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在深化企业生产经营管理活动中,国内各行业广泛采用了精细化管理的方法,实践证明了其效果是明显的。本文重点阐述了抚顺矿业集团有限责任公司检修中心(以下简称中心)抓住中心整合契机,紧密结合经营管理现状,全面应用精细化管理理念、原则和方法开展企业管理整体优化,通过组织全员教育、落实方案、监督考核和改进提高,企业经营管理水平得到提升,生产工作效率、企业经济效益得到了大幅度提高,精细化管理理念已经成为中心企业文化的重要组成部分。 相似文献
随着科学技术的快速发展以及社会经济的进步,计算机技术以及互联网大数据技术已经充分地融入了人们的生活当中,对于图书管理来说,大数据技术也在其上有了充分的应用。当前我国政府提出了"全民阅读"的新风尚,图书馆作为群众阅读的重要场所,需要进行图书的收藏、整理、分类以及查阅,但是由于图书馆内的图书众多,因此在进行这项工作时难度较大且较为烦琐。近年来,借助大数据技术来进行图书馆管理和服务得到了越来越多的认可和应用。通过大数据技术的应用,能够显著提升图书馆管理的效率和工作质量,更好地为群众提供阅读方面的支持和帮助。基于此,文章分析了当前我国图书馆管理存在的问题,介绍了大数据技术在图书馆管理和服务中的优势,并探究了大数据在进行图书馆管理以及服务的具体应用,以期为相关工作者提供指导和帮助。 相似文献
浅析廉政风险防范管理在电力企业反腐败工作中的实践 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
<正>2007年6月25日,胡锦涛总书记在中央党校发表重要讲话时强调,"在坚决惩治腐败的同时,更加注重治本,更加注重预防,更加注重制度建设"。因此,当前就廉政风险防范管理在电力企业中反腐败工作的实践进行探讨更加具有现实意义。 相似文献
<正>2007年,基于市场流动性过剩和通货预期,央行坚持贯彻适度从紧的货币政策,为防止经济增长由偏快转为过热,防止物价由结构性上涨演变为明显的通货膨胀,央行累计6次加息,10次上调银行存款准备金率。1年期贷款基准利率由年初的6.12%上调至年底的7.47%,银行存款准备金率由年初的 相似文献
2007年,基于市场流动性过剩和通货预期,央行坚持贯彻适度从紧的货币政策,为防止经济增长由偏快转为过热,防止物价由结构性上涨演变为明显的通货膨胀,央行累计6次加息,10次上调银行存款准备金率。1年期贷款基准利率由年初的6.12%上调至年底的7.47%,银行存款准备金率由年初的9%上调到14.5%。在这种背景下,企业的融资成本不断上升,融资规模受限,融资难度增加。 相似文献
Goran Vukšić 《The journal of international trade & economic development》2013,22(3):351-376
This study analyzes the competition for foreign direct investment (FDI) among countries at different stages of development. It is assumed that domestic companies in a more-developed country use more capital in production and that wages in a less-developed country are lower. Countries can compete for FDI by increasing the supply of public inputs in the economy, in addition to (or instead of) offering subsidies or tax reliefs to foreign investors. The results reveal that if governments of competing countries are not allowed to discriminate between domestic and foreign firms, there may be situations in which a less-developed economy will attract FDI depending on the labor cost differential and the responsiveness of foreign investor's and domestic companies' output to changes in the supply of public inputs. If tax discrimination between domestic and foreign firms is permitted, both countries will optimally raise the supply of public inputs, but the more-developed country will always win the foreign investment despite higher labor costs. Thus, governments of less-developed countries may have an incentive to work on an international agreement to disallow tax discrimination. 相似文献
Farok J. Contractor 《International Trade Journal》2013,27(1):107-142
Over 100 developing nations have investment promotion offices or agencies, reflecting a sense of competition to attract foreign direct investment, most of which flows to a few favorite countries. The investment promotion function is often underfunded and haphazard. This article outlines policy choices for investment promotion and discusses alternative modes of organizing this crucial activity. It proposes a novel bounty / royalty scheme whereby investment can be attracted. 相似文献
杜江 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(14)
在全球经济环境下,我国的企业如何面临日益不断加剧的外汇风险,以及我国的外汇期货套期保值一旦出现了风险要如何规避,这都是我们需要运用完善、丰富的相关外汇期货套期保值时所要思考规避外汇风险的具体问题.针对于企业的实际经营,利用合理的外汇期货来规避、防范外汇期货交易及汇率等风险套期保值策略,能够在一定程度上规避其所面临的外汇风险,通过掌握外汇汇率的变动给予外货期货一定的安全性,从而降低由于外汇所带来的一系列风险问题. 相似文献
来友红 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2010,(22)
中小型外贸企业财务风险是在市场经济发展中客现形成和逐步显现出来的,本文主要就筹资风险、汇率风险、投资风险、资金回收风险与收益分配风险等外贸经营中主要的一些风险问题类型进行了探讨. 相似文献
Hildegunn Kyvik NordÅs 《The journal of international trade & economic development》2013,22(3):247-265
This paper introduces endogenous adoption costs for productive assets in a Ramsey-type growth model with international capital flows. There are two classes of productive assets: owner-specific and location-specific. Adoption costs are an increasing function of the level of technology embodied in the investor's owner-specific assets and a declining function of the host country's location-specific assets. In this setting, the observed pattern of international capital flows is consistent with diminishing returns to capital. Further, our model predicts that the sectoral allocation of foreign direct investment is similar in rich and poor countries. 相似文献
Werner Olle 《Intereconomics》1983,18(4):191-197
To a growing extent, since the early 1970s “new forms” of foreign investment have developed which constitute a departure from full ownership of the capital by the foreign investor and the practice of “packaged” management services. What view is to be taken of these new forms of investment from the development policy aspect? 相似文献
Dietrich Kebschull 《Intereconomics》1980,15(5):235-240
The effects of direct investments and multinational corporations remain a highly contentious issue. The author traces here the reasons for the large number of diverging statements and comments on this issue and considers what political conclusions should be drawn from this wide variety of views. 相似文献
Jürgen Kühn 《Intereconomics》1984,19(6):280-284
Many observations made in recent years suggest that even the developing countries which were previously known to have a sceptical approach to direct foreign investment have begun to take a fresh look at the situation. Undoubtedly, experiences with domestic state-owned enterprises and general doubts concerning centralised economic control coupled with the evidence provided by other countries pursuing an open policy towards foreign investment have proved to be crucial factors in bringing many developing countries to see in a new light the contribution private-sector investment can make to economic growth. 相似文献