.文章分析了其特性和机制,指出中国区域经济发展应实施专业化的发展战略.  相似文献   

Y. Goletsis  M. Chletsos 《Socio》2011,45(4):174-183
The identification of regional disparities and regional growth patterns is an important factor affecting policy formulation. Single indicator, usually GDP-based, approaches have revealed significant shortcomings. In this work we provide a methodology and the respective tools to analyse regional disparities and development patterns. Aiming at capturing the different aspects of development and quality of life our approach is multi-dimensional: we, first, develop a composite index; we, then, apply multivariate clustering for identifying regions with similar socio-economic profiles. The methodology is applied to examine Greek regions. The results do not provide strong evidence for convergence of Greek regions during the period 1995–2007.  相似文献   

Fiscal competition and regional differentiation   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Regions can benefit by offering infrastructure services that are differentiated. Competition between regions over potential investors is then less direct, allowing them to realize greater benefits from external investors. The two polar cases of full and incomplete information about investors' needs are studied. In both cases, there is regional differentiation. However, fiscal competition is efficient in the former case but not in the latter. Finally, it is shown that free entry in the location market calls for some regulation because of the excessive number of competing regions that would prevail in equilibrium.  相似文献   

区域间劳动力迁移对经济增长和地区差距的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文利用一个30区域可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型,根据中国实际劳动力流动规模,并考虑了汇款、外地与本地劳动力工资差异、人口流动滞后于劳动力流动等多种因素,定量分析了区域间劳动力迁移的经济影响。结果显示,区域间劳动力迁移可以有效改善配置效率,提高经济增速缩小地区间生活水平差距,但由于在一国内部资本流动性很强,存在"资本追逐劳动"现象,因此并不能缩小人均GDP的地区差距。虽然劳动力迁移显著提高了输出的人均收入和消费水平,但单纯的劳动力输出并不能缩小同发达地区人均产出的差距。  相似文献   

This empirically analyzes the effect of gasoline price change on various aspects of surface transport behavior comprehensively, with consideration of regional differences as to whether or not the region includes a major metropolitan agglomeration area (hereafter, “megalopolis”), by means of carefully arranging yearly time-series data from fiscal 1987 to fiscal 2008 in Japan. The aim is to look at common as well as different effects among regions and to draw policy implications relating to fuel price, as well as to fuel tax, towards developing a low-carbon transport system, which are applicable to other countries including emerging countries where a demographic disparity between megalopolis areas and rural areas might be increasing. The methodology includes the multiple regression models complemented by the 1st order auto-regressive models of error terms, where the elasticities of gasoline price and those of income regarding usage of personal automobiles, of public transport and of passenger railways with or without periodic tickets, and fuel consumption on cars, as well as ownership of various types of cars, are estimated for individual gross-regions. In both gross-regions, higher gasoline prices are commonly shown to be related to lower ownership of larger private passenger cars, higher ownership of light cars, lower ownership of the total private passenger cars, lower passenger-km per capita in cars, lower fuel consumption on cars and higher transit ridership. The result suggests general automobile-fuel-price policy implications, the extent of which is differentiated by spatial characteristics, and estimates the adverse effect of the possible abolition of the provisional gasoline tax rate on the emissions in both gross-regions. The application of result is also tried in exploring effect of other policy measures such as expressway tolls.  相似文献   

城市·休闲·机动性:基于城市休闲发展的一组思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市休闲的发展表现在城市旅游的快速增长和居民自身的休闲需求的增加。休闲的发展对出行行为有深刻的影响,本文将休闲出行的需求特征归结为弹性、不规律性、高质量和信息四个方面。此外,文章指出休闲的发展对机动性提出了新的要求,而机动性的条件也会对休闲行为的选择产生关键影响;休闲和机动性在一定程度上是一对共生现象。最后,从规划研究和政策的角度为我国城市应对休闲和机动性发展提出了一组建议。  相似文献   

The evidence for the US suggests that spatially blind policies often generate greater impacts on regional economic growth and development than policies specifically targeted at regions on regional issues generally. In this presentation, attention will be directed to two sets of national policies that have been promulgated without due consideration of their specific spatial (regional) impacts – trade policy and fiscal policy.Drawing on research conducted for the US, Japan and Brazil, an examination of trade policies will be presented, using the experience of NAFTA in North America and MERCOSUR in Brazil. Some further analysis of experience in Colombia will also provide insights into the role of national trade policy and, in the case of Colombia, fiscal decentralization policies. The second part of the presentation will examine fiscal policy impacts mediated through regional business cycles; the experience of Japan and the US will be examined.The results affirm the important implications that national (spatially blind) policies can have on regional economies; in the case of Brazil, trade policies have exacerbated already wide differentials in per capita income across states.  相似文献   

This paper sheds new light on the role of regional labor market conditions for regional mobility. We study competition for vacant jobs along two dimensions – between employed and unemployed job searchers, and between resident and non-resident job searchers – within a simple matching framework. Evidence from estimating regional matching functions with data on job searchers disaggregated by previous employment status and regional provenance indicates that competition for jobs along both dimensions affects hiring. Tests of the theoretical predictions suggest that labor market conditions do determine regional mobility, but the countervailing effects of competition between employed and unemployed dilute mobility effects.  相似文献   

我国生态补偿工作始于20世纪80年代初期,经过20多年努力,已取得了显著的进展.但总体而言,生态补偿制度尚不完善,生态补偿政策体系尚未形成.随着区域开放程度的提高,跨区生态补偿近年日益得到重视,如,流域生态补偿、森林生态效益补偿等方面的研究,相对比较集中;而西电东送、西气东输、南水北调工程实施过程中对生态补偿的现实问题却没有完全受到重视,亟须尽快完善跨区域生态补偿机制.  相似文献   

寻找金融机构信贷投向的影响因素成为提升金融机构信贷资金投向正确性,及促进经济发展的重要途径。而在这些影响因素中,区域人力资源要素无疑是非常重要的一个。但是,区域人力资源要素对金融信贷投向的影响机制的相关研究还非常缺乏。本研究采用相关分析及结构模型建模方法对区域人力资源要素与金融机构信贷投向的影响效应进行实证分析。结果表明,人力资源要素对金融机构信贷投向具有积极的直接正向影响,同时,人力资源要素通过对产业结构的调整及优化作用对信贷投向产生了积极的间接影响作用。该研究不仅在理论上促进有关信贷理论的发展,完善信贷理论的研究体系;而且在实践中有助于促进金融信贷投向合理的方向。  相似文献   

L'intention de cet essai est de provoquer une discussion sur une perspective comparative de l'éeconomie politique. Un compte rendu est fait des contributions récentes de Poulantzas et de Runciman sur les systèmes de pouvoir et de conflit dans l'état-nation contemporain. Une attention particulière est donnée à la typologie de Runciman de six sociétés idéales types. A titre de contraste, la théorie marxiste de l'état est perçue comme étant circulaire et ne pouvant pas confronter d'une manière satisfaisante les problèmes posés par les sociétés de l'Europe de i'Est, et aussi par la gamme de variations à l'intérieur du monde capitaliste. Dans la sphère du développement urbain et régional, la variation de buts et de résultats est en partie déterminée par les relations entre états. Les contraintes imposées par le marché mondial, par la disposition et la circulation inégales de materiaux et de denrées, sont structurées plus par la détermination des états à accroǐtre la production matérielle que par le mode de production dominant dans une formation sociale donnée. Cet acharnement à accroǐtre la production matérielle n'est visiblement pas moins fort dans les sociétés de type ‘socialiste’ ou ‘révolutionnaire’. La théorie marxiste semble accepter l'expansion inévitable de la production matérielle sans se soucier des limites écologiques. De la méme façon qu'il y a un besoin net pour une typologie du pouvoir et des formes de contrǒle social, il y a aussi besoin d'une analyse urbaine et régionale détaillée dans les formations sociales particulières qui pourrait égaler présuppositions théoriques avec résultats empiriques. Les questions pratiques en ce qui concerne qui reçoit quoi, qui détermine qui reçoit quoi, qu'est-ce qui détermine qui reçoit quoi, ne sont pas en mesure d'ětre repondues d'une façon monocausale.  相似文献   

Abstract. Free trade in goods and factors is efficient. When we move away from economic theory and consider the policies actually followed by governments, we observe distortions being implemented both on goods and factors trades. It is natural then to question the relative merits of the two types of intervention, and the normative literature has provided only partial answers. We ask then why is the international flow of goods and factors not free, and the political economy literature has looked at the two issues only separately. In studying the determination of trade policy, a theoretical paradigm has emerged, focusing on the role of influence driven contributions. This approach has also found strong empirical support. The literature on the political economy of factor mobility, on the other hand, is fragmented. Distortions in labor and capital flows are typically the subject of different studies, and only recently a unified framework has been proposed. More work has to be done in this area as well as in integrating the political economy of trade and factor movements.  相似文献   

从地区城市到城乡一体化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析传统城市和乡村的对立格局,找出阻碍城乡和谐发展的制约因素,以全球化为契机,提出通往城乡一体化这一理想境界的门径是地区城市(Regional City)--一种新型的城市概念.  相似文献   

In a regional innovation system, a dense inter-organizational network within the region is recognized as a key factor in enhancing knowledge diffusion, regional learning, and effective resource transfers. Therefore, understanding the network structure and physical proximity of organizations is essential. In this paper, we investigated the industrial structure of Yamagata prefecture in Japan as a case study. Because Yamagata is a representative industrial region, the analysis can also provide an insight into other industrial regions. Initially, we investigated the geographical dispersion of firms and found them to be agglomerated along Route 13 and the Tohoku Shinkansen railroad, indicating that infrastructures for transportation still have a decisive role in terms of site location. Subsequently, we analyzed the modular structure of the inter-firm network. The results showed that hub firms construct a different type of network and play different roles within the inter-firm network, reflecting their strategic choice. The results also showed that there is a tendency for firms to transact with those in close proximity, and that firm location is also affected by the location of the hub firm in the module in addition to the infrastructures.  相似文献   

Growth, cycles and convergence in US regional time series   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports the results of fitting unobserved components (structural) time series models to data on real income per capita in eight regions of the United States. The aim is to establish stylised facts about cycles and convergence. It appears that while the cycles are highly correlated, the two richest regions have been diverging from the others in recent years. A new model is developed in order to characterise the converging behaviour of the six poorest regions. The model combines convergence components with a common trend and cycles. These convergence components are formulated as a second-order error correction mechanism which allows temporary divergence while imposing eventual convergence. After fitting the model, the implications for forecasting are examined. Finally, the use of unit root tests for testing convergence is critically assessed in the light of the stylised facts obtained from the fitted models.  相似文献   

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