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This paper describes an exploratory study using Q methodology to investigate perceptions of transport's role in people's lives. In this study, Q helped reveal four distinct attitudes towards transport amongst participants. The findings suggest that Q methodology offers an innovative way of defining discourses which frame participants’ views on transport and that such micro-scale analysis can facilitate the development of more nuanced understandings of transport and social inclusion.  相似文献   

Gilbert and Perl (2007 Gilbert, R., &; Perl, A. (2007). Transport revolutions: Moving people and freight without oil. London: Earthscan. [Google Scholar]) established how different epochs in human history came with specific “transport revolutions.” Our research suggests that intermodal approaches could constitute an invisible transport planning revolution.

Based on a review defining “social” sustainability as it applies to urban passenger transportation, we consider the potential of an intermodal focus to better integrate non-motorized (walking-cycling) and public transportation. We start from the premise that rather than being a primary “mono-mode” such as buses or trains, sustainable transport is best understood as an ecology of modes with specific strengths and complementarities that can be mobilized through planning.

Using data from Metropolitan Santiago (Chile), we explore this potential, from a conceptual, mainly social, and spatial perspective. We find that paying more attention to different formats of cycling, public transport integration could significantly improve low-cost alternatives for individual and feeder trips. Moreover, adjusting land use to non-work trip purposes could yield substantial benefits. This approach also offers the possibility of developing relatively simple tools helpful for improving the deliberative aspects of participatory planning, thereby increasing buy-in as well as improving health, efficiency, safety, and other benefits of sustainable transport.  相似文献   

This paper explores the separate and combined effects of transport disadvantage and social exclusion on well-being using an empirical analysis of data from a travel and disadvantage survey in Victoria, Australia. Previous research explores the impact of transport on social exclusion but does not study the downstream impacts on well-being. To explore this relationship measures of subjective well-being are compared across four groups: (i) people who are neither transport disadvantaged nor socially excluded, (ii) transport disadvantaged only, (iii) socially excluded only and (iv) both transport disadvantaged and socially excluded. The paper explores which component aspects of social exclusion and transport disadvantage have the greatest impact on well-being and which social groups are most likely to face transport disadvantage and social exclusion together. The paper concludes with a commentary on how the findings might be used to better target policy interventions meant to improve well-being.  相似文献   

The public images of cycling can act as barriers or facilitators of cycling. This qualitative study explored images and perceptions of cycling, their potential influence on cycling and whether these views differed between regular, occasional and non-riders.Seventy participants (24 males and 46 females) were recruited. Of these, 22 were classified as non-riders, 23 were occasional riders and 25 were regular riders. Twelve focus groups were held in inner Sydney during October and November 2005. Data were audio taped, transcribed and thematically analysed.Themes linked to images of cycling included: ‘clean and green’; ‘healthy and fun’; ‘dangerous’ and ‘serious business’. Themes linked to images of cyclists included: ‘risk takers and law breakers’ and ‘status and sub-cultures’. Discussion centred on the low social status of riding over other transport modes, the relative acceptability of different riding sub-cultures, the ‘green’ image of cycling transport and the status associated with the riders clothing and bicycle choice, especially lycra and its ‘serious and sporty’ connotation.While ‘cycling’ was generally viewed as a positive, environmentally friendly activity, the actions of some ‘cyclists’ were disliked, which influenced views about cycling, particularly among non-riders. A cycling acceptability hierarchy emerged; with recreational riding at the top, followed by cycling for sport and exercise, with transport/commuter cycling towards the bottom. Bicycle couriers were viewed least favourably. A common perception among non-riders was the latter two groups were rule breakers and risk takers, while regular riders felt unfairly judged by this stereotype.While there was greater acceptance of recreational riding, riding for transport was not viewed as a mainstream activity. There is a need to improve the public acceptability of cycling and change public norms so it is seen as an everyday activity that can be undertaken by almost anyone, without the need for special clothing, expensive equipment or limited to purpose built facilities.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2009,16(3):90-96
This article examines a variety of conceptualisations and measurement approaches to social exclusion and the usefulness of these to understanding social policy as it relates to transport. It argues that there is a need to broaden the criteria to encompass all aspects of well-being, the broad outcome desired to optimise a person's mobility. Understanding of the importance of interpersonal interactions is not well covered under the ambit of social exclusion, thus the need for measures around social capital and community. Additionally, there is a need to include measures of psychological factors, to comprehensively understand transport outcomes for people.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method to estimate bicycle accessibility for various trip purposes based on a massive dockless bike-sharing dataset in Shanghai, China. Specifically, a Dirichlet multinomial regression topic model (DMR model) is applied to identify bicycle trajectories' trip purposes, simultaneously considering arrival time and drop-off location. Based on obtained trip purposes, we estimate impedance functions using a negative exponential function. Finally, based on estimated impedance functions, two cases of bicycle accessibility for two different purposes - restaurant and hospital - are presented in Shanghais central area. The results show that almost 90% of bicycle trips are less than 30 min or 5 km. Although the difference between the impedance functions between various trip purposes is not significant, we find that trip purposes of “Work and School” have the highest travel impedance for bicyclists. Cyclists in Shanghai accept longer bicycle travel times for leisure (e.g., shopping) than for commuting (e.g., work or school).  相似文献   

This study employs Amartya Sen's Capability Approach as a guiding conceptual framework in the exploration of public transport as an element of mobility among the young-old living in Stockholm, Sweden. The aim is to shed light on the variation in mobility resources of those who perceive they can use public transport as their primary mode of transport and of those who perceive they cannot (‘mobility capability element’), as well as that of those using public transport and of those not using it (‘mobility functioning element’). Increasing residential density, being female and having a higher functional capacity were among the mobility resources which produced a positive increase in the likelihood of considering it possible to use, and the use of, public transport. The higher the ratio of cars to household member, the lower the likelihood of including public transport as a mobility capability element or as a mobility functioning element. Most of those who included public transport use as both a mobility capability element and a mobility functioning element were also users of the private car. There was also a tendency towards car use rather than towards no travel if the individual was not a user of public transport. Through the application of the Capability Approach, this paper facilitates further insight into the variation in mobility resources, corresponding mobility capability and mobility functioning elements of this group, with respect to public transport. It also opens up questions for the future employment of this conceptual framework within transport research.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis exploring self-reported measures of transport disadvantage and how these relate to social exclusion and well-being in Melbourne, Australia. A sample of 535 individuals sourced from a household survey explores ratings of 18 types of transport problems. The questionnaire also measured social exclusion represented in five dimensions including income, unemployment, political engagement, participation in activities and social support networks. Well-being was also measured adopting standard psychological measures of ‘Satisfaction with Life’, ‘Personal Well-being Index,’ ‘Positive Affect’ and ‘Negative Affect’.A factor analysis of self-reported transport difficulties identified four statistically significant sub-scales (‘transport disadvantage’, ‘transit disadvantage’, ‘Vulnerable/Impaired’ and ‘rely on others’) which together account for 57% of the variance in the responses.Analysis established that those with high self-reported transport problems were more likely to be located in fringe and remote parts of the city and lived in areas where it was not possible to walk to a local shop. However all groups made an average number of trips per day (except the ‘Vulnerable/Impaired’ group which make fewer trips) suggesting that self-reported transport disadvantage is unrelated to realised mobility. Analysis further established that only the ‘Vulnerable/Impaired’ group was associated with social exclusion and that they also had the lowest values of well-being compared to other groups.Overall findings confirm the methodological concerns associated with the use of self-reported measures of transport problems as a basis for defining transport disadvantage. The majority of those with high self-reported transport problems did not travel less than the survey sample as a whole and they were not associated with social exclusion. However the ‘Vulnerable/Impaired’ group was the exception, displaying a significantly higher association with social exclusion and lower well-being.The findings suggest which aspects of transport disadvantage are likely to be of greater concern for social policy. A concentration of research and policy on issues and social groups associated with the ‘Vulnerable/Impaired’ factor would be more effective in reducing social exclusion. Transport problems associated with this group including physical access to transport, knowing where to go and feeling safe from theft or attack when travelling may deserve higher priorities for attention. In addition those associated with the ‘Vulnerable/Impaired’ factor including older retired females and those who are more likely to be looking after someone with an illness or disability are clearly a high risk group and should warrant positive discrimination in transport and social policy.  相似文献   

The southern Japanese archipelago of Ogasawara is currently being represented as a nature paradise, featuring a host of related nature/adventure-based ‘eco’ activities, with a growing representation of its historical and cultural attractions. Yet, the cultural landscape remains underrepresented, with limited mention made of the western settlement of these islands in 1830 or of their descendants who are still living there. One way to expand the recognition of the Obeikei 1 The term ‘Obeikei’ means ‘Westerner’ and is used here (and by the Obeikei) to refer to Ogasawara islanders of mixed western ancestry. and their heritage is by exploring the social values and practices that constitute their way of life. Examining the Obeikei narrative would allow for a more community-orientated approach to the development of this officially designated ecotourism site that is currently vying for World Heritage listing. This study explores the voice of the Obeikei community and its impact on the development of ecotourism at this site. Greater recognition of the Obeikei would serve to empower this community, draw them into the ecotourism process and comply with the socio-cultural tenets and spirit of ecotourism.2 Ecotourism has been defined by Ceballos-Lascurain (1991) Ceballos-Lascurain, H. Paper presented at the Ecotourism and Resource Conservation, A Collection of Papers. Tourism, Eco-tourism and Protected Areas,  [Google Scholar] as ‘tourism that involves traveling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated areas with the specific objective of studying, admiring, and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals, as well as any existing cultural manifestations (both past and present) found in these areas’ (p. 25).   相似文献   

This paper reviews the current socio-cultural and political state of cycling in Brazil and the policies and activities over recent years that have aimed to reverse its marginalisation. In particular it focuses on the city of Pelotas in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul and the significant societal and material transformations that are causing conflict and dissonance in relation to the future role of cycling on city streets. Using a combination of empirical evidence from existing literature; a focus group with members of the cycling stakeholder forum; interviews with planning officials whilst observing cycle infrastructure; interviews with participants whilst taking part in a ‘protest’ bicycle ride (bicicletada); and on street intercept interviews with cycle commuters, this paper highlights the tensions, conflicts, aspirations and imaginaries of a city grappling with significant growth and urban transformation.  相似文献   

A majority of statistical methods used in the analysis of land use and transportation systems implicitly carry the assumption that relationships are constant across locations or individuals, thus ignoring contextual variation due to geographical or socio-economic heterogeneity. In some cases, where the assumption of constant relationships is questionable, market segmentation procedures are used to study varying relationships. More recently, methodological developments, and a greater awareness of the importance of geography, have led to increasingly sophisticated ways to explore varying relationships in land use and transportation modeling. The objective of this paper is to propose a simple probit model to explore contextual variability in continuous-space. Some conceptual and technical issues are discussed, and an example is presented that reanalyzes land use change using data from California’s BART system. The results of the example suggest that considerable parametric variation exists across geographical space, and thus underlines the relevance of contextual effects.  相似文献   

In studies of neighborhood effects on transport walking, residential preferences along with other personal characteristics (walking attitude, factors that affect decision to walk for transport) are important factors to consider. However, few studies have examined relationships between neighborhood characteristics and transport walking accounting for a complex suite of personal factors. This study employed a structural equation modeling approach to examine associations between neighborhood characteristics and transport walking behaviors by accounting for residential preferences, self-assessed factors that affect decision to walk for transportation, and socio-demographics; and to examine whether neighborhood effects were modified by walking attitude and residential preferences. Based on a cross-sectional phone and mail survey of 2848 residents of New York City, Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, St. Paul, and Winston Salem in 2011–12, we found neighborhood characteristics had significant independent associations with transport walking, even after adjusting for residential preferences and other personal factors. Neighborhood effects on transport walking did not differ significantly by walking attitude or residential preferences. Our findings highlight the importance of neighborhood effects in promoting transport walking, and suggest that while residential preferences are important factors, they do not obviate the neighborhood effects on transport walking.  相似文献   

The high speed railway (HSR) network in China has developed rapidly over the past ten years, offering a new means of travel and also regenerating and redistributing economic activities by encouraging population mobility. Using the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration as a case study, this paper investigates the redistribution of economic activities resulting from HSRs by developing a locally weighted regression model, geographically network weighted regression (GNWR). This GNWR is formulated in light of the current account identity in economics, and incorporates the changes in network-based travel time from HSRs and the degrees of cities, thereby offering a more appropriate method of capturing the movement of economic activities. Importantly, the coefficients in GNWR can reflect the net inflow or outflow of different cities in terms of their residents' investment and/or consumption. The results of the analysis show that HSRs have significantly changed the spatial redistribution of economic activities due to more frequent and rapid mobility. For investment activities, HSR drew the inflow to the second tier cities alongside HSR and strengthened the status of core cities; for consumption activities, HSR motivated the inflow to non-HSR cities located in the peripheral areas.  相似文献   

Although strategies to create transport corridor are prevalent in the global South, there is a lack of empirical research to evaluate these initiatives, in particular whether they have realised their general goal of reducing regional disparities. The current paper describes a multi-method approach involving spatial and non-spatial analysis to investigate spatial disparity along a proposed corridor and examine its integration within the existing settlement structure. The analytical framework is tested on India’s Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor. A rationale is developed to enable a critical view of corridor policies as strategies for development in the global South.One important finding regarding policies on transport corridors is the risk that future growth will remain concentrated in districts directly linked to a proposed corridor, leaving peripheral areas marginalised. An integrative analysis of current spatial and social disparities in India shows growth to be high in areas with good accessibility between urban and rural areas. Specifically, growth in rural areas is fostered by the availability of good road network, and polytechnic and vocational institutions, whereas in urban areas, growth is positively associated with the provision of secondary schools. In order to prevent or even reduce disparities, this research recommends that spatial strategies be developed with mechanisms to enable their implementation by lower tiers of governments, that spatial plans and infrastructure outlays be reformed to improve accessibility between proposed corridors and peripheral areas, and that accessibility indicators be included in the design and implementation of transport development policies.  相似文献   

The concept of decoupling embraces both immaterialisation and dematerialisation, by referring to the general delinking of environmental harm from economic production. This paper extends the theoretical debate and methodology on decoupling in transport to cover environmental (e.g. carbon) and social (e.g. fatalities) issues as well as the economic dimensions (e.g. income growth and transport activities). The typology developed here details the concepts of absolute and relative decoupling in a strong and weak version. This typology is then applied to explore the potential and the reality of transport decoupling in 15 major countries over the period since 1990, when concerns over the global environment and social issues have become a central part of the sustainable development agenda, through the measurement of changes in all three of the elements of sustainable development (economic, environmental and social). Two key transport externalities, carbon dioxide emissions and traffic fatalities, are studied, as these represent examples of environmental and social costs associated with increased levels of mobility. These 15 key countries included both developed and developing countries, and they together account for the majority of the global economy, carbon emissions and a substantial proportion of transport fatalities. The results show that decarbonisation of the transport sector has proved more difficult to achieve in the 15 countries over the 22 years than the reduction in the levels of transport-related fatalities. Nevertheless, there is progress being made. Decoupling has taken place in both developed and developing countries, though the experiences vary in terms of timing (earlier vs more recent), consistency (stable vs variable), form (absolute vs relative) and magnitude (strong vs weak). Recoupling effects are limited. Transport has proved to be the most difficult sector to make more sustainable, as it is growing so fast and as it is necessary to support economies and lifestyles. Yet through combining measures of economic (e.g. income), environmental (e.g. carbon) and social (e.g. fatalities) wellbeing, it has been possible to identify positive trends in decoupling transport at the national level, as measured through relative decoupling. The much harder objective of an absolute decoupling is only just beginning to take place, but this must be seen as the primary objective in moving towards sustainability in the transport sector.  相似文献   

Museums’ visitors can play an active role both during and after the visit that will allow them to shape a significant experience. The present work explores this role of the visitor as co-creator of experiences. Prior knowledge and interest enable visitors to participate and interact during the visit, all of which basically allows them to build a more intense experience in those areas that require their involvement. It is these more active experiences, and only these, which drive the individual’s intention to continue participating actively after the visit, seeking information and revisiting the museum, following it on social networks and making recommendations on opinion pages.  相似文献   

Accessibility is considered to be a valuable concept that can be used to generate insights on issues related to social exclusion due to limited access to transport options. Recently, researchers have attempted to link accessibility with popular theories of social justice such as Amartya Sen's Capabilities Approach (CA). Such studies have set the theoretical foundations on the way accessibility can be expressed through the CA, however, attempts to operationalise this approach remain fragmented and predominantly qualitative in nature. In this study, a novel framework of expressing accessibility at the level of an individual is proposed, based on the basic elements of the CA. In particular, dynamic Bayesian networks are used to express the causal relationship between capabilities, functionings, personal and environmental characteristics. This is done by introducing informative Dirichlet prior distributions constructed using data from traditional mobility surveys, modelling the transition probabilities with data related to place based characteristics and defining an observation model from unlabelled mobility data and places of interest (POI). We demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed framework by assessing the equality levels and their link to transport related social exclusion of different population groups in London, using unlabelled, service provider generated mobility data.  相似文献   

Equity has been a major concern of public transport provision and is required by legislation in many countries. Several approaches measure equity in transit supply however none produce a simple system-wide measure of equity performance. A new approach is presented using Lorenz curves to measure the relative supply of transit to the population. Gini coefficients provide a single measure of overall equity using this method. A system-wide assessment of overall transit supply to the population in Melbourne, Australia shows that 70% of the population shares only 19% of the supply (Gini coefficient = .68). When employment is also taken into account, the situation is not much different; 70% of jobs and population share 23% of service (G = .62). In order to gain some understanding of vertical equity, the transit supply was compared between different age, income and vehicle ownership groups. There is some evidence of higher supply for youth and low-income groups in inner Melbourne, and in all parts of Melbourne no-vehicle households lived in areas of higher transit supply. Overall it is unclear how “fair” these distributions are compared to equity in other cities since this is the first time this method has been undertaken. Projects using similar approaches should provide a good basis for establishing comparative equity between cities.  相似文献   

Public transport (PT) disruption can occur due to various factors such as malfunctions and breakdowns of vehicles, power outages, and personnel strikes. This paper explores the network-wide impacts of PT strikes (train, tram, and bus strikes) on traffic congestion in Melbourne, Australia using a network modeling approach. A primary survey aimed to investigate the mode shift of users when each public transport mode ceases was conducted with 648 public transport users in May 2016. Findings show that train withdrawal was expected to result in 43% of users shifting to car. Smaller yet significant shifts to car was also expected with bus withdrawal (34%) and tram withdrawal (17%). Based on the survey results and the use of a four-step transport model, train withdrawal was expected to increase the number of severely congested road links by 130% and reduce the average travel speed from 48 km/h to 39 km/h (20% decrease). Bus and tram withdrawal was also found to increase congestion although the result was less severe. Future research should investigate the switching behavior in actual withdrawal events and explore the long-term effects of public transport withdrawal.  相似文献   

This paper explores trip chaining behaviour of Melbourne residents using evidence from a household travel survey. The research literature has suggested that trip-making behaviour has grown increasingly complex as modern life has become busier and people grow time-poor. Complex trip chains have been said to require flexible travel modes, and for this reason some research has suggested that public transport is limited in this regard compared to the private car. Results of this study show that between 1994 and 1999 the complexity of trip chains was relatively stable and the complexity of chains was found to be larger for rail and tram than for car-based trips. Disaggregate analyses compare the complexity of chains based on work versus non-work chains, the purpose of stops on the chain, and whether the chain entered the central city of Melbourne or not. Overall these findings suggest a less bleak outlook for public transport ridership in a travel future which is said to be becoming more complex.  相似文献   

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