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本文探讨了一些有关渔业补贴的议题,考察了全球渔业补贴总量及其变动趋势,并运用模型分析了补贴对捕捞努力量和渔业总成本的影响.  相似文献   

We use DNA‐fingerprinting to estimate the poverty reduction effect of adoption of improved cassava varieties in Nigeria. We estimate the counterfactual household income distribution of cassava producers by combining farm‐level treatment effects with a market‐level model. Our results suggest that adoption of improved cassava varieties has led to a 4.6 percentage point reduction in poverty, though this is sensitive to the measurement of adoption status. Therefore, accurate measurement of adoption is crucial for a more credible estimate of the poverty reduction effect of adoption. Our analysis also suggests that farmers who are more likely to be adopters are also likely to face higher structural costs. Addressing structural barriers that make improved technologies less profitable for the poor would therefore be important to increase the poverty reduction effect of improved cassava varieties.  相似文献   

The economic efficiencies of the Danish, Icelandic, and Norwegian cod fisheries are examined. For this purpose, nonlinear aggregate models of these fisheries are constructed. Comparing the calculated optimal harvest and biomass quantities with the actual fisheries provides a measure of the degree of efficiency in these fisheries. The comparisons confirm that the cod harvesting policies of these countries have been hugely inefficient in the past. It appears that inefficiency has been increasing over the last three to four decades, even after TAC regulations replaced open access, indicating that the management policies adopted by all three countries have failed to cure overfishing.  相似文献   

基于1273户农户调研数据,通过Logistic回归模型厘清政策引导因素和贫困程度对农户林业规模经营意愿、行为及其偏差的影响,并构建“无意愿无行为”“有意愿有行为”和“有意愿无行为”“有意愿有行为”这2个模型分析林业规模经营从意愿向行为转化的制约因素。研究结果表明:林业政策对农户林业规模经营行为的影响程度更显著,贫困程度只在区域宏观层面对农户林业规模经营行为有影响。其中,是否获得森林抚育补贴、林业收入所占比例和地区经济发展水平等因素均能显著促使农户林业规模经营意愿向行为转化。因此,建议优化采伐限额制度,加大对林农的资金补贴力度,特别是经济欠发达地区;提供非农就业的安置和引导,为农民提供就业指导和帮扶;加强林业经营体系建设,推进林业适度规模经营。  相似文献   

根据新疆阿克苏地区485家特色林果种植贫困农户的问卷调查数据,采用二元Logistic回归模型,从农户收入状况和创收能力两方面,实证分析特色林果业的扶贫效果及其影响因素。结果表明:性别、受教育程度、家庭林果耕地面积、农户对特色林果业减贫效果的预期、政府扶持情况等因素对贫困农户收入变化具有显著影响;性别、受教育程度、农户对特色林果业减贫效果的预期等因素对贫困农户创收能力具有显著影响;农户收入和创收能力处于稳健上升状态,特色林果业的扶贫效果较好。因此,应加快健全特色林果业扶贫利益联结的机制,拓宽特色林果业扶贫的方式,增强农户受教育程度及农业技术推广能力。  相似文献   


This paper presents the major findings of an empirical investigation on the shortcomings of the Kano State Urban Development Board in managing the development and use of new urban land. From generalizations on the factors which have hamstrung the Board's effectiveness in three separate cases it appears that the major issues centre around long‐standing contradictions in legislation. These may be difficult to remove at the moment but in the interest of effective land development management something has to be done.  相似文献   

Variations in the efficiency of demersal trawlers operating in the English Channel were examined through the estimation of a stochastic frontier production function. The most important measurable factor affecting efficiency was the age of the vessel. However, unmeasurable factors accounted for about 65% of the variation in efficiency, and as much as 9% of the total variation in catches between boats. It is postulated that most of this variation was due to differences in skipper and crew skill. In contrast, "luck" accounted for around 11% of the variation in catches between boats.  相似文献   

Capacity reduction programmes, in the form of buybacks or decommissioning, have had relatively widespread application in fisheries in the US, Europe and Australia. A common criticism of such programmes is that they remove the least efficient vessels first, resulting in an increase in average efficiency of the remaining fleet, which tends to increase the effective fishing power of the remaining fleet. In this paper, the effects of a buyback programme on average technical efficiency in Australia’s Northern Prawn Fishery are examined using a multi‐output production function approach with an explicit inefficiency model. As expected, the results indicate that average efficiency of the remaining vessels was generally greater than that of the removed vessels. Further, there was some evidence of an increase in average scale efficiency in the fleet as the remaining vessels were closer, on average, to the optimal scale. Key factors affecting technical efficiency included company structure and the number of vessels fishing. In regard to fleet size, our model suggests positive externalities associated with more boats fishing at any point in time (due to information sharing and reduced search costs), but also negative externalities due to crowding, with the latter effect dominating the former. Hence, the buyback resulted in a net increase in the individual efficiency of the remaining vessels due to reduced crowding, as well as raising average efficiency through removal of less efficient vessels.  相似文献   

在发展中国家,由于工作环境较差、工作动力不足和职业能力的下降,使推广人员的工作效率大大削弱。为了对农业推广进行干预,就要对人力资源的能力进行定期分析,从而为适当的培训和能力建设提供合理的依据。本研究,采用多阶段随机抽样方法对70个尼日利亚西南部的农业推广监督员进行调研,对尼日利亚西南部农业推广监督员的管理和监督职能、特点以及工作条件进行了分析。信息通过问卷形式收集,该问卷基于Haynes(1996)设计和验证的工具变量。数据分析用百分比、平均等级、标准差、排名法和变异数(ANOVA)等方法。研究表明,农业推广监督员需要定期地在职训练以提高他们的专业能力,同时应当改善服务条件。  相似文献   

Rural livelihoods are complex systems of interrelating factors that include human, social, natural, physical and financial capitals. By looking at these capitals in the context of a rural Mapuche community in the Andean foothills, in the local area of Curarrehue (Araucanía Region), it is possible to discern the different challenges being faced and how these can be contextualized in terms of poverty and vulnerability linked to a limited resource base, and also the strong dependent relation with the state and its diverse public policies in the region. Using semi‐structured interviews with the community members, public‐sector officers and academics, and also field observations, this complex local scenario is analysed with a view to understanding the threats that exist for Mapuche livelihoods and the assets that they can mobilize to counter these threats. The paper concludes that physical, natural and financial assets are severely limited and remain the reasons why there is heavy dependency on state resources to maintain these subsistence livelihoods. Traditional knowledge is losing ground against increasingly transcultural influences and practices, while endemic biodiversity is being replaced with monoculture. Consequently, community members (human capital) – in particular, the younger generations – are leaving the community to seek more viable livelihood options, mostly in urban areas. These factors point to the limitations of these local livelihoods based on dependent small‐scale subsistence farming continuing in their current form. This situation poses a serious challenge for Mapuche rural communities and their traditional practices, and also for the Chilean state and the relationship between the two.  相似文献   

对江西赣州集中连片的9个贫困县区的林药发展现状展开调研,在精准扶贫的背景下分析江西林药的生产要素、主要经营模式、产业结构特点及其存在问题,探讨支撑江西林药发展的精准扶贫对策建议。结果表明:赣州9个贫困县区系野生药材资源富集区,林药规模生产特征初现,但未见第一产业主导优势经济集群效应,产业结构和生产要素组成待优化完善,林药与精准扶贫的发展挑战与机遇并存。为此,赣州9个贫困县区应依托丰富的中药资源,发挥第二产业优势,通过加强对产业结构的调整,培育各具特色的优势主业,建立良好的产业体系,助推第一产业健康发展,以较好地支撑江西林药种植的精准扶贫。  相似文献   

我国林业扶贫工作的主要问题及优化措施研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林业扶贫是当前我国扶贫工作的重要内容。通过介绍开展林业扶贫工作的政策背景、理论背景以及经济背景,分析林业扶贫工作开展过程中存在的基础设施落后、针对性差等问题,提出了因地制宜,互联网+林业扶贫,鼓励社会资本进入扶贫工作、志智双扶等应对措施。  相似文献   

Nigeria's once thriving plantation economy has suffered under decades of state neglect and political and civil turmoil. Since Nigeria's return to civilian rule in 1999, in a bid to modernize its ailing agricultural economy, most of its defunct plantations were privatized and large new areas of land were allocated to ‘high-capacity’ agricultural investors. This paper explores the local tensions associated with this policy shift in Cross River State, which, due to its favorable agro-ecological conditions and investment climate, has become one of Nigeria's premier agricultural investment destinations. It shows how the state's increasing reliance on the private sector as an impetus for rural transformation is, paradoxically, crowding out smallholder production systems and creating new avenues for rent capture by political and customary elites. Moreover, as Nigeria's most biodiverse and forested state, the rapid expansion of the agricultural frontier into forest buffer zones is threatening to undermine many of the state's conservation initiatives and valuable common pool resources. The paper goes on to explain why and how private sector interests in Cross River State are increasingly being prioritized over natural resource protection, indigenous rights over the commons, and smallholder production systems.  相似文献   

新中国70年产业扶贫政策:演变路径、经验教训及前景展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产业扶贫是实现持续稳定脱贫的根本之策。新中国成立70年来,我国产业扶贫政策经历了基础夯实、起步摸索、雏形确立、加速推进、精准施策五个阶段,在产业扶贫推进过程中,各地区持续改善产业扶贫基础环境,结合实际创新推进模式,坚持政府主导各界参与的多元形式,实施差异化的支持政策,为脱贫攻坚取得重大决定性成就提供了有力支撑,与此同时,也面临趋同化现象明显,益贫性仍然较低,政府和市场边界相对模糊等问题。今后,产业扶贫仍将是消除绝对和相对贫困人口的重要手段,更是促进乡村产业全面振兴的重要路径。展望未来,在扶贫产业迈向产业兴旺的进程中,产业的特色化与差异化将更加凸显,多元化与创新性的推进模式机制将不断涌现,全方位与立体式的促进乡村振兴将加速实现。  相似文献   

根据对贫困的深层次定义,通过入户调查,对黑龙江省国有森工林区的贫困成因从财富积累、创业机会、技术人才以及消费等方面进行了论述。并针对贫困形成的原因,建议通过增加森工林区的财富供给、建立有效的人才培养和使用机制、增加林区职工自我创业的动力、改变人们的不合理的消费观念解决黑龙江省国有森工林区面临的贫困问题。  相似文献   

采用PRA进行哈尼族地区贫困原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用参与性农村评估 (PRA)中的问题树和排序等方法 ,对云南省绿春县的哈尼族村寨进行贫困原因分析。结果发现造成该地区贫困的主要原因是 :⑴人口剧增 ,造成耕地不足 ;⑵口粮不够 ,造成对土地的过度开垦 ;⑶经济结构单一 ,土地利用不合理 ,导致森林破坏 ;⑷森林破坏 ,导致水源短缺和水土流失严重 ,进一步减少良田面积 ;⑸水资源管理不合理 ,加剧水源的短缺。针对该地区的实际情况 ,建议发展项目应从环境保护和扶贫相结合的方向发展。  相似文献   

Commonly used pesticides and handling practices which might expose farmers and their environment to chemical hazards were investigated in the Irepodun/Ifelodun local government area of Ekiti State, Nigeria. Direct field observations and answers to a structured questionnaire from a random sample of 150 farming households showed that commonly used pesticides comprised herbicides (48.3 per cent), fungicides (28.2 per cent) and insecticides (23.5 per cent). Of these, 86.7 per cent are classified as ‘highly’ hazardous by the World Health Organization (WHO) and have been banned or restricted in many developed countries. Nearly all of the farmers (94.7 per cent) had received no formal training in safe pesticide use and mixed different products. Farmers suffered from discomforts ranging from eye irritation (91.3 per cent), skin problems (87.3 per cent), nausea (86.0 per cent), headache (83.3 per cent) and vomiting (58.0 per cent). More than half of the pesticide applicators (61.3 per cent) sprayed pesticides near water bodies. Only a few farmers reported decreasing trends in numbers of beneficial insects (27.3 per cent) and other animals (29.3 per cent). The results showed that the awareness of farmers and authorities needs to be raised regarding the use of protective equipment and correct procedures when handling pesticides and, also, that there should be stricter enforcement of existing pesticide regulation and monitoring policies to minimize the threats that the farmers' current practices pose to their health and to the environment.  相似文献   

分析了西北农村贫困的主要特征和生态环境恶化是贫困的根本原因,植树种草改变生态环境走可持续发展之路是西北农村脱贫的关键;提出了西北农村进行生态建设的措施;指出提高贫困地区人口素质,改变人力资源质量将是西北农村在新时期扶贫和进行生态建设的核心;提出了用新的机制吸引西北农牧民参与生态建设,改善生活条件。  相似文献   

Indiscriminate disposal of poultry manure has been identified as a major source of environmental degradation in production areas through air and water pollution associated with nitrogen and phosphorus emissions and losses from manure. Methods of disposing of poultry manure which might have negative consequences on the environment and the farmers were investigated in two Local Government Areas of Oyo State, Nigeria. Data collected using structured questionnaires as well as direct field observations from a random sample of 100 farming households showed that the commonly used methods of manure disposal are burning (87 households) and application on crops (9 households). Almost all of the farmers (99) had no proper manure management facilities. Ammonia is the major air pollutant perceived by 71 farmers in the study area. Farmers suffered from discomforts ranging from various combinations of sneezing (65%), eye irritation (38%), coughing (34%), headache (20%), stomach ache (13%) and diarrhoea (6%). The awareness of farmers and authorities needs to be raised regarding the management of poultry manure and the need for protective equipment during its disposal: 99 farmers had no formal training in safe handling and disposal of poultry manure. There should be stricter enforcement of existing environmental regulations and enactment of new legislation to minimize the threats that the farmers’ current practices pose to their health and to the environment.  相似文献   

脱贫攻坚是全面建设小康社会最艰巨的任务,只有将基层组织建设同扶贫开发有效结合,才能充分凝聚各方力量,发挥各级干部的作用,打赢脱贫攻坚战。本文首先分析党建扶贫的机制,进而探究党建扶贫的模式、成效及面临的挑战,发现党建扶贫主要存在"党建+产业发展"、"党建+基础建设"、"党建+易地搬迁"、"党建+健康扶贫"、"党建+结对帮扶"、"党建+人才培育"六种模式,脱贫效果显著。但在党建扶贫实施中还存在着党建和扶贫契合度不够、部分贫困村党组织力量薄弱、村集体经济弱、激发贫困户内生动力不足等问题,需要在党建扶贫双推进、抓好组织建设、提升脱贫能力、激发内生动力等方面强化。  相似文献   

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