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Large-scale accounting scandals which were reflected to the world public opinion particularly in the 2000s (such as Enron, Lucent, Xerox, and Parmalat Bank for Reconstruction) carried the matter of fraudulent financial reporting which was made to deceive the financial statement users (Fraudulent Financial Report (FFR)) to the forefront in the agenda of the academicians, operators, and regulatory authorities. As in every crime action, the most effective measure to be taken in preventing FFR events is to try to prevent the FFR before arising. In order to achieve this, in the most effective manner, FFR events should be determined in the formation process. In this study, fraudulent financial statements are tried to be determined by using financial ratios. For this, financial statements of 22 companies which transact in the textile industry in Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) were examined. Twenty-three financial ratios were selected for the purpose of determining the risk of fraudulence in the financial statements of the selected companies. These ratios increased in value by multiple regression analysis. The findings which were obtained in the study indicated that some financial statements had the risk of fraudulence. It was concluded that the ratios of inventory/current asset, total debt ratio, and equity turnover rate were a good indicator in the determination of fraudulent financial statements.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate whether the comprehensive income (CI) and its individual components are useful in assessing the future cash flows for Italian listed companies. In addition, we verify whether the recent requirement of International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1 (r2011) of providing the other comprehensive income (OCI) separates in two sub-totals (recycling and non-recycling items groups) is useful to explain the expected cash flows. We consider a sample of 121 Italian non-financial companies listed on the Italian Stock Exchange for the testing period of 2008-2011, employing a fixed-effect regression model, and we test the relationship between the changes in the variables considered and not the relative absolute value reducing, in this way, the risk of not grasping a report if the independent variable and the response variable do not have the same sign. Our results stress that CI and the two new sub-aggregates are not relevant to explain future cash flows, while net income (NI) and OC1 as a whole seem to be more relevant to make explicit the future financial position. The study contributes, as a sort of post-implementation review, to the current debate on the ability of Cl to predict the future cash flows and on the real usefulness of the CI and the sub-aggregate identified by the IAS 1 revised as well.  相似文献   

Related party transactions (RPTs) can be used by corporate insiders (e.g., managers, controlling shareholders) to expropriate corporate outsiders (e.g., minority shareholders). We argue that effective disclosure of RPTs can eliminate or at least reduce expropriation phenomena by letting corporate outsiders assess the fairness of the transactions and identify the underlying conflicts of interest. We consider a sample of large RPTs carried out by listed corporations in Italy, a country that has been affected by significant corporate scandals in recent years. In particular, we analyse the content of several compulsory informative documents, required by CONSOB (the Italian Securities and Exchange Commission), concerning large RPTs. The focus of our content analysis is on the "warnings" sections of these documents that should convey clear and comprehensive information on potential risks and conflicts of interest. Our empirical results show that, while the "warnings" sections of the studied documents generally contain all the information required by existing rules, the depth of the information provided is often unlikely to be sufficient to communicate the implications of the RPTs. Thus, readers may not find the disclosed information adequate to evaluate the fairness of the transactions. Moreover, visual representations are rarely used in the informative documents. The use of such representations could allow companies to convey the structures and features of complex RPTs in a simpler and more direct way.  相似文献   

The Practice Statement provides a flexible approach to preparation of the management commentary, generating more meaningful disclosure and discussing those matters that are more relevant to the company's individual circumstances. In this direction, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has highlighted some content elements recognised as being fundamental for guaranteeing the usefulness of the management commentary. With reference to these elements, it is interesting to analyse the level of disclosure of the financial reporting. These analyses aim to identify the themes dealt with most extensively by the companies and those that require greater attention so that the narrative section of the financial statement is, on the one hand, at least consistent with the suggestions of the guideline and, on the other hand, contains information that is useful for the users. Lastly, in the light of the relevant European Union (EU) directives, the results of the analysis will help to formulate considerations on the ability of the IASB guideline to improve the completeness of the narrative section. All this is examined in a cross-country dimension: Financial reports in Italy and the United Kingdom (UK) are examined. The content analysis methodology is applied. Within the financial reporting, the management discussion is examined in particular. The analysis is performed considering 2008. This qualitative paper will contribute to the studies on disclosure and usefulness of the information provided.  相似文献   

贺宏 《财会月刊》2022,(6):65-70
财务报表列报历来是会计准则制定机构重点关注的领域之一。二十多年来,国际会计准则理事会一直在为改革财务报表列报方式、提升列报信息有用性做出努力。鉴于此,通过回顾《国际会计准则第1号——财务报表的列报》(IAS 1)的历史变迁,并梳理2019年《一般列报和披露》(征求意见稿)中的改革要点,从理论和实务角度探讨其尚存的问题和可能带来的影响。该征求意见稿对利润表提供了结构性指导,有助于提升列报信息的可比性,然而与现金流量表使用相同的分类术语可能会引起歧义,进而降低分类信息的可理解性,允许报告主体保持一定灵活性亦会提升列报信息的有用性。针对准则尚未述及之处,提出增加重要性判断应用指南、增加重大不确定事件对主体持续经营基础的评估,以及强化报表间勾稽关系的建议。  相似文献   

The financial sector has played a small role in the restructuring of the manufacturing sector in transition economies, and in some cases, financial liberalization may have undermined real sector development. However, stable and stimulating business environment is crucial for economic development. The aim of this paper is to show the main changes that have been implemented in Montenegro so far, and guidelines for changes in the financial market in Montenegro, for further harmonization in accordance with the requirements of European Union (EU) accession. Also, the ability of governments of transition economies to enforce contracts and to achieve fiscal and monetary responsibility is of great importance for economic and financial development. By adopting the new Constitution of Montenegro, in the field of regulation of the financial system, there have been significant changes, recognizing the Central Bank as an institution responsible for financial stability. The authors will give a review of the actual state of the financial market in Montenegro, as well as recommendations for further changes in order to create a favorable climate for entrepreneurship and to strengthen the overall financial system.  相似文献   

合并财务报告是指反映母公司和其全部子公司形成的企业集团整体财务状况、经营成果和现金流量的财务报告。新会计准则在合并财务报告方面的规定变化巨大,影响广泛,有效提高了会计信息质量,遏制了部分企业进行利润操纵的不良现象。但是,再完善的准则也无法完美,新合并财务报告准则也存在着一些不足。  相似文献   

The fundamental relationship between accounting variables and stock returns is a recurring theme in financial research. One of the major purposes of accounting is to help investors provide reliable, comparable and accurate information. If accounting data are informative about fundamental values and changes in values, they should be correlated with stock price changes. This study provides theory and evidence showing how accounting variables explain stock returns and examines the relationship between the stock returns and accounting variables of listed non financial companies in ISE-100 Indice for 2006-2008 period by using panel data methodology. Empirical analysis consists of 192 observations of 64 companies in years 2006-2008 to examine the effects of inventory, accounts receivable, gross margin, operating expense, return on assets, cash flow, leverage, liquidity, price/earnings, return on equity on stock returns. The results of the study confirm that the predicted roles of fundamental factors and stock returns are significantly related to gross margin, cash flow, leverage and equity variables. The model explains about 13.35 % of the variation of annual stock returns with the leverage variable with most of the significant power.  相似文献   

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