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Airport accessibility is an important criterion for airport competition. The relevance of airport accessibility and airport competition was studied in this paper based on the panel data collected from nine large airports in Jiangsu province, China from 2005 to 2014. The results showed that the cost of expense, time and fatigue for the arrival at the airport are proposed to quantify levels of fastness, economy and amenity for the passengers to arrive at airport. The airport accessibility is significantly affected by airport passenger traffic and airline frequency. The passenger traffic can be increased by 2% with 1% increase of airport accessibility based on the analysis results of the nine large airports in Jiangsu province.  相似文献   

An important question from the viewpoint of competition analysis in the air transport industry is the extent to which low-cost airlines operating from a secondary airport compete with full-service airlines serving a main airport in a multiple airport region. In this paper we address the issue of the competition between full-service and low-cost airlines serving adjacent airports in the Greater London using econometric estimation of demand structure (own- and cross-price elasticities). Our analysis follows the methodology in (Pels, E., Nijkamp, P., Rietveld, P., 2000. Airport and airline competition for passengers departing from a large metropolitan area. Journal of Urban Economics, 48 (1), 29–45, Pels, E., Nijkamp, P., Rietveld, P., 2003. Access to and competition between airports: a case study for the San Francisco Bay area. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 37 (1), 71–83). It is based on the nested logit model which we use to capture three key dimensions of passenger choice: air fare, surface-access costs and frequency. We obtained estimates of the own- and cross-price elasticities, which was the focus of our interest. On the basis of our understanding of the industry dynamics we find these estimates, especially of the cross-price elasticities, to be on the low side.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the revenue and expenditure functions of a sample of Brazil’s airports administered by Infraero, the Brazilian State enterprise responsible for administering the country’s major airports. It aims to identify what volume of movement at the airports associates with positive net earnings, i.e., the break-even point between revenue and expenditure, in view of aspects of airport movement and geographical factors. It examines airports serving regular airlines and with movement of up to 8 million passengers in 2010. Revenues and expenditures are explained by total passengers embarked and disembarked at each airport and by the potential of the airport’s ‘anchor city’. Multiple regression analysis achieved a high level of explanation for the dependent variables studied, i.e., revenues and expenditures. The model explains 81% and 91% of the variations in revenues and expenditures, respectively. The analysis shows that, considering the ranking of cities, Brazilian airports with less than 2 million passengers tend to operate at a financial loss, those with between 2 and 3 million passengers are at the transition stage between positive and negative earnings, while airports with more than 3 million passengers tend to make gains. However, the simulation modelling shows that the break-even point between expenditure and revenue functions can vary considerably when different ‘city potentials’ are considered. In this respect, the modelling offers investors a tool for analyzing passenger demand risk in the light of expectations for Brazilian cities’ potential.  相似文献   

Hub competition and travel times in the world-wide airport network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this work is to measure the competition between airport hubs based on an analysis of travel times in the world-wide airport network. By considering the minimum travel time required to connect each pair of airports, it is possible to create new measures of hub competition, separating the effects of hub position and temporal coordination. This analysis was carried out at the global level, considering all 232 airports with more than 3 million seats yearly offered in departure flights in 2008, and also in relevant geographic markets. The results show a high level of competition among the most important world airports, but the major airports of Europe have a geographical advantage in relation to world markets over the major American and Asian airports. We also show that airports located in different continents often compete for the same origin–destination markets. Geographical position appears to be the most important variable explaining hub performance. Secondary hubs show a higher degree of specialization towards specific markets.  相似文献   

Rapid aviation commercialisation and upsurge in worldwide affluence created a new avenue for disease proliferation across countries at an unprecedented rate. Epidemic and pandemic occurrences over the last decade demonstrate airports' role in disease transmission; while also exhibiting their importance as containment nodes. Tremendous amount of resources and effort are necessary to achieve the latter but inevitably, disrupt normal operations. The contrasting objectives between public health authorities and airport authorities result in compromising measures for both parties. Broadly similar controlling measures were adopted by various airports during outbreaks in the last decade. Their effectiveness have been analysed in terms of disease control; economic impact to airports were, however, not quantified. This paper concludes that more efficient airport pandemic control plans cause less severe economic impact on airports during pandemic and recommends a streamlined approach that improves overall effect of pandemic control while minimising economic impacts to airport businesses.  相似文献   

We analyze the influence of increases in airport capacity and the entry of low-cost carriers on airline competition. We use parametric and non-parametric techniques to analyze a sample of Spanish routes. We find that capacity increases in large airports produce more competitive airline conduct only in routes departing from non-hub airports. Also, we find that the natural monopoly threshold decreases with time. Finally, low-cost carriers have a moderate but still significant effect on prices and increase alternatives even in low-density routes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze spatial competition, congestion and flows of container imports into the United States. An intermodal network flow model is developed and used to analyze congestion in the logistics system for container imports. The results indicate that congestion exists at most ports and its consequences are to raise costs at these nodes, and in some cases to divert traffic to other routes. Finally, if each of the ports expanded, the value of marginal capacity would converge to nil, and expansion would reduce congestion costs and waiting times.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze spatial competition, congestion and flows of container imports into the United States. An intermodal network flow model is developed and used to analyze congestion in the logistics system for container imports. The results indicate that congestion exists at most ports and its consequences are to raise costs at these nodes, and in some cases to divert traffic to other routes. Finally, if each of the ports expanded, the value of marginal capacity would converge to nil, and expansion would reduce congestion costs and waiting times.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new model of workplace choice for the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area (SGMA) and describes the way in which this model is integrated into a general modelling framework of MetroScan, an improved version of the Transportation and Environment Strategy Impact Simulator Transportation (TRESIS). The developed model accounts for spatial competition of alternative workplaces via accessibility variables measured to attractions of both the same and different types. The new model also has two new refinements. First, a much finer geographical level is used for modelling worker's choice of workplace given the location of firms and the distribution of jobs. Second, an employment agglomeration effect is incorporated by the inclusion of jobs in the industry class relevant to the worker and two accessibility measures. Modelling analysis on data collected from a survey conducted in Sydney in 2013 identifies highly significant spatial competition and employment agglomeration effects explaining workplace choice. The application of this model to analyse policy relating to the redistribution or growth of jobs within a general framework of MetroScan is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of competition and aviation policy reform (for example, the airport localization program and listing airports on stock markets) in China on the efficiency of Chinese airports. By using Data Envelopment Analysis, we estimate both the productivity level and its growth for 25 sample Chinese airports. After controlling for hub status and other airports' characteristics, we find that: (i) publicly listed airports are significantly more efficient than non-listed airports; (ii) airports with more competition are more efficient than their counterparts; (iii) the airports' efficiency and the technical progress are positively correlated with the airport localization program; and (iv) the impacts of open-skies agreements and airline mergers on the airports' efficiency are statistically insignificant.  相似文献   

This paper examines how benchmarking is being used by airport managers as a means of internal performance comparison and improvement. Drawing on interviews with airport managers and a questionnaire survey of the world's top 200 busiest passenger airports, the paper discusses the nature, prevalence and consequences of current benchmarking practices in airports. The authors also include a review of the literature on airport benchmarking and a discussion of the characteristics and relevance of Best Practice Benchmarking.  相似文献   

Covid-19 is demanding a lot of changes in the realm of our daily lives. The aviation industry is also facing unprecedented changes in the management environment. Financial tensions across the sector are rising. This study suggests that the airport strategy's direction focusing on commercial revenue management. After Covid-19, safety and hygiene will be the top priority. As a result, changes in airport operating procedures are inevitable. The most noticeable difference will be the strengthening of the verification process for passengers' health conditions. Dwell time increase can be the by-products. This study identifies a dwell time increase has a more significant impact on increasing the existing purchasers' spending than creating new buyers. Airport operators can introduce a service differentiation perspective, such as a dedicated service, to utilize the current buyers' dwell time more faithfully. Also, the rise of online channels requires airport operators to change sales strategies, reinforcing emotional promotion to stimulate impulse buyers' willingness-to-buy. Before Covid-19, there was little effort to reconcile operation policies and commercial revenue despite the growing importance of revenue management. However, now it is time to change. Pre-Covid-19, passengers were advised of using off-airport processes, such as online check-in and mobile boarding passes. Now, getting passengers to the airport quickly and securing their dwell time can be financially more beneficial. It is necessary to incorporate the commercial revenue perspective into operation policies post-Covid-19 actively. Our finding indicates that even a passenger with solid purchasing power may lose the purchasing intention when assigned to an unfavorable gate or terminal. Airport operators need a better understanding of passenger and flight characteristics when determining operation policy, such as gate allocation or membership services.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the airport/airline choice behavior of tourists for Saxony/Germany. We employ flexible parametric choice methods (mixed logit) in order to test the effect of standard attributes on the choice probability. In addition we extend existing literature with the introduction of parking charges in the choice experiment. Our results show a significant and negative impact of parking charges on airport choice probability. Thus, we can compute high elasticities of parking charges for tourists. These results suggest, that airport managers have in form of parking policies a powerful policy instrument as they can directly affect the size of the airport catchment area.  相似文献   

This presentation examines the evolution of airport governance from public utility to modern business. I also briefly look at airport regulation and in this context ask the questions, do airports need to be regulated and if so, why? I consider the new thinking on two-sided platforms and examine whether this may be the new way of thinking about governance. In judging governance structures and regulation, I argue that dynamic efficiency has been underemphasized in the debate over privatization and that airline deregulation has been most important in shifting the balance of power between airlines and airports.  相似文献   

An accurate estimation of airport catchment area enables airlines and airport operators to make informed decisions and to target potential markets precisely. This study uses the state of Indiana as a case study to estimate traffic leakage from the local airport, Indianapolis International Airport (IND), to two large hub airports in Illinois, the neighboring state of Indiana, namely Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD) and Chicago Midway International Airport (MDW). By using a decision making model that considers flying cost and access cost, this study simulates from local passengers' perspective which origin airport delivers the most cost effective flight itinerary. Using the top 20 routes of IND in 2018 as model inputs, the catchment area of two Chicago based airports in Indiana with variable coverage is plotted for different traveling scenarios. The analysis shows that an airport catchment area is sensitive to location, service level and traffic volume of competing airports nearby, as well as purpose of travel (business or leisure), number of travelers in a group (single, couple, family or multiple), length of trip, destination (domestic or international), preference of airlines (network carrier or budget carrier), and frequent flyer program status (premier member or general member). These findings could be valuable to all three aforementioned airports as well as airlines serving these airports when allocating operational and marketing resources. More importantly, this study creates a generic model that could be used by virtually any airport to estimate scenario-based catchment area using readily available itinerary and spatial data without resorting to expensive passenger surveys.  相似文献   

Traffic distributions of air traffic and their concentration have been measured through Gini, an index that contrasts in many ways with other more established ones, such as Herfindahl's. This research is extended in the sense that it perceives spatial concentration in air transport as an aggregate of complex networks that are subject to multiple constraints, such as geopolitics or technology. We propose a multi-layered analytic approach where network operators are economic agents that behave in strategic ways. It allows for comparing air traffic between airports in Europe with that of the US and, in particular, introduces a normative component by isolating patterns in airlines' strategies that coincide with more or less welfare-oriented degrees of spatial concentration in light of the above constraints.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the geography of seat capacity at Spanish airports between 2001 and 2008. Concentration and deconcentration patterns for different markets have been identified. For this purpose, we use the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), the Concentration Ratio (CR) and the Lorenz curve. From our analysis, we conclude that seat capacity follows a deconcentration pattern due to the growth of low-cost carriers at small- and medium-sized Spanish airports. This is in line with earlier studies for Europe as a whole. Intercontinental seat capacity still remains very much concentrated in Madrid and, to a lesser extent, in Barcelona. However, new strategies by long-haul airlines bypassing the primary European hubs foster the deconcentration of seat capacity in the Asian and North American markets. In the case of Spain, the recent liberalization of the EU-US market may become an important enabler of such network strategies, e.g., Delta has operated a route from Valencia to New York-JFK since 2009. In other intercontinental markets, capacity is more and more concentrated in Madrid. We highlight the restructuring of Iberia’s network as an important factor behind the increasing dominance of Madrid in intercontinental markets.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect on airport productive efficiency of two major funding sources used by US airports, namely the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants and the Passenger Facility Charges (PFC). A two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) modeling approach is employed for this purpose. In the first stage, we estimate airport productive efficiency using a variable returns-to-scale DEA model with both desirable and undesirable outputs. In the second stage, random effects regression models are estimated with airport efficiency scores from the first stage as the dependent variable and PFC and a proxy for AIP grants as two of the explanatory variables. By applying the two-stage DEA model to 42 primary US airports, it is found that PFC use has a positive impact on airport productive efficiency, whereas the impact of AIP grants is negative. Multiple counterfactual scenarios are examined by altering the mix of the two types of funding sources. The results show that simultaneously raising the PFC ceiling and decreasing AIP grants could lead to greater airport productive efficiency. The US federal aviation authority would also benefit from realizing these scenarios, especially given the budgetary constraints it faces.  相似文献   

Bilateral contracting is integral to the working relationship between airports and airlines. In the U.S., the three common types of airport use agreements are the residual method, the compensatory method, and the hybrid method. Under a residual agreement, the financial risk of the host airport is borne by the signatory airlines, and in return, the signatory airlines pay reduced user fees. Under a compensatory agreement, however, airports bear their own financial risks in the absence of a signatory airline. A hybrid agreement combines the features of residual and compensatory agreements. For example, under a hybrid agreement, airports usually bear their own financial risks in terminal operations while the signatory airlines take over the financial risks in airfield operations. The aim of this paper is to determine whether these three types of business agreements affect airport operational efficiency. Using 2009 to 2016 yearly data of 59 U.S. hub airports, we find that airports with residual-type agreements tend to have lower operational efficiency. This implies that, although under a residual agreement, the signatory airlines pay favorable airport fees and charges, increased airport inefficiency may undercut any potential benefits of the agreement.  相似文献   

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