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Major TargetsAchieved in 2005'sEconomic & SocialGrowthThe following are some of the factsand figures about China's achievementsin economic and social development in2005, seen in the central government'swork reportsdelivered byP r e m i e rJiabao Wenon SundayMarch 5th2006 at theannual ses-sion of then a t i o n a llegislature:-C h i n a ' sGDP reached 18.23 trillion Yuan in 2005,an increase of 9.9 percent over the previ-ous year;- Fiscal revenue exceeded 3 tril-lion Yuan, 523.2 billion Y…  相似文献   

Libya after Gaddafi: challenges and opportunities in oil markets
With Libya's new regime gradually established, China's petroleum enterprises are now faced with the issue of how to return to the country's oil market. Libya is expected to be in a fractious and chaotic period in the next few years. It will take from 1 to 2 years at least for foreign oil companies to return to Libya. Libya has tremendous market potential for oil investment and services. There are advantageous and disadvantageous to Chinese petroleum enterprise participation in the competition. China's petroleum enterprises have such competitive advantages as a good reputation in oil markets, good contractual relations, familiarity with the work environment, and strong operating capability. Meanwhile, they also face such adverse conditions as the new Libyan government's unfriendliness toward China, crowding out of the market by the western oil firms, very serious security problems, and slow recovery to original operation capability. Strategies and suggestions are provided: 1) restore legal and commercial standards to be prepared to grab market opportunities in Libya; 2) resume contact with Libya's national oil company and actively establish strategic cooperative relations with it; 3) restore and consolidate relationships between China's oil-service companies and Libyan clients and complete unfinished pre-war projects contracted with them; 4) prepare for post-war economic claims and reasonable tax avoidance; 5) recover and improve operating capability appropriate to the security situation.  相似文献   

People born in 1980s’ is the first generation after the implementation of China’s family planning policy,so they are coddled in a relatively more affluent environment,hence they are with a grain of characters quite different from their parents and other generations before.Youth, energy,creativeness and full of fantasy ideas are the best annotation for them.When it comes to the time for them to turn a new leaf in their life--the marriage,those young people absolutely don’t miss the opportunity to show up their prime and taste.Just spurred by their individuality which is in pursuit of doing things unconventional or unorthodox, they are prone to try and accept new things in a bold way.So when they are set to announce their matrimony,they are also declaring that their time comes and they become domination of markets of all field including bedding textile……  相似文献   

Mercedes-Benz China International Fashion Week 2012 Spring & Summer Series is held in Beijing from October 24 to November 2. More than 50 fashion brands and institutes, 40 designers and 180 emerging designers from home and abroad attended this year’s fashion week. For the very first time, the fashion week was entitled exclusively by Mercedes-Benz, making it a new member of this global fashion festival.  相似文献   

According to customs statistics, January-May2012, China’s textile and apparel exports valued at USD 93.523 billion. Compared with the same period in 2011 increased 2. 63%. Among them, The exports to European Union( the EU) valued at USD 16.756 billion, accounted for 17.92 % of total exports to the global in textile and apparel, down 11. 17% y/y. e EU is one of the main markets for China’s textile and apparel exports. e negative growth highlights the grim situation of the European Union market . Market share declined in the EU The EU, the United States, and Japan had  相似文献   

Dear Readers     
This March is quite a heat in Beijing as the two important national congresses are held in a gorgeous gathering of the 11thNational People’s Congress and the 11th China People’s Political Consultative Conference.A new industrial and IT information ministry is established and added to the State Cabinet to fuel the overall management to entire manufacturing industry in China.Textile Ministry,as a national textile industrial  相似文献   

Dear readers     
April is also a very busy season of the year as the 16-year old CHIC,the largest international clothing and accessories trade fair in Asia that houses well over 100,000 square meter booths,started on its new voyage in a brand new exhibition center in the northern outskirt of Beijing in late March and finished all the programs in early April."China chic,not China cheap"has once again displayed its charm and confidence in facilitating brand business in domestic market.  相似文献   

Impact of the Ukrainian and Central Asia oil and crisis on China, Russia gas cooperation
By LU Yan& QIU Jinzi, China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation
As the Ukrainian crisis continues simmering, Russia, the United States, Europe and other Western countries remain locked in a fierce rivalry, dramatically changing Eurasian geopolitics and the global energy map. A series of great game chain reactions caused by the crisis in the Ukraine have had a definite impact on Russia, China and Central Asian country energy cooperation. In response to the offensive on the Western front Russia is, on the one hand, speeding up the pace of its "Look East" strategy, achieving a major breakthrough in Sino-Russian gas cooperation. But there should be a clear understanding that Russia won't put all its hopes and interests into a single country, that is "Look East" does not mean "China-Centric". On the other hand, Russia is using its traditional political and regional advantages to quietly infiltrate Central Asian countries' energy, financial, machinery manufacturing, military and other industries, to enhance its influence on the five Central Asian countries' economies, in order to preempt the European energy strategy in Central Asia. Europe's and Russia's intense great- game rivalry over Asia, as an alternative supplier (Central Asia) or as an alternative customer (China), has squeezed China's strategic space. But as the centrifugal force between Central Asian countries and Russia strengthens, and they firmly pursue primarily balanced diplomatic and energy-cooperation strategies, China must become an important pole in those strategies. China should re-assess the strategic position of Central Asia--Russia and increasing investment in resources; the overall weight to give Central Asia and Russia-China energy strategy, while at the same time taking into account the rest of the Asia-Pacific consumer area; and how close attention to pay to the state of Central Asia--Russia po  相似文献   

Since March llth the triple disaster (earthquake, tsunami, nuclear meltdown) which occurred in Japan have caused significant economic loss. The disasters will hit the Japanese economy in the short-term, and boost the economy in the medium-term, but the long-term flat trend in Japan' s economy will not change. Japan' s earthquake won' t change the general trend of global economic recovery. It will bring advantages and disadvantages to China' s economy, although they will be limited. The earthquake has damaged Japan' s energy sector and will lead to supply and demand shifts in the global oil market.  相似文献   

Apparel retail sales value in major department stores rising by 15.65 percent y/y in June in 2012, according to Nation Commercial Information Center of China. Compared with the same period in the year 2011, wom- en’s and men’s retail sales value growth of 21.78% and 13.31% respectively. e growth of children’s wear retail sales value was 15.24% y/y.  相似文献   

The Access into WTO is a milestone in China’s process of reform and opening- up. In 2001, China fi nally became a WTO member after years of negotiation to overcome the hardship in the way. Seven years passed, and China’s economy, in particular, its foreign trade has greatly evolved. Mr. Mike Moore- the No. 1 witness of China’s entry into WTO, came to Hangzhou on the invitation of the 15th Annual Global Finance Conference, and accepted our exclusive interview:  相似文献   

In the first half year of 2014, China's macroeconomic policy was relatively stable to promote breakthrough of industrial structure. Under this situation, the wool textile industry operated well during these days, and its products worked out of downward trend since the end of 2013. Besides, during the first quarter of 2014, the lingering gloomy situation turned towards a good direction in export, investment and profit, while the domestic sales didn't appear a fine performance obviously.  相似文献   

On the regular briefing of Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China on October 19, Shen Danyang, the spokesman of Ministry of Commerce, indicated that the Taobao Mall case-because of the substantial increase in service charge and deposit, small and medium sized sellers were infuriated and attacked the brand shops-exposed the absence of laws and regulations for our country’s internet retail management."It’s happy to see that the case was finnally tackled in a proper way in the joint efforts of all parties. Taobao Mall held a press confer- ence in the afternoon of October 17, which  相似文献   

Textile industry has long been a pillar to China’s economy thanks to its advantage in factor endowment and market scale. Trade volume of textile sector has increased by 27.11 times during the past 25 years (from the Reform and Opening). In 2005, textile export took up 15.4% of China’s total export and 24.4% of the world’s total export in textile, and the production and export of Chinese textile products are both the largest in the world. Nonetheless, China’s textile industry is facing va…  相似文献   

At the end of 1990s, Shengzhou necktie industry was in a dismal state at the moment and the 28-year-old Mi Jiandong ran counterride and set up a necktie company on the rent workshop with floor area of 1,000m2 in the former Dongpu Village and the daily output of necktie reached 3,000 per day.  相似文献   

<正>Vision"We will leverage the strengths and assets of Michigan’s automotive industry for sustained intellectual and manufacturing global leadership.Our vision is that every significant entity in the global automotive industry has a strong presence in the State of Michigan"Mission A Mandate from Michigan’s Governor"To implement and execute a comprehensive strategic plan to drive Michigan’s autom  相似文献   

Foreign corporate involvement in the exploration and development of China's petroleum resources began in 1982. In the 1990s, the exploration and development of coalbed gas has become a new investment arena for those same foreign oil companies. Coalfield gas, generally known as "gas," is a type of natural gas found in coalbeds. The high-heat-value hydrocarbon mainly consists of methane and has the same chemical compo-  相似文献   

Expert system, a new area in computer’s application, is a late artificial intelligent application science developed from the mid-term of 1960s. The expert system is a computer procedure, which can deal with the problems as an expert in some certain realm, sometimes even takes advantage over experts. As human society making unceasing progress, people become paying much more attention on the beauty and comfort of clothes. Therefore, we need an objective evaluation of feel, comfort and style in …  相似文献   

The textile industry is growing at a slow speed against backdrop of outrageous rise in raw materials, energy, wages, yuan’s appreciation etc.. Three hot issues are more obviously brought into spotlight to be seen as most important factors that weigh a lot on the economic growth during the first half of the year and defi nitely the second half to come.A half of 2008 has elapsed, and the fore part of the year is mingled with hopes and worries, but the industry has managed to voyage on in the troubled waters. Reviewing the situation in perspectives, [[China Textile]] has summed up three hotspot issues that played protagonists in China’s textile industry: Firstly, outside-in sales from outbound shipment to homebound march on, secondly, the industry’s development is restricted by fund shortage; thirdly, the industrial adjustment and production relocation are still in progress.  相似文献   

As reported in the last issue of China Textile,Interfiliere Shanghai and Shanghai Mode Lingerie,the leading Intimates and Swimwear trade shows in Asia will be back again this year with a complete offer with the highest added value to celebrate their special 10th anniversary.On the occasion of this very special session, organizer would like to thank you and celebrate together, and invite you to join the anniversary party on October 20th with awards, ceremonies and many other surprises.  相似文献   

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