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"风水"由来以久,观念源远流长,追溯它的历史,据认为传说时代的伏羲时期就已存在,最迟也开始于周代.作为一门卜宅相地的科学,曾一度广受推崇.然而由于国民的愚昧无知,竞一度被批判为巫术,直至近代,仍然批判为传统文化糟粕.随着社会的发展,人们生活水平的提高,对生存环境的要求逐步提高,"风水"--门重视自然,关注人与自然和谐共生的学问,被国人和世人"重新发现",并得以应用.今天,我们以科学的态度去探索它,必将会有新的发现与运用.  相似文献   

肇庆棕榈谷花园位于肇庆高要市回龙镇刘村,无论从大的区域环境,还是从微观局部环境,棕榈谷花园绝对是一块"风水宝地"。棕榈谷花园要开发旅游项目,应考虑棕榈谷花园的总体形象和主题特色,突出以棕榈植物为主、参与体验型的植物主题文化公园和以风水为依托的特色旅游度假区两大亮点。棕榈谷花园以风水为依托的特色旅游度假区的设计营造必须要遵循"天人合一"、因地制宜、场地分析、改造"风水"等原则,做好对林木观光园和水上迷宫等旅游产品的规划,并采取举办具有景区特色的节事活动和广告促销的形式进行棕榈谷花园的前期促销。  相似文献   

中国传统文化中的风水文化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风水在中国传承已达数千年之久,在其发展演变的历史过程中,吸收了中国古代的阴阳、五行、周易、八卦、气论等思想,讲"藏风得水"以"乘生气",使人与自然和谐,达到"天人合一"的境界。我们的祖先在建筑和居住环境中非常注意风水。在道教和佛教的建筑设计上,也体现了风水的理念和原则。风水文化是中国古老的文化现象,也是一种广泛流传的民俗,是研究有关环境与人的学问,它在中国传统文化中占有很重要的地位。  相似文献   

<正>"鸟巢"和"水立方"曾被《奥地利标准报》用"风水场馆"来形容。北京为奥运会启用了其老传统和"运气思维",两个主要场馆都按古老中国的风水原则修建。7.8公里长的皇家南北轴线代表着追求稳定与和平的愿望。  相似文献   

人类发展观大体可归结为两种:增长发展和可持续发展。增长发展主要是一种以物为中心的经济增长,它不可避免地将人引向"奴役之路"。作为对增长发展的突破和对人之自由本性的追求,阿玛蒂亚·森(以下简称森)提出了"以自由看待发展",从一个独特的视角去看待自由和发展:发展必须是为了自由,同时还应该以自由作为发展的主要手段。森的发展观启示我们在看待社会发展时要重视自由。  相似文献   

习近平主席在十八届五中全会中创新地提出"五个发展理念":创新发展、协调发展、绿色发展、开放发展、共享发展,其中共享发展是"五大发展理念"的目的和归宿,是以共享作为社会发展的出发点和落脚点,是顺应时代发展的新要求,也是保障和改善民生的保障。如何实现城乡共享发展,协调好各方面的利益,对维护社会稳定实现共同富裕具有重大意义。  相似文献   

科学技术的进步和城市建设的发展,对城市建筑设计提出了新的要求.强化"信息"、"块域"、"人文"、 "风水"四种理念,是适应这种要求的客观需要.  相似文献   

7月9日是哈弗风水梁车队丰收的一天。哈弗风水梁车队的周元福和徐莹分别夺得"东达蒙古王杯"内蒙古风水梁全国汽车场地越野锦标赛汽油改装组和柴油改装组的冠军,再加上队友在预赛的积分累计,哈弗风水梁车队更是包揽了两个组别的俱乐部冠军。一站包揽四个冠军,哈弗风水梁车队成为了此次COC比赛的"黄沙上的舞王"。  相似文献   

事业单位作为政府分支机构,以社会公益服务为主要目标,属于社会服务组织,以财政资金作为主要资金来源,不以盈利为目的。近年来国家对事业单位人力资源管理制度改革越来越重视,事业单位也开始制定科学合理的人力资源管理制度和用人制度,但在改革不断深入的新形势下,人力资源管理制度中一些弊端越来越体现出来,因此需要加快对事业单位人力资源管理制度的创新,从而更好的促进事业单位的健康有序发展。  相似文献   

"儒"之为字,就是"柔"的意思。这就是"小人儒"。那身材矮小到残疾的人,也被称为"儒"——侏儒。孔子曾对子夏进行过告诫:"女为君子儒,无为小人儒"(《论语·雍也》)。何谓君子儒?何谓小人儒?在前孔子时代,"儒"是指那些卑微的神职人员,如占卜者、看星相者、巫师、相礼者,时称术士;也指那些为贵族子弟传授书、数、射、御,包括礼乐等具体技艺的教育工作者,也称术士。他们的地位被列在"人小"之中,人格遂也"小人化",怯于独立,柔弱不坚,  相似文献   


Formats for product redistribution are emerging and evolving, creating alternative channel options for consumers' disposition of unwanted possessions. These retail formats operate in both informal (e.g., garage sales) and formal (online auctions) economies. As consumers participate in redistribution channels, some retailers are confronted with new competition and the potential for declining sales. This article expands on both recycling and disposition literature by examining consumer disposition behavior and the flow of used products through various redistribution channels. Strategies are offered to address consumer disposition behaviors as well as to assist retailers in combating traditional and non-traditional competition.  相似文献   

As in business-to-business relationships, consumers often establish and maintain long-term relationships with firms. This article uses a multidisciplinary approach with the aims of describing the process that a consumer follows until committing to a firm and identifying the main dimensions and antecedents of the consumer's commitment. As antecedents of commitment, the proposed model considers dependence and trust through the reduction in uncertainty and in the perception of opportunism. The empirical study for the consumer–garage relationship suggests that the consumer's trust reduces the fear and perception of the firm's opportunism and engenders affective and temporal commitment.  相似文献   

当事人在商业合同中构成附随义务根本违约的判断标准包括:当事人之间须存在有效的合同关系,当事人一方或双方实施了违反附随义务的行为以及违约后果严重致使非违约方合同目的落空。但是,不是只要一方当事人的违约致使他方合同目的落空就必然构成根本违约,基础目的、单方目的、直接目的、初始目的、单一目的的落空必然构成根本违约;而效果目的、嗣后目的的违反不能构成根本违约;间接目的、双方目的和混合目的的违反只有危及合同的根基时才能构成根本违约。  相似文献   

When you start a venture, you start with yourself: your own personal operating system, or POS. Then, you identify and define your compelling product or service, something you should already know a lot about. You also need to use your sales skills to convince key stakeholders to support you, and to design your venture by putting together a pattern that works. The next step is to put together a team to help you implement the pattern you have designed, the men and women who will make up your garage team. The garage team is made up of the core people in a start‐up, people who help graduate the entrepreneur to the role of leader, because a leader with no followers is a leader of none. This article explores the essential attributes of such a team and how they contribute to the success of entrepreneurial ventures. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

One can determine the nature of something by asking what it is for. For example one understands what a chair is when one understands it is for sitting on. This involves understanding its purpose. One type of corporation is the for-profit-corporation. This seems to indicate that this type of corporation, the business corporation, has as its purpose to make a profit. Is that as obvious as it first appears? The favorite way for philosophers to arrive at the "purpose" of anything is to ask the question "Why?" But there are at least two answers to the question "Why"? when addressed to a social practice such as business. One might be asking for a psychological account (explanation) of "Why" a person does business, and this is primarily answered by discovering the motives behind business activity; or one might be asking for a justificatory reason (justification) for the practice – what purpose legitimates business as a human activity. These two answers are often conflated and thus the purpose of business is often considered to be answered by giving the psychological account of the self-interested profit-making motive. This paper will attempt to highlight the importance of making the distinction between motive and purpose clearly, show what confusions arise when the distinction is ignored, and hint at some of the structural philosophical reasons why the distinction got blurred in the first place.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between purpose and purposeful organizing and how such arrangements influence the entrepreneurial journey as sustainable ventures move from idea to markets. We leverage an iterative multi-stage process-tracing design to understand the mechanisms whereby 14 different B Corp certified organizations embed purpose before, during and after the certification process. Our analyses reveal three types of venture paths for purpose-driven entrepreneurs, which are shaped by distinct imprinting sequences with three critical sensitive windows playing a pivotal role: the definition of scope of purpose, timing of purpose formalization through B Corp Certification and shifts in the source of feedback. Different imprinters occurring within the critical sensitive windows shape particular imprinting sequences triggering situations of both productive and counterproductive path development. Our results challenge the assumed linear relationship between purpose and purposeful organizing and more specifically the belief that seeking (purposeful) B Corp certification at firm foundation is necessarily productive for society and for the ventures themselves regardless of when the certification is achieved.  相似文献   

本文叙述的脉冲波形微分变换,是一种专门用于某些脉冲波形在t—u坐标系和u-du/dt坐标系之间实现数学变换的方法。其目的主要在于准确求出不规则电脉冲随幅度变化的速率变化。文中介绍了几种常用的数学函数的微分变换,以及实现这种变换所用的微分器和实验装置,在双踪示波器屏幕上能够显示出速率变化图形。这种图形,在医学上对研究肌肉和神经电脉冲是非常有用的。  相似文献   

Parental control: A study of U.S. subsidiaries in Mexico   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study develops a framework that suggests that subsidiary characteristics, such as performance, purpose and manager nationality affect the extent of control and mechanisms of control (i.e., results, cultural and action controls) that their parent companies exercise over them. Hypotheses were tested using survey responses from 44 Mexican subsidiary—U.S. parent dyads. As expected, results suggest that parental perceptions of subsidiary performance are inversely related to the extent of control that parent companies exercise over these subsidiaries. It was also found that subsidiaries established for purposes relating to a knowledge seeking motivation tended to be subject to more cultural control, but no support was found for the hypothesized relationships between market purpose and results control, and resource purpose and action control. Finally, also as predicted, Mexican managers tended to be subject to greater action control by their U.S. parent than American managers.  相似文献   

Master of Business Administration (MBA) education was introduced to Poland in the early 1990s with the purpose of preparing business practitioners for effective management and leadership in a market economy and increasingly globalizing marketplace. Due to individual, institutional, and national factors; adjusting teaching to address the complex needs of business professionals has proved to be challenging and often problematic for Polish faculty. The purpose of this paper is to examine these challenges in the context of Poland's nondegree MBA programs and to explore potential solutions. The main conclusion of this paper is that adjusting teaching is a slow and complex process that cannot occur without substantial changes in values as well as proactive leadership and collaboration at the individual, institutional, and national levels.  相似文献   

In response to numerous recent cases involving materially misstated financial information arising from fraudulent financial reporting, companies, auditors, and academics have increased their focus on strengthening internal controls as a means of deterring such unethical behaviors. However, prior research suggests that stronger controls may actually exacerbate the very opportunistic behavior the controls are intended to curb. The current study investigates whether the efficacy of an implemented control is conditioned on not only the strength of the control (weaker or stronger), but also on how the firm frames the purpose for implementing the control (e.g., monitoring or coordinating). A monitoring purpose frames controls as reducing managers’ opportunities to engage in self-interested behavior, while a coordinating purpose frames controls as facilitating coordination between the firm and its managers. We posit that the efficacy of stronger controls to reduce unethical fraudulent reporting depends on the control frame. Using an experiment, this study investigates the interactive effect of control strength and control frame on managers’ fraudulent reporting decisions. As predicted, our results show that when controls are framed for monitoring purposes, stronger controls result in less fraudulent reporting than weaker controls. Conversely, when controls are framed for coordinating purposes, stronger controls result in more fraudulent reporting than weaker controls. Our results suggest that an inconsistency between the firm’s choice of the control strength and the control frame reduces the efficacy of the implemented control to curb unethical reporting behaviors. Furthermore, supplemental analysis shows that managers’ rationalization helps explain the interactive effect of control strength and communicated control purpose on fraudulent reporting.  相似文献   

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