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"领投+跟投"的股权众筹模式即在众筹过程中由一位经验丰富的专业投资人作为"领投人",众多跟投人选择跟投.这种模式最初发端于国外的股权众筹平台Angelist.AngelList把这种创新性的模式称之为Syndicat (辛迪加),可以翻译为联合投资体模式.  相似文献   

在当前这种"大众创业、万众创新"、"众创空间"大环境的引领下以及随着2015年两会的召开"互联网+"首次写入了政府工作的报告,股权众筹(equity-based crowdfunding)这种融资模式已彻底进入了人们的视线。然而,在股权众筹中,如何做到减少信息不对称的影响,使普通投资者面对眼花缭乱的众筹平台以及众多筹集项目参与到自己的项目中去是很多众筹平台以及融资者必须面对的问题。基于此,在现实生活中,大多数的股权众筹平台引入了领投人制度,本文就股权众筹中的领投人制度进行梳理,分析股权众筹中领投人制度的作用以及领投人和跟投人之间的委托代理关系。  相似文献   

近年来随着互联网金融的发展,众筹也迎来了新的机遇,但其中股权众筹却存在着不少争议,监管者对股权众筹的态度也不够明确,导致中国股权众筹平台大多采取"领投+跟投"的这种规避监管的模式.然而必须看到,股权众筹的发展符合市场的需求,创业者与投资者两方面的力量会共同推动股权众筹的发展.  相似文献   

范文波 《浙江金融》2016,(11):45-50
本文针对股权众筹在我国发展存在的法律和监管问题,基于互联网众筹"开放共享"和"小额多人"的本质,深入探讨股权众筹的立法定位和监管理念,并以此为基础提出对股权众筹的立法供给和制度构建框架,包括建立公开发行小额豁免机制等三项主制度、健全信息披露和数据报备等三项配套制度、倡导"领投+跟投"等三项市场化机制、构建严密协调的三维立体监管架构等,为推动股权众筹发展提供切实可行的系统性政策建议。  相似文献   

众筹是指融资者借助于互联网众筹融资平台为其项目向大众投资者融资,投资者以少量的投资金额获取融资者的实物(如预计产出的产品)或股权的融资方式.文章在已有研究的基础上,首先梳理了股权众筹融资平台的发展历史、不同运行机制及其优缺点,从博弈论的视角来分析影响平台运作机制选择模式的因素,得出中介型平台的理性均衡结果是"柠檬市场","领投+跟投"型平台和管理型平台是相对规范合理的股权众筹融资平台,"领投+跟投"型平台和管理型平台更取决于项目本身的平均质量,最后论述了股权众筹平台的法律风险与监管问题.  相似文献   

股权众筹项目跟投人因与领投方项目搜寻途径、前期投资决策判断、项目风险分散、投资额度、项目管理参与度等不同,决定了领投人对跟投人收益分享比例与其自身收取管理服务费应有所降低,且因种子期或初创期企业未来发展的不可预测性及项目独特不可复制性,收取管理服务费的比例太高也是不合理的。  相似文献   

我国股权众筹平台开展的尽职调查是一种必要的风险防控措施。此举并非基于合同义务之约束,而是股权众筹行业为保障投资者利益及自身声誉的一种自发性选择。为更好地保护投资者,未来我国股权众筹监管立法应为平台设定尽职调查义务。在规则设计上,考虑到平台履行该义务之成本,立法应当至少确立一个最低限度,即确保融资者信息的真实性。同时,应考虑新兴互联网股权众筹平台与传统证券经营机构间的差别,在设定义务时尽量做到相对公平。至于领投人参与尽职调查之机制,平台可继续探索,并将其作为服务创新应用于股权众筹。  相似文献   

范文波 《新金融》2016,(4):38-41
在我国经济新常态下,股权众筹对支持小微企业融资、促进经济结构调整及发展动力转换具有重要的意义。本文从股权众筹内在机制及外部约束两方面,分别讨论了股权众筹与小微企业融资、制度环境的匹配性问题,认为股权众筹作为一项创新的互联网金融模式,与小微企业融资具有较好的匹配性,但目前我国的信用基础及制度环境难以满足股权众筹大规模发展的需求。基于以上判断,本文对股权众筹提出了"明确定位、公私分开、分类监管"的发展思路以及相关监管建议。  相似文献   

众筹是一种基于互联网的面向大众的融资方式,这种创新的融资方式有利于缓解中小微企业融资困难的局面。因此,众筹尤其是股权众筹,给中小微企业带来了新的发展机遇。近年来,中国众筹行业发展迅速,然而在此过程中,合法性和投资者保护问题也日益凸显。美国JOBS法案的成功经验对我国众筹发展带来了较好的启示,主要有以下几点:建立众筹融资豁免注册制度、设立众筹平台准入要求、建立众筹投资者适当性制度、建立领投人备案制度、设立众筹融资行为规则。  相似文献   

本文研究了众筹平台与企业家的声誉对预售众筹与股权众筹这两种众筹模式选择的影响及其经济机理,在发现众筹平台和企业家声誉对发起预售众筹与股权众筹的正向促进作用基础上,比较并提出了两种众筹模式的选择条件:(1)当产品质量较好而股权众筹投资者却并不偏好产品时,无论众筹平台声誉如何,预售众筹均占优,而企业家声誉有助于进一步加强预售众筹的优势;(2)当股权众筹投资者偏好产品而启动资金需求小时,若平台声誉弱,起投门槛低的股权众筹占优,若平台声誉高,则预售众筹占优;(3)当股权众筹投资者偏好产品而启动资金需求大时,无论众筹平台与企业家声誉如何,起投门槛低的股权众筹均占优;(4)当股权众筹投资者偏好产品而启动资金需求适中时,若企业家声誉较弱且平台声誉较弱,股权众筹占优;若企业家声誉较弱且平台声誉较强,预售众筹占优;若企业家声誉较强时,无论平台声誉如何变化,股权众筹均占优。  相似文献   

The financial disintermediation mechanism known as “loan-based-crowdfunding” has recently come under regulation in several countries. This competitive investment and finance vehicle is already well established in the US and British markets.By compiling empirical data from a reference crowdfunding platform, this article compares loan-based crowdfunding with traditional investment vehicles such as investment funds, equities or pension funds.The conclusion of the study is that saving through crowdfunding allows the optimization of a portfolio comprising both institutional and retail investors.  相似文献   

基于慈善理论,投资者动机分为内源动机、外源动机和提升声誉动机,这些动机既能影响众筹投资者的投资决策,也会相互影响。本文借助"众筹网"的投资数据,对投资者进行分类,考察投资者动机对众筹决策的影响。研究结果显示外源动机投资者、提升声誉动机投资者的投资金额更高;进一步探究内源动机与声誉动机的相互影响,结果显示二者负相关,内源动机投资者更关注内心满足,而对声誉需求较少。该研究可以辅助筹资者设置项目内容吸引不同动机投资者,并帮助众筹平台优化服务,从而提高项目融资效率和成功率。  相似文献   

Stephen Kuselias 《Abacus》2020,56(3):407-435
Increasingly, jurisdictions around the world have been enacting standards that formally allow organizations to offer equity using the crowdfunding model. Using the Internet, the crowdfunding model raises capital by soliciting from a large number of people (i.e., the crowd). A key feature of crowdfunding that has been embraced by regulators is the use of social information to inform investors as a safeguard for this type of investing. However, research has not yet explored how investors utilize this information. In this study, I investigate whether social information can shift investors away from financial maximization goals. Social identity theory predicts that people can be provoked to act as representatives of their group, setting aside individual interests. I predict, and find, that positive social information focused on an equity crowdfunding organization can activate the social identity of investors who share an identity with that organization, causing them to invest more in a relatively weak organization. In a moderated mediation analysis, I find that positive social information provokes investors who share an identity with an organization to feel a stronger connection to that organization, leading them to increase investment. In addition, I explore whether investors’ perceptions of negative social information are moderated by their social identity. I find that investors who are deeply committed to an identity shared with an organization experiencing negative social information will defensively invest in that organization. The findings of this study will be of interest to investors, regulators, and crowdfunding organizations.  相似文献   

We investigate determinants of investment decisions in investment‐based (equity and bond) crowdfunding campaigns, using a novel investment‐, investor‐ and campaign‐level database, where equity refers to investments in entrepreneurial start‐ups and bonds to large real estate projects. We find that investors who have higher social interactions invest more. Social interactions are important in an equity crowdfunding context but do not affect participation in bond investments. This is consistent with the view that investors' social networks help reduce information asymmetry. Women invest less in the riskiest (equity) investments but more in safer ones (bonds). These findings are better explained by differences in risk aversion than differences in overconfidence between men and women. Overall, the findings contribute to the understanding of how investment‐based crowdfunding can be a viable source of entrepreneurial finance and how entrepreneurs' campaign decisions affect investor participation in this new form of entrepreneurial finance.  相似文献   

As a novel form of external financing, equity crowdfunding enables small and early stage firms to raise capital from the public through an online platform. There has been criticism of the benefits and costs of mandating financial statements to promote this alternative form of financing. Using a setting where disclosure of financial statements is optional, this study provides evidence that financial statements influence investors’ decisions and facilitate borderless capital formation. The provision of financial statements appears to enhance how investors view other aspects of disclosure, suggesting a positive reporting externality. These market-wide benefits provide important insights on the role of financial disclosures for market participants, policymakers, and academics.  相似文献   

为规范商业银行理财业务投资运作,中国银行业监督管理委员会对外发布了《关于规范商业银行理财业务投资运作有关问题的通知》,从非标准化债权资产的界定、理财产品与投资资产的对应、信息披露、规模控制、管理流程等不同角度,防范化解理财业务风险。该文件的出台对商业银行、非银行金融机构及投资者产生了多方面影响,可能导致银行强弱的进一步分化,促进理财产品的研发创新,以券商为主的非银行金融机构将长期受益。各银行、非银行金融机构及投资者应积极寻求应对措施,充分利用新规的利好空间。  相似文献   

In digital finance markets, investors can withdraw their non-binding bids within a cooling-off period. As the bids are visible online, we argue that this option can be used to manipulate the information available to investors. Previous research indeed shows that early bids attract later investors and trigger information cascades, thereby enhancing the chances of success of the offerings. Using a dataset of 3564 investment lines, we observe frequent (10.2%) investment withdrawals before the end of the offerings. Platform members invested in 64% and later withdrew from 30% of the offerings listed in their portal, being 1.85 times more likely to withdraw than the average crowdfunding investor. We document that their investments take place predominantly in low-quality offerings and influence the campaign dynamics, increasing the number of subsequent bids.  相似文献   

We set out in this study to examine whether investors can improve their investment opportunity sets through the addition of an IPO index portfolio into various sets of benchmark portfolios. Using the IPOX indices from the years 1980–2006, we find that adding an IPO index portfolio does lead to a statistically significant enlargement of the investment opportunity set for investors. Our empirical findings are robust, demonstrating that there is scope for the further development of financial products relating to IPO stocks, since investors can gain diversification benefits through investing in such IPO-related products.  相似文献   


Some European countries offer tax incentive schemes to investors and companies in crowdfunding. On one hand, they could be seen as a tool to reduce the system’s dependence on banks and increase the availability of credit for start-ups and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). On the other hand, there is the counterweight of disadvantages that investors may face by investing in crowdfunding (i.e. complex and incomplete laws, and weak protection). This paper is primarily intended as a primer on the use of tax incentives for crowdfunding in Europe. In this study, we first examine the implementation of tax incentive schemes in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, and Belgium. Then, we analyse and compare the characteristics of such schemes along three dimensions: the incentives structure; the business characteristics; and the type of investor. We find that tax incentive schemes for crowdfunding vary widely in their form and other features of their design. Moreover, the most used forms of tax incentives are those that provide for an up-front tax credit on the amount invested in early-stage ventures. These incentives have an immediate effect on the annual income tax of the investor. A central implication is that the more tax incentive schemes are properly designed and tailored for crowdfunders, the more investors, start-ups and other firms with low liquidity could use crowdfunding as a source of funding.  相似文献   

We examine whether investors can improve their investment opportunity sets through the addition of volatility-related assets into various groupings of benchmark portfolios. By first analyzing the weekly returns of three VIX-related assets over the period 1996-2008 and then applying mean-variance spanning tests, we find that adding VIX-related assets does lead to a statistically significant enlargement of the investment opportunity set for investors. Our empirical findings are robust and have two implications. First, there is scope for the further development of financial products relating to volatility indexes. Second, hedge fund managers can utilize VIX futures contracts or VIX-squared portfolios to enhance their equity portfolio performance, as measured by the Sharpe ratio.  相似文献   

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