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储蓄国债是政府面向个人投资者发行、以吸收个人储蓄资金为目的,满足长期储蓄性投资需求和国家建设资金需求的不可流通记名国债品种。为全面了解广大农村投资者对储蓄国债的认知、投资行为和投资需求,近期,黑龙江省泰来县支库开展储蓄国债投资行为的问卷调查。调查发现储蓄国债发行中仍存在储蓄国债发行方式单一、品种较少、期限较长、购买渠道狭窄、流动性差及变现成本较高等问题,应予关注。  相似文献   

<正>储蓄国债是政府筹集建设资金的重要方式,也是投资者资产配置组合中难以替代的无风险产品,在金融市场具有重要地位。2012年以来,我国储蓄国债发行管理政策发生明显调整,由原来同时向个人和单位发行改为仅面向个人投资者发行,由承销机构包销改为承销机构代销。同时,我国金融改革深入推进、市场有效性不断增强、居民财富积累日趋厚实、投资渠道日趋丰富、信息技术广泛应用、民众投资习惯深入改变,储蓄国债面临的市场环境、功能定位和投资需求等均发生了重大变化,给新时代储蓄国债发行管理带来了新的挑战。  相似文献   

邹旭  邵茜  褚秀娟 《时代金融》2012,(23):69+72
<正>储蓄式国债是指是政府面向个人投资者发行的、以吸收个人储蓄资金为目的,满足长期储蓄性投资需求的不可流通记名国债品种。自1994年首次发行以来,储蓄国债为筹集财政资金、促进经济发展、满足人民群众投资需求发挥了重要作用。人民银行作为储蓄国债发行兑付的监督管理部门,在规范国债运行秩序,规避国债资金风险,维护投资人权益,促进国债市场健康发展等方面积累了丰富的经验,取得了良好效果。2004年,针对国债发行系统技术落后、  相似文献   

邹旭  邵茜  褚秀娟 《云南金融》2012,(8Z):69-69
<正>储蓄式国债是指是政府面向个人投资者发行的、以吸收个人储蓄资金为目的,满足长期储蓄性投资需求的不可流通记名国债品种。自1994年首次发行以来,储蓄国债为筹集财政资金、促进经济发展、满足人民群众投资需求发挥了重要作用。人民银行作为储蓄国债发行兑付的监督管理部门,在规范国债运行秩序,规避国债资金风险,维护投资人权益,促进国债市场健康发展等方面积累了丰富的经验,取得了良好效果。2004年,针对国债发行系统技术落后、  相似文献   

1994年财政部面向个人发行了凭证式国债,凭证式国债的发行虽然一直表现出了很好的发展势头,但存在诸如超发风险、包销风险、提前挤兑、不便于监控、品种设计较为单一等不足。凭证式国债发行中存在的一些问题及不便于政府债务管理人管理的弊端都将使发行人有必要改造现行的做法。财政部可能在今年发行一种利率灵活、满足个人长期储蓄性投资需求的国债新品种——储蓄国债,凭证式国债拟将被归入其中。构建储蓄国债新体系将有利于丰富国债品种、防范管理风险。对于个人投资者而言,储蓄国债品种的发行将进一步丰富个人理财工具。  相似文献   

储蓄国债,顾名思义,是指偏重储蓄性质的一种债券品种,是指财政部面向个人投资者发行的不可流通的记账式国债,以吸收个人储蓄资金为目的,满足投资者长期储蓄性投资需求.  相似文献   

我国发行储蓄国债的主要目的是为了筹集财政资金,支持国民经济和发展社会事业,储蓄国债的稳定发行是我国国民经济和社会事业不断发展的重要资金来源,而储蓄国债投资者结构变化是影响我国储蓄国债稳定发行的重要因素之一。本文通过抽样调查江西省7214位投资者,分析影响投资者投资国债的因素。结果表明,投资者的年龄越大,偏好的风险收益等级越高,其投资国债的意愿越强,而投资者的最高学历越高、居住地越不发达、个人年收入越高、家庭年收入越高、家庭净资产越大、家庭可投资流动资产越大,其投资国债的意愿越弱。  相似文献   

储蓄国债是财政部在国内发行、通过商业银行面向个人投资者销售的、以电子方式记录债权的、不可流通的人民币债券。是为了满足长期储蓄性投资需求,偏重于储蓄功能。与其他非国债投资品种相比,储蓄国债具有信用等级高、安全性最好、免利息税、收益稳定、购买方便、管理科学、变现灵活等优点。2006年7月1日面市,相信经过一段时间运行之后,储蓄国债将会取代凭证式国债,成为国债发行的最主要方式。  相似文献   

储蓄国债在英美等西方国家已经有很多年历史,虽然其占有的投资市场份额并不大,但由于其品种设计能够满足本国个人投资者的需要、降低发行人的筹资成本而仍存在较大的发展空间,并通过不断创新逐渐演变出多种类型的投资品种。发行规模美国的储蓄国债是由政府发行的  相似文献   

我国储蓄类国债是指政府面向个人投资者发行、以吸引个人储蓄资金为目的,满足长期储蓄型投资需求的不可流通记名国债,是偏重于储蓄功能而进行设计发行的。随着我国金融市场的逐步完善以及证券市场的深入发展,储蓄类国债的发行和管理工作逐渐暴露出诸多问题,本文对如何改进储蓄类国债发行及管理进行了初略探讨。  相似文献   

最近,我国债券相关主管机关正积极研究债券定向发行制度。该制度的立法本源是通过构建适合具有自我保护能力的投资者的发行豁免或简化制度,提高融资效率,形成多层次的融资渠道。美国从发行、转售和清算结算及登记托管等环节对定向发行制度进行了全面系统的规范。而我国的债券定向发行制度规定过于简单,条块分割明显,实践效果差。本文建议借鉴美国相关制度,完善我国债券的定向发行制度。  相似文献   

为探索国有金融机构注资改革的新模式,中央汇金投资有限责任公司于2010年在全国银行间债券市场成功发行了两期人民币债券。汇金债的发行,掀开了我国政府支持机构债券新的一页,它在拓宽汇金公司融资渠道的同时,也进一步创新了市场债券品种,满足了中长期投资者的投资需求。汇金债的经验也表明,应系统研究我国债券结构,对未来需要开发的债券类型做出制度安排,以利于更多创新债券的出台。  相似文献   

We examine if managerial ability affects the efficiency of the contracting environment with lenders. We find that higher ability alters the balance of information-sensitive covenants demanded by outside investors, increases the issuance of bonds with longer maturity, and decreases the issuance of senior secured debt. We also document higher ability reduces the risk premium demanded by investors on information-sensitive debt. These results are collectively consistent with the premise that the mitigation of information risk is an important dimension of managerial ability that has a direct bearing on the structure and pricing of corporate debt.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of different financing channels—bond issuance or bank loans—as well as debt maturity and the quality of financial reporting on the cost of debt in China. The authors find that conservative accounting is an important characteristic of high-quality financial reporting that can reduce the cost of longer maturity debt such as bank loans and bonds. Even state-owned enterprises, which have fewer financial constraints than non-state-owned enterprises, benefit from accounting conservatism's ability to reduce financial costs. Moreover, the findings indicate that bond investors are concerned about the issuer's fundamentals, while banks are more likely to focus on the operation and bankruptcy risk of borrowers.  相似文献   

允许境内机构境外发行人民币债券,是顺应我国资本市场逐步开放、国际金融市场一体化趋势,助力人民币国际化新发展,利用海内外两个市场、两种资源,满足市场低成本资金需求,改善境内企业负债结构,支持企业“走出去”的有效途径,也是利用国际外资的重要渠道之一。2015年9月4日,国家发改委发布了《关于推进企业发行外债备案登记制管理改革的通知》(发改外资[2015]2044号,以下简称“境外发债新规”),松绑了我国境内机构境外发行人民币债券的审核程序,便利了境内机构境外发行人民币债券手续,进一步推进境内机构赴境外发行人民币债券。  相似文献   

The paper analyses the link between global corporate bond issuance and US quantitative easing (QE). It finds that purchases and holdings of MBS and Treasuries by the Fed have a strong impact on gross corporate bond issuance across advanced and emerging economies. The results are robust to a large number of checks, including controlling for the reduced supply of domestic and international bank loans in the aftermath of the global crisis which might have induced the corporate sector to issue more bonds. Our results support the “gap-filling” theory (Greenwood et al., 2010) where corporate bonds replace the assets removed from the market by large scale asset purchases. Specifically, asset holdings and purchases crowded out investors from the markets where the Fed intervened and accelerated portfolio rebalancing across assets and countries leading to stronger corporate bond issuance across the globe. A counterfactual analysis shows that bond issuance in emerging markets since 2009 would have been halved without QE.  相似文献   

政府通胀指数债券作为债券市场的一种债券品种创新,具有能够帮助投资者规避长期国债投资的购买力风险、降低国债发行成本并有利于国债的顺利发行、为宏观经济调控提供有用信息等优势,我国应适时推出通胀指数债券以促进国债市场的发展。  相似文献   

汶川地震后,用市场化手段建立巨灾融资体系的问题日益提上日程,文章通过对国外有奖债券的广泛搜集和整理,从政策和产品支持等方面介绍国外有奖债券发行的基本情况。并指出作为深受中小投资人欢迎,政府筹集中长期、低成本资金的重要融资工具,开发"巨灾有奖债券",符合中央关于建立多层次巨灾融资体系的精神,有利于引导社会资金投入灾后重建。  相似文献   

Callable bonds allow issuers to manage interest rate risk in the sense that if rates decline, the bonds can be redeemed and replaced with lower‐cost debt. Investors demand a coupon premium for giving issuers this option; and when deciding whether to issue callable or noncall‐able bonds, the issuing companies must determine whether it's worth paying the coupon premium. This article addresses two main questions about the structuring and refunding of callable bonds. The first concerns the value of the call option: At the time of issuance, does it make sense to accept the coupon premium for the option being acquired? The second concerns the optimal timing of a refunding: At refunding, do the cash flow savings provide adequate compensation for the option that is being exercised and hence given up? In perfect markets with no taxes or transactions costs, the average corporate issuer should be indifferent between issuing callable bonds or their noncallable equivalent. But corporate taxes, together with risk management considerations, can lead some issuers to prefer callable bonds, possibly with coupons that otherwise would be unacceptably high. Refunding decisions should be made using the concept of “call efficiency,” which compares the savings (net of transactions costs) from calling to the loss of option value. The latter should also account for any option that is built into the replacement issue. Transaction costs that occur when refunding diminish the value of the call option, and their effect should be factored in at the time of issuance. One way of avoiding such costs is to issue “ratchet” bonds—essentially one‐way floaters that automatically reset lower when rates decline, thus delivering the benefits of callable bonds while eliminating transaction costs.  相似文献   

The Internet is expected to play a significant role in the capital-raising process. Internet investment banks like Wit Capital and WR Hambrecht are supposed to make the IPO process more equitable by giving retail investors access to deals and pricing deals more accurately, thereby leaving less "money on the table" and lowering the cost of going public.
This article argues that the Internet will not replace, but will likely "supplement," the current system. The certification function provided by traditional investment banks and their relationships with institutional investors will continue to be important determinants of a successful offering. Thus, although Internet banks will get pieces of IPO transactions, the lead managers of such deals will continue to be older firms with well-established reputations and ties with institutions.
Nevertheless, the Internet is expected to play a larger role in the case of public bond offerings. Because the issuance of bonds is a repetitive business and the pricing is much simpler, the authors predict that the Internet will significantly reduce the costs of issuing bonds and perhaps limit the role of traditional investment banks in this process.  相似文献   

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