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房静涛  顾荣 《价值工程》2010,29(34):123-124
我国是银行主导型金融体系。银行对我国经济发展起举足轻重的作用。本文借助SPSS软件使用因子分析法对银行竞争力进行实证分析,找出现阶段影响我国国有商业银行及政策性银行竞争力的重要因素,得出相应的结论。  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors present the results of an empirical study that attempts to analyse the risk of bank run in Geneva, Switzerland. Two similar surveys have been conducted upon two independent samples of Geneva population (June 2008 and February 2009) to detect the existence of predictive signals leading to a bank run within the selected area. The authors discover that Geneva inhabitants are generally confident in Swiss banks; the risk of a bank run in the area is low. However, reliance to the national banking system is worsening: The number of people fearing about their savings and those thinking the default of a major Swiss bank as "possible" has significantly risen. Also, more and more people keep updated about the current financial crisis; overall trust in Swiss banks has slightly decreased.  相似文献   

李素清 《价值工程》2009,28(7):151-154
随着我国加入世贸组织及金融业的全面开放,中资银行个人理财业务面临外资银行的挑战。因此我们更应该认清我国目前个人理财业务发展的现状,以及国际上个人理财业务发展的趋势;理清中资银行发展个人理财业务中的问题所在和具有的竞争优势;辩证地分析外资银行进入中国后对我国个人理财业务发展的不利以及有利影响,从而归纳出中资银行在个人理财业务上的发展策略。  相似文献   

A rapid growth of Islamic banking has led the Malaysian economy to gaining greater prosperity than before. Presently, there are more than 20 Islamic banks operating in Malaysia. Financial ratios calculated from the categories of liquidity, profitability, risk and solvency, and efficiency of banks can be used to gauge the overall financial performance of the banking industry. The objective is to assess the overall performance of Islamic banks as well as conventional banks in Malaysia using financial ratios. The findings indicated that conventional commercial banks in Malaysia do have better quality assets, are more liquid, and are more profitable than Islamic banks. Total expenses in conventional banks are much higher, which may affect profitability and the significant amount of non-performing loans (NPLs), thus increasing solvency risk. The findings show positive insights of Islamic banks, whose confidence and trust are rising, over a short period with strong improvements in asset utilization, effective management, and expenditure control. This comparative study clearly identified that conventional banks are better financial performers compared to Islamic banks in Malaysia during the period of 2006-2010.  相似文献   

本文采用我国14家上市商业银行2003-2007年披露的年报数据,对商业银行非利息收入进行研究,表明我国商业银行经过多年的发展,打破原先单一主要依靠存贷差产生利润的局面,非利息收入不论在绝对数还是占比上都得到了长足的发展,并且产品结构日趋丰富,满足了人们日益增长的金融服务需求;同时,回归分析表明,提升非利息收入的比重,有利于提高商业银行的绩效。  相似文献   

江西省村镇银行业经过四年发展,对解决农村金融市场供需矛盾,提升农村金融机构服务水平起到了推动作用,但在运行中也出现了一些较为严重的问题,影响了江西省村镇银行业的持续稳定发展。村镇银行产生问题的原因主要在两方面:一方面是村镇银行自身的市场定位不清、金融创新不足、人员素质偏低、风险控制缺位、公司治理存在缺陷等内在因素;另一方面是政府缺乏支持村镇银行发展的清晰规划,监管机构未形成有针对性的监管框架,农村地区信用体系不健全等外在环境。因此,需要村镇银行通过改善业务经营和公司治理以形成有利的微观环境,同时政府应加大政策扶持力度,形成有利的宏观环境,最终促进江西省村镇银行业健康持续发展。  相似文献   

从商业银行角度浅析我国中小企业融资难问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋琳 《价值工程》2011,30(8):104-105
中小企业是我国国民经济和社会发展的重要力量,但长期以来,中小企业所获得的金融资源却十分匾乏,特别是通过银行融资难的问题己经成为严重制约我国中小企业进一步发展的最大瓶颈。本文首先分析了中小企业融资难的原因,然后论述了发展中小企业融资业务对我国商业银行的重要意义,最后对商业银行如何发展中小企业业务提出几点建议。  相似文献   

胡清秀 《价值工程》2005,24(11):123-125
从不同层面和角度研究银行风险的特点,分析引发银行风险的因素,提出防范银行风险的对策,具有重要的现实意义。对很行进行全员风险意识和风险知识教育,建立银行风险预警系统、风险督查小组和加强风险审计及风险监控,使银行安全运作,降低各式各样大大小小的风险损失,才能提升效益,实现银行自身和社会经济发展的目标。  相似文献   

随着商业银行市场化改革步伐的加快,市场营销工作已成为商业银行打造品牌、塑造形象及赢得市场的重要环节.虽然近年采商业银行的市场营销工作取得了良好的业绩,但还存在不少问题.文章就商业银行市场营销工作中存在的问题及对策作一些探讨.  相似文献   

我国商业银行中间业务发展存在问题及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马卿  朱东洋  杨晓明 《价值工程》2009,28(12):151-154
中间业务经营成本低、风险小、收益高,因而得到迅速发展。伴随着我国金融体系的完善与全球金融一体化进程的进一步加快,我国商业银行面临的竞争将空前剧烈,因而大力发展中间业务是我国商业银行的必然选择。通过对我国商业银行中间业务存在问题进行分析,针对性地提出了发展我国商业银行中间业务的若干对策。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(1):100884
Using a panel of 104 banks from the six Gulf Council Countries, we investigate the cyclicality of credit growth with regard to the discrepancies between Islamic banks and conventional banks. We found that Islamic banks are pro-cyclical and have higher credit growth compared to conventional banks. Indeed, the Profit and Loss Sharing (PLS) mechanism helps Islamic banks not to curb their credit growth during adverse economic conditions. We tested the role of the growth rate of market sentiment and found that positive market sentiment leads to higher bank credit growth. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of several bank-specific variables on bank credit growth and discuss to what extent diversification and the investment portfolio reshape the credit growth process.  相似文献   

本文运用2003-2013年间我国53家商业银行的面板数据,通过建立多元化风险模型,对商业银行收入结构多元化、经营绩效以及风险的关系进行了系统分析。得出结论:规模较大的银行在专业型多元化经营业务成熟的基础上,转而发展综合型多元化经营业务,有利于银行绩效提升,但必须注重对风险的把控;而规模较小的商业银行因受地域、规模等因素的限制并不适合开展综合型多元化经营业务,应在主营业务发展充分的基础上,以发展专业型多元化经营业务为主。最后,根据实证结果提出相关的对策建议。  相似文献   

李卓娜  赵谊生 《价值工程》2011,30(28):113-114
银行业在国民经济中发挥了极其重要的作用,研究商业银行经营绩效问题具有重要的现实意义。而其中,股权结构对银行绩效有着重要影响。文章采用因子分析法,通过回归分析得出上市银行股权结构与经营绩效关系的结论。进一步分析原因并联系实际,提出改善我国上市银行股权结构的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

郑立明  任浩 《价值工程》2006,25(8):164-166
目前,发展中间业务成为国内商业银行调整业务方向和收益结构进而转变经营模式的重要手段,其必要性和意义受到愈来愈多的关注。本文对国内银行发展中间业务的背景展开全面分析,并对股份制银行发展中间业务的多重动因进行深入探讨,旨在为股份制银行应对挑战和抓紧机遇提供思路。  相似文献   

文章认为,次级债券的发行有利于商业银行快速补充资本、提高资本充足率,但是大量次级债券的发行也可能存在一定的风险,如对发行者而言,可能加大银行的长期财务成本、造成银行业整体资本量虚增、影响商业银行的长期稳健发展;对投资者而言,可能因购买者对次级债券认识不够或商业银行互持次级债券而形成风险;次级债券的发行还可能对货币政策的执行产生不利影响。  相似文献   

新形势下对我国商业银行内部控制建设的分析与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘福艳 《价值工程》2008,27(5):150-152
加入WTO以后,随着金融全球化进程和金融市场开放程度的不断扩大,我国商业银行面临更加激烈的竞争环境和更加复杂多样的风险。在此新形势下,虽然我国商业银行内部控制制度建设步伐明显加快,但与国际先进商业银行相比,国内商业银行风险管理水平仍存在较大差距,内控薄弱是普遍存在的突出问题。从当前我国商业银行内部控制的现状着手,简析了我国商业银行内部控制制度的现存问题,并结合实际提出了完善内控制度的对策建议。  相似文献   

我国金融业的对外开放应遵从GATS的实施细则。GATS在国际金融框架下已经覆盖了绝大多数的WTO成员国。文章通过对GATS运作机制进行分析,比较了银行业开放的国际经验,认为我国对外资银行的监管,应该符合两个原则:一是要有助于促进中国金融业的竞争和效率,以及金融安全和稳定;二是依据中国的承诺表、GATS的基本原则和WTO的目的。  相似文献   

The level of aggregate excess reserves held by U.S. depository institutions increased significantly at the peak of the 2007–2009 financial crisis. Although the amount of aggregate reserves is determined almost entirely by the policy initiatives of the central bank that act on the asset side of its balance sheet, the motivations of individual banks in accumulating reserves differ and respond to the impact of changes in the economic environment on individual institutions. We undertake a systematic analysis of this massive accumulation of excess reserves using bank-level data for more than 7000 commercial banks and almost 1000 savings institutions during the U.S. financial crisis. We propose a testable stochastic model of reserves determination when interest is paid on reserves, which we estimate using bank-level data and censored regression methods. We find evidence primarily of a precautionary motive for reserves accumulation with some notable heterogeneity in the response of reserves accumulation to external and internal factors of the largest banks compared with smaller banks. We combine propensity score matching and a difference-in-differences approach to determine whether the beneficiaries of the Capital Purchase Program of the Troubled Asset Relief Program accumulated less cash, including reserves, than non-beneficiaries. Contrary to anecdotal evidence, we find that banks that participated in the program accumulated less cash, including reserves, than nonparticipants in the initial quarters after the capital injection.  相似文献   

华坚 《价值工程》2005,24(6):53-55
本文从银行价值网着手,分析了银行价值网经营模式对现有监管模式提出的新要求,探讨了相应的银行监管变革,最后提出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   


Jordan undertook major financial sector liberalization starting in the early of 1990s. The effect of this reform on the efficiency of the banking sector is evaluated. A non-parametric method of Data Development Analysis (DEA) has been used to arrive at the efficiency scores for a panel data sample covering eight Jordanian commercial banks over the period 1984 to 2001. The findings suggest that liberalization program was followed by an observable increase in efficiency. Another finding of the study is that large banks demonstrated the faster productivity growth during the liberalization. The study has important implications such as guiding the government policy regarding deregulation and liberalization.  相似文献   

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