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Under the assumption that the balance of the current account must satisfy the expected intertemporal balance, this paper seeks to establish a precondition for the recent currency crises in East Asian countries. Whenever current policy violates the expected intertemporal balance, it is argued that future policy changes (possibly including the exchange rate regime) are anticipated. Using Trehan and Walsh's [1991] result that nonstationarity of the change of assets is evidence of a violation of the expected intertemporal balance, this paper calculates the augmented Dickey-Fuller statistics of the current account prior to the East Asian currency crises. In each of these crises, there is evidence of a persistent violation of intertemporal balance prior to the crisis. There is also evidence of countries being affected by the plight of their neighbors. Their currencies depreciated even though it was not necessary. This is a revised version of a paper presented at the Forty-Fifth International Atlantic Economic Conference, Rome, Italy, March 14–21, 1998. The author would like to thank the participants of the conference for their comments. Suggestions from Tsangyao Chang, Wen-Shwo Fang, and Richard Lu at the Feng-Chia University seminar are appreciated. Financial support from the National Science Fund of Taiwan, Republic of China, NSC 88-2415-H-035-010, is greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

经常项目逆差会导致货币危机吗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经常项目逆差与货币危机之间存在着相互关系。从理论上分析,汇率变动率可分解为经常项目差额变动率、资本项目差额变动率以及综合影响比率三者之和;但从实证角度看,汇率变动与其影响因素的变动关系相当复杂。研究显示,该关系很难直接通过线性回归模型来表达。通过相关分析,我们揭示出经常项目逆差与汇率贬值存在较明显的正相关关系;汇率贬值与GDP增长有较强的负相关性。但中国的情况似乎有些特殊,仍有待进一步考察。  相似文献   

We assess the cyclicality of current account balances for the period 2001Q1–2014Q4, focusing on Portugal and using Germany as a benchmark. We find that the cyclical component of the current account was positively explained by 3-month Euribor, but negatively by the financial crisis, systemic stress in Europe, employment and compensation of employees. Moreover, the noncyclical current account was positively affected by the period of the economic and financial adjustment programme and the terms of trade, but negatively influenced by financial integration.  相似文献   

Exploring the determinants and dynamics of the current account balance is one of the priorities of academic literature and policy circles. Although the effects of structural variables are deeply analysed, a lesser attention has been paid to the impact of financial variables. Drawing on standard empirical current account models and with a large sample of industrial and developing countries, we report a significant deterioration in the current account balance in case of an increase in the credit growth. Moreover, we find that this link is substantially stronger for the developing ones motivating a closer examination. Therefore, we further advance our analysis and show that credit growth causes a stronger impact on the current account balance for lower levels of financial depth. In other words, at the early stages of financial development, acceleration in the credit growth might cause a larger deterioration in the current account balance; thus, it might be suggested that monetary policy and macro-prudential measures aimed at preventing financial excess might be more effective to reduce the external imbalances at the early stages of financial deepening.  相似文献   

The extent of international capital mobility is assessed in a time series context. The possibility that the current account balance of different 0ECD countries contains a unit root is explored. It is shown that if the ratio of the current account balance to GDP is found to be integrated of the order of one, the country is likely to be part of the world capital market. The results for the whole period 1950–1988 indicate that the current account balance of at least Germany, Japan and the United States contains a unit root. Considering the subperiods before and after 1972 it is shown that international capital mobility increased after the breakdown of the Bretton Woods System.  相似文献   

This paper explores the causal relations between real estate prices and the current account using recently developed econometric methods for recursive systems. Using a variety of high-quality real estate indices, we find little evidence that current account deficits (capital account surpluses) directly drove real estate prices in the United States, Spain, and Ireland. There is some evidence for this linkage in England; however it is transitory and not persistent. There is also strong evidence that current account surpluses have direct impacts on mortgage rates in the United States, providing an indirect channel for stimulating the real estate market mediated through the financial markets.  相似文献   

Asset prices, exchange rates and the current account   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyses the role of asset prices in comparison to other factors, in particular exchange rates, as a driver of the US trade balance. It employs a Bayesian structural VAR model that requires imposing only a minimum of economically meaningful sign restrictions. We find that equity market shocks and housing price shocks have been major determinants of the US current account in the past, accounting for up to 30% of the movements of the US trade balance at a horizon of 20 quarters. By contrast, shocks to the real exchange rate have been less relevant, explaining about 9% and exerting a more temporary effect on the US trade balance. Our findings suggest that large exchange rate movements may not necessarily be the key element of an adjustment of today's large current account imbalances, and that in particular relative global asset price changes could be a potent source of adjustment.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explain exchange rate and current account or net foreign assets behavior under central bank foreign exchange rate intervention. To analyze central bank intervention we use the current account-net foreign assets identity, as well as the long-run monetary exchange rate model. The intervention function is one where exchange rate deviations from equilibrium are governed by nonlinear adjustments. That is, exchange rate deviations from their long-run equilibrium are such that the degree of reversion towards equilibrium increases with the size of the deviation from equilibrium. In this type of nonlinear function exchange rates determine the current account, and the current account in turn determines exchange rates. This iterative duality contrasts with several portfolio balance models where exchange rates are a function of trade, but trade is not a function of exchange rates. This two way causality is slightly more complex, but is also analytically richer than assuming that exchange rates change solely in a one step process as targeted by central banks. Managing exchange rates is posited to be an active iterative feedback process where intervention changes the current account, which may in turn make further intervention necessary.  相似文献   

We show that, under some conditions, a temporary import tariff improves the current account, whereas a temporary export tax deteriorates it. Permanent import tariffs and export taxes have an identical, although ambiguous, effect on the current account.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Intertemporal models of the current account generally assume that global shocks do not affect the current account. We use this assumption to identify global and country‐specific shocks in a bivariate VAR of output and the current account. Cross‐country evidence from the G7 economies suggests that this identification works surprisingly well. We then employ our method to collect stylized facts on international macroeconomic fluctuations. We find that long‐term output growth is driven mainly by global factors in most G7 countries and that country‐specific shocks are less persistent and generally less volatile than global shocks. JEL Classification: F41, F43, C32
Fluctuations macroéconomiques internationales et compte courant.  Les modèles inter‐temporels du compte courant postulent généralement que les chocs globaux n'affectent pas le compte courant. On utilise ce postulat pour identifier les chocs globaux et ceux qui sont spécifiques à des pays donnés dans un modèle VAR du produit global et du compte courant. Les résultats transversaux pour les pays du G7 suggèrent que cette forme d'identification donne de très bons résultats. On emploie cette méthode pour examiner des faits stylisés des fluctuations macro‐économiques internationales.Il appert que la croissance à long terme du produit dépend de facteurs globaux dans la plupart des pays du G7 et que les chocs particuliers aux pays ont un impact moins permanent et moins volatile que les chocs globaux.  相似文献   

Portuguese Economic Journal - In recent years, political rhetoric implying international trade hinder employment has gained momentum. We argue that the dynamics between the unemployment rate and...  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive assessment of structural change in the world economy. The analysis relies on a newly constructed dataset comprising 169 countries and covering the period from 1991 to 2013. Shapley decompositions are employed to evaluate the pace and pattern of structural change across regions and sub‐regions. Country‐level estimates are then used to conduct an original empirical exercise on the determinants of structural change. The results suggest that labor reallocations (structural change) have played a critical role in enhancing economic performance since the early 2000s, even if they remain comparatively less important than within‐sector productivity improvements. The widespread reallocation of labor from agriculture to the services sectors has been the key driver of structural change. Finally, we find robust evidence that the pace of structural change is significantly shaped by human and physical capital. The policy implication is that investments in education and economic infrastructure are crucial to accelerating structural change.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the elasticity of intertemporal substitution for U.S. aggregate time series data, taking into account the precautionary savings motive. By making use of a recursive utility function, we estimate an Euler equation, via GMM. This procedure leads consumption growth rate to depend on asset returns, and on a time-varying variance, which captures the precautionary motive. When significant, the elasticity of intertemporal substitution estimates ranges from 0.4 to 1.8, which are higher than most of the results found in the literature. Furthermore, the evidence suggests that consumers react to risk; however, the contribution of precautionary motive to consumption growth seems to be limited.  相似文献   

A foreign trade model is estimated for two South East Asian countries, selected because they represent two extremes as far as the current account balance is concerned—Malaysia, deficit, Singapore, surplus. The specification highlights, (a) the simultaneous interdependence of exports and import flows—a result of what Krugman [1995] denotes as the slicing up of the production process—and, (b) the impact of investment on imports as a result of productivity shocks on the current account. The estimation results point to the instability of the market for foreign exchange. Using an intertemporal framework, a methodology to derive the external long run equilibrium is applied to the estimated model. The implied constraint on domestic growth turns out to be mild. This research has been financed by the Dgicyt under grant PB94-1502, and the Junta de C. y L. under grant SA 35/97. The comments and suggestions of the editor of the journal and an anonymous referee are gratefully acknowledged. The paper has also benefited from the comments of the participants at the Fifty-First International Atlantic Economic Conference, March 13–20, 2001, Athens, Greece, and at the AEA conference on New Financial Instruments and Emerging Markets, Paris, 1998. Any possible remaining errors are the authors.  相似文献   

This paper incorporates the link between devaluation, foreign interest payments, and the current account into a fairly general macroeconomic model in which exchange rate changes influence aggregate demand through exports, imports, and expenditure as well as aggregate supply via the cost of imported factors of production. On the basis of available statistical estimates of the behavioral and structural parameters of the model, an attempt is made to assess the empirical importance of this link, among others, in a group of highly indebted industrial and developing countries. By and large, the empirical results indicate that high foreign debt and interest payments tend to reduce the short- to medium-run effect of devaluation on national income, especially in the LDCs, but make little difference to its generally positive effect on the current account.  相似文献   

The degree of competition affects the current account response to nominal shocks. The mechanism hinges on the relationship between the mark–up and the degree of real rigidity of prices. In a model with intermediate goods, the degree of real rigidity increases in the mark–up. A weaker response of prices to nominal shocks strengthens the 'expenditure switching' effect of the devaluation to the benefit of the current account. We analyse the relationship between the mark–up and the real rigidity in a simple closed economy model and show numerically how the mark–up can affect the response of the current account to monetary shocks in an open economy. JEL Classification: F32, E32
Rigidité des prix, marges bénéficiaires et la dynamique du compte courant. Ce mémoire montre que le degré de concurrence affecte la réaction du compte courant aux chocs nominaux. Le mécanisme dépend de la relation entre la marge beńéficiaire et le degré de rigidité réelle des prix. Dans un modèle qui prend en compte les biens intermédiaires, le degré de rigidité réelle des prix s'accroît avec la marge bénéficiaire. Une réponse plus faible des prix aux chocs nominaux renforce l'effet de « déplacement de la dépense >> de la dévaluation au bénéfice du compte courant. On analyse d'abord la relation entre la marge bénéficiaire et la rigidité réelle des prix dans un modèle simple d'économie fermée. On montre ensuite en chiffres comment la marge bénéficiaire peut affecter la réaction du compte courant aux chocs monétaires.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the sequence of current account deficits experienced in Greece over the 1950–1995 period have been excessive. The degree of excessiveness is gauged by comparing the actual current account series to an optimal current account measure derived from an intertemporal model of current account determination. The findings indicate that optimal consumption smoothing did not take place over the sample period suggesting that the existing restrictions to the free flow of capital were binding. More importantly the stock of net foreign liabilities was found to have been set on an unsustainable path following the 1989/90 balance of payments crisis yet there is clear evidence that this tendency has been gradually reversed during the last couple of years. First version received: October 1996/Final version received: November 1997  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to construct a two-period, two-country model that derives the current account, the exchange rate, the terms of trade, and real interest rates from optimal behavior principles. This is done by constructing a model that uses money mainly as a means of exchange, where the technology of exchange is flexible due to potential substitutability of time and real balances as a means of coordinating transactions. The discussion results in a framework that integrates elements of net saving theories and the monetary approach into a unified structure, in which the two approaches are complementary viewpoints.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate empirically the sustainability of the current account in three Central European countries, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia, since their move towards market economy about 15 years ago. The analysis is based on the intertemporal approach to the current account which states that if real exports and real imports are integrated of order one then cointegration between them is a necessary and sufficient condition for the economy to satisfy its intertemporal budget constraint. On the basis of various unit-root and cointegration tests on the shares of real exports and imports in real GDP, this study concludes that the Czech Republic and Slovenia are not in violation of their intertemporal budget constraint and their trade imbalances are sustainable. However, the real exports and imports of these countries, and also the export, import measures of Hungary, do not seem to behave as random walks, excluding the possibility of cointegration between them.   相似文献   

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