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本文从经济发展水平及消费支出分析入手,全面论述了香港疗养保健客源市场的购买力基础,并且对其人口结构及消费需求怍了较为详细地分析,同时结合香港医疗保健设施与技术服务状况及相关因素,指出开拓该地区疗养保健客源市场的可能性与必要性。  相似文献   

杨玲 《商场现代化》2010,(23):70-73
疗养保健客源市场是发展涉外疗养保健服务贸易的关键。本文通过对日本的人口结构及生存环境对疗养保健服务需求的深入分析,研究日本疗养保健市场,探索我国开发日本老龄人口疗养保健市场的可能性。分析结果发现,日本老龄人口对涉外疗养保健服务有较强劲的需求,我国可以根据这一需求有针对性地提供涉外疗养保健服务。  相似文献   

大力扶持和发展我国涉外疗养服务贸易   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张林 《国际贸易问题》2001,(11):52-54,63
涉外疗养服务贸易是我国对外服务贸易的新领域。我国的海滨、湖滨、气候、矿泉,特别是传统的中医中药保健治疗等自然和技术疗养资源丰富而独特;发达国家和地区人口老龄化为我国开展涉外疗养服务贸易孕育了巨大的客源市场;疗养服务贸易因其技术含量高和社会影响大而具有显著的经济效益和社会效益,我国优越的社会人文环境和低廉的技术、劳务成本在国际疗养市场上具有明显的竞争优势。因此,我国应该大力扶持和发展涉外疗养服务贸易。  相似文献   

随着社会进步和经济发展,人类对自身的健康日益关注。自20世纪90年代以来,全球居民的健康消费逐年攀升,对疗养保健服务的需求十分旺盛,疗养保健行业随之迅速崛起。本文将以此为切入点对俄罗斯疗养保健市场做一简要分析。一人口结构与疗养保健服务需求(一)老龄人口对疗养保健服务的需求在亚太地区,年龄在60岁及以上的人口从1950年的9 600万增至2000年的3.26亿,占亚太地区人口总数的10%。预计今后50年这一数字还将以更快的速度增长,到2050年有望达到12亿,接近该地区人口总数的1/4,其中  相似文献   

海外华人华侨对大陆传统疗养保健技术和服务表现出较高的认同感,同时大陆的疗养保健环境对境外华人华侨也有一定的吸引力开拓境外华人华侨的医疗保健市场应坚持长期“引进来”与短期“引进来”并重,同时为“走出去”奠定基础。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展、世界人口总量的增长、社会老龄化程度的提高,以及人们保健意识的不断增强,全球医药市场持续快速扩大,而我国的医药市场也正处于持续扩大之中.……  相似文献   

我国疗养资源极其丰富且独具特色,在新兴的国际疗养市场具有较强的竞争力。本文在分析我国国际疗养资源和国际疗养客源市场的基础上,肯定地认为,国际疗养服务贸易有着更为显著的经济效益和社会效益。本文还就开展对外疗养服务贸易提出了积极的对策建议  相似文献   

本文在2004年国内市场的随机抽样调查和一些资料的统计数据的基础上,分析了连云港市旅游客源市场的地域结构、社会经济结构、旅游行为结构和旅游市场季节变化的特征。通过对旅游市场的客源分析,提出了一些开拓客源市场的建议。  相似文献   

王秀苗 《商场现代化》2008,22(15):257-258
本文主要分析了韩国民族心理背景,考查了韩国民族性格的特点,为我们更好地开发韩国旅游客源市场提供一些思路,为做好韩国客源的接待工作提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

随着全球人口出生率的降低,导致东北亚区域的人口老龄化日趋严峻,人口老龄化导致劳动力下降,社会负担加重,势必对东亚地区的经济带来深刻的影响。老龄化的到来,对老年人的社会保障要求越来越重要,同时建立健全社会保障制度,减少人口老龄化对东亚地区经济的影响,是摆在东北亚各国的重大现实课题。东亚地区以中国、日本、韩国为中心,中国渐渐老龄化人口增加,日本老龄化问题由来已久,韩国也老龄化严重。通过借鉴发达国家及日韩应老龄化问题的经验,积极研发和利用人工智能技术,并实行弹性的退休年龄制度,以减少人口老龄化劳动力短缺对我国经济的影响。  相似文献   

日本的护理保险及其启示   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
阐述了日本公共护理保险制度产生的背景、内容和存在的问题 ,指出了在中国老龄化进程中解决老年人长期护理照料问题的紧迫性。在借鉴日本经验的基础上 ,提出了促进护理模式转型、培育护理产业市场和社会保障体系低水平、广覆盖、经济化的建议  相似文献   

Serious problems exist with the nature of health care financing in the United States. This article summarizes problems caused by the high cost of serving an aging population, the lack of incentives in insurance plans for preventive care, and the growing number of uninsured people in the population. The article then focuses on efforts to bring about greater efficiency by changing the contractual relations between the principal--either the payor or the patient--and the agent--the provider. These new contracts attempt to place a greater share of the financial burden on the provider. Evidence of the success of these new contracts is mixed. The major point of the article is that real efficiencies will not be reached unless these incentive mechanisms together with competitive market forces relieve the excess capacity in the health care industry.  相似文献   

The world is getting older, and the rate of aging, as well as the composition of aging, has important global policy implications for public finance. We’re witnessing a speeding-up of the share of elderly in developing countries. It’s important to think about fiscal stress from aging in two ways. Aging from above results in changes in social expenditures. This is going to lead to increases in health expenditures, increases in pension expenditures, and decreases in education expenditures. Aging from below leads to changes in revenues as workers decline relative to the total population. I want to “right-size” spending on health care, pensions, and welfare. Let’s talk about our public policy values and goals and figure out what we can afford, and what that means, and who needs it.  相似文献   

财税政策是养老服务财政责任的重要工具变量;政策路径与财力支持能力是核心,直接关系服务体系建设与发展。上海是中国老龄化最突出的地区。本文以问题为导向,基于实际调查与老龄人口服务需求预测;通过居家养老服务财税政策空间及财政支持能力关联分析,从“财税、社保、民政福利”财力统筹及“养、医、康、护、住”服务融合的全局,设计与经济社会发展相适应、满足老年服务需求以及发挥财税政策效能三者相协调的财税支持政策顶层框架,并进行政策效果模拟,制定财税政策分步实施路线。  相似文献   

促进辽宁旅游购物市场发展具有积极的意义。目前,辽宁旅游购物市场秩序比较混乱,本文通过对辽宁旅游购物品市场存在的问题进行分析,提出了辽宁旅游购物市场发展的对策,进一步促进辽宁旅游购物市场健康、快速的发展。  相似文献   

李艳 《江苏商论》2012,(4):109-111
目前,北京胡同旅游面临一系列亟待解决的问题,如胡同数量不断减少、胡同文化日渐淡薄、胡同游产品种类单一以及胡同游市场竞争无序等。如何在有效保护胡同文化资源的基础上,通过对目标消费者的深入分析,相应实现胡同游文化产品的合理、有序开发,充分挖掘和展现北京胡同的深厚文化内涵,是本文旨在探讨的问题。  相似文献   

老年人旅游市场的开发与营销   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国逐步进入老龄化社会,蓬勃发展的旅游业将迎来红火的“银发旅游”的浪潮,本文从分析老年人旅游市场的发展潜力入手,针对老年人旅游市场的特点,提出老年人旅游市场的开发举措,为成功开发老年人旅游市场提供参考。  相似文献   

The introduction of a market mechanism into the National Health service in the UK was underpinned by the belief that decentralised purchasing would both improve the quality of health care provision and restrain spiralling costs, through purchasers exercising their ability to choose between alternative providers. Focusing on budget holding General Practitioners, that is those practices responsible for purchasing hospital services for their practice populations, this paper explores the evolving purchasing behaviour of these professional intermediaries. Drawing on empirical evidence gathered as part of a broader study of the purchasing behaviour of GP Fundholders in Scotland, specifically it examines the key information sources and decisional criteria utilised by these professional intermediaries in selecting health care providers for their practice population. Utilising relational models of market behaviour, it addresses both the contextually specific issue of whether the market mechanism within the NHS is achieving the twin objectives of improving health care provision and restraining cost pressures, and the broader conceptual issue of the purchasing behaviour of professional intermediaries within a service sector environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to offer development strategies for hidden champion firms; it is thought that in order to overcome Korea’s economic crisis and to secure new growth engines for sustained economic development, the country needs to foster more hidden champions that can lead global market. The study draws from an empirical survey of 61 Korean firms on hidden champion promotion list as well as 45 experts; the results were analyzed using SWOT/AHP model and a corporate competitiveness index to develop development strategies for Korean hidden champions. The results suggest that Korean hidden champions should seek opportunities for industrial growth based on technological strength, create competitive advantages in the market, and reduce their dependency on large corporations. Hidden champions should target market niche rather than competing with global firms; this is possible with competitive strengths based on specialist technology that will satisfy customers. Thus, authors argue that small- and medium-sized enterprises in Korea should focus on developing technological competences in order to possess specialist core technology that will support their growth in the global market.  相似文献   

随着我国人口老龄化进程的不断加快,发展老年服务产业迫在眉睫。基于企业组织视角从市场需求、服务内容、政策扶持、风险管理方面对老年服务产业的供给所进行的分析显示:目前我国老年服务产业远没有达到应有的水平,老年服务市场资源匮乏、种类稀少,产业竞争力小;老年服务项目主要有上门服务和组织活动;政府可从对老年服务企业的税收、补贴以及志愿者政策三方面入手,建立老年服务型产业链;应注意规避使用志愿者风险和企业经营风险,从而进一步推进老年服务产业的快速健康发展。  相似文献   

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