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A rapid growth of Islamic banking has led the Malaysian economy to gaining greater prosperity than before. Presently, there are more than 20 Islamic banks operating in Malaysia. Financial ratios calculated from the categories of liquidity, profitability, risk and solvency, and efficiency of banks can be used to gauge the overall financial performance of the banking industry. The objective is to assess the overall performance of Islamic banks as well as conventional banks in Malaysia using financial ratios. The findings indicated that conventional commercial banks in Malaysia do have better quality assets, are more liquid, and are more profitable than Islamic banks. Total expenses in conventional banks are much higher, which may affect profitability and the significant amount of non-performing loans (NPLs), thus increasing solvency risk. The findings show positive insights of Islamic banks, whose confidence and trust are rising, over a short period with strong improvements in asset utilization, effective management, and expenditure control. This comparative study clearly identified that conventional banks are better financial performers compared to Islamic banks in Malaysia during the period of 2006-2010.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2023,47(1):101051
While MSMEs form the backbone of many countries, most of them suffer from limited access to finance. We extend the literature by examining whether Islamic banks, compared to their conventional peers, favor more the MSMEs credit market segment in Turkey. We do this by considering various aspects of the lending behavior towards MSMEs (total lending, foreign currency lending, loan commitments, loan quality, and revenues) across different MSMEs size categories (micro, small and medium-sized firms). Our results show that once we control for bank-specific characteristics, we find that Islamic banks are more engaged with MSME financing and generate more revenues from servicing MSMEs. Concerning the quality of the MSME lending portfolio, no distinguishable patterns were observed between Islamic and conventional banks.  相似文献   

More than 200 Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) are reported to have total combined assets in excess of US$ 200 billion with an annual growth rate estimated between 10 and 15%. The regulatory regime governing IFIs varies across countries. International organizations have been established to set standards that would strengthen and eventually harmonize prudential regulations as they apply to IFIs. The paper contributes to the discussion on the nature of the prudential standards to be developed. It clarifies risks IFIs are exposed to and the type of regulation that would help to manage them. It considers that the industry is still evolving with an anticipated convergence of the practice of Islamic financial intermediation with its conceptual foundations. Accordingly, the paper contrasts the risks and regulation that would be needed in the case of Islamic financial intermediation operating according to core principles and current practice. Implications for approaches to capital adequacy, licensing requirements and reliance on market discipline are outlined. The paper suggests an organization of the industry that would allow it to develop in compliance with its principles and prudent risk management and to facilitate its regulation.  相似文献   

This study undertakes the challenging task of comparing the weak form efficiency of conventional and Islamic equity markets. Using 12 different Dow Jones indexes that cover 16 years of daily data, we compare the time-varying non-linear predictability patterns of conventional market indexes and their Islamic counterparts at country and continent level by using permutation entropy. Accordingly, we find that all indexes in our analysis have different degrees of time-varying predictability and all conventional markets are found to be more efficient compared to their Islamic counterparts. However, in some of the cases, this difference in efficiency is almost indistinguishable. Our findings reveal that compared to their conventional counterparts, Islamic markets do not necessarily need to carry a more deterministic or predictable structure since efficiency in these markets depends mostly on liquidity, market quality, institutional characteristics and the country/continent specific investment behavior.  相似文献   

赵宇 《价值工程》2011,30(5):121-122
随着信息技术的高速发展,我国的金融业也面临巨大变革,网上银行的出现就是重要的一方面,本文就网上银行在我国的应用和发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

肖宗娜 《价值工程》2015,(2):277-278
通过分析广西国际商务职业技术学院金融专业学生银行从业资格考试通过率不高的原因,围绕提高银行从业资格考试通过率,从课程考核、教师、学生等方面提出金融专业教学改革的措施与设想。  相似文献   

This paper discusses some of the conventional accounting concepts, such as historical cost concept, conservatism concept, matching concept, objectivity concept, stable monetary unit assumption, and going-concern assumption, which are not in accordance with the Islamic accounting paradigm due to their divergence with some verses of the Holy AI-Qur'an, the Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (pbuh), and the basic of Zakat calculation. This is a conceptual paper describing some of the conventional accounting concepts that are not in accordance with the paradigm of Islamic accounting. The paper concludes that the historical cost concept can be replaced by: current cash equivalent concept, historical cost and current value concepts (market selling price), current cost concept, historical cost concept in all (except for Zakat purposes) accounting calculations, current valuation concept, and fair value concept. Conservatism concept must be eliminated if historical cost concept is not used anymore. Matching concept can be replaced by asset-liability approach concept. Objectivity concept can be replaced by Zakat accountability concept. Stability of the monetary unit assumption can be replaced by gold or silver measurement, or Dirham currency, and going-concern assumption must be eliminated.  相似文献   

网络银行与传统银行的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文基于对网络银行与传统银行的比较分析,阐述了二者在性质特点、业务种类、经营管理模式、资产负债结构、风险管理,以及金融监管等方面的不同,本文的分析表明网络银行除了传统银行的共性外还具有自身的特性,这些特性决定了网络银行是未来各国银行业的发展方向,但网络银行也不可能完全取代传统银行。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(1):100884
Using a panel of 104 banks from the six Gulf Council Countries, we investigate the cyclicality of credit growth with regard to the discrepancies between Islamic banks and conventional banks. We found that Islamic banks are pro-cyclical and have higher credit growth compared to conventional banks. Indeed, the Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) mechanism helps Islamic banks not to curb their credit growth during adverse economic conditions. We tested the role of the growth rate of market sentiment and found that positive market sentiment leads to higher bank credit growth. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of several bank-specific variables on bank credit growth and discuss to what extent diversification and the investment portfolio reshape the credit growth process.  相似文献   

This study performs the challenging task of examining the forecastability behavior of the stock market returns for the Dow Jones Islamic Market (DJIM) and the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) indices, using non-parametric regressions. These indices represent different markets in terms of their institutional and balance sheet characteristics. The empirical results posit that stock market indices are generally difficult to predict accurately. However, our results reveal some point forecasting capacity for a 15-week horizon at the 95 per cent confidence level for the DJIA index, and for nine-week horizon at the 99 per cent confidence for the DJIM index, using the non-parametric regressions. On the other hand, the ratio of the correctly predicted signs (the success ratio) shows a percentage above 60 per cent for both indices which is evidence of predictability for those indices. This predictability is however statistically significant only four-weeks ahead for the DJIM case, and twelve weeks ahead for the DJIA as their respective success ratios differ significantly from the 50 percent, the expected percentage for an unpredictable time series. In sum, it seems that the forecastability of DJIM is slightly better than that of DJIA. This result on the forecastability of DJIM adds to its other findings in the literature that cast doubts on its suitability in hedging and asset allocation in portfolios that contain conventional stocks.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(4):553-571
This study examines market co-movements in Islamic and mainstream equity markets across different regions in order to discover contagion during 9 major crises and to measure integration between markets. Using wavelet decomposition to unveil the multi-horizon nature of co-movement, we find that the shocks were transmitted via excessive linkages, while the recent subprime crisis reveals fundamentals-based contagion. While Islamic markets show traces of reduced exposure to the recent crisis owing to low leverage effect, their less diversified portfolio nature increases vulnerability to other crises. We generally find incomplete market integration, with relatively higher fundamental integration for Islamic markets which may be attributable to their real sector allocation nature.  相似文献   

影子银行体系与金融危机   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
影子银行的异军突起、飞速发展,给美国和国际金融市场带来了高度的繁荣.由于影子银行的高杠杆贷款操作以及影子银行体系内生的脆弱性,成为引发当前全球性金融危机的重要因素.影子银行体系的教训给我国金融业提供了重要的启示,即我国金融业应循序渐进地推动金融产品创新,注重防范金融风险;金融监管机构应对金融机构及金融活动实行全面的监管.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to study the conditional correlations across the US market and a sample of five Islamic emerging markets, namely Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan, Qatar, and Malaysia. The empirical design uses MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) Islamic equity index since it applies stringent restrictions to include companies. Indeed, two main restrictions must be met: (i) the business activity must be compliant with Shari’ah (i.e., Islamic law) guidelines and (ii) interest-bearing investments and leverage ratios should not exceed upper limits. Three models are used: multivariate GARCH BEKK, CCC, and DCC. The estimation results of the three models show that the US and Islamic emerging equity markets are weakly correlated over time. No sheer evidence supports that the US market spills over into the Islamic emerging equity markets. Besides interpreting the results in terms of weak market integration, the peculiar specificities of the Islamic finance industry and the admittance conditions to the MSCI Islamic equity index contribute to explaining them. Indeed, Islamic finance bans interest-bearing investments and imposes some rules, such as asset-backing, which has sizeable impacts on volatility spillover and shocks transmissions, alongside with the close linkage between real and financial sectors. These findings suggest that investors should take caution when investing in the Islamic emerging equity markets and diversifying their portfolios in order to minimize risk.  相似文献   

This article reviews the shari'a approach to markets and examines its treatment by certain twentieth‐century Islamic economists such as Nejatullah Siddiqui, Nawab Haider Naqvi, Umer Chapra and M.A. Mannan. It characterises the arguments of these economists as largely statist, redistributive and socialist, possibly reflecting post‐colonial intellectual experiences. Yet shari'a endorses negative freedom by proscribing price controls and guaranteeing consumer protection from coercion. Islamic law, this article argues, as evinced in both revealed knowledge and human exegesis, has endorsed a market‐friendly, libertarian and limited‐government philosophy.  相似文献   

陈燕 《价值工程》2011,30(34):141-142
随着市场经济的逐步完善和电子商务的迅猛发展,网上交易大量增加。作为网络交易的支付平台,网络银行业务也与日俱增,其低廉的成本和广阔的前景,已逐渐受到人们的关注。但由于我国网上银行业务发展较晚,在网络基础设施建设、网络安全、网络银行的监管及法律法规等方面还存在很多问题,本文针对在网络银行发展中存在的这些问题进行了系统的分析,旨在探讨促进我国网络银行发展的一些对策措施。  相似文献   

于云波 《价值工程》2010,29(24):251-251
"网银"是电子银行业务的重要代表,它是商业银行为适应互联网时代客户不断提高的要求而产生的新型金融服务方式。发展网银已经成为商业银行应对金融全球化扩展的必要手段,本文客观分析网银在我国银行业发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   

CRM在银行业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客户关系管理(CRM,CustomerRelationshipManagement)是一种以客户为中心的经营理念,它融入于企业分析、选择、争取、发展和保持客户所要实施的全部商业过程之中。本文论述了CRM的理念、系统基本功能,说明了CRM在银行中的作用,并分析了银行实施CRM系统应注意的问题和策略。  相似文献   

The important part of the macroeconomic policies is related to financial sector. Banking, which is a portion of this sector, takes the most important place in both the operation of economic system and the realization of the institutional or individual activities. It is well known that the foundation of banking system is based on trust, stability and strong capital formation. The birth and development of the banking sector in Turkey is relatively new. If the roots of the Turkish banking are traced, it is seen that the history goes back to the middle of the nineteenth century. Since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, the targets of the economic development have been tried to be reached through supporting the industry and banking in the leadership of the State. But the obstacles in the financial system have limited the development of the Turkish banking sector. Since the application of the liberalization policies in the markets, particularly after 1980's, the banking sector has been one of the most affected sectors from the liberalization. When the fundamental problems of the Turkish banking sector have been analyzed, they can be enumerated as economic instability, being the financier of the public deficits, being too sensitive to the market risks and being fragile, high input costs, inefficient use of capital, defects in the booking system or weaknesses in the control, problems with restructuring, defects in domestic control, lack of risk management and institutional inner-management. In this study, the development of banking sector will be briefly analyzed for determined periods since 1923. The analysis will include the developments which create economic crises, the role of banks in this process, the defects of the banking sector and the financial system, and the effects of crises on the banking sector on the basis of the cause and effect relation. Economic crisis of February 2001 and the banking crisis will be examined in detail. The new arrangements after the 2001 crisis in the banking sector have been overviewed.  相似文献   

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