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We construct a monetary economy with aggregate liquidity shocks and heterogeneous idiosyncratic preference shocks. In this environment, not all agents are satiated at the zero lower bound (ZLB) even when the Friedman rule is the best interest‐rate policy the central bank can implement. As a consequence, central bank stabilization policy, which takes the form of repo arrangements in response to aggregate demand shocks, temporarily relaxes the liquidity constraint of impatient agents at the ZLB. Due to a pecuniary externality, this policy may have beneficial general equilibrium effects for patient agents even if they are unconstrained in their money balances.  相似文献   

We examine a panel of 70 countries during 1966–2010 and utilize Reinhart and Rogoff crisis dates to estimate the effects of crises on the size and scope of government over both 5‐year and 10‐year horizons. We also estimate cross‐section regressions using 40‐year (1970–2010) changes in government variables. In general, the estimated effects of crises on government size/scope are statistically insignificant. We report reasonably robust evidence that inflation and currency crises lead to decreases in the extent of government regulations throughout an economy over a 10‐year horizon. Also, over the 40‐year period, countries that spent more years in crisis are associated with weaker legal systems and property rights. The size and scope of government appear to be persistent to the extent that even crisis episodes fail to leave a significant mark upon them. A notable exception may be that, over 40‐year periods, countries that spend more years in crisis are associated with weaker legal systems and property rights. (JEL E02, O11, O43)  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of government expenditure on growth, in a heterogeneous panel, for a sample of developing countries. Using generalized method of moments techniques, we show that countries with substantial government current expenditure have strong growth effects, which vary considerably across the nations.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the costs of housing crises in terms of GDP growth and the economic conditions under which crises are particularly costly. Housing crises are often followed by recessions that are longer than other recessions. According to empirical estimates, a housing crisis reduces the GDP growth rate in the following year on average by two percentage points and has still a considerable negative impact in the second year. One important channel through which the effect of housing crises is passed on seems to be the banking sector. In addition, our results suggest that negative wealth effects possibly cause further reductions in GDP growth.  相似文献   

We construct a structural econometric model to measure partially the economic effects of political movements in China. Consumption, or equivalently investment, is determined by a central planner trying to maximize a multiperiod objective function. Political events are modeled by exogenous changes in the shocks to productivity and to investment which affect the time paths of major economic variables. Effects of the events are measured by comparing the time paths generated by the model with and without the changes in the shocks. The dynamic optimization model is estimated using data from 1952 to 1993. In contrast with our earlier work, we assume a trend-stationary process for log total productivity rather than a random walk process and estimate that without the Great Leap Forward Movement output per capita in China up to 1993 would have been on average 1.18 to 1.71 times as great. Without the Cultural Revolution the corresponding figure would have been 1.08 to 1.12 times as great.  相似文献   

This paper aims at testing international parity conditions by using non-linear unit root tests advocated by Kapetanios et al . (2003, KSS). Results from the KSS tests based on 17 countries (G7 and 10 Asian countries) overwhelmingly show that the adjustment of real interest rates towards real interest rate parity (RIP) follows a non-linear process except for the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Philippines relationships with both the USA and Japan. Overall, the empirical results are in favour of RIP using the USA and Japan as the centre countries but only if non-linearities are accounted for in the data-generating process. Our findings confirm that interest rate differentials, like the real exchange rates reported in recent literature, display a non-linear mean reversion process.  相似文献   

内幕交易违反了金融市场的公平原则,降低了资本市场的效率,但是由于其金融交易的特殊性,使得它在监管上存在一定的难度。本文在梳理内幕交易行为的理论基础、对内幕交易监管的争议进行讨论的基础上,从内幕人认定、内幕信息认定、内幕交易行为认定、防范措施以及法律制裁与救济等五个不同的维度对美国、日本、欧盟和我国的内幕交易法律制度进行比较分析,从而总结我国法律在内幕交易规制方面的不足,并相应地提出改进的建议。  相似文献   

中国城市创新存在着明显的发展不平衡、协同性差的问题。政府大数据作为公共信息资源的宝库,是赋能城市创新、实现协同发展的关键要素。本文基于政府传播视角,通过Netlogo仿真实验识别了影响政府大数据传播效果的关键因素,并将其纳入企业公共信息资本积累函数,以此拓展了企业横向创新内生增长模型并探究了政府大数据赋能城市创新的微观机制;此外,本文以2014年实施的“信息惠民国家试点”政策为准自然实验,采用双重差分法实证检验了政府大数据对城市创新的赋能作用。理论研究表明:激励政府提高传播意愿和优化大数据传播情景能通过改善政府传播效果促进企业公共信息资本积累提量增速,加速企业创新、赋能城市创新;实证研究发现:信息惠民国家试点政策对试点城市创新指数的平均提升作用约为29%。为此,有序推广政府大数据惠民试点工程、多措多举推动政府传播环境的优化与制度供给,是助力城市创新的可行思路。  相似文献   

Previous studies that tested the J‐curve phenomenon for Australia used trade data either between Australia and the rest of the world or between Australia and its trading partners on a bilateral basis. They were unable to find support for the J‐curve in the short run nor any significant relation between the trade balance and the exchange rate in the long run. In this paper we disaggregate the data between Australia and its second largest trading partner, the US, and consider the trade between 108 industries. Using annual data over the 1962–2003 period and bounds testing approach to cointegration and error‐correction modelling, we are able to discover short‐run effects of currency depreciation on the trade balance in 64 industries. The long‐run and positive effects were only evidenced in 35 cases, supporting the J‐curve.  相似文献   

The Asian Bond Fund 2 (ABF2) is a $US2bn initiative by a group of central banks in Asia and the Pacific. To promote local currency government bond markets, the fund has been investing in 8 such markets in the region. These markets have made impressive strides since the fund's inception in 2005. The improvements may be traced in large part to overcoming a number of market impediments, including barriers to cross‐border investment. The ABF2 project has played an important catalytic role in market reforms aimed at removing these impediments. However, while the government bond markets have come of age, the corporate bond markets have remained immature. To develop, the immature markets would likely require the benefits of further opening up to regional issuance and investment flows.  相似文献   

The article examines relative wages of immigrants in Spain, with a particular focus on the impact of the Great Recession. The empirical analysis is restricted to men and is based on matched employer‐employee microdata and the decomposition techniques of Juhn et al. (1991, 1993) and Fortin et al. (2011). Our results show that the significant native‐immigrant wage gap that exists both in terms of average wages and of differentials along the wage distribution is essentially explained by differences in the endowments of observed characteristics so that, in general, immigrants tend to receive a similar wage treatment than Spaniards with analogous observed attributes. On the other hand, the Great Recession has had a noticeable impact on the relative wages of immigrants, given that the significant increase of the native‐immigrant wage gap observed during the previous expansionary period was mitigated during the economic downturn due to composition effects arising from the severe employment destruction pattern.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the arguments concerning the role and effects of insider trading. In reviewing the law of insider trading, we concentrate on the main elements of the regulatory framework and court interpretations. We discuss economic issues involved in the debate over the benefits and costs of insider trading. Finally, we discuss evidence illustrating that legal market research can explain much of the runup in a target firm's stock price before a tender offer is formally announced.  相似文献   

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