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In the UK the Government currently perceives a levy on workplace parking to be a key ingredient of a package of measures designed to deal with congestion and traffic-related pollution in urban areas. Clearly a number of issues will require careful consideration before such a levy can be successfully introduced. This paper presents a summary of the findings of a national survey undertaken with respect to workplace parking charges. How seriously do the decision-makers and opinion formers perceive traffic-related issues (and in particular the health effects of road traffic) to be in the urban areas of the UK? and, how effective and acceptable is a levy on workplace parking likely to be when compared with other policy options as a means of dealing with traffic-related pollution? Ring fencing the revenue raised from workplace parking charge would appear to be an important issue, alongside the allocation of that revenue as a means of increasing acceptance. The paper considers the size of the levy to be charged in order to achieve a significant reduction in current workplace parking provision, and the case for exempting certain categories of user.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2006,13(1):34-48
Parking pricing strategies are important tools for rebalancing the modal split between private car and transit systems in urban areas. Indeed, high congestion levels are mainly due to users' preference for the private car system. In order to obtain a more balanced modal split it is possible, together with an improvement in transit system quality, to set fees on the use of private cars through road pricing and/or parking pricing strategies. Parking pricing strategies are simpler, since they can be managed without adopting advanced technologies. In this paper some parking pricing strategies are proposed and some optimisation models are formalised.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose an improved mathematical model for locating EV charging stations. We consider the successive activities of the travelers, i.e., a person with two main stops during the day should charge the vehicle in just one of the parking spots, hence avoiding double counting the demand. The model is tested for the city of Coimbra (Portugal), where there is a network of nine stations. We conclude that our solution is better than the one that was implemented in reality, moreover we are able to conclude that demand transference has a rather significant impact on the solutions.  相似文献   

A diagrammatic analysis of the market for cruising taxis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A diagrammatic approach is used to study the characteristics of the cruising taxi market. For cost modeling, both taxi operator and passenger are taken as service producers. The former provides his vehicle operation and the latter, his waiting and travel time. Market demand is defined as a function of generalized price. It is shown that under short and long run conditions a unique equilibrium exists for a deregulated industry and it corresponds to a monopolistic competition. The relations among the free market equilibrium, social optimum and second best solution are analyzed. Regulations are studied in order to find their social convenience.  相似文献   

Parking policy measures are widely used to manage cars in nature areas. Only with data from long-term monitoring projects is it possible to separate “normal” fluctuation in the number of cars from fluctuation caused by trends or caused by the effects of these measures. An evaluation of measures implemented in two dune areas in the Netherlands shows that parking policy measures affect the number of cars. While the number and location of parking places can be used to manage the number of cars and their spatial distribution in the area, the implementation of parking charges only brings about a temporary effect.  相似文献   

Free work place parking has long been considered to have a strong influence on whether or not individuals use their car for their trips to work. A survey of local authority employees was conducted to examine their potential responses to the removal of free work place parking spaces, how they would respond to parking cash-out policies and to work place parking charges, and finally their responses to specific values of cash out payments. It was found that as age increases individuals are less likely to accept any form of cash out. When individuals have one or more cars available they are more likely to opt for a cash out scheme. Females are more likely to opt for the various cash out schemes than males. The results seem to suggest that if an individual has a higher income it does not necessarily mean they will opt to keep their space.  相似文献   

Municipalities and planners often hesitate to implement restrictive parking policies because residents regularly oppose any changes to on-street parking space. Residential parking is one key factor of parking management because its location and availability influence a household's car ownership and use. Moreover, as more residents regularly use other means of transportation that need space and infrastructure in the urban realm, and as parking takes up a vast amount of land, municipalities are considering the reuse of on-street parking space for other purposes. As public acceptability is a precondition for the successful implementation of a proposed policy, our empirical analysis investigates to what extent residents support restrictive and demand-oriented on-street parking policies in the dense, highly urbanized neighborhood of Frankfurt-Bornheim, Germany (N = 1027). Surprisingly, despite some variations, the majority of the residents in our survey are in favor of the policy options suggested. Support for the demand-oriented policies (extension of bicycle infrastructure, improved sharing supply and mobility hubs, neighborhood garages, and improved public transit supply) is higher than the acceptance of the restrictive policies, and of policies that are a combination of restrictive and demand-oriented policies. However, surprisingly, a majority is still in favor of many of these (extension of parking fees and parking restrictions, and reuse of parking space for better livability). Furthermore, we classify residents who live in a household with private cars into the stage model of self-regulated behavior change to analyze their intention towards a reduction in private car use. Results from linear regression analyses indicate that residents who have intentions to change their behavior towards car use reduction assess the policy options more similarly to car-free households and regular bike users, and not like the other car-owning households. The findings suggest that while the residents support financial-related policies the least, they are more receptive towards parking policies than policy makers and planners assume if the reuse of parking lots creates space for other users or if it increases the quality of life, for instance, by adding bike lanes, wider sidewalks or greenery. Hence, a combination of restrictive and demand-oriented on-street parking policies results in high acceptance among residents, and the communication from municipalities regarding the implementation of the different policies needs to vary depending on the kind of household.  相似文献   

An increase in urban freight transport is inevitable as growing urban populations require more goods, more conveniently. A deeper understanding of the geography and trends of urban freight transport must recognise that it is the aggregate result of a complex web of supply chain interactions. To understand the trends, the behaviour of the underlying supply chains must be understood. Using Global Positioning System (GPS) traces of commercial vehicles and network theory concepts, this paper examines the characteristics of supply chain micro-communities in three urban areas in South Africa. The similarity in the structure of these micro-communities across the three, very diverse, areas suggests that the dynamics that drive supply chain interaction are not dependent on local geography. Four prominent archetypes were identified that account for more than half of the micro-communities in each area. Directionality, geographic dispersion and the balance of importance in the micro-communities are studied in the context of these archetypes. This paper presents a first puzzle piece in deducing urban freight transport patterns from supply chain interaction. Furthermore the results are an empirical benchmark that can validate theoretic models of urban supply chain interaction.  相似文献   

This paper presents a qualitative analysis about the determinants related to rescheduling travel mode decisions during the activity scheduling process. Notably, we were interested to study changes between intention and behavior. Data used came from an in-depth Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) follow up survey to habitual drivers carried out during the implementation of a panel survey. An interpretative qualitative method based on Analytic Induction was used to cope with the complex nature of rescheduling decisions and the characteristics of the data. The Theory of Planned Behavior has been used to gain a better understanding of the reasons associated with rescheduling travel mode decisions and to obtain a possible explanation of the phenomena studied. In our sample, 12 codes were identified as the main determinants of travel mode changing. Main reasons for rescheduling a travel mode are different considering gender, age, and the type of travel mode change. Main reasons for changing a nonprivate preplanned travel mode to a private travel mode are different considering the type of travel mode preplanned. New determinants of rescheduling decisions different from those associated with other activity scheduling decisions previously identified emerge when analyzing travel mode changes. A number of important sustainable transportation policies to reduce car use in urban areas are derived from the results of this study.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of private car ownership and utilization has resulted in significant parking-related congestion problems at large-scale international airports. Parking facilities located in the peripheral areas of airports could be more efficiently used to mitigate congestion and reduce delays due to dramatically increasing traffic demands and inferiorly designed parking lot configurations. In order to analyze the travelers' parking choice preferences for the off-site airport parking activities, a stated preference survey study was conducted around Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital International Airport. Two nested logit models were formulated to analyze the correlation between travelers' parking behavior and their travel characteristics. The research results indicate that travelers prefer to choose off-site parking facilities for long-term parking. A free and fast operation of connections should be provided in consideration of the long-distance layouts of parking facilities. A classification analysis of travelers with different preferences was conducted and the potential changes in travelers' parking choices to off-site parking lots were quantified. The research findings are helpful for traffic management agencies to develop practical guidelines for the establishment of new parking facilities with multiple access points at airports.  相似文献   

Walking may be the primary mode to access a railway station, yet the walkability around stations has not been well researched. This paper explores methodologies for assessing walkability in urban areas in close proximity to a railway station. To address both the objective environmental characteristics and subjective aspects of walking, walkability indicators were developed with reference to four key criteria: urban form; design of the street; obstacles and traffic safety; and personal perception. Researchers conducted field observations of the urban neighbourhood within a radius of 800 m from selected railway stations. Subsequently, the concept of Walk Score® has been applied to cross-check research findings from the field observations and we have developed an adapted version of ‘Walk Score’ including traffic noise, pedestrian casualties, road speed limits and air quality. This is a point deduction system of traffic related obstacles from the original Walk Score® which evaluated walkability based on the distance to selected urban amenities. Research reported in this paper forms part of an EU funded project, which compared the accessibility of six railway stations in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands along the Rhine-Alpine Corridor. Using three German case studies, this paper presents key results and discusses the validity and limitation of the methodology.  相似文献   

Policy measures managing the demand for private car use are contemplated in urban areas all over the world. A first step in evaluating the effectiveness––as well as the interrelated sociospatial consequences––of travel demand management (TDM) measures is determining how their implementation changes the travel options faced by households in different segments. Geocoded travel diary data from Gothenburg, Sweden, are analysed with the aim of determining the number and type of trips by car to the city centre that would be affected by the introduction of traffic regulations varying spatially and temporally. Logistic regression analyses are performed to identify effects on different trip purposes, as well as individual and household characteristics related to changes in travel options. The possible application of the results within a policy context and to other urban areas is discussed along with the potential implications for research into adaptation strategies adopted in response to the implementation of TDM measures.  相似文献   

Latest mobile technologies have revolutionized the way people experience their environment. Recent research explored the opportunities of using augmented reality (AR) in order to enhance user experience; however, there is only limited research on users’ acceptance of AR in the tourism context. The technology acceptance model is the predominant theory for researching technology acceptance. Previous researchers used the approach of proposing external dimensions based on the secondary literature; however, they missed the opportunity to integrate context-specific dimensions. This paper therefore aims to propose an AR acceptance model in the context of urban heritage tourism. Five focus groups, with young British female tourists visiting Dublin and experiencing a mobile AR application, were conducted. The data were analysed using thematic analysis and revealed seven dimensions that should be incorporated into AR acceptance research, including information quality, system quality, costs of use, recommendations, personal innovativeness and risk as well as facilitating conditions.  相似文献   

This research aims at developing modeling and scenario-comparison tools to explore the impacts of various transportation and land use planning policies on changing travel behavior and eventually greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A Trip-Based Urban Transportation Emissions (TRIBUTE) model is developed. Data required for TRIBUTE comes from household travel surveys and emissions inventories, which is a major advantage in cases where a detailed transportation network model is unavailable. TRIBUTE is composed of two main parts: a mode choice model and an emissions forecasting model. The mode choice model is responsible for estimating modal shares of alternative modes of travel in response to changes in personal, modal, and land use attributes. The emissions forecasting model translates the modal shares into vehicle kilometers traveled, and subsequently GHG emissions. TRIBUTE is a macroscopic model intended to assist municipalities evaluate alternative transportation and land use policy scenarios and eventually select the one(s) that help them meet their future GHG emission targets. This paper reports on the conceptual framework of the developed model and presents a case study.  相似文献   

Spain is one of the countries with the highest shared mobility fleet in the world. The shared use of motorcycles, also known as moped-style scooter sharing, has spread far and wide throughout the country at a dramatic pace in recent years. Despite its increasing popularity and impact on urban mobility, efforts devoted to the study of its spatio-temporal travel patterns are still scant. Based on the analysis of GPS records of an operator present in seven Spanish cities, this study aims to contribute to this research gap by analysing mopeds' location patterns over time and assessing how different dynamics influence its usage level and self-balance potential. Our study is replicable to different cities and different shared modes, since we propose a methodology to identify the most important origins and destinations over time and analyse the system's self-balance capacity based on spatial autocorrelation tools. These insights are useful for operators to adjust and optimise vehicle distribution routes and maintenance/recharge tasks, decreasing congestion and increasing efficiency. The results may also be helpful for policy makers when planning and offering effective policies and infrastructure to encourage shared mobility.  相似文献   

This paper examines the factors determining car ownership for households living in rural and urban areas. A dynamic car ownership model is estimated using a pseudo-panel approach, based on data from Family Expenditure Surveys in the UK for 1982–1995. The results show that rural households' car ownership is far less sensitive to motoring costs than that of their urban counterparts. The implication of these results is that general increases in the costs of car transport would pose a considerable economic burden for rural households, and that other area-specific transport measures may be more suitable, particularly from an equity point of view.  相似文献   

Transit-oriented development (TOD), which is regarded as an efficient planning strategy for urban sustainability, has surged in use across the globe in the recent past. While the lessons learned from case studies of individual cities can provide valuable references, they also result in a gap between existing theoretical principles and actual planning practices. The comparative analysis of TOD typologies among cities affords unique strengths for addressing such a challenge. By extending the classic ‘node–place’ model with a third dimension, this paper first constructs a ‘node–functionality–place’ model in the form of a magic cube as the theoretical basis for classifying TOD typologies. Then, the model is applied to five typical Chinese megacities, namely, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Wuhan and Hangzhou. After establishing an indicator system, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to determine the TOD degree, and a two-step cluster is employed to classify TOD typologies. The results show that the TOD degree, although it varies with cities, presents a similar spatial pattern, with a general tendency to decline from the central core to the outskirts. In total, six TOD types are distinguished and present notable variations within and across the five megacities. The identified TOD typologies thus equip urban planners and policymakers with a useful tool for designing more targeted strategies. The discoveries made in the comparative context differ from those made in the individual context in prior studies. This paper is thus believed to make a new contribution to the existing TOD literature.  相似文献   

A natural link exists between tourism and cultural heritage management, yet little discourse and debate occurs between them on the sustainability of heritage tourism. What also is missing is a process whereby elements of both areas can be included in the identification and actualisation of the tourism potential of cultural heritage places. This paper presents a new model that is in the process of development, but which has the potential to assist in planning for sustainable cultural heritage tourism. Future testing of the model is likely to make a significant contribution to the advancement of both disciplines and also should help break down barriers between the two. The model is a matrix into which heritage places can be classified as falling into nine general areas of suitability for tourism in terms of their market appeal and ability to withstand the impacts of visitation likely to be associated with that appeal. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Most economics and urban literature focuses on the economic aspects of foreign investors' impact on cities and defends their positive role in urban development. This paper takes a different approach by developing an urban economics model for tourist cities that illustrates how, when there is local underinvestment and a large influx of foreign labour, transnational enterprises may make their profits at the expense of local businesses. Therefore, it is the government's responsibility to regulate foreign investment in a way that is conducive to sustainable development. Macao is adopted as a case study. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Climate change and air quality are two main environmental challenges in metropolitan areas. As road transportation is one of the main contributors, public administrations are facing these problems with a number of complementary policy measures: shift to cleaner modes, new fuels and vehicle technologies, demand management, and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) applied to transportation. Eco-driving is one of the measures that present large fuel savings at individual level. Although these savings are well documented in the literature, few studies focus on how eco-drivers driving patterns affect the surrounding vehicles and the traffic in general, and more particularly what would be the impact when the number of eco-drivers grows. Using a traffic microsimulation tool, four models in urban context have been built, corresponding to the different types of urban roads. Both the base-case and the parameters setting to simulate eco-driving have been calibrated with real data collected through floating vehicles performing the trips with normal and eco behaviors. In total, 72 scenarios were simulated, varying the type of road, traffic demand, and the percentage of eco-drivers. Then, the CO2 and NOx emissions have been estimated through a microscopic emission model. The results show that in scenarios with low or medium demand levels and increasing number of eco-drivers, the effects are positive in terms of emissions. On the other side, with high percentage of eco-drivers and high traffic demand, the emissions rise. Higher headways and smooth acceleration and decelerations increase congestion, producing higher emissions globally.  相似文献   

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