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张莹 《现代商业》2011,(20):65-67
商务成本是衡量城市或区域投资环境的关键因素,也是皖江城市带承接长三角产业转移、进行产业合理布局的一个重要依据。商务成本主要由要素成本和营运成本构成,以统计年鉴数据为基础分析皖江城市带商务成本构成状况,结果表明皖江城市带商务成本整体上有利于吸引企业投资和产业转移,但各主要城市间商务成本构成要素存在差距,有些城市间差异显著,皖江城市带主要城市可采取可行措施优化商务成本结构,进一步改善投资环境。  相似文献   

本文对目前商务成本的内涵和构成要素、变化和发展趋势、商务成本对产业结构调整和区域经济发展的作用,以及商务成本的应对策略做了综述,目的在于帮助企业对商务成本进行系统的认识,以便积极应对挑战。  相似文献   

本文分析了商务成本的构成要素及其考量指标,并运用这套指标体系考察了上海市商务成本的现状和结构性变动趋势,最后给出了优化商务成本的参考性建议。  相似文献   

50.怎样应对逐年升高的商务成本?构成商务成本主要有两个部分,即要素成本和交易成本。(1)将依靠要素增长转变为依靠创新增长。胡锦涛总书记日前强调要求"推动经济发展从要素驱动向创新驱动转变",是进一步明确了推动经  相似文献   

在全球生产体系下,我国区际间的产业转移和中西部地区的产业承接是影响区域协调发展的重要动力,而商务成本的地区差异又是影响产业转移的重要因素,在一定程度上引起人力资源和资本要素的区域流动,从而会影响到产业转移的实现。我国中部和西部地区要实现产业转移和产业承接,应该积极的降低交易成本,加大人才和外商直接投资引进的力度。  相似文献   

商务模式及其创新研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐迪  翁君奕 《商业时代》2004,(29):43-44
对商务模式进行概念性的回顾,概述现有文献对商务模式的特征、组成要素和类型的讨论,分析商务模式创新的研究现状。在此基础上指出商务模式的作用、商务模式及其创新的研究意义及进一步研究的内容。  相似文献   

随着无线网络技术和智能移动终端的快速发展,基于位置的服务(Location-based Services,LBS)在军事、交通、物流等多领域得到了广泛应用。加之移动商务的迅猛发展,LBS技术与移动商务的结合已成为移动商务发展的主要方向;作为一种全新的商务模式,对LBS移动商务的风险要素进行全面分析是很有必要的。本文对LBS移动商务风险进行研究,采用Delphi法系统分析了LBS移动商务的风险要素,对各风险要素进行分类,并给出相应的风险管理方法。  相似文献   

论文在分析动态联盟商务决策所面临问题的基础上,论述了建立动态联盟商务智能中心的必要性和可能性,设计了动态联盟商务智能中心的组织架构,探讨了动态联盟商务智能中心的构成要素,研究了商务智能中心对动态联盟商务决策的支持作用。  相似文献   

环境规制的“双重红利”被大多数学者肯定,但是环境规制的收入分配效应却较少有文献提及。本文将2018年环境保护税改革作为一个准自然实验,利用三重差分法研究了市场型环境规制对要素收入分配格局的影响。研究结果显示,环境治理的成本主要由高污染行业的劳动者所承担,环境保护税改革虽然可以促使企业进行绿色创新和环保投资,但同时也会增加企业创新投资的不确定性和降低企业的流动性,进而增加企业的资本成本。在劳动要素的调整成本较小且流动性受到限制的情况下,企业会通过降低劳动者报酬的方式将资本成本的上升转嫁给劳动者,导致劳动-资本要素价格比和劳动要素收入占比下降。异质性分析表明,在劳动者议价能力越大的企业,转嫁程度越小;在盈利能力越强的企业,转嫁程度越大;在劳动力越密集的企业,转嫁程度越大。本文的结论表明,提高劳动要素在不同行业和地区之间的流动性、畅通劳动要素市场,有助于实现环境规制的“三重红利”,缩小收入分配差距。  相似文献   

随着大商务、大经贸格局的逐渐形成,商务涵盖了贸易、金融、经济、商法、营销等广大领域,商务口译的技能在很大程度上依赖于对背景环境的熟悉程度,同时面对着商务交流的双方来自于不同的地域和不同的文化,在很大程度上增加了商务口译的难度.因此跨文化意识对口译者来说至关重要.口译人员应自觉培养自身的跨文化意识,减少乃至消除商务谈判中的跨文化差异,促使跨文化交际的成功.  相似文献   

In the recovery from the United States’ 2009 recession, unemployment has proven resistant to both aggressive fiscal policy and expansionary monetary policy. A possible explanation is the policy cost uncertainty hypothesis. This holds that managers of private firms have been rationally avoiding hiring workers in the years after 2010 because of the risk of higher future costs imposed by government policies. However, such a hypothesis cannot be directly tested in standard models of firm behavior. Thus, to formally test the policy cost uncertainty hypothesis, we use a novel “value functional” or “recursive” model of firm behavior, in which managers maximize the value of the business rather than its profits. Using this approach, we demonstrate that policy cost uncertainty affects the hiring decisions of firms, that the response to policy uncertainty is higher in some industries than others, and that the scale of the firm also affects its sensitivity to policy risk. This approach has potentially broad application within business economics, particularly in evaluating investment and hiring decisions; real options; and other aspects of uncertainty, fixed costs, and managerial flexibility.  相似文献   

The newsvendor problem has been applied in various business settings. It is often assumed that the decision variable, i.e., order-up-to level, has no impacts on the holding costs for average inventory cycled in a given period, which is the difference between beginning and ending inventory levels on hand in that period. The average holding cost for this portion of inventory is conveniently and approximately calculated as half the product of the unit holding cost and the expectation of the demand in one period if it is assumed that the inventory is approximately evenly consumed. It is a good approximation when the unit holding cost is significantly lower than the unit backorder cost as this optimal solution to inventory level is able to guarantee a low probability of understocking. However, if this condition does not hold, the approximation may deviate from the actual cost and cannot measure the expected holding cost for this portion of inventory. This paper examines the impact of the cycle stock holding cost on the newsvendor model and the conditions under which this portion of cost is not negligible.  相似文献   

电子商务对客户忠诚产生了很大的影响,一方面客户转移成本减低,忠诚度下降,另一方面客户忠诚的建立、维持成本增加。通过分析研究,客户忠诚的形成主要取决于电子商务技术和现代商务管理两个主要因素。针对电子商务客户忠诚形成的机理,提出了技术要以商务活动为中心,关注商务活动交易链条的每个环节,实现技术与商务的有机融合才能实现电子商务客户忠诚的观点,并进行了相关具体途径的阐述。  相似文献   

The newsvendor problem has been applied in various business settings. It is often assumed that the decision variable, i.e., order-up-to level, has no impacts on the holding costs for average inventory cycled in a given period, which is the difference between beginning and ending inventory levels on hand in that period. The average holding cost for this portion of inventory is conveniently and approximately calculated as half the product of the unit holding cost and the expectation of the demand in one period if it is assumed that the inventory is approximately evenly consumed. It is a good approximation when the unit holding cost is significantly lower than the unit backorder cost as this optimal solution to inventory level is able to guarantee a low probability of understocking. However, if this condition does not hold, the approximation may deviate from the actual cost and cannot measure the expected holding cost for this portion of inventory. This paper examines the impact of the cycle stock holding cost on the newsvendor model and the conditions under which this portion of cost is not negligible.  相似文献   

Production costs are critical in every business. In this research, we explore how variations in the manufacturer's production cost affect both the manufacturer-retailer channel relationship and the manufacturer's and the retailer's choice of a price-setting rule (e.g., a dollar-amount margin or a percentage-based margin). We employ a multidisciplinary approach that combines executive interviews, survey research, and a game-theoretic analytical model. The analytical model shows that both the manufacturer's and the retailer's price-setting rule influences the other party's approach to production cost. Therefore, the manufacturer's and the retailer's optimal choice of a price-setting rule is not invariant, as previous marketing literature has suggested; such choices depend on the shape of the production cost function. Overall, the results offer new insight into the channel outcomes in light of production costs. The empirical results support the analytical results.  相似文献   

文章对山东省的能源消费与出口贸易关系进行了协整与Granger因果关系检验,得到如下结论:山东省能源消费与出口贸易之间存在较强的相关性.Granger因果关系检验的结果表明,山东省出口贸易规模的发展既影响着能源消费量,同时又受到其能源消费量的制约.笔者认为,在当前能源供给压力趋紧的情况下,为保持我国出口贸易可持续发展,需要采取积极措施,优化出口产品结构,降低高能耗产品出口比重,同时,还应促进出口产生企业进行技术改造,降低出口产品生产的能耗.  相似文献   

From a global standard, shark-fin consumption certainly violates international norms on bio-diversity and endangers the existence of the shark species. Furthermore, the commercial shark-fin industry generates additional adverse environmental impacts. Nevertheless, shark-fin consumption has served an important role in the cultural aspect of Chinese ‘foodway’. More importantly, the business relations and networks behind this industry have never been comprehensively studied. In so doing, this paper employs first hand interviews with the traders and processors, as well as official statistics from the government of Hong Kong, to come up with one of the most comprehensive and in-depth pieces of research on the business relations and the cultural aspects of shark-fin business in Hong Kong. In addition, we will explore the theoretical as well as the cultural dimensions of shark-fin business in trying to question the meaning of Chinese business networks. One of the key findings of this piece of research is that the collective activities of shark-fin consumption, business relations and networks are embedded along the historically, socially and culturally constructed Chinese identity. The implication is that such orchestration between culture and business can have far-reaching consequences to other Chinese businesses.  相似文献   

To improve our understanding of the role that universities play in facilitating the transmission of knowledge to private-sector business enterprises so as to generate economic growth, this article builds on the Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship to develop a formal model of university-with-business enterprise collaborative research partnerships in which the outcome is both mutually desirable and feasible. This model shows that if a university seeks to act as a complement to private-sector collaborative R&D so that it will be attractive to both incumbent firms and startup entrepreneurs, it needs to structure its program so that business enterprise revenues increase and business enterprise R&D costs rise by a smaller proportion than revenues increase, if they rise at all (and a fall would be better). Such a structure is consistent with both business enterprise and university interests, but is only likely to be feasible if the university is subsidized to cover the cost of such public-private collaborative research partnerships. In the absence of such support, the university will have to cover its costs through a fee charged to participating business enterprises and that will result in the university being seen as a substitute rather than a complement to private-sector collaborative R&D, and thus the university will be seen as an unattractive partner for many business enterprises.  相似文献   

Regulation is often applied to business behavior to ensure that the social costs of doing business are included in the cost and pricing structures of the firm. Because the consumer benefits from the transaction that generated the social costs, asking the consumer to bear the burden imposed by the transaction is fair. However, there may be a lack of Justice m the internal and external distribution of the social costs of doing business if consumers are the only party bearing that burden, or if the costs are being shifted to employees or taxpayers when a closer stakeholder is also benefiting from the transaction – the stockowner. A social justice perspective requires that those benefiting from a transaction share in the burdens of it. We propose that a Tobin-like tax on stock transactions might be a just means of achieving greater justice in the distribution of the social cost burden.  相似文献   

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